3 - Home Front Philadelphia

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Author: David Chart

Cover Art: Infiniverse Stock
Interior Art: Dean Spencer, Infiniverse Stock
Some artwork © Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.

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Find more art by Dean Spencer on DriveThruRPG.


Road to 12 Perils for the LibreOffice 8 Million Gods An Edeinos in

Philadelphia Living Land Templates Core Earth

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Philadelphia is a Core Earth hardpoint, and the new adventure, while others may serve to
strongest point of resistance to the Living Land wrap up and debrief.
in the eastern United States. As such, it is The City Council is still based in City Hall,
always under threat from the Saar, and always which is close enough to Liberty Bell, the heart
needs Storm Knights to defend it. An of the hardpoint, to be a safe distance from the
important part of that defence is maintaining borders with the Living Land. Philadelphia
the population of Core Earth natives within it. City Hall is a spectacular building, and at least
Their presence strengthens the hardpoint, and in the early days it is physically untouched by
could even help it to grow. This product the Possibility Wars. The number of refugees in
provides a one Act adventure and a number of the city means that some rooms have been
drop-in scenes that can be used to make the repurposed, so that you do not need to worry
home front a dramatic part of your game. too much about the current office layout, but
The events here are designed to follow on the lack of damage, at least for now, means
immediately from Day 2: Road to Philadelphia, that you can use online resources to find out
and thus take place in the very early days of what it looks like.
the Possibility Wars, before the Delphi Council https://goo.gl/maps/LkjXBeWcALu
is really established. However, they are not One thing that changes with the reputation
closely tied to that period, and could be placed of the Storm Knights is the room in which they
anywhere in the first year. The individual are received. The City Council Caucus Room is
scenes assume that the Storm Knights are used for small meetings with members of the
based in Philadelphia for a significant period of council, which may mean that the Storm
time, but the adventure could easily be run as a Knights are not regarded as so important yet,
Delphi Mission. or that the meeting needs to be kept at least a
For the purposes of this supplement, the little quiet. The Mayor’s Reception Room is
Philadelphia hardpoint is a circle of about five used when the council and mayor want to
kilometres’ radius, centred on the Liberty Bell. recognise the Storm Knights as important, but
In the northwest, Philadelphia Zoo is just at a moderate level. If the whole city wants to
inside, and the University of Pennsylvania is acknowledge their debt to the Storm Knights,
also included, with the boundary crossing the they are received by the whole council in the
Schuykill River at Grays Ferry Avenue. Almost City Council Chambers.
all of the residential areas of South
Philadelphia are included, as are North
Philadelphia and Kensington. Across the river,
The mayor of Philadelphia is Candace Warren,
quite chunk of Camden is covered, with much
an African-American woman in her late forties.
of the waterfront. The only bridge across the
In the game, she is the face of the city
Delaware within the hardpoint is the Ben
authorities, the character that the Storm
Franklin bridge.
Knights get to know and interact with. There
are other councillors, but they stay in the
THE CITY COUNCIL background. She was elected on a strongly
Because the Storm Knights are based in progressive platform two years before the
Philadelphia, they will face the direct invasion, and had in fact been making real
consequences of their actions, and the people progress, albeit not quickly enough to keep all
of Philadelphia will remember their deeds. The her supporters happy. The invasion changed
City Council is a device to dramatise the all that. Now, her top priority is saving her
characters’ reputations, and bring them into people from being eaten by giant monsters that
play. Some of these scenes may introduce a look like the pictures of dinosaurs from her

childhood. So far, she is adapting surprisingly darker skins to lighter, if necessary, but it
well, and almost everyone in the city accepts rarely is), then white trans people, then women
her as the leader; she was elected to the role, of colour, then white women, then men of
after all. colour, and white men last. However, she does
She is, in fact, a good leader. She tries to make sure to get round to everyone who might
listen to everyone, and to pay most attention to have something valuable to contribute. Her
the people who know what they are talking appreciation for survivalist white men with
about. She makes decisions as quickly as they guns has gone up sharply since the invasion.
need to be made, and when she gets this wrong One thing that might surprise players is that
she tends to make the decision a little too she is strongly prejudiced against edeinos. She
quickly, although never so quickly as to be sees them all as violent dangerous monsters,
reckless. She is ready to delegate to competent who would ideally be killed on sight —
people, and is quick to do so when she is although she knows that that is not practical.
clearly not competent to do the job (something She believes in universal human rights, and
that is true of almost anything Storm Knights edeinos are not, she insists, human. She is, of
might get up to), but she does tend to hold on course, right about that; the Storm Knights
to responsibility for a bit too long when it is may be able to help her see that she has drawn
something she can do. She praises in public, the wrong conclusion.
and criticises in private. She tries to keep Despite her prejudice, she does not
criticism constructive, but her current levels of immediately kill edeinos who are allied with
stress mean that she does not always manage. human Storm Knights. (If your group is all
While she does come from a social justice edeinos, you should drop this aspect of her
background, this has become little more than a character altogether.) However, she does not,
behavioural quirk: when she wants opinions, at first, agree to meet the edeinos, or allow
she asks trans people of colour first (from them to attend meetings with the city council,

and she insists that they be watched by armed
Road to Philadelphia
guards at all times. The group’s actions can If the Storm Knights arrive in Philadelphia
convince her that those particular edeinos are after playing through the Road to Philadelphia
exceptional, which will moderate her hostility, scenario, the only possible results are Tragic
but as long as Philadelphia is under attack Success, Success, and Great Success. A failure
from edeinos armies, it is all but impossible to would indicate that they did not make it to the
get her to treat edeinos in general in the same city, and there are no opportunities for betrayal
way as she treats humans. (The only way that the city would know about; even if the
would be to get a large tribe of edeinos, at least player characters slaughter refugees, the
several hundred, allied to the city, and have people in the city have no way of knowing.
them fight alongside the human defenders Tragic Success: The Storm Knights arrive in
against the invading forces. That is well Philadelphia alone, without any refugees.
outside the scope of this supplement, but
Success: The Storm Knights bring some
would make for an interesting campaign.)
refugees with them. Even one refugee is
enough to reach this level.
DEGREES OF SUCCESS Great Success: The Storm Knights rescue
The Storm Knights’ reputation in the city is virtually everyone. They rescue every group,
based on the success that they have in their and most of each group makes it to
missions against the invaders. These results Philadelphia.
can be assessed as one of six levels.
Betrayal: The Storm Knights have actively REPUTATION
damaged the city. This is very unlikely, unless
The Storm Knights have a reputation in the city
you write a scenario with no good outcomes.
at one of five levels. This affects how people
Cowardly Failure: The Storm Knights react to them, and how the city council treats
simply fail to deal with the problem, them.
apparently because they were afraid of the risk,
Enemies: Philadelphia thinks that the Storm
or put a higher priority on benefiting
Knights are on the other side. Ordinary people
themselves. Players would have to choose this
flee and report them to the forces guarding the
option, so it is unlikely.
city, who come to kill them or drive them out.
Heroic Failure: The Storm Knights failed, The army and militias do everything they can
but tried very hard. This is the most likely to stop the Storm Knights getting anywhere
result if the players aim to complete a mission near the heart of the city. Most groups should
but fail due to bad die rolls. be able to avoid this level.
Tragic Success: The Mission is a success, Pariahs: The citizens are disappointed and
but there are regrettable consequences. For disgusted with the Storm Knights. Nobody
example, an invading force is beaten back, but wants to talk to them or help them, and they
a large area of the city is devastated. are not allowed to see the mayor. If the mayor
Success: The Storm Knights achieve their does need to speak to them, the meeting
goal, and any collateral damage is minimal. happens away from City Hall, in secret.
Great Success: The Storm Knights achieve Allies: People are willing to have normal
their goal, and other great benefits for the city. friendly interactions with the Storm Knights,
This should be unusual and difficult; if the but do not particularly look up to them. Storm
group is achieving this every time, without an Knights who look particularly odd, including
absurd run of luck on the die rolls, the being obviously from another cosm, are treated
standard is too low. with caution, but not hostility. The characters

can arrange a meeting with the mayor, but basically human). They can demand to see the
might have to wait a few days, and if she wants mayor at any time, and she will drop pretty
to see them, the meeting takes place in City much anything to see them. Any successful
Hall, probably in the Caucus Room. mission gets them a reception from the whole
Inspirations: People do look up to the council.
Storm Knights. A lot of people in the city
recognise them, and in a large group at least BASE REPUTATION
one person is almost certain to, and tell Storm Knights who are sent to Philadelphia as
everyone else. Ordinary people are friendly, agents of the Delphi Council arrive as Allies.
and positive social interactions with them are They may have special privileges related to the
Favoured, if the players even need to roll. mission, but that does not affect the general
Storm Knights can look as odd as they like attitude. Storm Knights who arrive from the
without encountering problems, although Road to Philadelphia start as Allies on a Tragic
people are still a bit reticent around edeinos. Success or a Success, and Inspirations on a
They can arrange a meeting with the mayor Great Success.
within a day, or two at the most, and she

would normally see them in the Reception
Room, unless secrecy was important.
The results of missions may change the
reputation of the Storm Knights.
Betrayal makes the Storm Knights into
Enemies, unless they were Heroes beforehand.
If they were Heroes, they become Pariahs.
People want to believe that they had a good
reason for what they did, but cannot see how
that is possible.
Cowardly Failure drops the reputation by
one level, but no lower than Pariahs.
Heroic Failure and Tragic Success raise
Pariahs to Allies, but do not change any other
Heroes: The whole city thinks that the Success raises the reputation by one level,
Storm Knights are wonderful. If they go to no higher than Inspirations. Ordinary
somewhere and are not recognised, that should successes are not enough to turn people into
be significant to the plot, and everyone who Heroes, but they are enough to turn Enemies
recognises them is really friendly, again, unless into Pariahs.
there is an important plot reason for them not Great Success raises reputation by two
to be. Positive social interactions with the levels, but to no higher than Inspirations,
people in the city get an Up, but rolls should unless the Storm Knights were already
only be required for really outlandish requests. Inspirations, in which case it makes them into
The characters are likely to be mobbed by Heroes. Thus, a Great Success makes Enemies
people who want autographs, or to get to into Allies, Pariahs and Allies into Inspirations,
know the Storm Knights better. Even edeinos and Inspirations into Heroes.
are fully accepted, and get groupies (although This is set up so that the Storm Knights only
still not quite as many as characters who look lose reputation if the players make a deliberate

