RunOnSentencesActivity 1

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Many students struggle with run-on sentences and this

activity will help them gain practice identifying complete
sentences in a composition. The two sample pieces are
not complete compositions. One is the beginning of an
expository composition, and the other is the beginning
of a personal narrative.

To complete the activity, students will work together

with partners to figure out where a sentence ends and
begins. They will punctuate the sentences correctly
(beginning with a capital letter and ending with the
correct end punctuation). Once they complete this part,
they will cut apart the sentences and paste them on a
separate paper.

Thank you and enjoy!

The Reading Addict
There are certain places in our

lives that we know well and that

are special to us this place has a

special meaning for us for me the

place that holds a special meaning

is my backyard my backyard is the

Grand Central Station for our

family we get to enjoy many

wonderful things together

The waves were softly crashing

against the sandy shore and its

sound was music to my ears a

book was gently laying across my

my laps and my eyes fluttered

open I struggled to stay awake

suddenly I hear my sister splashing

water as she played in the sea and

I decided to go for a swim too

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