The Lived Experiences of Students Studying in A Highly Populated Classroom

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Review of Related Literature

To better understand the challenges and effects of overcrowded learning

environments, it is crucial to investigate students' actual educational experiences in

crowded classrooms. According to a study by Adams, et al. (2019), classrooms are

often seen as overly packed when the appropriate student-teacher ratio is exceeded,

leading to crowding and insufficient physical space in the learning environment.

Additionally, categorization criteria might consider things like noise levels, the

accessibility of individualized attention, and the overall impact on the standard of the

learning experience. These needs fall in line with educational best practices

recommended by authorities, which emphasize the importance of keeping class sizes

manageable for efficient instruction (Adams et al., 2019; Smith & Turner, 2020).

Impact on Student-Student Interactions.

The size of a classroom plays a huge role in shaping the interactions among

students, particularly in highly populated classrooms. Research conducted by Johnson

(2022), highlights the significant impact of classroom size on student-student

interactions, shedding light on the lived experiences of students studying in such

environments. Classroom size significantly influences the nature and quality of

interactions among students in highly populated classrooms because having limited

physical space and increased competition for attention can hinder interactions.

Effective classroom management strategies and teacher facilitation can create

opportunities for meaningful peer-to-peer engagement. Acknowledging these

dynamics is essential in understanding the lived experiences of students studying in

such environments and devising strategies to enhance their educational journey.

Impact on Student-Teacher Interactions

Students' daily experiences and overall academic progress are greatly

influenced by the social dynamics in crowded classes. According to a study by Turner

and Johnson (2022), it can be difficult for students to establish strong connections

with their professors in classrooms with a lot of students. The higher student-teacher

ratio may make it harder for students to receive customized attention, which could

lower the effectiveness of interactions and limit their ability to receive academic help

(Turner & Johnson, 2022). Moreover, the dynamics among fellow students have a

significant impact on how students in crowded classrooms perceive their education.

According to a study by Martinez et al. (2021), overcrowding can cause students to

compete more for resources and attention, which could lead to strained peer

relationships and affect students' emotional well-being and sense of belonging.

Teacher Challenges and Classroom Management

Observations suggest that teachers face significant challenges in managing

highly populated classrooms, limiting their ability to provide individualized

instruction (Ginger Ackerman, 2022). This literature implies that larger class size is a

source of difficulty for effective learning. This insight prompts the need to identify

factors contributing to the challenges of learning in highly populated classrooms.

Infrastructure and Student Well-being

Shortages of classrooms leading to highly populated classrooms result in a

low-standard learning environment, affecting students' overall well-being and

motivation to learn (DepEd Tambayan, 2023). This highlights the importance of

providing students with efficient and comfortable learning environments.

Classroom Availability and Facilities

Apolinar (2019) suggests that the inefficiency in the number of classrooms in

a community and the lack of proper facilities in school institutes contribute to highly

populated classrooms. This underscores the need for more classrooms and improved

infrastructure in educational institutions.

Impact on Student Satisfaction

Research indicates that while class size may not significantly affect

educational achievement, students are less satisfied in large classes (Wang &

Calvano, 2022). Teacher-student interactions and engagement remain crucial for

learning outcomes and student satisfaction.

Teacher Well-being and Classroom Management

For teachers to manage highly populated classrooms effectively, their

physical, mental, and emotional well-being must be considered. Some studies suggest

that large class sizes can affect teachers' health and the way they handle classroom

discipline (Manlongat et al., 2021). However, another study contends that class size

alone is not a significant factor contributing to teacher stress and burnout (Bottiani et

al., 2019). Effective classroom management strategies and addressing disruptive

student behavior can mitigate teacher stress.

Student-to-Classroom Ratios

DepEd Order No. 62, s. 2004, established a typical student-to-classroom ratio

of 1:50, while the Ghana Education Service recommends 1:40. The psychological
environment and class size significantly impact students' academic performance and

access to learning opportunities (Akoto-Baako & Kissi-Abrokwah, 2021).

Classroom Management

Tahir, Khan, & Aurangzeb (2019) emphasize the importance of classroom

management in education and its impact on teaching effectiveness and student

satisfaction. Effective classroom management is crucial for creating a conducive

learning environment in highly populated classrooms.

The study by Chimbi and Jita (2021) has revealed that class population

moderately doesn't affect teachers when they can implement the right commands and

select the right methods to manage a classroom. The study shows that even if the class

population is reduced, it may still not diminish the difficulties of managing a highly

populated class. Making appropriate measures to manage a class is the right method to

assess a highly populated classroom. This study conveys the appropriate measures to

be taken in order to manage a highly populated classroom. This study implies and

gives insights that even if the class size is reduced, the right methods are still needed

to manage a highly populated classroom. This insight will be a great basis for the

process of our research.

In conclusion, overcrowded classrooms have a significant impact on

interactions, well-being, and learning outcomes for both students and teachers.

Improving the educational experience in classrooms with a large number of students

involves dealing with class size issues and putting in place effective classroom

management techniques.

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