decision to act in an unheroic way; bad luck consequences, no-one could have.
will not do it. This means that most groups of A Success gets former Enemies a private
Storm Knights will become Inspirations to the meeting with the mayor, where she thanks
city, and if they spend a while there, they stand them and warns them that they are on
a good chance of becoming and remaining probation. Former Pariahs are invited to the
Heroes. This is by design; it is an appropriate Reception Room, and welcomed back into the
mood for Core Earth and the Living Land. This community by the mayor and council. Former
is not true of all Cosms, however. Allies are received in the Council Chamber,
congratulated by everyone. Storm Knights who
RECEPTION were Inspirations already are congratulated in
The reception that the Storm Knight receive the Reception Room. Heroes are received in the
after a mission depends both on the level of Council Chamber, by a full meeting.
their success, and their reputation when the A Great Success gets everyone a reception in
mission started. It may also be modified for the the Council Chamber. New Heroes are given
aftermath of a specific mission. the Keys to the City.
For everyone but Heroes, Betrayal makes Storm Knights who arrive in the city as
the city dangerous to them. Heroes just find Allies have their first meeting in the Reception
doors shut in their faces, by former friends Room; those who arrive as Inspirations are
who are now crying with disappointment. welcomed by the whole council, in the Council
After a Cowardly Failure, the mayor meets Chamber.
the characters to debrief, but she does not hide If an Inspiration or Hero dies, the city
her disappointment, and the meeting is private provides a full public funeral; for a Hero,
and low key. The higher the Storm Knights’ pretty much everyone is there. The funeral is a
reputation was beforehand, the more good place for the replacement character to
disappointed she is. meet their new allies.
A Heroic Failure gets the
characters a private meeting for
the debrief, and the mayor is
sympathetic. Characters with
high reputations find that other
characters also commiserate
with them.
A Tragic Success for Allies
and former Pariahs gets a
meeting in the Caucus Room,
where they are congratulated,
but also grilled about what went
wrong. Inspirations have a
meeting in the Reception Room,
and are asked about how to deal
with the problems that arose.
Heroes get a meeting in the
Council Chamber, with the
whole Council, and there is a
general assumption that, if they
were not able to avoid the

Vignettes are individual scenes that can be
dropped in when the Storm Knights are in
Philadelphia and between missions, to remind
the players of what life is like in a city under
siege, and to offer a chance to see what the
citizens think of them. These events do not
affect their reputation, unless the Storm
Knights do something truly heinous, like kill
everyone. The scenes are primarily about
roleplaying, with a few die rolls. These
vignettes are suitable for the early days of the
Possibility Wars, while Philadelphia is still
trying to adapt to an utterly transformed
situation. They should probably take place
before Day 30. Similar vignettes can be used
after missions to illustrate the effects that the
Storm Knights’ actions have had.

There are a lot of people in central Philadelphia
who did not have homes there, and they need
to be housed. This is one of the city’s big
practical tasks, and it is made harder by the
fact that unreliable electricity means that the
upper floors of skyscrapers are unusable as
residences. The Storm Knights are assigned a
row house on Pine Street, not far south of the
Liberty Bell.
The house is currently home to the Lakhani
family. They are Muslims, and the parents are
US-born, with roots in Pakistan and
Bangladesh back when they were one country.
John, the father, is a doctor in his late forties.
His wife, Sarah, is also a doctor (they met at
medical school), but she hadn’t practised for
several years before the invasion. They have
two children. Rawal, their son, is fourteen,
while their daughter, Fatima, is twelve. Sarah
wears a headscarf, but not a veil, but Fatima is
currently into miniskirts and crop tops that
may not be entirely age-appropriate. (Sarah
and Fatima have had that conversation several
times. John and Fatima have had it once, and
then he agreed to leave that issue to his wife.)
Since the invasion, John and Sarah have been
working at medical centres, while Rawal is

agitating to be allowed
to join one of the
militias. His parents
think he is too young,
and he, naturally,
disagrees. Fatima is
currently enjoying
having no school. They
are a close and happy
family, and John and
Sarah have tried as hard
as they can not to
pressure their children
into becoming doctors.
Rawal does not want to
be one; he wants to be a
Special Forces
Operative. (He’s
fourteen.) Fatima
secretly does want to be
a doctor, but would only
tell her parents on their
The family have not
make it clear that assistance with reorganising
been told that they will be accommodating the
the house would be appreciated, if the Storm
Storm Knights. They should have been; that is
Knights do not immediately offer, and is very
the procedure that was decided. However, that
annoyed if she has to actually ask directly. The
step got missed in the chaos of trying to put
house has four bedrooms (one is currently
everyone somewhere sensible, so when the
spare), two living rooms, a kitchen, two
Storm Knights turn up with their allocation,
bathrooms, and a den. The details of the
only Fatima is home. She ignores them at first,
rearrangement depend in part on how many
but persistence gets her to shout through the
Storm Knights there are in the group, but are
door. A persuasion test with a DN of 10, or an
negotiated between them and the Lakhanis.
intimidation test with a DN of 8, gets her to
The house has running water, and electricity
open the door. Only intimidation, or outright
for two hours every day, on a rota system. The
force, convinces her to let the characters into
Lakhanis are eating at the local communal
the house, however.
kitchen, and will invite the Storm Knights (if
When John and Sarah get back and see the
relations are good), or tell them (if not). The
orders from the city, they allow the Storm
running water is special feature of this area; the
Knights in. They knew that this was coming,
city was able to isolate one part of the pipe
and are annoyed, but not surprised, that they
network within a day or so of the invasion.
did not get advance notification. Their attitude
There are standpipes around the edge for
to the Storm Knights depends on their status,
people from areas where the plumbing does
and on their behaviour; if they forced their way
not work. The sewage system also works here,
inside while only Fatima was there, they start
another big benefit. Being assigned
off with a black mark against them. Sarah will
accommodation in a house in this area is a sign

that the city thinks well of the Storm Knights, like that.
and the players should realise that quickly. Step A: The building needs a satellite
antenna if a link is going to be set up. This is a
SATELLITE INTERNET fairly large piece of equipment and has to be
Connectivity between Philadelphia and the manhandled into place. This is a Strength test
outside world is hard, because cables that pass with a DN of 10. No A: There are too many
through the Living Land transform, and radio people around, so the Storm Knights cannot
waves cannot travel more than one kilometre take the antenna out just yet. Failure: The
(Torg Eternity, page 180). However, the reality antenna slips on its way up. Success: The
of Takta Ker does not extend up for ever, antenna is in place. Complication: The bit of
which means that satellites visible from building they were hoping to fix the antenna
Philadelphia are still functional, and people in on breaks off, and the next best option is less
the city can connect to them. There are a convenient and more obvious.
number of satellite phones and similar devices Step B: The antenna needs to be aligned on
in the city when the invasion reaches it, and the satellite. The surrounding reality of the
most of them are commandeered by the Living Land makes this difficult, so this is a
authorities in the early days, allowing science test with a DN of 12. No B: The bolts
communication with the US government. have come loose on the antenna, making the
Most people in the city are still cut off from antenna flop around so that it cannot be
the rest of the world, however, and so the city aligned on anything. Fixing it is
council decides to try to establish internet straightforward, but takes time. Failure: The
access points, with satellite connections, that signal flickers across the screen, but the Storm
people can use to contact friends and relatives Knights cannot get it to stabilise. Success:
in parts of the world with net access. The There is a signal from the satellite. Possible
benefits for morale have been judged to Setback/Critical Problem: The antenna comes
outweigh the possible risks to security, and, in loose while the Storm Knights are adjusting it,
any case, Mayor Warren is very uncomfortable and may fall to the ground. It catches on the
with the idea of censoring what people can wires and is undamaged, but it must be got
access. back into place. Complication: Something
starts the wires on the antenna buzzing. As
The Storm Knights have been asked to help
well as drawing attention, it makes it harder to
set up one access point, at a government
get the signal through.
building with generator power near the centre
of the city. The plan, they are told, is to get the Step C: People notice. People also work out
points set up first, and then, when they are what a satellite dish must mean, and come
sure everything is working, publicise them. demanding to be allowed to contact friends,
The work has to be done during daylight, family, social media, and multiplayer online
because the city is not wasting power on games. They get in the way and make it
lighting at the moment. impossible to get anything done, until they can
be persuaded to stand back and let the Storm
The task is represented by a Dramatic Skill
Knights work. This is either a persuasion test
Resolution, purely as a matter of pacing. Each
with a DN of 10, or an intimidation test with a
roll represents half an hour of activities, and
DN of 12. No C: The people are not in a mood
the Storm Knights have eight hours before it
to listen. They want to watch cat videos now!
gets too dark to work, so failure is not really
Failure: They are not persuaded. They want
likely. The task needs at least one character
the Storm Knights to let them get connected
who is skilled in computers, so do not use this
right away. Success: The crowd agree to stand
vignette if the group does not contain anyone

