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ADVERBS Ep NONES RELATIVOS ‘Who; That - usados para pessoa, funczo na frase da suet. Exempla: Te man who selfish in the market is john + Who; That; Whom uszcdos para pessoas, fungao na frase de objet. Exemplo: Te man wha/whom you sa i the marketisjobn + Whose usado para pesioas «indica possessto. Exemplo: The writer whose books are bestselletss Brazilian Which; That usados para objetos ou animals, funcio na frase de suet. Exempla: “The TV set which (tha is at the right side of the window is mine. The refrigerator whichfthat is my kitchen is from the USA. + Which - That usados para objetos ou animas, Funcdo na frase de objeto. Exemplo: The carpet whicvthat I bought in S30 Paulo is inthe living room, + OF Which - Whose usados para animais ou objetos e indica possess, Exempla: The house whase windows ate big is John’s, ORAGOES ADJETIVAS (ADJECTIVES CLAUSES) racbes Agjetvas informam a respeito do substantivo ou proname, sujeitos ou nao. Tak ofacbes geralmente aparecem logo depois das palavras que elas modificam. Temos dois tpos de Oracces, Ajtvas: “restive” (defining) ou “nonrestictive”(nondefhing). AS oractes “restrictive” ou “defining” identicam o(9) substantvo(s, las descrever, elas dao informacoes que S80 necessérias que sZo importantes para o sentido da oraco. Exemplos: Many ofthe men who (that) work at etrobras have medical care, Mostof the cars which chat the police bought came from England. Observacdo esses. casos 06 pronomes “who” e “which” podam ser substituldes por “tat”, g RELATIVE PRONOUNS AND As oracies “nonreswictves* eu “nondeiring” nde detinem ou identifica 0) substantwofs), elas apenas do mformactes extras ‘que sto desnecessarias para a identfcacso dots substantivos Exemplos: President Ronald Reagan, who was shot, govemed the USA during the cold war. The sun, which appears in many ancient drawings, was an important religious symbol, Observagio /Nesses caios of pronomes “who” e “which” nao podam ser substituidos por “that” Eo pronome “whose” € usado em oragbes “restrictive” assim ‘como em oracdes "nonresteve”, opronome "whose" nao pode seromitdo, PRONOMES RELATIVOS NAFUNCAO DE SUJEITO (spronomesrelativos quando aparecem entre osujeitoe o verbo ‘no podem ser omtidos da frase, pos fazem papel de suit, Exemplos: Pessoas: “The man who that) cled was John, my neighbor. [spoke to John, who was ver Bright. (apenas 0 pronome “who” pode ser usado aqui.) Animas ou cofsas The building which (that) is the most famous s “Avenida fio Branco 1", Architects draw the new building, which is near Tuc PRONOMES RELATIVOS NAFUNCAO DE OBJETO ( pronomes relatives quando substituem 0 objeto do verbo ou ‘objeto de uma prepesigao podem ser omtidas da oracao, menos ‘quando oracae for “narvelictive” ou “non defining” Exemplos: Pessoas: ‘The man wharwher John sold the dd is pater (© pronome relativ pode ser omitido nesse caso) [Animas ou coisas John wrote about the American History, which he had studied for years, (esse caso, em oracdo “nonrestictive” ou “nondeining” pronome nao pode ser omitido.) PROMILITARES. COMER PRONOMES OBJETOS DA PREPOSICAO {Quando a preposicso aparecer antes do pronome reatvo, apenas 1 “whom” ou o “which podem ser usados, mas caso a preposicao 3pareca no final de uma oracio "resbicive”o pronome "that" pode ser usado au 0 pronome relative pode ser omits, Exemplos: Pessoas “The historians were British. Many ideas to the book came from them. ‘The historians from whom many ideas came were Bish The historians who (that) many of our ideas came from were Brith Animas ou cosas: The books were written by Brazlians. Mest of the information| came from these books, Te books from which most ofthe information came were witton by Brazilians “The books (that, which) most ofthe information came from were ‘written by Brazians, USO DO “WHERE” Exemplos: Ti isa farm where (on which) a famous writer was brought up, This is Easter Bland, where (on which] John Kennedy ved for years PRONOMES RELATIVOS COM EXPRESSOES DE“QUANTITY” Exemplos: Thay selected fe candidates. One candidate would get the je. They selected five candidates, one of whom would get the jo. These statues are weld famous. Many of them weigh over twenty tons, These statues, many of which weigh over twenty tons, are world famous Conia) What = 0 que +0 que antacade ¢ dasconhecido. ‘Exemplo: Tell me What she sad = Tel metthe things that she sa, Which = © que — 0 que acontace ect na oracao anterior Exempla: He insted us to