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ee O medications © Health care planning for the community. © Options One of Healthy People 2000 & 2010 WHO goals Is; © To Increase health disparities © Toincrease the mortality rate © Toincrease the morbidity rate @ Toincrease the quality of healthy life. Clear selection The excitement of the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata of a newborn baby resulted from the : @ increase of cor © Decrease Po2 © increase body weight © Closure of ductus arteriosus ll O > When discussing the mortality and morbidity during child hood with the student nurse which, of the following indicate further explanation? Mortality describes the Incidence or ©) number of individuals who have died over a specific period of time Morbidity is an iliness or Injury that limits O° the activity, requires medical attention or hospitalization or results In chronic condition Infant mortality: the number of ©@ deaths/1000 live births during the first five years of life Neonatal mortality: is the number of deaths © [000 hive births during the first 28 days of life Clear selection Which of the following roles IS NOT considered one of the pediatric nurse's HB roles? Il O > © Decrease acidosis . ‘Clear selection In the radiation mechanism of heat loss, the newborn lost heat resulted from the : © Conversion of a liquid to a vapor. Transfer of heat to cooler object contact to. a baby. with the baby Transfer of heat to cooler surrounding @ Transfer of heat to cool object not cantact © areas. Clear selection Which of the following is the most common cause of delay in passing urine in the full term new born? @ The premature kidneys © Delayed feeding © Physiologic jaundice HB O dyperbiiirubinemia. Ill O > cetera) Clear selection f The loss of heat in newborn baby mostly resulted from: @ Large surface of the body oO Decrease the level of prostaglandin, © Increase the level of oxygen. © Decrease acidosis . ‘Clear selection In the radiation mechanism of heat loss, the newborn lost heat resulted from the : © Conversion of a liquid to a vapor. Transfer of heat to cooler object contact to a baby . with the baby , | | e e& @ < > il 0 > @ Transfer of heat to cool object not cantact Cy Transfer of heat to cooler surrounding © To increase health disparities © To increase the mortality rate oO To increase the morbidity rate @ To increase the quality of healthy life - Clear selection The excitement of the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata of a newborn baby resulted from the : @ increase of coz © Decrease Po? © Increase body weight © Closure of ductus arteriosus Clear selection The loss of heat in newborn baby mostly resulted from: © Large surface of the body a oO Decrease the level of prostaglandin. ll O > Ween © After he passes the first bowel motion @ When he has a stabilized body temperature Clear selection The APGAR assessment of the new born includes the following: oO Heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, blood pressure & color Heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex imitabllity & color . reflex irritability & color Heart rate, respiratory effort, head O Heart rate, respiratory effort, blood volume, O circumference, reflex irritability & color . Clear selection The infant's rate of metabolism compared to the adult's rate of metabolism in the relation to the body weight is: Oo Seven times greater than the adult's rate of metabolism O Twice as great as the adult's rate of metabolism Il oO > © The premature kidneys @ Delayed feeding O Physiologic jaundice © Hyperbilirubinemia. Clear selection The best time to give the new born a bath is: © Inthe first half hour after birth © After 24 hours of birth oO After he passes the first bowel mation @ Wien he has. steblized body temperature Ciear selection The APGAR assessment of the new born includes the following: 0 Heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, blood pressure & color oO Heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, a reflex irritability & color, ll O > Bees pe cn) Which of the following is the most common cause of delay in passing urine in the full term new born? © The premature kidneys @ Delayed feeding © Physiologic jaundice © byperbilirubinemia. ‘Clear selection The best time to give the new born a bath is: © inthe first half hour after birth © After 24 hours of birth © After he passes the first bowel motion e When he has a stabilized body temperature Clear selection The most common clinical manifestation related to phrenic nerve paralysis is: O cyanosis @ Respiratory distress © Pneumonia © tung expansion Clear selection Newborn Collecting 8 points with application of Apgar score which is considered as : © Sever risky depressed O Moderately depressed. @ Excetient condition, © incorrect application, Harlequin sign occu = © 60-65mi/kg Clear selection The nurse is administering a shot of Vitamin K to a newborn infant. Which of the following nursing diagnosis indicate this management ? oO Hyperthermia r/t large size and use of radiant warmer Decreased cardiac output r/t difficult delivery. High risk for bleeding r/t Immature liver . o@o Hyperbilirubineria r/t immature