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ADVERBS Ep NONES RELATIVOS ‘Who; That - usados para pessoa, funczo na frase da suet. Exempla: Te man who selfish in the market is john + Who; That; Whom uszcdos para pessoas, fungao na frase de objet. Exemplo: Te man wha/whom you sa i the marketisjobn + Whose usado para pesioas «indica possessto. Exemplo: The writer whose books are bestselletss Brazilian Which; That usados para objetos ou animals, funcio na frase de suet. Exempla: “The TV set which (tha is at the right side of the window is mine. The refrigerator whichfthat is my kitchen is from the USA. + Which - That usados para objetos ou animas, Funcdo na frase de objeto. Exemplo: The carpet whicvthat I bought in S30 Paulo is inthe living room, + OF Which - Whose usados para animais ou objetos e indica possess, Exempla: The house whase windows ate big is John’s, ORAGOES ADJETIVAS (ADJECTIVES CLAUSES) racbes Agjetvas informam a respeito do substantivo ou proname, sujeitos ou nao. Tak ofacbes geralmente aparecem logo depois das palavras que elas modificam. Temos dois tpos de Oracces, Ajtvas: “restive” (defining) ou “nonrestictive”(nondefhing). AS oractes “restrictive” ou “defining” identicam o(9) substantvo(s, las descrever, elas dao informacoes que S80 necessérias que sZo importantes para o sentido da oraco. Exemplos: Many ofthe men who (that) work at etrobras have medical care, Mostof the cars which chat the police bought came from England. Observacdo esses. casos 06 pronomes “who” e “which” podam ser substituldes por “tat”, g RELATIVE PRONOUNS AND As oracies “nonreswictves* eu “nondeiring” nde detinem ou identifica 0) substantwofs), elas apenas do mformactes extras ‘que sto desnecessarias para a identfcacso dots substantivos Exemplos: President Ronald Reagan, who was shot, govemed the USA during the cold war. The sun, which appears in many ancient drawings, was an important religious symbol, Observagio /Nesses caios of pronomes “who” e “which” nao podam ser substituidos por “that” Eo pronome “whose” € usado em oragbes “restrictive” assim ‘como em oracdes "nonresteve”, opronome "whose" nao pode seromitdo, PRONOMES RELATIVOS NAFUNCAO DE SUJEITO (spronomesrelativos quando aparecem entre osujeitoe o verbo ‘no podem ser omtidos da frase, pos fazem papel de suit, Exemplos: Pessoas: “The man who that) cled was John, my neighbor. [spoke to John, who was ver Bright. (apenas 0 pronome “who” pode ser usado aqui.) Animas ou cofsas The building which (that) is the most famous s “Avenida fio Branco 1", Architects draw the new building, which is near Tuc PRONOMES RELATIVOS NAFUNCAO DE OBJETO ( pronomes relatives quando substituem 0 objeto do verbo ou ‘objeto de uma prepesigao podem ser omtidas da oracao, menos ‘quando oracae for “narvelictive” ou “non defining” Exemplos: Pessoas: ‘The man wharwher John sold the dd is pater (© pronome relativ pode ser omitido nesse caso) [Animas ou coisas John wrote about the American History, which he had studied for years, (esse caso, em oracdo “nonrestictive” ou “nondeining” pronome nao pode ser omitido.) PROMILITARES. COMER PRONOMES OBJETOS DA PREPOSICAO {Quando a preposicso aparecer antes do pronome reatvo, apenas 1 “whom” ou o “which podem ser usados, mas caso a preposicao 3pareca no final de uma oracio "resbicive”o pronome "that" pode ser usado au 0 pronome relative pode ser omits, Exemplos: Pessoas “The historians were British. Many ideas to the book came from them. ‘The historians from whom many ideas came were Bish The historians who (that) many of our ideas came from were Brith Animas ou cosas: The books were written by Brazlians. Mest of the information| came from these books, Te books from which most ofthe information came were witton by Brazilians “The books (that, which) most ofthe information came from were ‘written by Brazians, USO DO “WHERE” Exemplos: Ti isa farm where (on which) a famous writer was brought up, This is Easter Bland, where (on which] John Kennedy ved for years PRONOMES RELATIVOS COM EXPRESSOES DE“QUANTITY” Exemplos: Thay selected fe candidates. One candidate would get the je. They selected five candidates, one of whom would get the jo. These statues are weld famous. Many of them weigh over twenty tons, These statues, many of which weigh over twenty tons, are world famous Conia) What = 0 que +0 que antacade ¢ dasconhecido. ‘Exemplo: Tell me What she sad = Tel metthe things that she sa, Which = © que — 0 que acontace ect na oracao anterior Exempla: He insted us to the meeting which was very good ones Ligagao de oraqoes usando conectivas de "TIME", “PLACE” OU “REASON” ‘Exemplo: Vil don’t new the cy on which (= When he'l come. Where in at which ‘Exemplo: That's the house at which (= Where) she has been rased Why — for which ‘Exemplo: | don't know the reason for whi (= why) hes te PROMILITARES.COMBR Gna nee © 3 sxencictoe§ <9 01. (FEAR 2079) Read the text and answer question ‘when “Star Wars The Force vakens" opens on Dc. 18 and, for tho rst time m nearly a ceca, monegoerseanrtun otal giany of ong aga a a, fat ain, the vl i that certains 8 raw sta. Te fim, i directed by Abrams and contrues the