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➜Briana Berrocal Bracamonte.

➜Jesús David Mora Padilla.

➜Duvanys Tabares Madera.

➜Luz Angélica Agámez Fabra.

Point 1.
Bio-manufacturing has many positive and negative aspects, in the case of employment
generation, care of the environment and animals, it is a viable alternative because it preserves
certain components of the environment, thus decreasing the exploitation of them by man, it
also generates employment since it is a technology that is beginning and needs personnel to
improve, On the other hand, being a new technology, there is a great risk in the manufacture
of food, causing an alteration in the daily qualities of the same, for example, meats could
change its odor, texture and even the digestive process by us of the food may be affected, In
addition, all this requires time and capital, and being an external process is costly which
implies raising prices to these foods, in addition to lower sales by significant changes in the
characteristics of food is also costly, as there will be more supply than demand, so the
distribution will also be affected by these two points, Finally, the treatment is quite tedious,
and we cannot be sure that all the chemical and non-chemical substances used in the same
processes can cause adverse effects, so our health would also be at risk, so it is an issue that
puts in conflict many ideals and opinions.
1. In the Future there will be a good supply of food if this project continues, giving a break
to the hunting of animals for commercialization.
2. The consumption of these products produced by laboratories will cause the level of human
health to decrease since by ingesting so many processed foods loaded with chemicals, the
level of activity of the antibodies will even generate new diseases.
3. There will be innovation in the field of the creation of genetically created foods, even
leading to advances in other fields such as medicine and science.

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