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English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

BB AD English Model Test No: 01

Prepared by
Md Manirul Islam
BBA, IBA, Dhaka University
Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank
Founder, English Clinic For Bank & BCS Exam
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Choose the most appropriate options for the following questions:

01.. . . . . . . . it stopped raining when we started our journey.

A. As soon as
B. Hardly had
C. No sooner did
D. Nevertheless

a. As soon as it stopped raining, we started for school.

b. It had no sooner stopped raining than we started for school. (not used much)

No sooner had it stopped raining than we started for school. (This inversion is more

Note: than, not then

c. It had hardly stopped raining when we started for school. (not used much)

Hardly had it stopped raining when we started for school. (this inversion is more


. . . . . . . . it stopped raining when we started our journey.

A. As soon as
B. Hardly had
C. No sooner did
D. Nevertheless

as soon as.... (no inversion, both past tense)
no sooner...than…(inversion হয় যদি এটা শুরুতে থাতে, past perfect)
hardly..when/ before..(inversion হয় যদি এটা শুরুতে থাতে, past perfect)

Please note that these rules might have exceptions. But, the above summary is very
handy for the exam.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Examples of negative adverbials for Inversion:

Hardly, Hardly ever, Scarcely, Barely, Rarely, Seldom, Never, Nowhere, In no time etc

02.. . . . . . . a telephone call, the driver turned up for extra duty.

A. having got
B. being got
C. having been got
D. had got

The full sentence:

After the driver had got a telephone call, the driver turned up for extra duty.

Let‟s reduce it, shall we?

After the driver had got a telephone call, the driver turned up for extra duty.

After having got a telephone call, the driver turned up for extra duty.

a. Having got a telephone call, the driver turned up for extra duty.

b. After getting a telephone call, the driver turned up for extra duty.

. . . . . . . a telephone call, the driver turned up for extra duty.
a. having got
b. being got
c. having been got
d. had got

1. Revise your knowledge about reducing clauses to phrases.

Focus on subject, finite verb, non-finite verb.

2. Revise the use of particles (non-finite verbs)

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

03.Yesterday, the terrorists made the captives . . . . . . in a queue and then shot them
A. to stand
B. standing
C. stand
D. stood

Hint: Pay special attention to „make‟.

Causatives Verb: Make, Have, Get, Let, Help


The owner forced the servant to do his work.

The owner made the servant do his work.

Structure 1:

The owner forced the servant to do his work.

The owner made the servant do his work.
The owner had the servant do his work.

Subject + have+ indirect object + bare infinitive

( here, the object a person who does the work)

Structure 2:
The owner had the servant do his work.

The owner had his work done his work. (by the servant)

The owner had his work done his work.

Subject + have+ direct object + bare infinitive
( here, the object is something which is done by someone else)

(Compare the objects in Structure 1 & 2)

Get (special case regarding „to‟):

Structure 1:
The owner had the servant do his work.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
The owner got the servant to do his work.

Structure 2:

The owner had his work done his work.

The owner got his work done his work.

(Compare the objects in Structure 1 & 2)

Help (special case regarding „to‟):

The owner helped the servant do his work.

The owner made the servant to do his work.


The owner allowed the servant to do his work.

The owner let the servant do his work.



Yesterday, the terrorists made the captives . . . . . . in a queue and then shot them dead.
A. to stand
B. standing
C. stand
D. stood

1. Revise the causative verbs.

2. Revise direct objects and indirect objects.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

04. Mr Mohaimin teaches us Mathematics . . . . . .. English.

A. Across
B. Beside
C. Besides
D. Both

Revise: beside vs besides

Mr Mohaimin teaches us both Mathematics and English.

Mr Mohaimin teaches us Mathematics and English.

Mr Mohaimin teaches us Mathematics as well as English.

Mr Mohaimin teaches us both Mathematics as well as English.

05. Neither of the biscuits you gave me . . . . . . chocolate chips.

A. is contain
B. are contained
C. contain
D. contains

Neither of the biscuits (you gave me) . . . . . . chocolate chips.

More examples:

If either of you takes a break, we will lag behind.

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Your task:
Revise the use of any, no, anybody, nobody, none, either, neither etc.

06. The plural of „dogma‟ is—

A. dogma
B. dogmata
C. dogmum
D. dogmac

More examples:

Singular Plural
Dogma Dogmata/ Dogmas
Stigma Stigmata/ Stigmas
Index Indices/ Indexes
Focus Foci/Focuses
Radius Radii/Radiuses
Genus Genera
Agendum Agenda
Cranium Crania/Craniums

07. Find out the correct sentence—

A. The scenery of Rangamati are beautiful.

B. The sceneries of Rangamati are beautiful.
C. The scenery of Rangamati is beautiful.
D. The sceneries of Rangamati is are beautiful.

sceneries (wrong)
sights, sites (right)

Uncountable nouns:
Advice, bread, equipment, furniture, money, scenery, traffic
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
An uncountable noun takes a singular verb.

