12EB-rmr and Q-Setting

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26 ROCK MASS CLASSIFICATION RMR and Q - Setting records he RVR and @ rock mass Cassifcations ware independent developments in 1873 and 1974, whose common pupese was 10 quantiy rock mass characteristics previously based on qualtative gsoaical descriptions. “They were orginal developed for assisting wth the rock enginooring dedon of unneis ‘Tha valu of thorough geological ‘exploration wes never deputed, indeed was aluays omphasised. In ation, it was repestedy stated that theee dassication systems were not “cookbooks but had to be used fer the purpose for who they ware {developed as par ofthe engnening design process. This is coarly an trative procedre inthe cas of underground works, where otaled knowledge ofthe greund develope from day 0 day. Alter 35 years of use throughout the tunneling world, the RMR and Q. lassifications have proved themselves on numerous projects. They still face misconceptions however, as reflected in recent articles in T&T Intemational, Here, Nick Barton, of Nick Barton & Associates, Norway, and ZT Bieniawski, of Bieniawski Design Enterprises, USA, clear ‘common misunderstandings and provide the “ten commandments” for Proper use of these rock mass classfication systems. Atte time ofthe development of FMR and Q, geologists ofan worked in separate teams from those of engineers, ealng to ppotantia misunderstanding of what was requied by whom, fr enginesring purposes, Infact, the advont of our rock mass Classifications seems to have stimulated an ose @ ° ax} ® coy Gay in Bn Bn (6 Fock wa contact ‘ei costing) we op 19 2 8 4 ree tan ‘ADsconinuousjine 47076 ae a 8 Povgh ndaatng 2 te ie oe ae or C.emoch wndising «2a ea D.Stckonsdeduncang 15 eS gaat E Rowh paer 15 ese ara t F Scot planar 10 se ae oar ie G.Sickenadedponar 05 ahaha “Rock wall coniact wen ‘hie ings) ear eae mt ” ‘ADecorinuowone 4 owen, unovatna 3 ar C.Sreah undustng 8a D.Stocensed undileng 15 E Rows para 1s ar F smeot, ue io so 8 2 8 0 sar ea Negras 4 iss om zi 40 Ae on 20 ‘Above: Fig 1 - The paramoters Jr and Ja aro clearly related with ‘rock behaviour, {despite Goodman's reference to Rledmille's doubts on this score. Other parameters used in RMR and @ are alco clearly related to rock behaviour ‘Tunnels & Tunnelling Intemational FEBRUARY 2008 Copper to combine the etforts of engineers and geologists to act as one team, wth clear statements of base tunnel engineering needs and some caretuly selected and quantitative geclogical data requrements. Neecess to say, nether the engineering nor the geological parameters involved when using the two systerrs are ‘exhaustive specifications in ether the RMR or systems, In essence, gologists should nat be ‘ata of quantifies RMA and Q parameter ratings. The need for such quantification is pethaps approcaton more by certiied fenginesring geslagite who, athough in shor supply, do sat an example to the traditonal geologists, who are mor the rs splits’ of these base earth eelence iscipines. Aas, the geological profession, even today, fst aay in agreament on ‘the scope of competence needed by enginearing geologist ‘The scope of RMR and Q systems ‘The RAR and © systems ae partcuary wel sailed inthe planing stage of a tunneling ‘roect when a prefminay assessment of ‘hemos thy tunnel support requemerts is reqired, based on core ogaing, eld mapping and reaction seismic. inthe ase of plans for cavern constuction, ever lta of loation may be influenced by the results During constuction, apphation becomes even more essai the appropriate support classes are selected! on day-by-day basis, itis obviously ncorest to stat they pay no role ding constriction of fa design, those invlved more requety in tunneling constancy wil surely acknowledge, The roasons for ths are as folows: 1)RMR and O orgs, and have beer specicaty updated for estimating tune suppor. Late!"2.4l they were exonded