interstlir Sage of Like Skywalker Princess Leta ard Han 5010 Sere 30 ye afte the events of Rerum hele (1983), 360 launching pad fortwo young actors who ae barely a as od as the Star War rancho dsl Daigy Roy. who plays» mysterious scavenger name ay, and Jokm Boyega, wo plays a dsafecte stommirooper named Fi, ere among the new heroes of "The Force Awakens” and ae Orang thamsehes for the bagest res of har careers varies com) Choose the bes alternative to complete the text a) whose: by which 2 where d) who (02, (UNESP 2017) Examine a tia &0 texto, para responder & questéo a seguir Welvear Tose what a GENIUS Tbe from only geting a] is prtorm better in sos! when they get” ours ‘A study from Brigham Young University reported that teenagers sleep seven hours, compared tonne hours of sleep perform Detter acadericaly. This study contradicts federal guidelines, stating ‘teenagersshould leep as much as they neelto.” -THESTATECOLUMN, com ( Ataptac) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna no texto: which whoever b) when who 2 while (03. (UNIFESP 2017) Leia o texto para responder & questo a sequi In developing countries there are high levels of what is known a8 “food loss", which is unintentional wastage, often due to poor equipment, transportation and infrastructure. In wealthy counties, ‘there ae low levels of unintentional losses but high lev of “food waste", which involves faod being thrown away by consumers because they have purchased too much, or by retales who reject food because of exacting esthetic standards (ou thequrdan com) [No trecho “which involves food being thrown away by consumers", 0 termo em destaque se refore a 2) food by wealthy countries ©) food loss. consumers. ©) food waste 04. (FEAR 2017) ECONOMEC CRISIS INCREASES CONSUMPTION OF FICE AND BEANS IN BRAZIL The economic cis is making the Brazilan consumer exchange ‘meat forthe traditional dish of rice and bears, High unemployment and falling incomes, together wath the low prices oF these products, (used by good harvest, ae responsible forthe inctease in demand, wil be 15% to 20% this month, compared to te prediction forthe year. The avevage consumption par captais around) 3,5 kilos of rice and 1,5 kilo of beans. (fone Fla de Sto Paulo —eracioal 10052017) Choose the alternative that best completes the blank inthe tex: 2) who by whieh whom ® whose (05. (EAR 2017) JETRLUE... THE CRISIS? NEVER HEARD OF I. The domestic air transport market in the USA must seem highly Unstable to newcomers, including lovecost carries. Of the 82 aifines, formed in ten years _"_ followed dereguiation in 1978, only to have sunived - America West and Widuwest Express, Statistics show that three-quarters ofall projects never even get off the ground ant ‘that most ofthe others crash in ess than five years, Paradoxicaly, Southwest Aifines, the No.1 success story in the Us air transport todey, was founded before deregulation (in 1972), ‘though cid Take advantage of it. Many of those who ted ta imitate the Southwest model came to grief, Not JetBhe, just four years after it was formed is continuing to growat a pecacular rate Fonte Resta Rare Reto Space) The best alternative to complete the txts that how © that/ which by when that which when 06. EEAR 2017) ‘CAN YOU BE TOD OLD TO DONATE BLOOD? In general you can never be too old to donate blood, Though you an be feo young oF te thin The American Association of Blood Banks used to bar people over 65 from donating blood, but scrapped the cule in 1978 after studies ‘ound that older people __ stored ther own biood prior to surgery did wel, said Dr. steven Kleinman, the associations senior medical adviser. Now mast blood banks are happy o accept blood from older volunteers, (adie tone ripell bes mes cam) Choose the best alternative to complete the blank inthe text a) which © when by where who 07. EAR 2016) ANOTHER PLANE RETURNS TO GUARULHOS AIRPORT For the second day consecutive, an airplane had to return 10 ‘Guarus arpor, after being hit by beds The incident happened on Wecinesday (27) with a Boeing 737~ 200 belonging tothe ailine Gol too off for Fortaleza, The bird entered one of the two mptors, causing serious troubles. Because of the problem, the plane returned to Guatuhes almost two hours after ‘aking off The areraft ad to use fue to land with less weight. Choose the word to have the text completed! a) which by whom whose d) who (08. [FOMM 2018) Choose the cowect sentence saa gil who hair was ble, by. Mr. Smith, wich has never smiled, seems very happy today. ©) He got fired again, what suprised everybody. d) The git who I gave the form to was very nervous 2) Rewaslke a dream from that feared I would wake sooner o later, (09, ESPCEVAMAN 2016) CCHIDREN EXPERIENCE BASIC TRAINING AND MOCK DEPLOYMENT The 460th Force Support Squadron (35) hosted the 6th Annual Operation Future Forces (OFF) Sept. 13, 2014, at Camp Rattlesnake OFF allows children ages 8-18 to experience what miltary members endure from basic training to technical schol to a mock deployment, ending with a homecoming par. “Tha youth mock deployment was developed to alleviate mary of the stresses commonly