08. The feminine form of tailor—

A. seamstress
B. tailoress
C. tailorix
D. she-tailor

1. The word tailor is a gender-neutral word. But, we can use the word seamstress to
describe a female tailor.
2. Tailoress is also correct, but between seamstress and tailoress, chose seamstress.

09. Every man, woman and child on the island….the effects of food shortage.

A. has suffered
B. suffer
C. have suffered
D. both B & C

Use of each and every:

Every flower and every leaf has fallen off the tree.

Each boy and each girl was given an award.

Each day and each hour reminds us of our short life.

10. Raihan received a warning for speeding. He …… fast.

A. should have driven

B. should not have driven
C. could have driven
D. couldn‟t have driven
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

He should not drive so fast. (future sense)
He souldd not have driven so fast (past sense)

11. ………………., I would set up a school.

A. If I have enough money
B. If I will have enough money
C. Had I enough money
D. If I had had enough


0th: If you heat ice, it becomes water. (universal/scientific truth)

1st : If I do it, he will help me.

2nd: If I did it, he would help me.

3rd: If I had done it, he would have helped me.

If I had enough money, I would set up a school.

Which condition?

Removing the „if‟ in case of „have‟ verb:

2nd Condition:
If I had enough money, I would set up a school.

Had I enough money, I would set up a school.

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

………………., I would set up a school.

A. If I have enough money
B. If I will have enough money
C. Had I enough money
D. If I had had enough

3rd Condition:
If I had done it, he would have helped me.

Had I done it, he would have helped me.

12. You had better have a plumber…..the leak in the bathroom soon.
A. to be repaired
B. repair
C. repairing
D. repaired

Use of Modals:
„had better‟= should
ought to

Use of causative verbs:

You had better have a plumber…..the leak in the bathroom soon.

repair vs repaired

You had better have the leak in the bathroom……..soon.

repair vs repaired
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

13. “He called on me yesterday.”—make it passive.

A. I was called by him yesterday.
B. I have been called on by him yesterday.
C. I had been called on by him yesterday.
D. I was called on by him yesterday.

Subject Object
Object Voice Subject
Main Verb Be+ V3

Be verbs:
Am Is Are Present Tense
Was Were Past Tense
Been Perfect Tense
Being Continuous Tense

Active: He called on me yesterday.

Passive: I was called on by him yesterday.

14. Synonym of Equivocal

A. Culpable
B. Economic
C. Indolent
D. Ambiguous

Equi- equal
Ambi- both
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

15. Synonym of Hackneyed

A. Imprudent
B. Inexorable
C. Trite
D. Lucid

hackneyed: banal, trite, stale, cliché, clichéd

16. Antonym of Cosmopolitan

A. Unnatural
B. Inexpensive
C. Ideal
D. Provincial

„cosmos‟ means the universe

1. Worldwide, global
Free from local, provincial, national, idea/ prejudices or attachments
2. Cultured, Sophisticated, Liberal

17. Antonym of Superficial

A. Careless
B. Indifferent
C. Sufficient
D. Deep

Super- above/ over


Superficial: one the surface, shallow

cursory, perfunctory,
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

18.Antonym of Elucidate
A. Afflict
B. Ratify
C. Dominate
D. Obscure

lucid: (its origin-luc/lux: light)

bright, shining, lucent
clear, transparent
intelligible, understandable

elucidate (verb): clarify, explain, illuminate

obscure (verb): dark, conceal

obscure (adjective): dark, mysterious, unknown, unclear


A. Humanist: Pride
B. Ascetic: Tolerance
C. Stoic: Sacrifice
D. Recluse: Privacy

A hedonist looks for pleasure.

A humanist looks for pride? No!
A(n) ascetic looks for tolerance. No!
A stoic looks for sacrifices? Not really.
A recluse looks for privacy. Yes, it makes sense.

20. To cry wolf means—

A. To overcome someone
B. To ruin oneself
C. To give false alarm
D. To turn pale

দিথযাবািী রাখাত঱র গল্প িতে?

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Question No Answer
01 B
02 A
03 C
04 C
05 D
06 B
07 C
08 A
09 A
10 B
11 C
12 B
13 D
14 D
15 C
16 D
17 D
18 D
19 D
20 C

Scores & Fedback:

1. If your score is below 10, you need to work harder.

2. If your score is above 16, your preparation is in good shape.


1. Revise the above topics as soon as possible.

2. Solve all the previous questions of bank jobs. (last 5 years)
3. If step 2 is completed, solve questions from Indian websites like Examveda.

For free explanations, discussions and other resources, you can join the following groups:

1. English Clinic For Bank & BCS Exam (With Manirul)

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2. Free English Grammar & Focus Writing With Manirul Monir

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English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

BB AD English Model Test No: 02

Prepared by
Md Manirul Islam
BBA, IBA, Dhaka University
Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank
Founder, English Clinic For Bank & BCS Exam
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
1. Find out the correct sentence—
A. They do not agree but differ from my proposal.
B. They do not agree with but differ from my proposal.
C. They do not agree with differ to my proposal.
E. They do not agree to but differ from my proposal.

Technique: „Vertical scanning‟

Find out the correct sentence—

A. They do not agree but differ from my proposal.
B. They do not agree with but differ from my proposal.
C. They do not agree with differ to my proposal.
D. They do not agree to but differ from my proposal.