liver, Clear selection The most commen clinical manifestation related to phrenic nerve paralysis is: © cyanosis @ Respiratory distress © Pneumonia a © ung expansion ll oO > fri © sequal to the adult rate of metabolism, The blood volume of the full-term newborn is: © 30-95mi/kg 6 80-85mI/kg O 70-75mi/kg © 60-65mi/kg ‘Clear selection The nurse is administering a shot of Vitamin K to a newborn infant. Which of the following nursing diagnosis indicate this management ? O Hyperthermia r/t large size and use of radiant warmer Decreased cardiac output r/t difficult delivery, @ High risk for bleeding r/t Immature liver . Hyperbilirubinemia r/t immature liver . az ll O > The low level of hemoglobin. © The high level of hemoglobin, © immature circulation. © Increase bilirubin level Clear selection The term “Morbidity” is defined as: @ The number of individuals who have died over a specific period oO The prevalence of a specific illness in the population at a specific time Disease occurring with greater frequency oO than the number of expected cases Ina community Oo Disease occurring regularly within a geagraphic location. Clear selection Majority common cause of dysmaturity all of the following Except oO In low socibecenamic classes iB © Multiple pregnancies Il O > © Excellent condition, © incorrect application. Ciear selection Harlequin sign occurs occasionally in newborn baby resulting from: © The tow level of hemoglobin. © The high level of hemoglobin. ® Immature circulation. © Increase bilirubin level. Clear selection The term “Morbidity” is defined as: oO The number of individuals who have died over a specific period Oo The prevalence of a specific Illness in the population at a specific time Disease occurring with greater frequency Oo than the number of expected cases ina community 7) Disease occurring regularly within a Il O > 41a the following Except © Very small, scrawny appearance © Skin: Red-Pink with visible veins © Fine, feathery hair, Lanugo on back and face @ Head Is relatively small to body Clear selection Therapeutic Management are the following Except When a preterm delivery is expected the oO NICU Is alerted and the team of neonatal specialists are present at the time of delivery Resuscitation is done if needed in the lobar ® room the n infant is transferred ta NICU In an incubator Oo Measurements taken and vitamin K is dont given oO Respiratory support: Apnea mattress — Incubator — 02 monitoring Ciear selection Post term infants mean the following Except Il O > Majority common cause of dysmaturity all of the following Except © Inlow socioeconomic classes © Multiple pregnancies oO Interrupted pregnancy due to placental accidents @ Hypotension relster to pregnancy Clear selection Clinical manifestations of prematurity are the following Except © Very small, scrawny appearance © Skin: Red-Pink with visible veins © Fine, feathery hair, Lanugo on back and face @ Head is relatively small to body Clear selection Therapeutic Management are the following [Except ll O > O ova te Lusj(aols JIU Jub! @ © Respiratory distress O Pneumonia © tung expansion Clear selection Newborn Collecting 8 points with application of Apgar score which is considered as : © severrisky depressed @ Moderately depressed, @ Excetient condition. © Incorrect application Clear selection Harlequin sign occurs occasionally ina newborn baby resulting from: © The tow level of hemoglobin. cr] © The high level of hemoglobin. Majority common cause of dysmaturity all of the following Except © Inlow socioeconomic classes Multiple pregnancies accidents oO Interrupted pregnancy due to placental @ Hypotension retater to pregnancy Ciear selection Clinical manifestations of prematurity are’ the following Except © Very smail, scrawny appearance © Skin: Red-Pink with visible veins © Fine, feathery hair, Lanugo on back and face @ Head is relatively small to body Therapeutic Management are the following o Except & Il oO > the following Except © Very small, scrawny appearance © Skin: Red-Pink with visible veins © Fine, feathery hair, Lanugo on back and face @ Head |s relatively small to body Clear selection Therapeutic Management are the following Except When a preterm delivery is expected the oO NICU Is alerted and the team of neonatal specialists are present at the time of delivery Resuscitation is done if needed in the lobar ® room the n Infant is transferred to NICU In an incubator Oo Measurements taken and vitamin K is dont given oO Respiratory support: Apnea mattress — Incubator — 02 monitoring Ciear selection Post term infants mean the following Except Il O > a Incubator ~ 02 monitoring Clear selection Post term infants mean the following Except © The placenta becomes able to provide adequate nutrients to the fetus. To compensate the fetus begins to use Its own fat and carbohydrates to provide energy. © Asa result, its growth rate slows © Its weight may decrease. Ciear selection Symptoms of dysmaturity all of the following Except May appear emaciated, especially if the © function of the placenta was severely reduced, o The newborn often appears unconscious Spas Galt sagen The skin and nail beds may be stained © green if meconium was present in the amniotic fluid. Ba