the meeting which was very good ones Ligagao de oraqoes usando conectivas de "TIME", “PLACE” OU “REASON” ‘Exemplo: Vil don’t new the cy on which (= When he'l come. Where in at which ‘Exemplo: That's the house at which (= Where) she has been rased Why — for which ‘Exemplo: | don't know the reason for whi (= why) hes te PROMILITARES.COMBR Gna nee © 3 sxencictoe§ <9 01. (FEAR 2079) Read the text and answer question ‘when “Star Wars The Force vakens" opens on Dc. 18 and, for tho rst time m nearly a ceca, monegoerseanrtun otal giany of ong aga a a, fat ain, the vl i that certains 8 raw sta. Te fim, i directed by Abrams and contrues the interstlir Sage of Like Skywalker Princess Leta ard Han 5010 Sere 30 ye afte the events of Rerum hele (1983), 360 launching pad fortwo young actors who ae barely a as od as the Star War rancho dsl Daigy Roy. who plays» mysterious scavenger name ay, and Jokm Boyega, wo plays a dsafecte stommirooper named Fi, ere among the new heroes of "The Force Awakens” and ae Orang thamsehes for the bagest res of har careers varies com) Choose the bes alternative to complete the text a) whose: by which 2 where d) who (02, (UNESP 2017) Examine a tia &0 texto, para responder & questéo a seguir Welvear Tose what a GENIUS Tbe from only geting a] is prtorm better in sos! when they get” ours ‘A study from Brigham Young University reported that teenagers sleep seven hours, compared tonne hours of sleep perform Detter acadericaly. This study contradicts federal guidelines, stating ‘teenagersshould leep as much as they neelto.” -THESTATECOLUMN, com ( Ataptac) Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna no texto: which whoever b) when who 2 while (03. (UNIFESP 2017) Leia o texto para responder & questo a sequi In developing countries there are high levels of what is known a8 “food loss", which is unintentional wastage, often due to poor equipment, transportation and infrastructure. In wealthy counties, ‘there ae low levels of unintentional losses but high lev of “food waste", which involves faod being thrown away by consumers because they have purchased too much, or by retales who reject food because of exacting esthetic standards (ou thequrdan com) [No trecho “which involves food being thrown away by consumers", 0 termo em destaque se refore a 2) food by wealthy countries ©) food loss. consumers. ©) food waste 04. (FEAR 2017) ECONOMEC CRISIS INCREASES CONSUMPTION OF FICE AND BEANS IN BRAZIL The economic cis is making the Brazilan consumer exchange ‘meat forthe traditional dish of rice and bears, High unemployment and falling incomes, together wath the low prices oF these products, (used by good harvest, ae responsible forthe inctease in demand, wil be 15% to 20% this month, compared to te prediction forthe year. The avevage consumption par captais around) 3,5 kilos of rice and 1,5 kilo of beans. (fone Fla de Sto Paulo —eracioal 10052017) Choose the alternative that best completes the blank inthe tex: 2) who by whieh whom ® whose (05. (EAR 2017) JETRLUE... THE CRISIS? NEVER HEARD OF I. The domestic air transport market in the USA must seem highly Unstable to newcomers, including lovecost carries. Of the 82 aifines, formed in ten years _"_ followed dereguiation in 1978, only to have sunived - America West and Widuwest Express, Statistics show that three-quarters ofall projects never even get off the ground ant ‘that most ofthe others crash in ess than five years, Paradoxicaly, Southwest Aifines, the No.1 success story in the Us air transport todey, was founded before deregulation (in 1972), ‘though cid Take advantage of it. Many of those who ted ta imitate the Southwest model came to grief, Not JetBhe, just four years after it was formed is continuing to growat a pecacular rate Fonte Resta Rare Reto Space) The best alternative to complete the txts that how © that/ which by when that which when 06. EEAR 2017) ‘CAN YOU BE TOD OLD TO DONATE BLOOD? In general you can never be too old to donate blood, Though you an be feo young oF te thin The American Association of Blood Banks used to bar people over 65 from donating blood, but scrapped the cule in 1978 after studies ‘ound that older people __ stored ther own biood prior to surgery did wel, said Dr. steven Kleinman, the associations senior medical adviser. Now mast blood banks are happy o accept blood from older volunteers, (adie tone ripell bes mes cam) Choose the best alternative to complete the blank inthe text a) which © when by where who 07. EAR 2016) ANOTHER