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Legion of Mary

Praesidium Annual Report Guidelines

To : POS –Regia -Address/ Curia -Address

From: Praesidium
Period of the Report:The period of the report should state for example 1 st of the month to the 31st Day example
1 June 2019 to 31st May 2020

Number of Meetings held for the period

Praesidium Particulars:-
Foundation – Date of Praesidium
Meeting place
Meeting day and time

Membership Summary:-
Active members
Active members (Probation)
Auxiliary Members

Weekly Attendance Summary

Office Praesidium
President How many meetings were
attended by
Officers for the year
Vice President
Please Note
Comment on resignation or absence of Officers

Membership Attendance at weekly meetings

Officers’ Attendance at Curia Meetings

Treasurer’s Report
Our Treasurer’s Book was audited and found to be correct by ……….
Beginning Balance
Secret Bag Collection
Total Receipts

Expenses (some types of expenses) delete what is not applicable:-

Curia Contribution
PPC Donation
Mass for Deceased Legionaries
Printing and Copying of Literature (October Devotion)
Printing and Copying of Literature (Legion Sunday)
Printing and Copying of Other Literature (during the year)
Flowers for the Crowning of Mary
Agenda Work Book (s)
Total Expenses
Balance in Hand (date)

Officer’s Roll
Office Name Contact Term in Office
Spiritual Director
Vice President

Membership Recruitment Effort

Active Members Recruited this year .
How is Recruitment done?

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Assigned Works during the year examples
The weekly works assigned at the meetings are:
1. Visitation of the Sick at Homes
2. Visitation to Hospitals
3. Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament (encouraging persons)
4. First Saturday devotions (encouraging persons)
5. Bereaved Homes and Funerals
6. Senior Citizens Home
7. Leading Prayer meetings and Thanks giving Services.
8. Block Rosary

Home Visitation Summary

Home Visitation Data:
Total number of homes visited
Total number of street contacts
Total number of Catholics visited
Total number of non-practicing Catholics visited
Total number of protestants (Baptists, Evangelicals, Methodists etc. ) visited
Total number of non- Christians (Hindus, Muslims etc. ) visited
Literature distributed.

Special Points of Interest :- WORKS OF CONVERSION

1. Apostolic Works
2. Exploratio Dominicalis


1. Prayer meetings and Thanks giving Services.
2. Block Rosary
3. Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament (encouraging persons)
4. First Saturday devotions (encouraging persons)
5. Dissemination of Catholic Literature.
7. Teaching of Catechetics
8. Supervision of junior praesidia
9. Other Activities
10. Focus on Handbook Study and other literature

1. Visitation of the Sick at Homes
2. Visitation to Hospitals
3. Bereaved Homes and Funerals
4. Senior Citizens Home.


Functions Attendance
Curia’s Acies How many members attended
Curia’s Outdoor Function
Annual General Reunion (Curia. Regia)
Curia Activities
Regia Activities
Junior Legionaries Rally
Regia ‘s Day of Prayer

Praesidium Functions:
Outdoor Function / Retreat

Goals-not achieved in this reporting year.

Goals- achieved in this reporting year.

Goals-for coming year.

_______________________ ________________________
Secretary Spiritual Director

________________________ ___________________________ -
President Treasurer

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