for assessing rock mass propetes, such as the modus of deformatie,ntepreting srlemio volte, and for assisting wth te interpretation of moitoing during ook mass cLassiicarion straight construction, via convergence-quality- ‘tunnel dimanslon Inks, 2} Estimaiing rock mass properties for rumercal maceling has tuned out to Provide competitive damatives to ‘expensive and complex in st tests, which rely on a numbar of assumptions for Intoprotation ofthe data. Significant, plate bearing tests, lage fit ack tests and pressure tunnel tests are nowdays rely used because of thar xpenso, and because flict with csturbod zone ‘phenomena. RAR and Q ystems prove realtc estimates for modeling purposes, ‘and through seismic measurement and interpretation! can assist in the Interpretation of the diturbod zone charactoistes. 3} Appropriate monitoring andrecorng cof one er both eck mass classcatons ‘tring conaruction i essential to quantity the encountered rack mass condtions, select the appropiate supe class, nel ia Useful n ease of contractual ceputes, ‘ebirations and design changes. Pls and Bertuzzi] wil bo aware ct this, despite ther Above: Fig 2- Tho support solection char, from Grimetad and Bartonl8] with the prefered choice of applied mecharios beam addition of alternate conclations between RMR and Q, from Bartont'®] theory for ther tunnel ane cavern design, ‘apparently for seven of the nine Sydney. ‘state that alternative descriptive methods rock behaviour with rock mass ratings by cases they ered to rom Austaia. The mightbe preferable in poor ook mass Blonianak's AMR and Batons © yet the suppot resting rom appcaton of beam cretons As engneang geological sesionment of prams 00 seterate, theory was reportedly Reever than sipuatedtecriques Improve wh advancing ‘he collection of data rom exposures might byyapplcaton ofthe -eystan, assuring techrelogy, our quantita rating systems rot beadquataly representative, rd the that this was conectyeppled.Afuthor wall aways preterabie to alte ‘ssigned parameters ere nother ‘case record was USE ese, Where descptiv assessrrants independent nor rectly connected with ‘goutng ofthe eck bots had boon omited, 6) Fal both and RMR now form the rock behavou" ‘causing colapse nbedded saneones:. basi ofnew TBM paformance Weare not sue hich urning projects hardy ascent appreach ir nid eue, —inteshape of Gray land MELT vere the source of lds ted Their refer as cuppocody supporive ich are devsopng both supporters ard _conces ta.."qute amber of ofthe cigue of, sre be vewed wih ile, at ony tobe expected. nour ‘rato cse studs show ta the (eat care, sce sein oere chalengng workplace. importance of goog ste gondas fo batnd these two puto. invetigaion underestimated. cr 4) Technology has changed much in 35 Latest concems ‘reduced to collecting the input data for a yeas, hence Sipport mata nd matod. In spe the above wel-known facts ‘ck mass lasaton obo used for ‘ustbemedfied ts thaefre tt mor misconceptions end misuse fhe RMR and eatnating support eqitemoni” The updates have been made fom tineto-ine, systems sufacadintworecer aries fh authorsof the RMR ad Q methods have so ‘such as the shift from mesh-reinforced to TaTH.12I, Much interaction with geologist and ftye-teintrcedshotertall 00 fare 2, Goodnanl!2Ipaidreepect tothe no situa geologist coleaguos tet we have S)RWR and Q wer found tobe equaly professor Redmilerof usta tiouing to no estan shang sme of lees offectvein vey poorrock masses arin _imthemiginge that". engneers seem concer, Gecogilsrfaceimenigations very good eckmarcesanditicnconeetto_toboreljngon gered conelaions of shouldbe, and wethoughtabvays wee, the “WHEN YOU CAN MEASURE WHAT YOU ARE SPEAKING Scenes" suicrceuceacesie ABOUT, AND EXPRESS IT IN NUMBERS, YOU KNOW locaton of subsoqent bershees ar the SOMETHING ABOUT IT; BUT WHEN YOU CANNOT ilepretation of races observed EXPRESS IT IN NUMBERS, YOUR KNOWLEDGE IS OF A ycumifiedwen con