PLANE RETURNS TO GUARULHOS AIRPORT For the second day consecutive, an airplane had to return 10 ‘Guarus arpor, after being hit by beds The incident happened on Wecinesday (27) with a Boeing 737~ 200 belonging tothe ailine Gol too off for Fortaleza, The bird entered one of the two mptors, causing serious troubles. Because of the problem, the plane returned to Guatuhes almost two hours after ‘aking off The areraft ad to use fue to land with less weight. Choose the word to have the text completed! a) which by whom whose d) who (08. [FOMM 2018) Choose the cowect sentence saa gil who hair was ble, by. Mr. Smith, wich has never smiled, seems very happy today. ©) He got fired again, what suprised everybody. d) The git who I gave the form to was very nervous 2) Rewaslke a dream from that feared I would wake sooner o later, (09, ESPCEVAMAN 2016) CCHIDREN EXPERIENCE BASIC TRAINING AND MOCK DEPLOYMENT The 460th Force Support Squadron (35) hosted the 6th Annual Operation Future Forces (OFF) Sept. 13, 2014, at Camp Rattlesnake OFF allows children ages 8-18 to experience what miltary members endure from basic training to technical schol to a mock deployment, ending with a homecoming par. “Tha youth mock deployment was developed to alleviate mary of the stresses commonly experienced by young family members when ‘one or both parents ae deployed,” said Thomas Cox, 400" F55 youth program cet. “Everything from bas training, tech schools, camp activites and accompishing ther mission as a team made the event a fone ofa kind opportunity for military kids ‘few of the boys had their heads shaved before heading off to Basic Miltary Tainng" The taining corssted of doing push-ups and sips, jumping through ula-hoops and running through an inflatable castle. They were aso taught how to stand at allertion, salute and do an about-face, PROMILITARES. COMER Gna nee ee After basic training, each child attended “technical school” and ‘was taught a spectic Ai Force Specalty Code to help them in their mack deployment Some chien were taught Ifesaving sef-aid and buddy care skis while others learned about the importance of radio, communications while on 3 deployment. ‘The tech-school graduates were then issued water pistols before heading out. During thei deployment, the children encountered hostile and non-hostle ctizens, a water-balloon fight nd injured ales ‘who needed help along the way At the end of a long day loved ones waited outside the youth center on base with homemade signs welcoming the “troops” back home, "This event was great," said Senior Airman Jasmine Madison, 460th FSS Force Support Force Management techniaan. “Its a way for kids to get a hands-on understanding of what thei parents € ‘when they are separated from them during deployments.” (pte om hp: emery amenity asprid1 28428027) In the sentence “During their deployment, the chidren encountered hostile and non-hosie ctizens,a water-balloon fight and injured ales ‘who needed help along the viay.” (paragraph §), the words “thei” and "who" respectively reer to 2) the children and citizens. by water pistols and injured aes ©) the children and injured ales. © deployment and non-hostle citizens ©) otaduates and a water-balloon fight. 10. (UEMG 2015) Read the passage below to complete the gaps with the reative pronouns (t ~ 4) ‘Online fends are people alvays post messages and pictures of the places they a, they are with and they are doing.” 1 what 2. who 3. whom Aware “The CORRECT sequence is 2) (0,32, » AMAL 8 4, 2.00,.8) ® 219.10 ExERcic1oeDE TREINAMENTO (01. (UDESC 2015) "TWERKING' BOUNCES INTO OXFORD DICTIONARY LONDON — Twerking, the rump-busting up-and-down dance rove long beloved on America’s hip-hop scene, has officially gone mainstem, I'S got the Engish cictonary ety to prove it Britain's Oxford Dictionaries said the rapid ire gyrations employed by U.S. pop starlet Miey Cyrus to bounce her way tothe top of Pe charts had become ‘increasingly wsibie in the past 12 months and ‘would be added to its publications under the entry: “Twerk, verb," Although Cyrus's eye-popping mores at Monday's MTV Video Imusic Awards may have been many viewers’ first inroduction to the practice, Oxford Dictionaries’ Katherine Connor Martin said "werking” was some two decades old PROMILITARES.COMBR “There are many theories about the ergin ofthis word, and since it arose in ral use, we may never know the answer for sure," Martin said "We thnk the most likely thearyis that it isan alteration of work, because