back. Possible Setback: One of the people and then decides to check the whole hard drive
jostles the antenna, possibly by stepping on a on reboot, forcing you to work with a much
cable, knocking it out of alignment. slower back-up machine. Critical Problem:
Complication: Someone claims to know about You realise that the antenna is facing in
these things, and insists on “helping”. Critical completely the wrong direction. The satellite
Problem: Someone climbs up to the antenna to you are getting signals from is a weather
connect their phone directly (you can’t do that, satellite. You will have to take the antenna
but telling them does not help), and pulls it off down from the building and set it up on the
the building. other side.
Step D: The computers at the access point
have to be persuaded to talk to the internet. URBAN FARMING
This should be really straightforward with the Philadelphia needs to grow its own food.
information the Storm Knights have been Storm Knights with any adds in science or
given, but… This is a computers test against a survival know that the city cannot be self-
DN of 10, and cannot be made unskilled. No sufficient, not with the number of refugees
D: The computers are not registering the signal present, but it is still important to have a
at all; a wire must have come loose somewhere. sustainable source of food within the city. It is
Failure: The screen is asking you to input a good for morale, and it will help to take the
DNS configuration. Again. Success: You call up city through interruptions in supply. The parks
the White House website, which now has the are repurposed very quickly, and work has
Houston skyline in its page image. Possible started on built-up areas. Most of the work is
Setback: It looks like you have connected, being done by ordinary volunteers, but Mayor
which draws the attention of the crowd. Warren is also sending more prominent people
Complication: The main computer crashes, to help, to emphasise that everyone is in this

together. This is a Strength test. Failure: The Storm
The Storm Knights have been asked to help Knight strains her back while trying to move
with the conversion of a car park and storage something, and has to get help. This leads to
centre between Washington Avenue and good-natured teasing from the people with
Kimball Street, about 3 km southwest of the her. Standard Success: She works alongside
Liberty Bell and, for the moment, safely within the other people, making a good contribution.
the hardpoint. The work has already started, Good Success: An old pickup truck is blocking
and is being led by Marvin Holleren, a middle- one part of the area, and nobody can get it to
aged white man who is seriously overweight, move. The character joins in to assist, and they
and cannot actually dig or move things for successfully get it out of the way. Outstanding
very long. He worked in a bank before the Success: What looks like a small chunk of
invasion, but grew up on a self-sufficient farm, concrete turns out to be a massive chunk of
and stayed in touch with his sister, who did concrete, buried in the ground. The character,
not leave. (He has not heard from his sister however, wields a sledgehammer to great
since the invasion, and is worried about her effect, breaking it into fragments and making it
and her family.) This means that he does have easy to cart away.
a good idea of what he is talking about, and is Ground Preparation: The ground is not
why he was put in charge. The people doing ideal for planting crops, and some of the
the heavy lifting do not necessarily appreciate workers are trying to improve it. A lot of this
that, however. just means digging through the soil and taking
Marvin is glad to see the Storm Knights out obvious junk, like parts of old cars and
when they arrive; the reaction of the other empty plastic bottles. A character can make a
workers depends on their current reputation. find test to make particularly good progress
Allies just get friendly waves and greetings, here. Failure: The Storm Knight misses a whole
while Inspirations see most people taking a bunch of small things that her companions
break to come over shake their hands, as the have to catch. Success: The character clears a
people who know about them tell those who good patch in cooperation with everyone else.
haven’t heard yet. If they are Heroes, the first Good Success: The Storm Knight works out a
person is a child, who asks whether they are good technique for finding junk, and makes a
really them, and then the Storm Knights are strong contribution to the work. Outstanding
surrounded by everyone, people turning their Success: The character works out an efficient
phones on to take selfies with them. (People technique that other people can use, and this
have already become very cautious about part of the job goes much faster.
conserving battery power, and the cell network Hazardous Inhabitants: Poison ivy, wasp
is still down at this point because some nests, and vicious critters. Small change
important bits were outside the hardpoint.) compared to the Living Land, but still enough
After a few minutes, at most, things calm down to seriously slow progress. A survival test lets a
and the Storm Knights are sent to work on Storm Knight get things out of the way.
tasks that suit their talents. Each character Failure: The character gets stung, bitten, or
should be sent to the task below for which they whatever. This is just embarrassing, but it is
have the highest total. No matter what the task, embarrassing. Success: The problem wildlife is
the Storm Knight makes a test against a DN of out of the way. Good Success: The wildlife
8, with results that depend on how good the gets moved with particular style. Outstanding
success is. Success: Not only does the dangerous wildlife
Heavy Lifting: A lot of things, including get shifted out of the way, but the character
some cars, need to be moved out of the way. finds some tasty berries to share with

everyone. • The smell of food comes from a
communal kitchen. There is a queue
SCENERY outside, and as people come out in
small groups, the staff let more people
The following short descriptions can be used as
the Storm Knights make their way around the
city to bring the state of siege home to them. As • A sports centre is largely dark, but has
with the vignettes, these descriptions are for a large sign on the front saying “Public
the very early days. Toilets”. Even from outside you can
smell it, but there are still people lined
• A car park is full, and noisy, because it
is full of families who are living in their
cars. Police are going around siphoning • You see someone offering a grocer
all the petrol (OK, gasoline) out of the hundred dollar bills for canned food
tanks for use in higher priority vehicles. and candy bars, and being refused. The
next person in line offers a pack of
• A long line of people outside City Hall
batteries, and carries away a large bag
is being marshalled by harassed-
of food.
looking city officials, repeating through
megaphones that the city council has no • A man is walking around the city with
way to get messages to individuals pieces of paper, a hammer, and a bag of
outside the city. nails. Each piece of paper has the names
of his family members, with brief
• A crowd has gathered outside an
descriptions and a place to find him. He
electronics shop, where a television, run
is putting them up on walls and posts,
from a generator, is showing news from
among many similar documents.
across the world.

In the Day One Living Land adventure, the
Storm Knights can see Philadelphia, with its
lights still on, from New York. This is because
the hardpoint covers, barely, two generating
stations: the Delaware Generating Station, and
the Southwark Generating Station. Both are oil-
fired, and are normally used to handle peak
loads. They kicked in automatically when the
invasion hit, keeping the lights on in
Philadelphia for a psychologically critical 48
After that, the city introduced rationing of
power, to make the stocks of oil last for as long
as possible. Constant power, backed up by
generators, is provided to hospitals and
government buildings, where the city has
established internet nodes and charging points
for smartphones and tablets, but nothing
larger, and other areas of the city get power for
a few hours per day, on a rota. Some people
argue that the fuel should be conserved more
strictly, and power limited to institutions that
really need it, but for now the people pointing
to the importance of power for morale have the
upper hand.
While the Delaware station is a kilometre or
so from the hardpoint border, the Southwark
station is right on top of it, barely inside the
hardpoint. This makes it, in the mayor’s eyes,
an obvious target for the invaders. (The mayor
does not yet understand that most of the
invaders literally cannot even imagine a power
station; in any case, Baruk Kaah can, and so she
is right for the wrong reasons.) She wants the
Storm Knights to go and help defend the
power station and its oil, or, at the very least,
get the oil somewhere safe.
There is another problem, which can be
turned into a great opportunity. A number of
the inhabitants of Philadelphia and
surroundings transformed to the Living Land’s
reality during the invasion, and are now
forming tribes and ways of life in the jungles
around the city. Many people in Philadelphia
regard them as traitors — they appear to have
gone over to the enemy, after all — and see

them as a threat. However, a lot of them still meeting with Mayor Warren (edeinos are not
see the area as home, and could be persuaded invited). She meets them in the caucus room,
to help defend the city with a bit of effort. and is polite and friendly. If the Storm Knights
This adventure will take the Storm Knights are already Inspirations, she is very positive
across the hardpoint border. At this point, the about their ability to deal with the problem.
Philadelphia hardpoint pushes into the Her briefing covers the following points.
Washington Zone, which is Living Land • Philadelphia relies on two power
Dominant; the Allegheny Zone on the other stations, the Delaware Generating
side of the city is Living Land Pure, but this Station and the Southwark Generating
adventure will not take the Storm Knights Station, to supply electricity to the grid.
there unless they get seriously diverted. • Together, the two stations can supply
In the introduction, the Storm Knights meet the whole city, but neither can do so
Mayor Warren, and are offered the mission. alone.
The first scene gives them a chance to get to • The limited supply of fuel means that
know the workers charged with keeping the power has to be rationed, but it is very
plant running, and build trust and, maybe, good for morale, and its availability
respect by helping to drive off an attack by gives the city more options as it
dinosaurs. strengthens its position against the
The second scene introduces the Living invaders.
Land humans in the jungle. The Storm Knights • The Delaware Station is safely inside
can choose how to deal with this; a negotiation, the modern zone.
with both the primitive humans and the • The Southwark Station is right on the
workers, to reach an alliance is most likely, but edge of the jungle zone. It has already
things could go horribly wrong. been attacked by dinosaur things once,
The third scene only happens if the second and the soldiers and police who drove
goes well. If the Storm Knights form an alliance them off went strange when they
with the primitive humans, they told about a entered the jungle.
hardpoint across the Walt Whitman bridge, at • The Storm Knights seem to be able to
the Gloucester Point oil storage facility. cope with being in the jungle, and the
The final scene is an attack by edeinos on mayor would like them to defend the
the power station. The Storm Knights’ actions Southwark Station.
in previous scenes determine what they are • Losing the Southwark Station would be
fighting for. If they have allies among the a major blow to the city. However, if it
transformed humans, they can stop the attack cannot be defended, it is important to
and preserve the power station, and are able to get as much of its stored oil as possible
get a significant amount of oil upstream even if north to the Delaware Station.
they fail. If they do not, success merely allows The Storm Knights could refuse, in which
them to evacuate the oil, and on a failure they case Mayor Warren is very disappointed with
lose everything. them, and the adventure is over. Most Storm
The epilogue shows the results of the Storm Knights take the mission.
Knights’ actions.
Delphi Council
INTRODUCTION: If you are running this adventure as a Delphi
Mission, the briefing is provided by the Delphi
MEETING THE MAYOR Council instead of Mayor Warren, and is
The human Storm Knights are summoned to a probably given outside the Philadelphia

