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7th Grade Cause and Effect Writing Prompts

 What choices did your grandparents make that got you where you are today?
 Think of the last weather cancellation at your school. What happened on that day
because of the change in plans?
 How does drug or alcohol abuse harm families?
 What causes kids to have a good relationship with their parents?
 What is something your sibling or cousin did that affected you?
 How did your choice of breakfast affect your day?
 If they passed a law saying school had to go year-round, how would that change
your life?
 Everyone knows bullying is bad, but what makes it happen?
 Why are people comforted by owning animals?
 Why do some kids rebel against their school or parents?
 If kids are too busy and over-scheduled, how does this affect their school work?
 How will climate change affect your life?
 What causes kids to get braces, and how do braces affect kids' lives?
 How do cell phones affect family relationships?
 Why do some children give up on school?
 Pick a historical figure. How did that person change the world?
 Think of a decision you made that had unintended consequences. What
 How did the internet change the way people live?
 Think of an invention, such as the printing press, sewing machine, car, or home
computer. How did this invention change the world?
 How does studying for a test change your grade? Why?

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