that word has a history of “being used in similar ways, with dancers being encouraged to work it,’ The ‘could be a result oF blending with anather word such as twist or twrtch." “Twerk" will be addled to the dictionary as part of is quacierly Update, ‘which includes words such as "self," the word typically Used to descrve pouty smartphone self-portrait, “digital detox” for time spent way from Facebook and Twitter, and "Bitcoin,* for the ratoness electronic currency, ‘whose gyrations have aso caught the world's eye Oxford Dictionaries is responsible for a range of reference works, Inclusing Oxford Dictionaries Online, which focuses on modern usage, and the historically focused Oxford English Dictionary, which probably ‘won't be adding "fwetk” to its venerable pages ay time soon, “The definition: "Twetk, w: dance to popular music in a sexually Sprovocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a bw, squatting stance (Gy RAPHAEL SATER Asodted Pres (wanes cm) ‘cessed on ag. YO, 214) “The words in bold: “which” (tef. 1) and “whose” (rf. 2) are consecutively related to @)partand Btcoin by twerk and gyrations © quarterly update andiBitcoin d) dictionary and curency ©) words and world's eye 02. 0FBA 2018) SUSTAINABLE TOURISM “Tourism is one of the worlds fastest growing industries and is a major source of income for mary countries, Being a people-criented Indust tourem ise provides many jobs which have helped-revtalise local economies, However, ice other forms of development, tourism can also causa *its share of problems, such as social “dislocation, loss of cultural hentage, economsc ‘dependence and ecological ‘degradation Learning about the impacts of tourism has led many people to seek ‘mace responsble holidays. ‘These include various forms of alternative or sustainable tourism such as: ‘nature-based tourism, ‘ecotoursm and ‘cultural tourism’, Sustainable tourism is becoming So popular “that some say that what we Spresertly call ‘akernative" willbe the ‘mainstream ina decade, All tours actvties of whatever motivation — holidays, business travel, conferences, adventure ‘ravel and ecotoursm ~ need 10 be sastainable. Sustainable tourism is defined as "tourism that respects both local people and the travel, cultural heritage and the envronment’. It seaks to provide people with an excting and educational holiday "that is also of benefit to the people of the host county. ‘adepted rae ipsum unesca rgeduatonnsmodithere most 6 ml ‘ects ond 28, 2017) CConcemning grammar reference, mark the sentences below tne (1) or false |The relatve pronoun which (re 1 refers to economy, 1. The possessive adjective its (ref 3) refers to tourism IIL The demonstrative pronoun these (tf. 7) refers to people IM. The relatve pronoun that (ref. 9) refers to holiday. Now, check the comect altenatve below, a WTF O RUE D TELE @) EEUL. © RTET (03. (UPF 2018) BRAZIL HAS OPENED A MASSIVE SWATH (OF THE AMAZON TO MINING. “The government has abolished a ceserve that ‘straddles the northern states of Para and Amapa, a move that opens the vast aaa {0 mineral exploration and commercial mining, The reserve, which ‘wa established in 1984, s huge It covers 18.000 square miles, 3m satea twice the Sze of New Jersey Braz said that mineral extraction would ony be allowed in areas ‘where there are no conservation controls or indigenous lands. An ofical report from 2010 said that up to two-thirds ofthe reserve subject to such protections The government, “hich has previous said thatthe region is ich in minerals, gold and ion, framed the decision as an effort to bing new investment and jobs toa country that recently emerged from the Tongest recession in sits history Brazil announced a plan in Jy to revitalize %ts mining sector, and increas its share of the economy from 4% to 8%. The industry employs 200,000 people in a country where a record 14 milion are ut of work. The government wanis to encourage more growth, and has announced plans to open 10% of al protected rainforest areas to mining, The true sale of mining in the country is unknown because small llega mining opevaions are dificut to tack The cliination of the reserve sparked an immediate backlsh ‘rom actwists and environmental groups. Oppostion palicians called it "the biggest crime against the Amazon forest since the 1970s." World Wildlife Fund Brazil wamed that deforestation would result, ‘along with a loss of biodversty and water resources It said that even Breas that remain under formal protection ate at