hardpoint. The content is the same, and the speak to the Storm Knights are James, Lou
Storm Knights are transported to the White, and Isabella Ramos.
Southwark plant in an appropriate way to start As a child, James Forster wanted to be an
scene one. engineer, but he could never get the maths
grades he needed. He took a job working with
SCENE 1: SOUTHWARK machines instead, and developed a very good

practical understanding. He was promoted to
foreman a couple of years ago, and is in his
STATION mid-forties. Before the invasion, he was deeply
Normal scene, Mixed Core Earth/Living Land dissatisfied with his life, but now, as a vital
The Southwark Generating Station stands link in keeping the city switched on, he feels
on an artificial peninsula jutting out into the more needed than ever. He practically lives at
Delaware River. the station (his wife left him five years ago),
https://goo.gl/maps/gMCLxKLa7zt and he knows the plant and its peculiarities
really well; if the Storm Knights ask him for
(Note that, in the real world, the functioning
advice, he gives it, and it is good, giving them
generator is in the boring white buildings. In
a bonus of +1 to +3 on any tests needed. James
Core Earth, the historic structure is still in
is a bit overweight, because he had been letting
working order, because that is more
himself go a bit, but he is trying to get back in
shape. If it becomes necessary to run, it will be
The building has an imposing entrance,
very difficult to persuade James to abandon the
with “Philadelphia Electric Co.” along the
facade. The oil tanks are beyond the building,
The most experienced worker on the site is
nearer the river, and the whole complex looks
Lou White, an African-American man in his
as though it could do with a new coat of paint.
early sixties. He thinks he was passed over for
There is an oil tanker moored to the north of
promotion because of racism, and might well
the power plant, and it is empty, having
be right, but most of his co-workers think it
transferred its cargo just before the invasion.
was because he criticises everyone and
The plant has one full oil tank, and one empty;
everything, in a mean-spirited way. This
the oil has been used much faster than normal.
started, decades ago, as a cover for insecurity,
The pier to the south is still in Core Earth, but
but it alienated his acquaintances, which made
the border with the Living Land fluctuates
him even more hostile, and the vicious spiral
across the pier beyond that, and the jungle has
developed from there. He is insulting and
sprung up on the next peninsula south. The
belittling about the Storm Knights, especially
Walt Whitman Bridge is clearly visible to
any women, and is very dismissive of any
south, bursting with life and containing
plans they might come up with. He has never
multitudes, but it is firmly within the Living
been particularly keen on his job, only doing
Land. The Storm Knights come down from the
what was required of him, and spent his
north, and can see flocks of pterodactyls
evenings in a bar or a strip club. He can’t do
wheeling around the towers of the bridge in
that any more, and it has made his mood even
the midday sun.
worse. None of his colleagues like him, but
Meeting the Workers James has been working with him for over
There are a dozen workers at the station, twenty years, and is no longer bothered. Note
eleven men and one woman, seven black, three that, although Lou is a chauvinist, he does not
Hispanic, and two white, including the make sexualised comments to women; the
foreman, James Forster. The workers who strippers were about the only people who

didn’t dislike him, because he just watched have been sent, and is as insulting as possible;
silently, and paid his money. Lou is looking for Storm Knights who are obviously police or
any excuse to cut and run from the station; it is military are accused of deserting their posts,
far too close to the jungle for his liking. He for example. Isabella stands out as the only
runs if he feels that he is in immediate danger. woman, and looks pleased to see the Storm
Isabella Ramos is the woman on the team. Knights. She supports a female character who
Her parents were immigrants from Mexico, but defends herself against Lou, and breaks in to
she is Philly born-and-bred. She is still in her defend any who just let him talk.
twenties, and one of the youngest workers. James shows the characters the lookout post
Isabella thinks that she believes that women on the roof, and the canteen and dormitory
are just as good as men, and that she can prove that they’ve rigged up, where the Storm
it. Actually, deep down she fears that men Knights can rest if necessary. The generating
really are better than women at just about station has power at all times.
everything, and therefore tries to show that she This part of the scene is just conversation, to
can do anything a man can do. She will not let establish the setting. When you think that has
a man do anything for her, nor will she step gone on long enough, one of the workers raises
back from a job that a man is doing, if it is the alarm. Dinosaurs!
practical for her to do it as well. This includes
fighting off attacking dinosaurs. Her father, Velociraptor Attack
still living in Philadelphia, would be A pack of velociraptors emerges from the
devastated to realise that his daughter fears jungle, stalking up the road towards the power
that men are better; he did his best to raise her plant. There is no plot behind this; the raptors
to think of herself as equal to men. The just felt like exploring this new environment,
problem was that her father was a much better and hunting.
parent, worker, and citizen than her mother, There are as many velociraptors as Storm
and her younger brother was a much better Knights, plus two. James and Isabella join in
scholar than she was. At home, she was told the defence, and do a competent job. Do not
women were as good as men, but when she did roll dice for them, but assume that the Storm
the comparisons, it did not seem to be true. Knights only have to deal with as many of the
Physically, Isabella is above average in velociraptors as there are Storm Knights; James
virtually every respect, although nothing and Isabella take out one each from their
exceptional. She has been on shooting ranges, positions on the roofs of buildings in the
and is quite competent with guns. Mentally, generator complex.
she is low average, which is why she never got The Storm Knights may start from above as
into college. She is, however, very brave and well, but after one round of combat, the
determined. She does not criticise men, just velociraptors start taking cover, stalking
trying to match or outshine them, and around and looking for weak points and ways
vigorously defends women against Lou’s up. If the Storm Knights take the fight to them,
insults if necessary. things proceed as normal. Otherwise, they find
James takes the lead in greeting the Storm a way into the generator building, leading to
Knights, explaining that the police and soldiers screams of terror from the other workers. This
who were here before chased some attackers should certainly drive the Storm Knights to
into the jungle, and didn’t come back, at least intervene.
not the same. They have seen some of them If the Storm Knights are in serious danger,
since, dressed in loincloths and carrying James or Isabella, or both, get off a lucky shot
spears. Lou is very contemptuous of what they and finish the raptors off. No-one should die in
this encounter.

The way that the Storm Knights perform maneuver 11, stealth 11, taunt (10), trick 10,
affects the workers’ opinions of them. Bravery unarmed combat 11
or competence is enough to get their respect; Move: 12, Tough: 10 (1), Shock: 8, Wounds:
the velociraptors are driven off in the end, even —
if the Storm Knights contribute less than they Equipment: —
hoped, so a courageous fight back is Perks: —
interpreted in the characters’ favour. Similarly,
Possibilities: Never
even if the Storm Knights seem to take a
Special Abilities:
cowardly approach, if it is clearly effective at
• Armour: Scaly hide +1.
getting rid of the predators, the workers are
happy. They can understand the desire to • Bite/Claws: Strength +2 (11)
avoid unnecessary risks. If the Storm Knights
Cosm Cards
are both brave and effective, however, the Core Earth Cosm Cards tend to have
workers are impressed; this may be helpful in mechanically defined effects that require little
the next scene. work from the GM. Two of them have a
particular effect in this scene.
Velociraptors (See Living Land, pages 129– Rousing Speech: The speech inspires the
130) workers, and they are automatically
impressed, as if the Storm Knights had been
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 10, Mind both brave and competent against the
5, Spirit 8, Strength 9 velociraptors. If they were both in any case,
Skills: Dodge 11, find 8, intimidation 9, there is no additional benefit.

Escalation: The velociraptors were part of • Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +2 (12).
an edeinos’s hunting pack. Their master
arrives, riding a triceratops and leading SCENE 2: FACES IN THE
another group of velociraptors, one fewer than
the number of Storm Knights (but at least one).
If this card is played, the Storm Knights’ plot Standard Scene. On the border; depending on
immunity is cancelled, and they can be forced how the scene goes, it could take place in Core
to test for Defeat. This is worth two Earth/Living Land Mixed or Living Land
Possibilities. Dominant, or across the border.
Once the velociraptors have been defeated,
Triceratops the workers go back to tending the generators.
Attributes: Charisma 4, Dexterity 6, Mind 4, Any of them are happy to tell the Storm
Spirit 8, Strength 16 Knights about the sorts of things that come out
Skills: Dodge 11, find 8, intimidation 10, of the jungle to attack the power plant,
maneuver 7, stealth 7, unarmed combat 10 although Lou does it with more insults and
Move: 8; Tough: 19 (3); Shock: 12; Wounds: swear-words than the others. The Storm
3 Knights are expected to organise a watch rota,
Equipment: — and James is disappointed if he has to point
Perks: — this out.
Possibilities: Never The first night is uneventful, if a little eerie.
Special Abilities: The power plant and its surroundings are
• Armor: Bony crest and thick hide +3. brightly lit, to ensure that the Storm Knights
can see any approaching threats, but the rest of
• Charge: +2 damage to an attack after
the city, and the surrounding jungle, is pitch
the creature moves more than a walk.
dark. (There are a few lights on elsewhere in
• Horns: Damage Strength +2 (18).
Philadelphia, but they are not visible from the
• Very Large: Triceratops are up to nine
characters’ position.) It is far from silent,
meters long and 5,000 kg in weight.
however, and howls and roars can be heard
Attacks against them gain a +4 bonus.
from the south, and from across the river.