experienced by young family members when ‘one or both parents ae deployed,” said Thomas Cox, 400" F55 youth program cet. “Everything from bas training, tech schools, camp activites and accompishing ther mission as a team made the event a fone ofa kind opportunity for military kids ‘few of the boys had their heads shaved before heading off to Basic Miltary Tainng" The taining corssted of doing push-ups and sips, jumping through ula-hoops and running through an inflatable castle. They were aso taught how to stand at allertion, salute and do an about-face, PROMILITARES. COMER After basic training, each child attended “technical school” and was taught a specific Air Force Specialty Code to help them in their mock deployment. Some children were taught lifesaving self-aid and buddy care skills while others learned about the importance of radio communications while on a deployment. The tech-school graduates were then issued water pistols before heading out. During their deployment, the children encountered hostile and non-hostile citizens, a water-balloan fight and injured allies who needed help along the way. At the end of a long day, loved ones waited outside the youth center on base with homemade signs welcoming the “troops” back home. "This event was great," said Senior Airman Jasmine Madison, 460th FSS Force Support Force Management technician. “It’s a way for kids to get a hands-on understanding of what their parents do when they are separated from them during deployments.” (Adapted from http:www. buck asp?id=1 23424927) In the sentence "During their deployment, the children encountered hostile and non-hostile citizens, a water-balloan fight and injured allies who needed help along the way.” (paragraph 5), the words “their” and “who” respectively refer to a) the children and citizens. b) water pistols and injured allies. ©) the children and injured allies. d) deployment and non-hostile citizens. e) graduates and a water-balloon fight. 10. (UEMG 2015) Read the passage below to complete the gaps with the relative pronouns (1 - 4): “Online friends are people always post messages and pictures of the places they are, they are with and they are doing.” 1. what 2. who 3. whom 4. where The CORRECT sequence is: a) (1), (3), (2), (4) b) (3), (1), 4), 2) oO (4), (2), 1), B) d) (2), (4), 8,0) ?.e% EXERCICIOS DE COMBATE 01. (TA) ” are these shoes and___is this hat?" a) Who; whom b) Those; that ©) These; this d)_ Whose; whose e) What; which 02. (EPCAR/AFA 2017) In the sentence “there was a single kind that could be measured by standardized tests”, it is possible to find an option to substitute the pronoun “that” accordingly in a) when b) which ©) how d) whom 03. (CFOE) In “... our ancestors who enjoyed spices with their food, were apt to live longer...”, the Relative Pronoun can be replaced by a) that b) what. ©) which dd) whose 04. (AFA) In the sentence “there is a number of theories that attempt to explain the ink”, itis possible to find an option to substitute the pronoun accordingly in a) when. b) how. ©) whom. d)_ which 05. (EN) Which of the options completes the sentence correctly? “That's the businessman, daughter suffered an accident this morning.” a) which b) who ) Whose d) whom ) when PROMILITARES.COM.BR Ec) Gna nee ee 06. (TA) "The man_came here and_ you talked with wane Eon 2) whom- who EXERCICIOS DE FIKACAO by which - whom one me OA 10.0 ) that - which oe 05.c 08. who - whom oe 06.0 09. ©) none ofthese EXERCICIOS DE TREINAMENTO on.c OA o7.¢ 10.0 27.68 Chose te pon tht copes te sentences below yg me ae L Thelader | was standing began to sip. ae Bae pee TL. My roof leaks itrains EERCOOS DE LONERTE IM. Thewine, ‘was in te cll, was ruined, tap oe wee Wwe i a8 05.¢ 08. M. happens don't forget to callus, oe oo oe ) on which / whichever / when / wherever - by I/vvnen / what /whenever ANOTAGOBS (which / when /that whichever that / whenever / which / whatever 08. (EFOMM) Choose the correct nse “rem not sure 2) whom she's staying with ) with whomis she staying ©) with who she is staying with whois she staying 28) with which isshe staying 09. (EFOMINN Say the sentences below areC (corrector incorrect (This s my sister lane, whom yournet lst weak (.) She remarried sit months later, what surprised everyone. (_ }Ivisted Mr Rogess, whose son |used t0 go to school with (_ ) He doesn't ke the people with who he works. “The comact sequence is a HOOD » O~OMe 2 OVO 2 OHNO 2) 0000 10. (EFOMM 2016) Choose the option that correctly completes the tect below, respectively. *___haif-post twelve next day Lord Henry Wetton stalled from Curzon Steet over to the Abary to cal on his uncle, Lord Fermor, a genial if somewhat rough-mannered old bachelor, the outside world called selfish, it derived no particular benefit from him, but ___ was considered generous by Society as he fed ‘the people who amused him." (WILDE, Oxar The PIU of Dotan Gay. Cts chs) a) On /which / nonetheless / that b) About where / notwithstanding / which tn /who instead / whom 1 At/vihom because /who 2) Around / that consequently / which EO PROMILITARES.COMER

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