ese, “Opening up ‘these areas for mining without dscussing environmental safeguards is @ social and environmental intemational affront,” said Maurico Voivodlc executive director of WWF Bra. "A gold tush in the region vl create ieversible damage to local cultures as well, he added. Deforestition and mining are destroying the rainforest at a stunning rate, The Rainforest Foundation estimates that about 1 acre 's wiped out every second, and an estimated 20% of the rainforest has bbeen destroyed over the past 40 yeas. The Amazon covers 1 2 billion acres and produces 20% of the world’s oxygen (een tov conabted eperting) ‘The expressions ‘which’ (feference 2); which’ (eference 3} ‘ts! (reference ) ard ‘ts (reference 5) refer, respectively, to 2) Para and Amapa / region / job /Juy by. New lersay ‘county decision / mining sector ©) reserves decision / investment / economy, commercial mining /imestment/ effort / industry. 8) reserves government / county / Braz (04, (EEAR 2017)Filin the blank with the comect pronoun ‘An archeologist is 2 man work s the study of ancient things, 3) whose by which how ® who 05. (ESFCEX 2016) Which of the elatve dauses below modifies the object ofthe sentence? 3) The bay wha les near me has four cats. )_ Stores which end in death make me cy. ©) The idea that se oul flyis completely nonsense d) The girl whose father died yestonday wil move to China )_ leant ind the person to whom you talked. 06. (7A 2016) Marque 3 op¢a0 em que o tem subinhado NAO exerce 2 fungao de agente da oracdo, @) [oJ Patick Makanea, 51, an M8.A. and veteran of Urilever and Barclays Bank, who uit a cushy job at a top Zimbabwe private equity fr.) bb) That fund wl make loans [for an average of four yeas to smal and medium-size businesses that want to expand. 2 Le Tracy Washington [1 lobs a personal query at Makanza, a father of four who & partial to conservatne busines suits and at 1d) Makanea responds that he worked in venture capital back in the 1990s and came to més the highs and lows of investing in eat stage entrepreneuts, } Impact investing - hich aims to produce both financial and social lor environmental returns —is i vogue. 7. (IME 2014) Para a. questo, encontram-se em destaque cinco tertros.Assinale a alfernatva correspondente ao term cajo emprego std INCORRETO, IF mankind can lean to respect other human beings in thoughts, words, and actions, humanity may survive on this planet, Earth. if parents teach chikven clealy not only to respect thair elders but to “reat everyone wth respect and courtesy, children may grow up to be responsible adits whose influence other people to respect human ‘ealing, ights and propery. They may grow up to chersh human Ife, ‘ot annie it, All people want respec, so they must give ito eam it aon by but 2 whose not 2 al (08. EPCARVAPA 2020) Read the text below and answer the question, according to [MUSIC THERAPY WTH CANCER PATIENTS CCancar the second lading cause of daath inthe United States, Germany ard in many other induswiakzed countries, M2007, out 12, rilion people were diagnosed with cancer worldwide with a mortally rate of 7.6 millon (American Cancer Society, 2007) nthe indust coures, ‘the most commonly dagnosed cancers in men ae prostate ‘ances, lung cancer and colorectal cancer Wesen are mast commonly ciagnosed with breast cance, gastic cancer and lung cance. The symptoms of cancer depend on the type ofthe disease, but there ae common symptoms caused by cancer andor by its medica treatment (@g, chemotherapy and radation). Common physical symptoms aré pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, nausea (feeling sick, vomiting) dizziness, limited physical actly, hait loss, a sore mouth/throat and bowel problems. “Cancer also often aUS6 prychological problems such as depression, anvety, mood disturbances stres,insecuriy, qief and decreased self-esteem. This, in tum, can implicate socal consequences. Socal isolation can occur due to physical or psychological sympioms (for example, feling 100 ‘tred to mot riends, cutting oneself off dueto depressive complaint), Besides corwentional pharmacclogical treatments of cancer, ‘there are treatments to meet psychological and physical needs ofthe PROMILITARES. COMER RELATIVE PR patient. Psychological consequences af cancer, such ab depression, anxety of loss of contol, can be counteracted by psychotherapy, For example, within cognitive therapy cancer patiens may develop “coping strategies to handle the disease. Research indicates that “music