Edeinos Beast Rider

At 11 am the following day, the Storm
Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 9, Mind 6, Knight on watch sees humans at the edge of
Spirit 8, Strength 10 the jungle. They are moving among the trees,
Skills: Beast riding 11, dodge 10, faith 9, clearly cautious, and a little observation
find 8, intimidation 10, maneuver 10, melee confirms that they are dressed in loincloths,
weapons 11, missile weapons 10, reality 9, tunics, and bikinis of fur and leather, and are
stealth 10, survival 8, tracking 8, unarmed carrying spears.
combat 11 These humans are members of a tribe
Move: 9; Tough: 10; Shock: 8; Wounds: — calling themselves the Horned Hunters. There
are almost three hundred people in the tribe,
Equipment: Hrockt-shoot spear (Damage
all transformed humans, including children
Strength +2/12)
and the elderly, and they are establishing
Perks: Beast Rider
themselves in the region south of the
Possibilities: 2
Philadelphia hardpoint. Most of them are from
Special Abilities: Philadelphia or Camden originally, and
• Beast Affinity: The rider may divert one although they no longer feel at all comfortable
Wound from an attack to hit his mount in Core Earth’s reality, they still feel a sense of
instead of himself.

loyalty to the cities.
The tribe is led by Lauren,
a white woman in her early
forties. She has long blonde
hair, and looks very striking
in her fur bikini. Storm
Knights from the USA with
any adds in computers may
make a computer test with a
DN of 14. If they succeed,
they recognise her: she was
the CEO of Red Hart Intellect,
an artificial intelligence
company that was making
waves before the invasion.
She was particularly famous
for her resistance to being
bought out by the giants of
the field, even though
everyone wanted her
company’s technology. They
also remember a profile article
that covered her participation
in triathlon events. She is
reality-rated, and a talented
and experienced leader, so
her hold on her tribe is firm,
and based on respect rather
than fear. Her transformation
looks as though he should be her muscle, but
did not lessen her desire for independence in
he isn’t. He transformed into a priest of Lanala,
the slightest, and she transitioned from leading
and is her spiritual adviser. He was a youth
a company to leading a tribe without any
worker before the invasion, trying to keep the
trouble. Her goal is to protect her tribe, and
black youth of Philadelphia out of harm’s way,
maintain its independence. She is decisive and
and he never had a very positive impression of
wise unless she is forced to choose between
the city, or the United States. His faith in
those goals; at that point she has no idea what
Lanala builds on that to make him very
to do, and chooses almost at random, feeling
suspicious of the Core Earth region. On the
that indecision is always the worst possible
other hand, Philadelphia was his city, and he
decision. She will not choose obviously
wants it to be safe; he is sure that a lot of
disastrous options, but her ability to choose the
people he knows are still in there. Shin is very
best path is seriously impaired. As the scene
reluctant to make any concessions to the
opens, she is unsure as to whether the Storm
Philadelphian authorities, and thinks that they
Knights are threats or potential allies.
should just take Lauren’s first offer. Although
Shin is her second. He is a tall black man in
Shin is a spiritual adviser, he does not speak in
his thirties, solidly built, and looms over
mysterious riddles; Lanala is a very direct
Lauren, wrapped in a leather cloak. He really
goddess. He puts the tribe above himself in

almost everything, but is not shy about compromise or offer something more in return.
interrupting a conversation if he thinks it is When he hears it, Shin thinks it is a bare
dangerous to the Horned Hunters. minimum. Lou is extremely rude about the
If the Storm Knights came along the Road to proposal, and Lauren, giving the Storm
Philadelphia and rescued Michael, he has joined Knights +2 to the DN of any further tests to
the tribe, and quickly proved himself a persuade the tribe unless they publicly disown
valuable member despite his youth. He and rebuke him (a persuasion test with a DN of
recognises the Storm Knights as soon as they 16, or intimidation with a DN of 8). Doing so
come out of the generator and towards the gives them +2 to the DN of tests to persuade
jungle, and calls out to them. Lauren tells him the workers; they might not like Lou, but he is
to be quiet, but he insists that the Storm one of them, and isn’t running around with the
Knights are friends. enemy. James is deeply suspicious of these
If Michael is not with the Horned Hunters, apparent traitors, but can see the value in
they do not make the first move. They watch getting allies. Isabella is really impressed by
what the Storm Knights do, and respond to Lauren, and wonders what it would be like to
violence with violence, and to offers to talk join the tribe.
with cautious negotiation. The Storm Knights The Storm Knights have to come up with a
are most likely to try to negotiate, and almost solution, and convince Lauren and the workers
certain to do so if Michael is with the tribe, and that it is sensible. They also have to convince
so that option is considered first. Mayor Warren, as she did not anticipate that
they would be negotiating with Living Land
Negotiations humans or give them the authority to do so.
Lauren believes that her tribe has rightful However, if the Storm Knights reach a good
authority over the area in the south of the solution, she ratifies it after the event.
peninsula between the Delaware and Schuykill If Michael is with the tribe, the Storm
rivers, and the right to hunt wherever it wants. Knights have a +2 bonus to any tests to win
She has no objection to the Philadelphia them over. If they were both brave and
authorities controlling the area within the competent in fighting off the velociraptors,
hardpoint; she has no interest in living there they have a +2 bonus to convince the workers.
anymore. On the other hand, she does want If the Storm Knights are Inspirations in
some things from the city. Personally, she Philadelphia, their rolls to convince the
really misses pineapples, and a lot of members workers are Favoured, and they have an Up if
of the tribe miss chocolate. If convinced to they are Heroes. Persuasion is the most likely
negotiate, her starting position is that she skill, but intimidation is also possible. If the
wants the mayor to recognise her tribe’s Storm Knights rely on their own authority and
authority over the whole area between the experience to support a solution, that is
Delaware and Schuykill Rivers, south of the intimidation, even if they are not threatening
hardpoint, its right to hunt in the jungle either side.
wherever it wants, and its right to enter and
The negotiations are run as a Dramatic Skill
leave Philadelphia freely. On the other hand,
Resolution. The Storm Knights have five
she wants the city to ask her permission before
rounds; if they do not have an agreement by
sending anyone into her territory. She also
that point, hot headed elements on both sides
wants the city to send gifts, of pineapples,
start a fight — see later for details.
chocolate, and the other things the tribe
Step A: Convince both sides that
members want.
negotiation is a sensible idea. Neither side
Lauren thinks that she has set her starting
starts off trusting the other. This is an
position high, and is expecting to have to

intimidation or persuasion test against a DN of The workers are not convinced that this is
12. The Storm Knights make one roll, but they sensible. The Storm Knights can simply try
may well have different modifiers for each of again, however. Success: The workers agree
the two groups. As they need to convince both that this sounds reasonable. Complication:
sides, use the least favourable options. No A: James brings up the need to convince Mayor
Lou goes off on a tirade against the tribe, Warren, making it clear to everyone that the
making it impossible for the characters to get a Storm Knights do not have the authority to
word in until they can quiet him down. make a final decision. Possible Setback: The
Failure: One side or the other, maybe both, is workers’ reluctance makes Lauren think that
not convinced. Success: Negotiations can start, the Storm Knights may not be able to deliver,
and Lauren makes her initial proposal. so they must convince her again. Critical
Complication: Lou insults Lauren directly, in Problem: The workers think that the whole
her hearing, making both sides more resistant thing is a waste of time, and the tribe start
to a negotiated solution. muttering the same, which means that the
Step B: Make a counterproposal. See the Storm Knights must start over.
Counterproposals section, later, for examples Step D: The Storm Knights have to work
of the DN to get Lauren to take particular out the details. The is a scholar test with a DN
counterproposals seriously. This step is trying of 14; the agreement has to be clear at Living
to convince the tribe. Again, intimidation or Land Social Axioms while still looking sensible
persuasion can be used. No B: An argument to Core Earth natives, and that is not a trivial
breaks out between some of the workers and task. Lauren remembers the importance of
some of the tribe, and Lauren and the Storm deciding the details, and she insists on this
Knights need to calm it down before they can step. No D: Shin and Lou start arguing with
negotiate any further. Failure: Lauren does not each other, and it starts developing into an
like the counterproposal, or does not trust the alliance of convenience against the agreement.
Storm Knights to deliver it. They must come Lauren and the Storm Knights have to head it
up with a different option to try again. They off. Failure: Either Lauren cannot understand
may either change the proposal, or change the the agreement, or it looks like something
skill they are using to present the proposal. written by a five-year-old to the Storm Knights.
Success: Lauren is happy with this idea. Try again. Success: The two groups have an
Complication: Shin really does not like the agreement, which will last at least until it is
proposal, and interferes with further presented to the mayor. Complication: Isabella
negotiations. Possible Setback/Critical starts criticising Shin for undermining Lauren,
Problem: Lou takes exception to the way Shin which annoys both of them. Possible Setback:
is advising against the compromise, and brings The workers do not like the way that the deal is
some of the other workers with him. This turns being defined, and pull back. They must be
Shin against the negotiations. Everyone needs convinced again. Critical Problem: The need to
to be convinced again. put the deal into “baby talk” makes the
Step C: Sell the workers on the workers think that the whole idea is a waste of
counterproposal. The DN for this depends on time. This destroys Lauren’s confidence in the
the details of the proposal and, again, negotiations so far. They have to start over.
intimidation or persuasion can work. No C: Shin
vigorously opposes the proposed deal, and Counterproposals
The following counterproposals are the sort of
Lauren has to talk him down. The workers are
thing that the characters might suggest. They
not willing to listen as long as the tribe seems
should help you to set reasonable DNs for
likely to reject the proposal anyway. Failure:
whatever they come up with.

