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educational ministry:

Jose Dolores Moscote

Jean Prasca
Cesar Arias
Abdiel Asprilla
Juan Gonzales

10th tourism

sports tourism


Cecilia Archer


Conclusión. …..
1. When and where was tourism born?
The history of tourism is extensive. Its origins can be
traced back to Ancient Greece, when thousands of
people traveled to attend the Olympics every four
2. What is sports tourism?
These are trips whose main purpose is to practice some
type of sport (skiing, sailing, golf, hunting, fishing,
hiking, climbing, etc.) either independently or to
participate in a non-professional competition (school
leagues, regional leagues, etc.). etc.)
3 What are the characteristics of sports tourism?
Sports tourism consists of traveling or moving to
participate in tourist activities related to sports. It
includes visiting specific destinations with the purpose
of participating in or watching sporting events, but also
practicing sporting activities during the trip.

4 What is the objective of sports tourism?

Participants in this type of tourism seek to develop
their competitive sports skills, experience specific
sports in person in certain destinations or sports
centers, develop a sense of personal sports identity or
identify a sports cultural trend.

5. What is passive sports tourism?

Passive Sports Tourism
It is a non-active tourism, which corresponds to the
tendency to “watch sport”, and is generated around
professional sports and spectacle, where the tourist is a
mere spectator of the sporting spectacle offered by
major events and sporting events.

6 What is active and participatory sports tourism?

Active sports tourism is when a person travels to
actively participate in their chosen sport, or when they
travel for other reasons, but practicing sport is an
important part of their tourist experience.

7. How is sports tourism linked to tourism activity?
Tourism and sport are two historically related concepts.
Just as sport constitutes an important part of the
evolution of tourism, tourism is necessary for the
realization of sport beyond the place of residence.
8. What are the benefits obtained from tourism?
Advantages of tourism
Increase in the number of jobs. ...
Small business development. ...
Attraction of state and foreign financing. ...
Seasonal replenishment of the treasury. ...
Infrastructure development.

9 What is nautical and sports tourism?

Long-range nautical-sports tourism: it is characterized
by the practice of nautical activities in recreational
boats that allow the tourist who does them to travel to
other ports, being able to carry out activities where
they stop.

For us, it was a pleasure to expand my knowledge

about sports tourism since it consists of traveling or
traveling to participate in tourist activities related
to sports.

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