therapy, which isa form of psychotherapy, can have postive effects on both physiological and psychological symptoms of cancer patents as well asin acute or palliative situations Thee are several definitions of music therapy. According to the ‘World Federaton of Music Therapy (WENT, 1996), music therapy is: “the use of music andor its music elements (sound, rhythm, melody and harmony) by a qualified music therapist, with a client or group, in a process designed to facitate and promote communication, ralatonship, learning, mobilization, expression, organization, and other relevant therapeutic objectives, In orckr to meet physical, emotional, mental, socal and cognitive needs” The Dutch Music Therapy Association (NVCT, 1999) defines music therapy as "a methadolagical form oF assistance in which musical means are used within a therapeute relation to manage changes, developments, stabisation of aczeptance on the emotional, behavioural, cognitive, social or on the physical fed” The assumption is that the “patient's musical behaviour confor to ther general behaviour The staring points are the features of the patient's specie dsarder or disease pattcn, There is an analogy between psychological problems and musical behaviour, which means that emotions can be expressed musically, "For patients who have iicutes in expressing emotons, music therapy can be 2 useful medium, Musc therapy maght be 2 useful itenention for breast Cancer patients in order to Tacitale and enhance ther emotional ceapresity ‘Besides analogy, there are further qualities of music that Can be borefical within therapeutic eatment, One of these qualities & symbol: musc can symbole persons, objects, incdents, experiences (oF memories of daly ife, Therefore, musicis a realty, which represents another eal, The symbolism of the musical realty enables the patent ‘to deal safely with the other realy “fore evokes memories about persons, ebjects or incidents, Tse asodations can be perceived as Positive or negative, so they release emotons inthe patient ‘Music therapy both addresses physical and psychological needs of the patient. Numerous studies indicate that music therapy can be beneficial o both acute cancer patients and pallative cancer patients in the fina stage of dsease. Most research with acute cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, surgery or stem cel transplantation examined the effectiveness of receptive music therapy Uisteningtomusic during chemotherapy, ether playedlve by the music therapist or fom tape has a postive effect on, pain perception, relaxation, anxiety and mood. There was abo found 3 ‘decrease in diastolic blood pressure or heart rate and an amprovement in fatigue, insomnia ard appetite loss could be significant decreased in patianis older than 45 yeas. Further improvements by ecepsive music therapy were found for physical comfort. vitality, dizaness and ‘erably of the chemotherapy. A study with patients undergoing surgery found that receptive music therapy led to decreased anxiety, slress and relaxation levels before, dunng and after surgery. Muse ‘therapy can also be applied in pallatve situations, for example 10 patents with terminal cancer who Ive in "hospices. Studies indicate that music therapy may be beneficial fr cancer patents i acute and paliatve situations, but the benefits of music ‘therapy for convalescng cancer patients remainundiear. Whereas music ‘therapy interentions for acute and palliative patients often focus on physiological and psychosomatic symptoms, such as pain perception and reducing mecical side-effects, "music therapy with posthospital Curate treatment could have is main focus on psychological aspects ‘A cancer pationt is not fee From cancer unt tive years after the ‘umour ablation, The patient fears that the cancer has not been defeated. in his stage ofthe disease, patients frequently feel insecure, depressive and are emotionally unstable. How to handle irksome and) negative emotions is an important isue for many oncology patients Aer the difficult period of the medica treatment, which thay often have overcome ina prosa way by masking emotions, "patents often PROMILITARES.COMBR express the with to become aware of themselves again, They may ‘wish to grapgle with negative emotions due to their dsease, Other patients wish to experience positive fetings, such as enjoyment and vitality, The resis indicate that music therapy can also have positive influences onwel-eeing of cancer patients nthe post nosptal