Lauren (or raises it to a
minimum of 6), and subtracts
2 from the DN to persuade
the workers. This makes the
mayor happier with the deal.
Access: People from the
city have free access to the
jungle, just as the tribe have
free access to the city. This
adds 4 to the DN to convince
Lauren (or raises it to a
minimum of 8), but does not
affect the DN to persuade the
workers, as they do not want
to go into the jungle anyway.
This makes the mayor
happier with the deal.
Exclusion: The tribe have
to stay out of the city, and
the people in the city have to
stay out of the jungle. This
does not change the DN to
convince Lauren, as her tribe
do not really want to go into
the city, and subtracts 4 from
the DN to persuade the
workers, as it makes them
feel more secure. It makes
Give Lauren What She Wants: The tribe the mayor significantly less
automatically accept, but the base DN to happy with the deal, and she rejects it unless
convince the workers is 18. Mayor Warren will the tribe have also agreed to serve as
not back this up, which will lose the Storm defenders; even then she is disappointed in the
Knights some credit with her. A new Storm Knights. They should have realised that
agreement must be negotiated, but the mayor being unable to send patrols into the area made
sends someone else this time. the city very vulnerable.
Defenders: Give the tribe what they want,
but in return they have to defend the Failure
If a fight breaks out, the Storm Knights and
hardpoint’s southern border. Lauren sees this
Lauren may try to contain things before they
as a natural part of having authority over the
get out of hand. Lauren does so if the
region, so the DN to convince her is 8. The DN
negotiations successfully completed Step B,
to convince the workers is 12. The mayor will
and the Storm Knights are trying to contain
accept this, although she thinks that the Storm
things on their side. The Storm Knights may
Knights have been a bit too generous.
always decide to try to calm things down. If
Trade: Agree to set up trade for the things
Lauren is working with them, the DC is 12, as
the tribe wants, rather than simply giving
the task is difficult, but not impossible. There
them. This adds 2 to the DN to convince
are a variety of things that the Storm Knights

can try. Intimidation and persuasion tests are the river downstream — but is not interested in
most obvious, but unarmed combat to physically going with the Storm Knights, or lending them
separate combatants is also a possibility, and any members of her tribe.
the players may come up with others. If Lauren
is not helping the Storm Knights to calm things Combat
down, the DC is 16. The Storm Knights may decide that the Horned
Hunters are a threat to start with, or the
On a success, things do not develop into a
negotiations may fail, and they may fail to stop
full-blown combat, but there is no chance of
a combat breaking out. In either case, the
negotiation. The Horned Hunters withdraw
Horned Hunters decide that the Storm Knights
into the jungle. If the Storm Knights let them
and workers are the enemy, and fight to drive
go, Lauren turns back at the last minute, and
them away from the tribe’s territory. Making
shouts to the Storm Knights, telling them about
peace is no longer an option.
the Gloucester Point facility (see later). She
only tells them that it is and area of Core Earth In addition to Lauren and Shin, there are
across the river and downstream; they get no two tribespeople, one blowgun wielder, and
other information at all. On a Good success, one warrior for each Storm Knight; other
everyone is wary, but the characters can try to members of the tribe are either not present, or
convince them to return to negotiations. The kept occupied by the workers. The blowgun
Dramatic Skill Resolution must be restarted wielders fall back to the jungle, and attack from
from the beginning, all the DNs are increased range. The tribespeople try to use interaction
by two, and the Storm Knights only have four attacks to make the Storm Knights more
rounds, but at least they have another chance. vulnerable to the warriors, who do the actual
On an Outstanding success, the Storm Knights attacking. For the Living Land, these are
can continue from where they left off, with an sophisticated tactics. Selecting the most
additional three rounds. If they fail at these threatening Storm Knights to attack first,
second chances, Lauren withdraws her tribe however, is too sophisticated, so the
from the negotiations without combat, and tribespeople just attack everyone, one warrior
tells the Storm Knights what she knows about per Storm Knight. If one warrior falls, four of
the Gloucester Point facility, as for a success. the tribespeople swarm that Storm Knight, but
if two fall, the tribe breaks for the jungle.
On a failure, or if the Storm Knights do not
Lauren and Shin use their abilities to support
try to calm things down, the Horned Hunters
the warriors, as they are not the best fighters in
scatter for the jungle, and things proceed as
the group.
described in the Combat section, later.
The Storm Knights may just let the tribe run,
Success or they may pursue. If they pursue, Dexterity
Lauren is pleased to have an agreement that tests with a DN of 10 are needed before each
recognises her tribe, and tells the Storm attack, to represent getting into position and
Knights that there is a separate area across the dodging around the trees. (In addition, the
river where the jungle has no hold. It is a place Storm Knights are definitely in the Living Land
where the burning water that the use in their at this point.) Pursuit takes the Storm Knights
building was kept, and she thinks that there is to the bank of the Delaware within five rounds,
still a lot of it there. However, there are still from where they can see the Gloucester Point
people in there as well, and some edeinos facility. The oil tanks and tanker sitting at
trying to dislodge them. If asked, she anchor are clear, as is the absence of jungle.
remembers seeing a really big metal boat in the
water as well. She can easily give directions — Lauren
cross the Walt Whitman Bridge and follow the

Attributes: Charisma 10, Dexterity 8, Mind
8, Spirit 8, Strength 6 Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 8, Mind 7,
Skills: Dodge 9, find 9, intimidation 9, Spirit 7, Strength 8
maneuver 9, melee weapons 9, persuasion 13, Skills: Dodge 8, find 8, intimidation 8,
reality 9, survival 11, taunt 13, unarmed maneuver 8, melee weapons 9, missile
combat 9, willpower 10 weapons 10, survival 8, unarmed combat 9
Move: 7, Tough: 8, Shock: 7, Wounds: 2 Move: 7, Tough: 8, Shock: 7, Wounds: —
Equipment: Hrockt shoot spear (Damage Equipment: Blowgun (Damage Strength/8),
Strength +2/8) hrockt shoot spear (Damage Strength +2/10)
Perks: Bolster, Helper, Rally Perks: —
Possibilities: 2 Possibilities: Never
Special Abilities: — Special Abilities: —

Shin Tribal Warriors

Attributes: Charisma 9, Dexterity 7, Mind 7, Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 7, Mind 7,

Spirit 11, Strength 6 Spirit 7, Strength 10
Skills: Dodge 9, faith 14, find 8, Skills: Dodge 8, find 8, intimidation 8,
intimidation 12, melee weapons 8, persuasion maneuver 8, melee weapons 10, survival 8,
12, survival 8, taunt 11, unarmed combat 8 unarmed combat 8
Move: 7, Tough: 8, Shock: 7, Wounds: — Move: 7, Tough: 8, Shock: 7, Wounds: —
Equipment: Hrockt shoot spear (Damage Equipment: Hrockt shoot spear (Damage
Strength +2/8) Strength +2/12)
Perks: Miracles (bless, healing, shape plant, Perks: Relentless
soothe, ward enemy) Possibilities: Never
Possibilities: None Special Abilities: —
Special Abilities: —


Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 7,

Mind 7, Spirit 7, Strength 8
Skills: Dodge 8, find 8, intimidation
8, maneuver 8, melee weapons 9,
survival 8, unarmed combat 8
Move: 7, Tough: 8, Shock: 7,
Wounds: —
Equipment: Hrockt shoot spear
(Damage Strength +2/10)
Perks: —
Possibilities: Never
Special Abilities: —

Blowgun Wielders

only a few hundred metres to the facility, so
SCENE 3: FILL ’ER UP the journey takes less than an hour, and no
Standard Scene, Mostly Living Land rolls are needed (again, unless a Cosm Card
Dominant, but with some parts in Core Earth says otherwise).
Dominant or Core Earth/Living Land Mixed.
When the Storm Knights hear about the The Attackers
possibility of rescuing some more refugees, There are edeinos from the Redjaw Tribe
and finding a lot more fuel for the city’s probing the hardpoint for weaknesses, aiming
generators, they should be keen to go and to kill the humans and let the jungle take the
investigate. If they contact the mayor, she area. However, they do not like being within
sends some more police to help guard the the hardpoint, and the defenders have
generator while the Storm Knights look for firearms, so things have not gone very quickly.
more fuel. She does not criticise them even if The leader of the edeinos, Samnak, wants all
they just leave, because a realistic possibility of the glory of taking this place for himself, so he
more fuel is a very high priority for has not called in reinforcements.
investigation. The Storm Knights should make a survival
https://goo.gl/maps/51tCpU7B8BG2 test with a DN of 12 as they approach the
hardpoint. Lauren warned them about the
The Gloucester Point facility is where
edeinos, so they are on the alert, but the jungle
Lauren said, and it is a Core Earth hardpoint.
may still make it hard to see. On a mishap, the
However, it is not very large, and only about
edeinos spot them and move quietly into
50 m across, and it is failing, as the forces of
position for an ambush, trapping them some
Baruk Kaah press to take over. The Storm
distance from the hardpoint. On a failure, the
Knights have to travel to the location, defeat
Storm Knights are within twenty metres of the
the edeinos who are attacking it, rescue the
hardpoint, and can see it, when the ambush is
defenders, and get oil back to the main
launched, and they can try to run to the
hardpoint during the combat. On a success, the
Travel to the facility is uneventful unless
Storm Knights spot the edeinos as well, and
someone plays a Cosm Card that causes
can delay the beginning of combat until they
problems. The Walt Whitman bridge is
are within running distance of the hardpoint.
fundamentally sound, but completely
On a Good success, the Storm Knights avoid
overgrown. Brightly coloured birds fly from
the edeinos completely, but know where they
tree to tree, and long creepers hang down
are, and can move to ambush them near the
towards the river, where large reptilian shapes
hardpoint boundary. On an Outstanding
move in the water. In places, the plants have
Success, the Storm Knights can ambush the
bored into the structure of the bridge, allowing
edeinos from within the hardpoint.
characters and animals to climb down inside,
If at least one human Storm Knight enters
and even through the whole structure.
the hardpoint during the combat, the
Pterodactyls fly constantly to and fro overhead.
defenders join in on the Storm Knights’ side.
On the other side, the characters pass
This effectively removes five of the edeinos
through an overgrown container port, with a
warriors from the combat, as they are either
container ship sunk at the river side, hundreds
engaged by the defenders, or taken out. (Do
of lizards the size of cats running over,
not roll for inter-NPC combat.)
through, and around the shipping containers
Samnak leads a gotak and ten ordinary
that are still sitting on it. The jungle thickens
edeinos warriors. They have no meaningful
even further beyond that, and the Storm
ranged combat ability, beyond throwing
Knights cannot tell what was there before. It is
spears, which is one of the main reasons why

the defenders have managed to survive this Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 9, Mind 6,
long. Spirit 11, Strength 10
Skills: Dodge 10, faith 14,
find 8, intimidation 13,
manoeuvre 11, melee
weapons 11, missile weapons
11, survival 9, unarmed
combat 11
Move: 9, Tough: 12 (2),
Shock: 11, Wounds: 1
Equipment: Hrockt-shoot
spear (Damage Strength
+2/12), hrockt-root armour
(Armour +2, Torso)
Perks: Gotak (curse, strike,
ward enemy)
Possibilities: No
Special Abilities:
• Bite/Claws: Damage
Strength +2 (12).

