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Metal Rose



Before beginning
make sure you
have the follow
Safety equipment

 Gloves
 Hearing protection
 Safety Glasses
Step 1: Gathering materials

The first you should do before

starting this project is to gather
the necessary materials which
are Sheet Metal and a
Welding rod as well as a
Step 2: Cutting
Sheet Metal
The first thing you want to do
is to cut out with your sheet
metal 3.5 by 3.5 squares four
times with metal shears. How
you can do this is by measuring
out one of the squares to 3.5
cm and then setting the back
fence of the shears to the edge
of the first square thus making
cutting the other three out
easier. You also want to keep
your hands a fair distance
away from the shears when
cutting so make sure to wear
safety gloves. After cutting be
sure to pick up your pieces from
the ground.
Step 3: Marking Circles
onto the Squares

Afteryou are done cutting out the pieces needed

you want to draw circles onto them, be sure that you
can clearly see the lines on the metal and if you are
having trouble drawing a circle, you can use
something circular and trace it out such as a cup.
Step 4: Cutting
into circles
After your done drawing
out the circle, you want to
cut the pieces out with a
pair of tin snips make sure
to wear safety gloves and
eye protection, so you
won't injure yourself.
Step 5: Engraving

Afteryou're done with cutting out the circles, you

want to engrave one of your pieces with an
engraver, wear hearing protection when using the
engraver so you won't damage your hearing.
Step 6: Determining
Center Point on the Rose

Once you have done all that, you need to figure

out where the center of your rose petals are to be
able to drill the holes later. Do so accurately put a
piece onto the corner of the table and line it up with
a ruler on the 45-degree angle, once you have
figured the center out draw a line and spin it, so the
first line is facing in the opposite direction and draw
another and where those cross is the center, repeat
this for the rest of the pieces.
Step 7: Center Punching
the Rose

Once you have determined your center you want

to get a center punch and hammer. What you want
to do is on an anvil or solid surface line up the center
punch on the "x" and give it a solid hit with the
hammer once, wear hearing protection and safety
gloves as to not damage yourself.
Step 8 + 9: Marking +
Cutting the Petals

Once punched you

want to draw out eight
petals from the center
and with a pair of tin snips
cut out the marking, when
cutting wear safety gloves
as to not cut yourself
either with the tin snips or
on the sharp metal.
Step 10: Rounding
the Petals

Once cut using a pair of

rounded tin snips get rid of
the sharp edges and
round out the all the
petals, wear safety gloves
so you don't cut yourself.
Step 11: Detailing
the Petals
Once you have rounded
the petals using a
chipping hammer you
want to detail the petals
to make them look more
realistic, wear hearing
protection and safety
gloves, you want to
hammer on the edge of
the jaws of the vice so the
petals can curve upwards
and could also hit it with
the other side of the
hammer to make them
look more real.
Step 12: Marking out the

Once you're done with the details of the petals it's

time to create the star and to do so you want to get
a piece of sheet metal and draw a five or six pointed
star onto the metal, make sure to draw it large and
Step 13: Cutting out the

Once done drawing the star out you need to cut it

out with a pair of tin snips and wear safety gloves to
not cut yourself
Step 14 + 15: Once you hav e cut it out you need to determine
the center of the star and to do so you can use the
Determining Center same trick as when figuring out the center of the
circles and once you hav e determined the center

Point and Center point, you're going to center punch the star and just
like with the circles you want to wear hearing
protection and safety glov es and line up the punch
Punching the Star with the center giv e it a solid tap with the hammer.
Step 16: Detailing the Star

Once punched you want to detail the star and to

do that you want to use two pliers so that you can
crush the edges of the star. Use safety gloves as to
not injure yourself.
Step 17: Drilling the Rose
Petals and Star

Once you have completed all the other steps, you

can begin to drill the holes into the petals and star
and to do this you want to use a 1/8 drill bit for the
holes and when drilling, wear hearing protection and
safety gloves, use a pair of vice grips to hold the
petals and star steady when drilling and when drilling
don't add a lot of pressure as this could break the
drill bit and let it go down naturally, only adding a
little pressure when necessary.
Step 18: Turning the petals
into bowls

After drilling, you want to use a mold and hammer

with a rounded end and hammer the petals into the
mold, so they become bowl shaped thus making
them more realistic.
Step 19 + 20: Measuring
and Cutting out the Stem

Once everything with the petals and star are

finished, it's time to make the stem, So with some
welding wire you want to cut out 12 inches of it and
using a pair of pliers, having some difficultly cutting
the wire is going to happen but it will cut after some
time and pressure.
Step 21: Detailing the

Once cutting use a hammer and hit the stem to

detail it and wear hearing protection and safety
glove to not damage yourself.
Step 22: Looping
the Stem
Once detailed, it's time
to loop the stem so go
down a couple inches
and with a pair of pliers do
a small loop, this is so the
star and petals have a
place to rest on.
Step 23, 24 & 25: Assembling the rose, Bending the stem and Folding
the petals in

It's time to assemble the rose, the first thing you

want to do is to is place the pieces onto the stem
with the star going down first, plus you want to
bend the edges of the star down, after the pieces
are in place you want to bend the bit of the stem
that’s sticking out, so the rose won't fall off. After
that’s done you want to take a petal and wrap it
around the bent stem so it's secure after you'v e
done that you want to wrap the rest of the petals
around it and be sure to make it tight so use two
pairs of pliers with the third layer you don’t hav e to
do it as tight. Once all the petals are wrapped up
with the outer layers you want to bend the edges
of the petal's outwards. Wear safety glov es during
the entire process.
Step 26 + 27: Drawing
& Cutting out the

With the rose nearly

done the only thing
remaining are the leaves.
Using any leftover metal
draw out leaves for the
petals they can be any
size you want them to be.
Once drawn cut out with
tin snips and wear safety
Step 28: Detailing
the leaves
Once they are cut out
you want to detail the
leaves using a chipping
hammer and use the
same process of detailing
as when you did with the
Step 29: Sandblasting

Once you have done everything, it's time to

sandblast the rose and leaves, wear hearing
protection, use a pair of vice grips to hold the rose
and leaves as if you held them with gloves, you
would damage the gloves by putting holes into
them, why we sandblast them is to get rid of any
markings applied by the manufacturing plant or
during the process of making the rose. To make the
process more effective be sure to turn the rose
around so all sides are sandblasted.
Step 30: Welding the leaves to the
rose stem

Now that you're done sandblasting the last thing you need to do is weld the
leaves to the stem. The first thing to do is get some tape and tape the leaves
onto the stem, you also want to get some tape and write your name on the
tape and wrap it around the rose, after that you want to tell the teacher that
you need to weld the leaves onto the rose and they 'll do it for you.
Final product

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