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Performance Appraisal Form (PAF-VI Driver/DR)

Reporting Period: ________
Employee No: Name: Designation:

Office: HQ /Field Wing (For HQ): Tehsil:

District: Zone: Province:

Academic Qualification: Professional Qualification:

Trainings Received during Reporting Period

Job Description:-

Reporting Officer (RO): Countersigning Officer (CO):

Part-I (Professional Assessment)

(To be graded by RO &CO
as Outstanding=6,
S.No. Job Specific Competencies V.Good=5, Good=4,
Average=3, Below
Average=2 & Poor 1)
1. Knowledge of relevant rules for the use of staff cars.

2. Adequate knowledge of the mechanism of cars and competence to do minor

running repairs and replacement of spares.
3. Observance of traffic rules
4. Involvement in any road accident, traffic offence and having any adverse entry
in his Driving License
5. Co-operative and tactful.
6. Courtesy.
7. Discipline
8. Punctuality
9. Responsiblity
10. Diary/Dispatch (For DR Only)
11. Proper care and delivery of mail
12. Integrity
13. Trust worthiness in confidential and secret matters
14. Understanding/Tolerance and Emotional Stability
15. Dress and Cleanliness
Total Score

Overall Grading

Outstanding V. Good Good Average Below Average/ Poor

Part II (Pen Picture/Comments/ Potential For Promotion/ Recommended Trainings)

Pen Picture:

Potential for Promotion:

3. Premature /Recently
1. Fit for Promotion 2. Unfit
Appointed or Promoted
Reporting Officer
PAF Status:

1. Normal 2. Advisory 3. Adverse

Recommended Trainings

Pen Picture

Potential for Promotion:

3. Premature /Recently
1. Fit for Promotion 2. Unfit
Appointed or Promoted
Officer PAF Status:

1. Normal 2. Advisory 3. Adverse

Recommended Trainings

Name Designation Signature /Date /Stamp

Reporting Officer

Name Designation Signature /Date /Stamp

Countersigning Officer

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