eoona MEAGRE AND UNSATISFACTORY KIND.” Sihnie odcceockimaied, LORD KELVIN (1824-1907) Fee's conor ht exposzes mht rot be adequtelyrepresertate' only a FEBRUARY 2008 Tunnals & Tunneling International | 27 (ROCK MASS CLASSIFICATION ‘Compromise RUA ~ 15 og @+ 50 2 AMA 100 ‘Aboos: Fig 3- Stand up time data versus [AMR from case histories after Bieniawskill, Conversion of RMR to Q after Barton], Red represents tunnel, land green represents mine results Oa alana Ss [Above: Fig 4 Static medulus of deformation Em versus RMR and Q. Case histones ‘and RMR data compiled by Bieniawskil'l, Q relationship by Barton! ‘temporary kitation of any data collection activity, inching stucturel geoiog ‘We censinly deplte hat theassigned not be used as the primary too forthe ‘end determining thir typical ranges and the paremotas are nether independent nor dsign of prmary support Qand RMR average valves. ‘ely connected with rock behaviour, We vale ae not factual data respect tothe i) Use both systems and then check with fare quite sure that Rladmif, Ns requent _enginesing geotogy ofthe ck mass; they _at ees two ofthe publishod corelatons cf ‘coauthor Schubert, and of course our Include a sgrifcant dogree of interpretation. Bieniawski?l and Barton respected colleague Goodman, were and _Tharefor, thay should not appear on 'N Estimate support are ock reinforce ‘il are, extemal avire of the importance engineering geolegical logs of boreholes or ment requirements figure 2}. The system Of such feotures ae jont and dscontinuty on records of inernapping of excavators." supplies parmanent support, but only the character, in determining bth shoar Iti hare counter etique ofthe ‘components 8 adn Sf are of good ay. ‘stength and sweling potent. Since sess _lassficalion systems from those who ether V) Estimate stand-up time (igure) and inelaton to strength, endjoint spacing and ave other agendas, or wo prefer he rock mass modulus for preliminary modeling ruber of joint sets are addtional ‘mecharies of beam theory for designing purposes figure 4) A stress-dependent parameters inthe two classification systems, tunnels and caverns in a madium as valable modulus may beneededit depths itishard to see that Rlamilercan realy and complexes rock. Our fist reactions to significant, ‘have beloved that..the aasignod ‘wonder how meéry engineers share the ‘Perform numerical madating in prvameters ae nether independent nor ‘above conviction that this isthe way togo. appropriate casas farge spans, special ‘drocty connected with rock behaviour’. Indeed, Qand AAR incude a significant _cordlions) and check suficent ‘nua, then he must have party ogre of terrain’, butt must ba Inforrationis valde. Iméxinderstood ther structure and purpose, hoped tha his would also apply tothe ‘ip suflent information snot avalable, For instance in the system, the ‘pplication of am theory tis remarkable recognising te iterative design process, rameter pair ia gives a vary close that Pols and BertuzzI6l shouldbe so aquest further geological exploration ancl ‘Approximation tothe coeficen of fitlon, against 'main steam engineering geology parameter tasting, 2g, stress ‘as measured in numerous Msi sheer tects and tunneling practice, to advise that Qand measurements, i necessary fled decontinuti figuo 1) These wo RMR vaies "should not appear on ‘Vl Consider the construction crocess, ‘parameters, Hough Indeperdenty acauired, engineering geological logs of boreholes anc and inthe case of TAM feasity studs, Incombinaton reflect ealstic magnitudes of on ecards of ne mapping of excavations’. estimate the ates of advance, using tho ‘shea restanoe to overbreck and goneral When so ebuouslycontetng with Qrpyard RME methods, Instablly This part ofthe Q-vaue's also convertion, the publication is surprise. 