oO A post mature newborn Is prone to developing Il O > © Asa result, its growth rate slows © Its weight may decrease, Clear selection Symptoms of dysmaturity all of the following Except May appear emaciated, especially if the © function of the placenta was severely reduced. The newborn often appears unconscious The skin and nail beds may be stained © green if meconium was present in the amniotic fluid. A post mature newborn Is prone to developing Clear selection Treatment of dysmaturity are all of the following Except Intravenous glucose solutions or frequent © breast milk or formula feedings are given to prevent hypoglycemia. FE in uyese pomenmocou tne nigorguartets memildn mand nisteltinn an that tha mmuhnrn Il oO > TTA a 9 Eee seer sei) Treatment of dysmaturity are all of the following Except Intravenous glucose solutions or frequent © breast milk or formula feedings are given 10 prevent hypoglycemia. the major goal Is to @ provide good nutrition so that the newborn can catch up to the weight that is appropriate for him oO If meconium has been breathed into the lungs, a ventilator may be needed. The post mature newborn who experienced © low oxygen levels and fetal distress may need resuscitation at birth ‘Clear selection Three days after Sami's admission is slightly jaundiced the nurse knows that this is due to primarily to his: © High hemoglobin level © Mother high hemoglobin level CY inability tin cunthesis hile Go +f @ < Te © re res O) limscontum has been bresthad ino the lungs, ventilator may be needed. ci The post mature newborn who experienced oO low oxygen levels and fetal distress may need resuscitation at birth Clear selection Three days after Sami's admission is slightly jaundiced the nurse knows that this is due to primarily to his: © High hemoglobin level © Mother high hemoglobin level © inability to synthesis bile @ immature liver function. Clear selection Before the transfusion, the nurse explains to the mother that treatment of hemolytic disease by exchange transfusion Is important to prevent damage to the neonate’s © Heart P O Brain Ml oO > a ee © Mother high hemoglobin level © inability to synthesis bile @ immature liver function. Clear selection Before the transfusion, the nurse explains to the mother that treatment of hemolytic disease by exchange transfusion is important to prevent damage to the neonate's © Heart @ Brain © tangs © Pituitary Gland Clear selection Calcium gluconate is given after each 100 ml of blood transfusion to prevent : © Cardiac arrhythmia a © Generalized tetany ll O > Clear selection Millia managed by Ice packs to reduce inflammation. O Tne @ Fase Harlequin sign occurs occasionally in a newborn baby resulting fram the low level of hemoglobin. O Tue @ False Clear selection Pneumonia is frequent complication in neonate with phrenic nerve paralysis. a O Te a Ul O > docs.google.com & Pneumonia is frequent complication in neonate with phrenic nerve paralysis. @ te O False Clear selection Conduction is the Flowing of heat from the newborn's body surface to cooler surrounding air. O The @ False Clear selection Crackling Pee! t sound Birth fro tend) Difficulties m hes clavicle the | nd fracture ie ® ao wf @ << > Noo = OD ‘Crackling o Birth pal tendi Difficulties shee clavicle he fracture sc Cephalohematoma CO) oO C Facial palsy oO © C hrenic nerve wae oO Oo ¢ SEs 9 ° C Dystocia @ oO C wm Ot Crepitus Oo @ € Surfactant oO © a Clear selection Ill O > A ing eosin localized id collection tendinous efbiadd sheath of cle the inn limited to c pon er one skull P bone Cephalohematoma » oO e Facial palsy ) oO oO phrenic nerve paralysis t oO oO Caput succedaneum, t Oo oO Dystocia ) oO oO Subgaleal hemorrhage | e oO Crepitus } oO oO Surfactant ) oO oO Clear selection Ill O > Diaphi Injury be ) Protect to ev alveoll cranial ean collapsing is with t pi Cephalohematoma QO oO ( Facial palsy oO e i phrenic nerve paralysis ) Oo , Caput suceedaneum, Oo Oo f Dystocia oO oO ( Subgaleal hemorrhage oO O : Crepitus oO ie ( Surfactant e oO ( Clear selection ll O > Dlaphragmatic swelling is paralysis: composed occurs IN OF blood conjunction een with brachial " ‘or both palsy. Cephalohematoma oO oO Facial palsy O Oo phrenic nerve paralyia e 0 Caput suceedaneum, Oo ® Dystocia oO o Subgaleal hemorrhage iS) oO Crepitus e) oe Surfactant O oO Clear selection ll O > condition Infant mortality: the number of 6 deaths/1000 live births during the first five years of life Neonatal mortality: is the number of deaths @ [1000 live births during the first 28 days of life ‘Clear selection Which of the following roles IS NOT considered one of the pediatric nurse's roles? Oo Prevention of disease or injury oO Health education to children and family e@ Treating diseases and deseribing medications oO Health care planning for the community. © Opticn s Clear selection One of Healthy People 2000 & 2010 WHO goals is: CO) To increase health disparities Il O > Clear selection Millia managed by Ice packs to reduce inflammation. @ Tne @ Fatse Clear selection Harlequin sign occurs occasionally in a newbern baby resulting from the low level of hemoglobin. O The 6 @ false ‘Ciear selection

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