Edeinos Warriors

Attributes: Charisma 5,
Dexterity 9, Mind 6, Spirit 8, Strength 10
Samnak, Redjaw War-Scarred Skills: Beast riding 10, dodge 10, faith 9,
find 8, intimidation 10, manoeuvre 10, melee
Attributes: Charisma 8, Dexterity 11, Mind weapons 11, missile weapons 10, stealth 10,
7, Spirit 11, Strength 12 survival 8, tracking 8, unarmed combat 11
Skills: Beast riding 12, dodge 12, faith 12, Move: 9; Tough: 10; Shock: 10; Wounds: —
intimidation 12, manoeuvre 12, melee weapons Equipment: Hrockt shoot spear (Strength
14, missile weapons 14, stealth 12, survival 8, +2/12)
tracking 8, trick 11, unarmed combat 13 Perks: Whirlwind
Move: 11, Tough: 14 (2), Shock: 11, Possibilities: None
Wounds: 1 Special Abilities:
Equipment: Hrockt-shoot spear (Damage • Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +2 (12).
Strength +2/14), Tortoise shell shield (+2
Defense) The Defenders
Perks: Scarred, Stone Skin There are only seven Core Earth humans left at
Possibilities: 2 the facility. Lydia Lee is the captain of the
Special Abilities: tanker moored in the river, and three members
• Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +2 (14). of her crew are with her. Myron Dalton was
the shift supervisor at the facility, and there are
another couple of staff with him.
Redjaw Gotak
Lydia is the informal leader of the

defenders. She is a short and overweight answer to that. Her moment of crisis was when
Asian-American woman in her fifties, and was the Gloucester Point facility was first attacked,
in the middle of a delivery when the world and she stepped up to lead the defence. She is
changed. She is reality-rated, and has the Realm confident, somewhat abrasive, and perfectly
Runner Perk, but has no idea what that means. willing to abandon the facility.
Lydia was born in New York city, but always Myron is an African-American man in his
wanted to travel and see new places; she hitch- late twenties. He wears a pride pin, even
hiked across the US when she was sixteen, and though he is straight and cis, and is very
when she graduated high school she signed up concerned about creating welcoming and safe
with a shipping company. Gender equality spaces for everyone, even white folk. He went
legislation meant that they had to give her the to college, and was on the graduate track in the
job, but this was the eighties, and there were company, which is why he is the supervisor
nude pin-ups in the common room on the ship despite being younger than everyone else. He
and lewd comments throughout the day. So keeps in reasonable shape, and is an
Lydia got pin-ups of men, and insisted that her enthusiastic weekend shooter down at the
crewmates make room for her posters. (She range; he shoots as well as Lydia, although she
still has male pin-up posters in her cabin; teases him that she learned by shooting at
official policy made her take them down from things trying to eat her. He is now getting the
the common rooms a few years back, and same practice. Despite what stereotypes might
despite raising an almighty fuss she couldn’t lead one to expect, he has been perfectly
get the company to back down.) She worked competent at his job, and is a good second-in-
hard, was no-nonsense, and was promoted. command to Lydia now; he quickly recognised
Personally, she reckons she would have made that she had much more crisis experience than
captain about five years earlier had she been he did.
male, but she made captain several years ago Lydia calls Myron “Snowflake”, and keeps
nevertheless, and has taken goods all over the hitting on him in a very direct way. This makes
world. Modern ships do not need a large crew, him uncomfortable, but he has no idea how to
but her crews are normally mixed gender, and respond. He has actually considered
Lydia refers to any millennials on the roster as pretending to be gay, although he suspects that
“snowflakes”, independent of whether they Lydia would just declare that he needed a real
really do behave like that. She believes that woman. (He is right.) His family live in
people have to be tough enough to take what Philadelphia, so he is enthusiastic about any
life throws at them, rather than trying to get plan that has a good chance of getting him
life to be gentler. One could say that she is there safely, and he has no problem with
feeling really vindicated right now. transferring the oil stored here to somewhere it
Lydia has never married, although she has can do some good.
had a number of affairs. (If asked, she lies and If the Storm Knights tell the defenders about
says never with crewmembers.) She has never the power plant, it is easy to persuade them to
wanted to settle down, and she is now rather start transporting the oil across the river. Lydia
glad that she doesn’t have anyone else to will, naturally, captain her ship, and she can
worry about. She even travelled on her off- show any character how to operate the tanker
time, so she is good with land vehicles and a that is moored at the power station. Over the
qualified pilot, as well as a highly skilled ship’s course of a couple of days, the characters can
captain. However, she was starting to feel transfer enough oil to completely fill all the
unsatisfied. She was doing what she wanted, tanks at the Southwark and Delaware
and had achieved her ambitions, but what Generating Stations, and fill both tankers. That
now? The Possibility Wars may provide an

does not move all the oil out of the Gloucester point, and disappears into the jungle if the
Point facility, but it gets most of it. This takes a characters make any threatening moves. It
total of five trips from the Gloucester Point reports back, and Baruk Kaah, aware of what
facility, and thus four trips to it, as Lydia’s ship these actions could mean, orders an attack on
starts there. Each trip takes an hour or so, and the power plant.
loading or unloading the oil takes several
hours, so each ship can make one round trip Cosm Cards
per day. Dino Attack!: A mosasaurus attacks the ship
being piloted by one of the player character
Each journey in a ship that takes it into or
Storm Knights. The character piloting the ship
out of the Living Land requires a water vehicles
may participate in the combat, but the ship
test with a DN of 8. One of the players should
may transform if they disconnect. Because of
make the rolls for Lydia, and may spend
this risk, the encounter is worth three
Destiny cards on her behalf. On a failure,
Possibilities. This can also be used as the result
something goes wrong, and the character must
of an even roll after playing the What Was
make another test to set things right. Repeated
That Sound? Cosm Card.
failures simply require repeated rolls, until the
character succeeds. Lydia has a +16
bonus to these rolls (Dexterity 11,
water vehicles +5), and so almost
certainly has no problem. If the pilot
is from Core Earth, like Lydia,
however, they disconnect on a 1;
pilots from other Cosms may
disconnect on a 1–4. This is very
dangerous, because the whole ship
starts to phase in and out. There is a
–4 penalty to the reconnection roll
because the Storm Knight is in a
Dominant Zone, and they roll every
ten seconds. Lydia has a +14 bonus
to these rolls (Spirit 9, reality +1, +4
from Realm Runner Perk). If the
Storm Knight can reconnect within
thirty seconds (three rolls), all is
well. If not, the ship turns into a
very large dugout canoe, and cannot
transport any more oil. (These rolls
take the place of the normal disconnection rolls
required when crossing realm boundaries.) Mosasaurus
Note that the characters are very unlikely to
actually lose a ship to transformation, but they Attributes: Charisma 4, Dexterity 10, Mind
should be afraid of it. 5, Spirit 9, Strength 16
While the ships are in motion, the Storm Skills: Dodge 12, intimidation 13, find 8,
Knight with the highest Mind spots an edeinos manoeuvre 12, stealth 12, taunt (10), tracking 8,
watching them from the forests on the shore. unarmed combat 12
The creature makes no move to attack at this Move: 10, Tough: 17 (1), Shock: 13,

Wounds: 4 the characters can feel things striking the hull,
Equipment: — making the whole ship shake. The pilot must
Perks: — make at least one water vehicles test with a DN
Possibilities: Never of 14 to keep control of the ship and get it out
of the dangerous rapids. A single success is
Special Abilities:
sufficient, but if the pilot fails three times, the
• Armour: Scaly skin +1.
ship is damaged, imposing a –2 penalty on all
• Bite: Damage Strength +3 (19)
further water vehicles tests for that ship,
• Dread: While the mosasaurus is including later trips along the river. Another
present, any Standard Scene failure increases the penalty to –4, and a fifth
immediately becomes a Dramatic failure means that the ship has been holed, and
Scene. is starting to sink.
• Fins: Move 12 in the water. Other characters on the ship can try to help.
• Very Large: Most adult specimens are This is a big ship, so they are a long way above
up to 23 metres long or larger. Attacks the water, but there are poles, small boats, and
against them gain a +4 bonus. ladders on the hull so that the crew can try to
deal with these problems. Every other Storm
The Deep Mist: The Mist descends on the Knight on the ship may make a single test
river, making navigation difficult. The before each of the pilot’s tests (that is, one
characters must succeed on three water vehicles before the first test, one before the second if the
tests, rather than one, to make it to their first fails, and so on). These tests may use any
destination. The first time one of these tests is skill or attribute that the player can justify, and
failed, the ship is attacked by a flock of twelve have a DN of 12. Each success gives the pilot a
pterodactyls. (Treat them as a mob.) This is +2 bonus to their next test. If that test fails
worth three Possibilities because of the risk of anyway, all bonuses are lost, and new actions
disconnection. must be tried to help out.
This is worth two Possibilities.
Pterodactyl Lost Treasure: The Gloucester Point facility
has a stock of spare parts for both the ships
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 12, Mind and the power plants. These can be loaded
3, Spirit 8, Strength 6 onto either ship and taken to the Southwark
Skills: Dodge 13, find 9, intimidation 8, Generating Station, where they ensure the
manoeuvre 13, survival 7, taunt (10), unarmed continued usability of the plant.
combat 13
Move: 8, Tough: 6, Shock: 8, Wounds: — SCENE 4: FIGHT FOR
Equipment: — LIGHT
Perks: — Dramatic Scene, Core Earth/Living Land
Possibilities: Never Mixed
Special Abilities: The Saar knows the importance of the
• Bite/Claws: Strength +1 (7). generating stations to Philadelphia, even if his
• Flight: Speed 16 in the air. followers have no idea, and understands how
vulnerable the Southwark Generating Station
Perils of the Living Land: The flow of the is. He launches a significant attack, hoping to
river below the player characters’ ship destroy it, and possibly push the boundary of
suddenly becomes very rough, like rapids, and the hardpoint back a bit.

