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CB DSE History (1)

WWI: Introduction to 19th Century Europe

1. Ideologies
Hero-worship and belligerence  Legacy of FrRev
Bonapartism Revolutionary motto: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
 mould the making of modern Europe

Romanticism Emancipation of individual sentiment  abandonment of reason

Conservatism Congress of Vienna (1815)  re-establishment of democracy

Seeking of individual rights and liberty

Liberalism Obstacles: terrorism, religious opposition
Development: It & Ger unifications

Supreme loyalty to nation state

(a) Moderation: unification or independence of common race
Nationalism (b) Aggression: manipulation of people towards the nation
Obstacles: Suppression of conservatists
Development: (a) It & Ger unifications, (b) rivalries 1871-1914

Social The strong survive and the weak perish

Darwinism Anticipate competition between Br & Ger in the later 19C
CB DSE History (1)

2. National analysis

Hegemony  maintain naval and colonial supremacy (Industrial Rev)

Splendid isolationism  immunity from continental EUR affairs
1. Britain Hostility with Ger  competition (SDism)
1890s: Abandonment of SI ⸪ infringement of interest
(Anglo-Japanese Alliance 1902, Entente Cordiale 1904, etc.)

Pan-Germanism  unite all EUR Germans

2. Germany Hostility with Br  competition (SDism)
1897: Wilhelm II world policy  territorial expansion

Revanchism  Resentment towards Ger due to loss in FP War (1871)

3. France Isolation by Ger via alliance system until 1890
Interest in colonies in North Africa

Multi-ethnic empire
4. Austria- (a) National decline due to rise of nationalism
Hungary (b) AH desire of Balkan expansion to protect national integrity
Ally with Ger (same ethnicity)

Pan-Slavism  support Balkan independence (Slavic brethren)

5. Russia Conflict w/ AH (Balkan conflict of interest)
Ice-free ports  cold climate handicapped military and trade

Weakest among 1-6

6. Italy Acquire colonies and navy (long coastline)
Reliance on alliance system

“Sick Man of Europe”  The Eastern Question (corrupt gvt)

Declining empire  Surge of Balkan nationalism
7. Ottoman  target of many EUR powers
Empire (a) RUS  Pan-Slavism & sea ports
(b) B  Remove RUS threat to her trade
(c) AH  stop decline due to Balkan nationalism
CB DSE History (1)

3. Bilateral Relations


BR (1) (2) (3) (4)
GER (5) (6) (7) (8)
FR (9)
AH (10) (11)
RUS (12)

Initial: Victorian descendents

1871 on: Naval & imperial competition
(BR threatened, GER ambitious)
1. BR-GER Hostile 1899: Boer War  GER hindering BR development
1904: Entente Cordiale aroused GER suspicion
1907: Triple Entente aroused GER discontent

Initial: Medieval rivalry (100 Years War)

1898: Fashoda Crisis (colonial dispute), settled.
2. BR-FR Common threat of GER
(Improved) 1904: Entente Cordiale to settle disputes
1907: Triple Entente to establish alliance

No significant confrontation
1905: First Moroccan Crisis
3. BR-AH Hostile* 1911: Agadir Crisis
 AH and BR backing rivalling GER and FR

Initial: RUS aggressive foreign policy  threaten BR

Common threat of GER  cooperation
4. BR-RUS Improved 1907: Anglo-Russian Entente to settle Asian colonial
disputes & Triple Entente for alliance

1871: Loss in FP War  FR revenge mvt & resentment

1872: Dreikaiserbund  GER to isolate FR
5. GER-FR Hostile 1904: Entente Cordiale aroused GER suspicion
1905: Agadir Crisis (GER vs FR) on colonial conflicts
1914: Sarajevo Incident  FR declared war on GER
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Close ethnicity and allies

1878: Congress of Berlin  G favoring AH against R
1879: Dual Alliance
6. GER-AH Good GER supporting AH in all crises (1905 & 1911
Moroccan Crises, 1908 Bosnian Crises)
1914: GER blank cheque to AH in Sarajevo Incident

1872: Dreikaiserbund 
1878: Treaty of San Stefano rescinded R interests 
1894: FR-RUS alliance  mark GER-RUS separation
7. GER-RUS Worsened 1908: Bosnian Crisis  Pan-GER clash Pan-SLAV
1910: Berlin-Baghdad Railway  propagated GER
pragmatism in Balkan regions

No significant confrontation
8. GER-SB Hostile* GER supported AH, the ultimate enemy of SB
1914: Sarajevo: GER blank cheque against SB

1894: FR-RUS Alliance (adhesive bond)

Rather 1908: FR indifference towards Pan-Slavic moves 
9. FR-RUS Pre-1914: Joint military plans  Plans XVII and XIX
good 1914: Sarajevo Inc.  FR backed RUS ⸪ GER threat

1872: Dreikaiserbund 
1878: Treaty of San Stefano rescinded R interests 
10. AH-RUS Worsened 1894: FR-RUS alliance  mark GER-RUS separation
1908: Bosnian Crisis  Pan-GER clash Pan-SLAV

Since 1865: AH alarmed by Balkan (SB) nationalism

1912: Balkan League  AH defeated by nationalism
11. AH-SB Hostile 1912: Balkan Wars  resistance of SB interests caused
resentment towards AH
1914: Sarajevo Inc.: main combatants & ultimatum

Initial: Slavic brethren  affiliated with Pan-Slavism

12. RUS-SB Good 1914: Sarajevo Inc: RUS backed SB against AH
CB DSE History (1)

4. The Eastern Question

1. Corrupt gvt ( ⸪ inflation and malevolence of leadership)

2. Growth of Balkan nationalism (independence)
Status Quo
3. Ambitions of ambient powers towards Balkan regions

 Power vacuum in the Balkan Peninsula

 Gradual independence of Balkan races
Tolls  Aggravation of power relations due to nationalism
 (Balkan regions = powder keg of Europe)

 Austrian nationalism (Balkan expansion)

 Pan-Slavism (RUS)
Historical  1908: Bosnian Crisis (R-SB-AH)
examples  1910: Berlin-Baghdad Railway (GER)
 1912: Balkan Wars (inner conflict and AH)

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