curative stage as wel as they offer vuable information about patients needs inthis state of treatment and haw effects can be deal with properly. (Adapted tom hipsstssacutnie 5315s pte Fes dl = ‘Aces an 201) -Maricthe sentence in which "that" can comecty replace the pronoun, 2) Music therapy, whichis form of psychotherapy, can have postive eects reference 4, b) A methodological form of assistance in which musical means are Used (reference 5) Far patients who have difiaties in expressing emotions (1 (reference 7), ©) Patients often express the wish to become aware of themsaves agan trelerence 13) (09, JTA 2018) Leia o que segue. ‘GOODBYE THINGS, HELLO MINIMALISM \CANLIVING WITHLESS MAKE YOU HAPPIER? Fumio Sasaki owns a rollup mattress, three shets and four pais of socks. After deciding to scorn possessions, he began feeing happier. He explains why. Lot me tell you abit about myselt. tm 35 years old, male, single, never been married. | work a5 an editor at @ publishing company, | recently moved from the Nakameguro neighbourhood in Tokyo, ‘where I Ived fora decade, to a neighbourhood called Fudomae in a different patt of town, ‘The ent is cheaper, but the mave pretty much ‘wiped out my savings. Some of you may think that fm a laser: an unmarried adult with rot much money. The ofd me would have been way too embarassed 10 admit all this, | was filed with useless pride But | honesty dort care about things ike tat any more. The reason is vay simple: I™m perfectly happy just as | am, The reason? | got rid of most of my ‘materal possessions, Minimalism is a Kfestyle in which "you reduce your possessions ‘to the least possible, Living with only the bare essentials has nct only provided superficial benefits suchas the pleasure of a tidy room or the “Smple ease of Gearing, 41 has also led to a move fundamental shift. Is.aven me a chance to thine about what iteally means to be happy. We think that “the more we have, the happier we will be. “We never know iat tomorraw might bring, so we collect and save as ‘much as we can, This meanswe need a lot of money, so we gradually start judging people by how much money they have. You convince yourself that you need to make a lot of money so you don’t mis out fn success. And for you to make money, you need everyone else 0 spend their money. And soit goes. So | said goodbye to a lot of things, many of which I had for years, And yet now Iie each day with @ happier spit "Heel more Content now than | ever didin the past wasn’ talways.a minimalist | used to buy a lot of things, believing ‘hat all those pastesions would incase my seft-worth and lead 3 happier life. INoved collecting 3 lot of useless stuf, and | could ‘throes anything away. | vas a natural hoarder of kniceknacks that | ‘thought made me an interesting person. A the same tire, though, | was alays comparing myself with other people who had mare or beter things, which often made me miserable. | couldn't focus on anything, and | was always wasting ‘time. Alcohol was my escape, andl didnt treat women fat. didn't ‘ny to change; | thought this was all just part of who | was, and 1 deserved o be unNRapp, My apartment wasn't homibly mess, if my gitiend was coming over for the weekend, | could do enough tidying up to make it look pretentable. On a usual day, however there were books stacked ‘everywhere because there wasn’t enough roam on my bookshelves. "Most | had thumbed through once or twice, thinking that 1 would read them when [had the time, The doset was crammed with what used to be my favorite dlothes, most of which only warn a fee times. The room was ile ‘with al the things Yd taken up as hobbies ard then gotten tied of A guitar and amplifier, covered wth dust, Conversational English ‘workbooks Id planned to study once | had more free time. Even 2 fabulous antique camera, "which of course | had never ance put 3 ral film in "it may sound as ifm exaggerating when | say | stated to become a new person. Someone said to me: “All you did & throw ‘things ana," whichis tue, "But by having fewer things around, "ve started feeling happier each day. "m slowly beginning to understand) what happiness. Hf you are anything tke | used to. be - miserable, constantly comparing yourself with others, or just believing your life sucks ~ "1 think you should ty saying goodbye to some of your thing. [1 Everyone wants to be happy. But trying to buy happiness only makes, us hapay for lite while (font adztado de

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