1X) Ensure that lth rack mass senetvo to the details of shear resistance, _characteration information is included in wth por nthe troe contact Ten commandments’ for using __the Geotechnical Baseline Report, wich catagories, representing data, non RMR and Q lcusees design procedures, assumptions Ciltent, or contactle sheer behaviou. Of Toavold conusion, we would ke to offer and apocifatons ‘course such deta ee ‘erect connected “ten commanders" of broad princplesfor _X) Perform RMI and G mapeing asthe ‘vith rock behaviour” around tunnels So.we proper use of our rock mass classitcatons: construction proceeds so that comparisons Tespectuly cisagree, and wonder wry this) Ensure that theclasiication parameters can be made of expected ar encountered lack of understancing has developed, Why are quentiied (measured, not jst ‘orion leading to design vercaion would 90 mary, presumaby inteligent ‘described, from standardised tests, foreach appropriate changes. people, cevelop and apply such systems in geologicaly designated structural ein, (course it goss without saying that ‘very many counties, these conceme wre employing boreholes, exploration acts and laboratory tests rust be included and founded in realty? ‘surface mapping, pis eiamicrtracton for parformed diigently aocorcing to ‘Amonth ater Goodman's conrision, _ntpolation betwoen the invtably ited standardised proceduo and with a suticient “another concer vis expressed by Pols numbers of boreholes, ‘budget. Te engineers and gooloists ‘and Bertuzi6l thet; “Classifcation systems I) Follow tho ceablished procedures for should act asa team and communicate ‘re good forcommunicaton,..txt.. should classifying therockmass by AMIR and regulary among themselves and the cient ‘Tunnels & Tunnelling Intemational FEBRUARY 2008 “IT IS NOT THE THINGS GERENEES YOU DON'T KNOW THAT GET YOU INTO 1.71 Bein, 1878 Dom eckes Glatt Jounal Ros loch & Min Se TROUBLE. IT IS THE 2.1 Blriewai, 1668, Engecng rock mess asians: complete manual THINGS YOU THINK YOU ‘ohn ey & Sor, Now York KNOW FOR SURE.” 2 N Baton, 108. Thue of ont properties in modeling one rock masses Keynote Lecture, eh ISAM Congres (a0), Balkema, Ratrdan SIRWINSTON CHURCHILL | iBérton te. Sarena Cele creas io esl! ei characte and tunnel design Int oura of Pook Mech 8 nS, Conclusion 5.N Baton, 2000 Rock Guat, Salar Voc, Atenaton and Arsctropy. Tayo Ate years of we rougtautineworin A anes, UK Netheands tumnaling and ming, trotecocf he PMA 6, PIN Pll &RBertuz, 2007, Linton of rck mass classifcation stems, Ta, andQsystemsin geological ane engineering Apri’07, p83. practice specks for isl. These two systoms 7, A Palmsirim & E Groch, 2006, Use and misuse of rock mass clasiiation ystems have bacomo entrenched asthe moet with particular reference to the @ system. TUST, 21, p21 elective empirical design tools for 8.£ Grimstad & N Barton, 1998. Updating ofthe Q- System for NMT. Proceedings of termination of rock mass qualty and the Intemational Symposium on Sprayed Concrete - Mocorn Uso of Wet Mix Sprayed cstimatingrock mass properties andtunnel —_Conerete for Underground Suppor (eds Kompen, Opsahl and Bare). Norwegian support measures. Concrete Association, Oso However, tis prudent to appiy these 9. N Barton & E Grmstad, 1994, The Q-system following twerty years of application Clessiicaons in relator and spit for which i NMT euppert selection. 4rd Geamechenie Colaquy, Saiz. Felabau, 6, pA28, they were developed, and to lear from 410. N Berton, 2000. TBM Tunneling in Jointed and Fauited Rock. Balkema, corroborative case histories, Rotteqiam. Lotus conclude with this appeable 11. ZT Bioniawoki, 8 Colada & JM Galera, 2007, Predicting TEM excavabllty, T877 wisdom: “Itisnot the tings youn know September ‘07, p25. that get you ints rouble. she things you. 12. RE Gaodman, 2007. Geomechanics accerting to Ginter Reciilr(1940-200), think you know for sur” ttibuted to Sir TATH, March 07, pa7. Winston Church Co Cee ee ec Pia vetac ener tA nigeria? Cone te ee eerie CRTC MTCC

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