Hindu Questions

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1. How is Lord Shiva described?

He is described as a primordial being who defeated avail and now observes the world.

2. What was the general belief about the union between Shiva and Parvati?

It was a glorious union where they held the equilibrium between thought and action. They brought

balance to the world and both needed each other.

3. How is Parvati described?

Pavati is described as energetic, caring, and comforting. She is also shown as resilient as she

takes in Shiva’s insults.

4. What happened when Parvati took flight from the world?

Scarcity fell upon the world. Hunger and religion left the world as they were just trying to survive.

Shiva had an epiphany that Pavarti was necessary.

5. What happened when Annapurna arrived? What did Lord Shiva do?

She brought food for all people with her golden ladle. Lord Shiva disguised himself as a beggar

and begged her forgiveness and for some food. She became known as the Goddess of Food.

1. How is Princess Savitri described? What was she determined to do?

She is described as beautiful, bright, and nice and was determined to find a suitable husband.

2. What is Satyavan’s family background?

His family used to be wealthy rulers until they were overthrown in a coup.

3. What does Narada reveal about Satyavan’s future?

That Satyavan only had a year to live before he died.

4. What are the first two things Savitri asks for from Yamraj?

The first wish was to restore her father in law's eyesight and her second wish was to restore his


5. How does Savitri outwit Yamraj with her last wish?

Savitri asked Yamraj to give her many children and he granted it. But paradoxically, she couldn't

have many children while her one true love was dead so Yamraj had to let him go.

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