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3 markers:

1. What is metaethics?

a branch of moral philosophy that explores the foundations, and moral values, properties,
and words.

2. What is deontology?

Deontology claims that actions are right or wrong in themselves, not depending on their
consequences. We have moral duties to do things which are right to do and moral duties not
to do things which are wrong to do.

3. What are the claims of hedonistic act utilitarianism?

That we should morally should perform an act if and only i the act produces more pleasure
than any alternative act available to you

5 markers:

5. Explain Bentham's mechanism for making a moral decision

He believed that we were naturally equipped with reasoning to make decisions and if the
consequences of an action are good, then the act is moral and if the consequences
are bad, the act is immoral.

6. Explain the key ideas of Mill’s qualitative act utilitarianism

Mill argued that certain “pleasures” and “pains” were of greater consequence than others,
even if there was no quantifiable proof of their increased importance

7. Outline Mill’s proof of utilitarianism

He relies on the evidence from observation that people desire their own happiness, the
greater happiness of mankind and for that reason we should all observe utilitarianism

8. Explain Moore’s objection to Mill’s proof of utilitarianism

He accuses mill of equivocation saying that “desirable” does not mean “desired,” and
secondly, that even if something is desirable if and only if it is desired, it is fallacious to infer
that “desirable” means “desired.”

9. Explain how Nozick’s experience machine thought experiment challenges hedonism

It says that there is more to human pleasure than just happiness, by stating that if people
were presented with a machine which stimulates an artificial world where the user only
experiences pleasure, when given the option most people would decline as we value other
things and real life experience rather than pure pleasure.

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