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A sweet, free aroma filled his nostrils, entrancing him to a pleasant viewing of the

dappled, shadowed night. In her eternal beauty, she posed in the puddle of black ink.
She was the spotlight. If the silver crescent glistened anew in the ink of the sky upon her
golden, lustrous knights, in an instant I believe all souls would transcend to her domain.
She was the embodiment of true, ideal beauty.

On a rooftop of just a simple, common skycraper, I lay. My eyes scan the surronding
before I return to then proceed to glance at the moon in her unique, fascinating beauty.
I push my hair that was dipped white that contrasted to the main coat of my hair - black.
My hair is relentless, and again returns to it’s original position, blocking my view of the
painting up there. I don’t mind the fact it had descided to stay in position over my face,
and I don’t move it.
I rest my head on my shoulder, and my eyes droop. I am tired, overly tired. I push the
jacket that sleeps on my shoulders, till I am only in a top and trousers. My eyes begin to
close, and soon after I am greeted by the pitch darkness.

__________________________________________________just an hour later.

I felt a push on my shoulder. I sighed - in my mind, and pretended not to notice despite
being aware of who it was. Then I felt a much more stronger push attack me. I stay
calm, and pretend to ignore it.
“Aktugawa! I didn’t come here for no reason. I know your not sleeping!” A voice
complains, it is - in my opinion, quite, cute, and ideal. Although, I don’t know what I
mean by cute, if anything it is, enjoyable - as if you could listen to it for a - long time and
not feel the urge to try to nessicarily get - bored.
“I am sleeping.” I mutter back I try to be funny. However, I notice that my jokes tend to
be ‘bland’, according to that detective at that agency for at that scene, the whole agency
agreeded. The only person who seems to laugh at them are Atushi, however I can’t meet
him much. “ Atushi - peekaboo.” I say, opening one eye and stare at Atushi. Was I meant
to laugh? Or do something after?
Atushi seems to be holding his emotions in since, his eyes pop, and he tightens his lips to
not do - something. Then at once, he opens his mouth and begins to laugh. I was
sucessful, I had made him laugh, and I felt good since it worked.
“ Your so bad but good at making jokes!” He manages to say halfway through his
“I’m bad at it?” I reply, confused since he looked happy from doing it. “Oh.”
He pauses, and looks at me, then he takes his long, pitch black coat off and puts it next
to mine.
“What I mean to say is - your jokes make me laugh, but probably not others.” He
simplifies his words to me and I understand at once. And then I smile back.
“Oh, you are quite right. I don’t make anyone laugh at the agency. They think im a little
quiet. I have learnt that they suspect me too. It is probably because they find me
“Why are you usually quiet?” Atushi asks, and his eyes widen.
“I think so…” I reply. Then I realize that perhaps I stirred a negetive emotion in Atushi,
and I change the subject. “ The moon is nice today.” And I point my hands in a gesture
towards the moon. I know what the words can often translate to, and Im okay with the
meaning since it is, most likely true. Its true, I’d rather be with him for the rest of my life.
“Hmmm, your right! Its very pretty, like your soul get sucked into it!” I looked at Atushi
why he happily admired the moon, and I felt a sort of positivity twirl in my heart - this
whole situation - this feeling was rare. Atushi had described it perfectly, and I smiled
knowing somebody understood me
It was a calm, still silence as we both watched her’s truly beauty, it was tranquil, and I
felt at comfort, constantly safe in his presence.
Atushi broke the silence. “ This week was so boring. It was just a couple assassination
attempts, however I didn’t kill anyone, like you wanted.”
I nodded. “Did somebody else assassinate them?” I asked.
“Nope, I just held them hostage. Although, I can’t trust you that there going to be alive
forever… Dazai or somebody else may kill them.”
“That’s fine.” I paused, I wanted to add something to my speech. “ I know you- did your
best.” I glanced towards Atushi, wanting his reaction, and I saw he had froze into some
expression of joy. I felt another little emotion stir in me.
“Oh- guess what!” Atushi immeadiatly said.
“What-is it? Atushi?” As I spoke his name, Atushi stared at me. “You know your the
only person who actually knows my real name without shaking in fear.”
“Am I?” I felt a certain feeling in my heart. I was happy, I was special to him.
Atushi had clearly noticed this, however what I couldn’t understand was why he placed
his hand to his face. Maybe he was hiding something, although I do remark his cheeks
especially being red.
“Its-not all that..” He quietly muttered. “Eh…” He took his hand off his face. “ Well, I
have some information on your sister.”
I turned to look at him, my face serious and sollem.
“Ive gone out of hell to get this - your sister. She’s some sort of protection for Dazai, like
a guard or whatever. However he keeps her - close with him at all times since he believes
you want to kill him.”
“He’s right, I want to kill that rat Dazai.” I replied. Atushi only stared at me.
“ Thats kind of it. She’s not well known anyways in the Mafia’s hierarchy. Although, I
did ask Chuuya and he said that she was trained by Verlaine.”
“Who’s Chuuya?” I asked. I knew who
“Dazai’s right hand- do you not know who he is?”
“No.” I replied, my face still serious.
“You should fear him, he’s - really powerful. Enough that he can challenge Dazai.”
“What’s Chuuya’s personal relationship with Dazai? Are they rivals or-?” I paused, since
I had seen Atushi’s expression turn into some frown of embarresment.
“Dazai’s husband.”
“Oh.” I stopped, and and looked at the ground for a consecutive couple of seconds. “
Anyways, whose Verlaine?”
“You - do you know anyone in the Mafia other then then me and Dazai.” Atushi spoke. I
was frankly embarresed to admit that was all I knew in the Port Mafia. I didn’t reply,
instead I slowly nodded. Atushi chuckled a little before pausing. “ Be careful of Verlaine,
seriously. He’s Chuuyas older ‘brother’, and he’s also remarked as the king of Asassains.”
“Chuuya- has an older brother.”
“Not really, its just that-” Atushi paused, quietining down. “There’s a chance that the
both of them aren’t human you know. Not saying they are or anything! They could be
human-! They could be like - artificial. The two of them, they have the same ability.”
“What’s there ability Atushi?

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