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3 W 1200 N SUITE 100 PRINGVILLE, UT 84663 UPS - GROUND using customer acct# 10620 AS9100 / IS09001 ee Please visit hps:// for Additional Terms and Conditions or. TOR 819 oa fereleieiel bem eee ee oe Srp mete mie iin 5 de rect figment, 2 06.66 |08.50 CERTIRCATE OF COMPLIANCE, Seer eee ee a i itr a rns as ar eae CERTIFICATE CONFORMAN Work Order: 3598 Enterou crassa” e {ee} v ene Date: 21/2019 NORTH PRY PARTENERS Morten, 3 8 Tremed Dr . ‘Purchose Ordert 364 “Terryville CT; 06786 ‘Customer Wor 272 Ship Tok Coc tunbers 369) Neko eho rans : wena ~ i SER ones i Customer! Order: wom Part Information: na or psz4se3-20 ev 4 . 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CUSTOMER: NORTH EAST FASTENERS FORPORATION f PURCHASE ORDERNUMBER: 36585 | CUSTOMER POF 19057097019 $9100 / ISO 9001 'H EAST|E NEF cence || ge CERTIFICATION OF TESTING ‘Tensile/Test Dats} 062072019 Lot Number: 77201 Lat Siagk| 113.00 Heat Numbor: 772428 1 FES IZ Destylon 4.40 lip 901 Fat MS (24) 32H ‘Stonless DFARS Compliant bieb Oxide Axial Tonsile Results 7 ! Seta ae ‘Saraple | Uitlmat’Tensife Strength (Lbs) : a a 698,00 ! 3 713.00 ! ae [ ¥ 4 , 9,00), z ~ on] 6 725.00 4 7 orn & 728.00 ‘ a ro 2 PEL, 3 1h. OL ox ek saa $| [ieee “Thomas Bhrdette i Quality Assurathce Manager I tut sted on ls crtfention havo Benn porformed fn accords with he required pectin Tamed akove Callratins are in eecerdance wis ISO{0012-J, Theenaljats ropor on this corlietion fin accordanee with NorthEast Fustnors Quality Manual gulelines a meted _————||- b ‘AForm-16 Rev, ADIA e017 Pegot (860) 589-3242 + + www.NEFL.¢om * B'Tremco Drive, Tetyulle, CT 06786-0 f NORTH EAST|EASTENERS om cOonmPOR|IATION fe few ‘459100 / 1$0 9001 (CERTIRICATE oF |CONFORMANCE | NAB cerfes that products supplied unter uhts Order are in compliance with til ciftenttons as” ‘puted, and were mauyfectured at 8, Trernco Dr, Terryille, CL a ‘daa Customer Order Information Boid"To: Bisco Industries, Ino. Ship Date: 6/21/2019 WEF Past ir 4400,2600PFiMSDSSEI P.0, He 19057047015 Boat es 772429 iy Ships 105.900 m ati 77207 7 Desert 4-40 x 14" Phillins 60/107" Flat MS| (2A) 50210 Stalnless OFARS Compllant Black Oxide MileD7L-13p24E CL 4 ” DFARS 262,226-7008 : ‘Specificptions I | TFL : iSO 4 Customer Print DIN o (MetriclR’ ~~.) AIS te - ‘Other Specifications FF.S-92 ‘ \ Bent: NASM24699-28 } Port: (/S24609-28 REV 4 - | Desc? 7 Dual ‘ Passed Magnetic Permaabilty, iin aro or ay apna ot vegulrnenls for RERCHIROHS as required uate the prydost Als eotene eat, bexavalenteramtur of ed Fenner pra prodaad topsite cater oF hay speleaon may et bo coset TEACHERS compliant) ihe docveven tre (em any fe or fraudulent aterpens, Gh Ze ‘Merfin Va Linter Aron. Vice President Rv, B Dia z}018 casonan7isonvol OSL Len CAGE Gates TANS rryville, CT 08788 “| (eco setsa « + wWWNEFI com + 8 Tremco Drive," North Ebst Fasteners Cor Tavolee, =P. Box22 eae Pale i 06786 tet ogrporzo19 78121 psieaz + Nort GasrleasranaRs > 89.6969 SoRP ORATION —* neal. ee Packing Slip SHIT Bisco Industrlesy tno, Pe Ship Bigoo Indus ao, fe 1900 Lakeview Loop at 1500 Lake bie “Apahelm, California 92807 wpe ee Anahelfa, Calivornia. 92807, ! ultomort Pos: 9ps70e70 Shlpmptes 13 ‘Sub Var _ UPS Bore} Wolaht - 2 62Lbe . | ee ern La [eee 14-40 x 1/4* hillips 99/401" Flat MS (2A) 302HQ Stainless DFARS ‘Yes | 77201/ 105.9 Compiles Block Onl MIFDTI- 139249 CL 4 -MS2469328 -4 : ‘Subtotal: ; Shipptng [ Total ; | Mods USA TT na nga aes fo ee REAF IN Dot 1 . ‘Government Gagy Code: O7ZN5- a SLM Ley o12/9

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