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Filipe Deschamps – My inspiration in programming

Born in São Paulo, Brazil, in either 1990 or earlier (that information is not public),
Filipe Deschamps is primarily a Youtuber who provides you inspiration on topics
related to tech, programming and productivity. Basing on my own research, i will
tell some facts about his career:

Firstly, it’s interesting to notice that the only registered academical degree Filipe
has, is not related to this profession and it’s:

• Financial Management (between 2008 and 2010) from Universidade do

Sul de Santa Catarina (or Unisul).

Besides it seems to don’t be relevant for the profession that i seek, that
shows that sometimes it’s a good choice to pick more embracing
studying concepts to secure a job. That can lead you to a broader market
and help you reach specific areas that you truly want to work on (or
perhaps just helps you find yourself when you don’t know for sure what
do for a living).

Moving towards a more practical side of the business, his experiences

registered with jobs are:

• Customer Services (between sept. 2007 and june 2008 – 10 months) at


(A first job that helps him understand better the economic market, get
knowledge and know how it really works, even from a down view).

• Coordinator of Web Projects (between july 2008 and oct. 2012 – 4 years
and 4 months) at ADVFN.

(The first time getting in touch with tech business from a higher position,
helping his team creates several projects along the years in this role,
understanding better the programming scenario and getting in love with it).

• Coordinator of Web Projects (between oct. 2012 and aug. 2015 – 2 years
and 11 months) at Rico.

(Now with more experience, he gets in a new point of view of his role and
helps a beginner enterprise (created in 2011) to get in the tone of the
market and make good decisions to get on top of his own area).
• Full-stack Developer (between aug. 2015 and aug. 2016 – 1 year and 1
month) at
• VP of Engineering (between aug. 2016 and sept. 2017 – 1 year and 2
months) at
• CTO (between sept. 2017 and nov. 2018 – 1 year and 3 months) at

(This last experience shows his growth on a business coming from the
direct developers that are the base of the company, and then showing his
own value, that makes he only get even higher, between the roles of Vice-
President of Engineering and then the Chief Technology Officer, making the
most important decisions that guide how everything will be going in the
next years.)

• Software Engineer (from nov. 2018 until now – 5 years) at Filipe

Deschamps Tech Inc.

(With a final decision and lasts steps, he creates his own company to get in
touch with his dreams and be on a more comfortable life, even if it’s a risky
move, he now leads his own Youtube channel inspiring a lot of people and
showing his discoveries and own experiencies on the area of technology
and now even owns a website called TabNews inspired on social media
Reddit, that tries to lead users to create content of concret value and award
them with real money, since they help his project grow).

My last thoughts on this research is the fact that the area of technology mostly
comes from people that are self-taught and really searchs for themselves to get
a best view of the whole. After acquiring knowledge they will demonstrate theri
capabilities through projects, securing most rewardings positions in their lives.

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