This is the climactic scene of the act, a fight Lauren reminds them of that, and refuses,
against the forces of the Living Land in and citing the risk to her tribe. If they did not
around the generating station. The fight is the suggest it earlier, and can come up with
same no matter what has happened previously something to offer Lauren, then a persuasion
in the adventure, but its significance changes. test with a DN of 18 makes them into allies at
If the Storm Knights enlisted the Horned the last minute, allowing the Storm Knights to
Hunters as defenders of the city in scene two, save the generator. As an example, the Storm
they fulfil their role, and the forces that reach Knights could promise to give Lauren
the station are the ones that get past the tribe. If everything she initially asked for, if they had
the Storm Knights can defeat them, the earlier extracted concessions. If you think that
generating station is safe. their offer is particularly tempting, you can
Otherwise, there are just too many attackers, give them a bonus to the roll.
and the Storm Knights will have to abandon
the station. If the Horned Hunters are friendly The Attack
The edeinos are cautious about advancing into
to the characters, but not committed to being
Core Earth territory, because they know what
defenders, they warn them about the
firearms can do. The plan is to send in some
approaching forces. This allows time to
big dinosaurs to distract the Storm Knights,
prepare an orderly evacuation; if the characters
and ideally kill them, while the edeinos go in
defeat the first wave of attackers, they can
to mop up survivors and break things in the
withdraw from the station with a tanker full of
oil and a wide range of spare parts,
They have herded a T. rex and a mosasaurus
guaranteeing the Delaware Station’s operation
to the area, and drive them towards the Storm
for some time. They may also be able to rig a
Knights. The mosasaurus cannot leave the
trap for the next wave of attackers.
If the Horned Hunters
are hostile, the characters
get no warning at all. The
attackers know that they
have surprise on their side,
and wait for more warriors
to get into place before
attacking, so that there is no
clear first wave. Instead the
Storm Knights must hold
out for as long as possible,
before making a daring
escape on the oil tanker.
In all cases, the Storm
Knights know the stakes in

A Little Help, Here?

The Storm Knights may ask
friendly Horned Hunters to
help defend the city at this
point. If they tried and
failed to get this earlier,

water, so it can be avoided, but it does make it and then hold the edeinos off for ten rounds
harder to get people onto the ship for without support from the other Core Earth
evacuation, and it is impossible to leave that denizens. Finally, they make Strength or
way until the dinosaur is defeated. The T. rex Dexterity tests to leap onto the ship and get
simply tries to rampage through the generating away. If these tests fail, the Storm Knights must
station. wait another round before trying again. If they
Five of the edeinos are mounted on lakten, are being attacked by edeinos as this happens,
trained to drop stones as bombs. These use the multi-action penalties may apply.
rider’s missile weapons and deal 13 damage to a
Medium Blast. However, the lakten cannot Lakten
“reload” during the combat. The flying edeinos
hang back, and attack if the Storm Knights Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 11, Mind
seem to be distracted by the T. rex and 4, Spirit 7, Strength 12
Mosasaurus. After dropping the bombs, they
Skills: Dodge 13, intimidation 9, find 9,
attack by throwing hrockt-shoot spears, and
maneuver 12, unarmed combat 12
they have seven strapped to the lakten. They
Move: 11; Tough: 13 (1); Shock: 9; Wounds:
use all of these as ranged weapons, if possible,
before closing to use their claws.
Equipment: —
The remaining ten edeinos are stealthy
Perks: —
scouts, and plan to sneak inside the building to
break things while the Storm Knights are busy Possibilities: Never
with the obvious threats outside. Special Abilities:
The other Core Earth people at the station • Armor: Scaly skin +1.
are mainly concerned with evacuating or • Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +2 (14).
staying safe, but they can alert the Storm • Flight: Flies at Move 13.
Knights, and also engage the edeinos so that no • Large: Most adult specimens have a
Storm Knight is attacked by more than two wingspan over five meters. Attacks
edeinos at a time, or attacked by edeinos while against them gain a +2 bonus.
fighting one of the large dinosaurs — unless
the Storm Knights are doing really well and Tyrannosaurus Rex
need some more peril.
The Storm Knights may choose to abandon Attributes: Charisma 4, Dexterity 9, Mind 4,
the power station if they are being Spirit 10, Strength 17
overwhelmed; if they had warning, they can
Skills: Dodge 10, intimidation 15, find 8,
evacuate by withdrawing from the fight and
manoeuvre 10, stealth 10, taunt (9), tracking 9,
running for the ship, as long as the mosasaurus
unarmed combat 12
has been defeated. They can also just run into
Move: 11; Tough: 20 (3); Shock: 14;
the city; the dinosaurs and edeinos do not
Wounds: 4
follow, but they do destroy the plant.
Equipment: —
If the Storm Knights had no warning of the
Perks: —
attack, another edeinos warrior (see earlier for
statistics) arrives every round, but they hang Possibilities: Never
back, in the jungle, as long as the large Special Abilities:
dinosaurs are keeping the Storm Knights busy. • Armor: Scaly skin +3.
The Storm Knights must defeat the T. rex and • Bite: Damage Strength +3 (20).
mosasaurus before the evacuation can happen, • Dread: When the mighty tyrannosaur is

present, any Standard Scene
immediately becomes a Dramatic Scene EPILOGUE
instead. There are a range of possible outcomes to this
• Fear: The predatory teeth and roar of a adventure. The mayor responds as described
tyrannosaur trigger instinctive terror. earlier, and the Storm Knights may become
Test Spirit or become Very Stymied. Heroes.
• Very Large: Most adult specimens are If the Storm Knights recruited the Horned
up to 18 meters long. Attacks against Hunters as defenders, saved the Southwark
plant, and brought in the oil from
Gloucester Point, they have
achieved a Great Success.
Philadelphia has more power
available, and more confidence.
With the Horned Hunters on their
side, there is no longer any need to
station Storm Knights to defend the
Southwark plant, freeing them up
for other tasks.
If they saved the Southwark
plant but did not bring oil across
from Gloucester Point, they achieve
a Success. Things continue as before
in the city.
If they brought the oil across but
did not save the Southwark plant,
they achieve a Tragic Success.
Nothing changes immediately, but
the city is more vulnerable, and the
power is less reliable.
them gain a +4 bonus.
Most other results are Heroic Failures. The
city has to ration power more tightly, and the
Edeinos Scouts Living Land border moves in a bit, covering
the site of the Southwark Generating Station.
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 10, Mind
6, Spirit 8, Strength 9 VIGNETTES
Skills: Beast riding 10, dodge 11, faith 9, The following vignettes can be used to
find 8, intimidation 10, manoeuvre 11, melee illustrate the results of the Storm Knights’
weapons 11, missile weapons 12, stealth 13, actions. There is nothing particular for a
survival 8, tracking 8, unarmed combat 11 Success, because nothing changes in that case.
Move: 9; Tough: 9; Shock: 10; Wounds: —
Equipment: Hrockt shoot spear (Strength Great Success
+2/12) The extra fuel means that the city can afford to
Perks: Chameleon Skin power more things. Running water is restored
to the whole city, as is plumbed sewerage. In
Possibilities: None
addition, there is enough power to restore the
Special Abilities:
cell phone network during daylight, and
• Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +2 (12).

connect it, via satellite, to the rest of the world. Knights can try to calm things down. This can
The mayor announces that the network will be be done with persuasion or intimidation, the
turned on at dawn in two days’ time, and left latter indicating the use of authority rather
on until sunset the following day. than simply trying to scare them. The DN is 10
At dawn, the Storm Knights and the if the Storm Knights go out immediately, 12 if
Lakhanis are poised in the living room. As they wait a bit, and 14 if the crowd is already
soon as their phones show that they have talking about marching on City Hall.
signal, they try to connect. Test Dexterity with a If the crowd does march on City Hall, the
DN of 16. A success means that the character mayor has to call out the police and the army
manages to connect; failure means that they to stop it turning into a riot. People do go
were too slow, and the overwhelmed network home, but the mood in the city sours.
blocks them. Over the next few hours, things
calm down, and the Storm Knights may be able Failure
to make contact with friends and relatives in The water is turned off through almost the
areas that still have internet. entire city, as there is not enough power
available to run the pumps. The Storm Knights
Tragic Success have to queue for the communal baths or
The Storm Knights are at home, with the toilets, and collect water from a standpipe to
Lakhanis, during their assigned period for take back home. The people in the queues are
power. Ask them all what they are doing. tense, and a fist fight breaks out between two
Suddenly, there is a power cut, affecting the men over who was there first. The Storm
whole area. This is very frustrating, even Knights can try to calm the situation, either
though it is daytime, so it is still light, and through words or by banging heads together
people start spilling onto the streets, until people see sense. The DN for these tests is
complaining loudly about the situation. 10. If they do not, the fighting spreads, and the
If the Storm Knights ignore the situation, police have to wade in, and start patrolling the
the crowd becomes even more annoyed, and queues more tightly. Most of the people
starts to talk about marching to City Hall and waiting now look subdued and fearful, of the
demanding that something be done. The Storm police.


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