Use of preposition:
Agree with someone
Agree to a proposal

Differ from

Parallel structure

Case 01:
You can attain you goals by working hard and by applying your critical thinking.
You can attain you goals by working hard and applying your critical thinking. (correct)

Case 02:
There is a huge demand and supply of this product. (wrong)
There is a huge demand for and supply of this product. (correct)

2. If you are not clear about the meaning of a word, it is wise to……a dictionary.
a. look for
b. look in
c. look up
d. look to
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

look for-search for

look into-investigate
look to- attend/ pay attention to something
look up- find out (usually a word in a dictionary)
e.g. You should look up the word in the dictionary.
look up to-respect

3. Find out the correct sentence—

a. He prefers to read than to write
b. He prefers reading to writing
c. He prefers to read than write
d. A, B, C all are correct

Use of „to‟ vs „than‟:

Prefer to, Would rather …than

She prefers to drink tea. (Correct)

So, it‟s possible to use infinitive after prefer. (single activity)

But, in case of comparing two activities, use only gerund (verb+ing)

She prefers to drink tea to drink coffee. (wrong)

She prefers to drink tea than to drink coffee. (wrong)
She prefers drinking tea to coffee. (Correct)
She would rather have
We prefer going by ferry than flying. (wrong)
We prefer going by ferry to flying.

He prefers reading to writing

He would rather read than write.

Find out the correct sentence—

A. He prefers to read than to write
B. He prefers reading to writing
C. He prefers to read than write
D. A, B, C all are correct
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Extra notes:
It‟s possible to use the bare infinitive after „than‟.
He prefers reading to writing. (Correct)
He would rather read than write. (Correct)

I would rather die than beg. (Correct)

I would rather die than begging. (wrong)

4. This rice is ……. than good.

a. Cheaper
b. The cheaper
c. The cheapest
d. More cheap

If the comparison is between two adjectives (not two nouns), use „more‟, not the usual
comparative form of the two adjectives.
For example,
In case of two nouns:
The elder sister is taller than the younger one. (correct)
The elder sister is more tall than the younger one. (bad English)

The elder sister is more beautiful than the younger one. (correct)

োরণ „beautifuler‟ ব঱তে দেছু োই

In case of two adjectives:

He is stronger than bold. (wrong)
He is stronger than bolder. (wrong)
He is more strong than bold. (correct)

But, in case of two nouns/pronouns,

He is stronger than his brother. (correct)

This rice is ……. than good.

A. Cheaper
B. The cheaper
C. The cheapest
D. More cheap
This rice is more cheap than good.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

5. Find out the correct sentence—

a. Shafiq enjoys hunting rabbits, socializing with friends, and to read books.
b. Shafiq enjoys to hunt rabbits, socializing with friends, and to read books.
c. Shafiq enjoys hunting rabbits, socializing with friends, and reading books.
d. Shafiq enjoys to hunt rabbits, socialize with friends, and read books.

Technique: „Vertical scanning‟

Parallel Structures:

In a list of items, all the items must have the same „grammatical form‟.
This person loves to read, write, and teach. (correct)
This person loves reading, writing, and teaching. (correct)

This person loves to read, write, and teaching. (wrong)

This person loves to read, write, and he teaches. (wrong)

Verbs always followed by Gerund:

admit, appreciate, avoid, can‟t help,
consider, deny, enjoy

Find out the correct sentence—

A. Shafiq enjoys hunting rabbits, socializing with friends, and to read books.
B. Shafiq enjoys to hunt rabbits, socializing with friends, and to read books.
C. Shafiq enjoys hunting rabbits, socializing with friends, and reading books.
D. Shafiq enjoys to hunt rabbits, socialize with friends, and read books.

6. Many people share the same intense fear—

a. Being in high places, numbering, and making speeches.
b. Being in high places, working with numbers, and speeches.
c. High places, working with numbers, and making speeches.
d. Being in high places, working with numbers, and making speeches.

Parallel Structures:

1. being in high places,

2. working with numbers, and
3. making speeches.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Many people share the same intense fear— being in high places, working with numbers,
and making speeches.

7. Find out the correct sentence—

a. The rich do not last forever.
b. Riches does not last forever
c. Rich do not last forever.
d. Riches do not last forever.

Riches (সম্পি): plural noun

সম্পি দিরদিে টটতে ো-Riches do not last forever.

8. Two-thirds of the city…….

a. Have been inundated
b. Has been inundated
c. Have inundated
d. Has inundated

Common mistakes:
One-third (correct) vs One-thirds (wrong)
Two-third (wrong) vs Two-thirds (correct)
Similarly, three-fourths, two-fifths (correct)

Main question:
Two-thirds of singular or plural?
The answer is : it depends!

Two-thirds of the students (plural noun) are absent.

Two-thirds of the rice (uncountable noun) is sold.

Two-thirds of the city (singular noun) has been inundated.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

9. Fearing the state-sponsored oppressions and tortures,

a. Bangladesh gave shelter to millions of Rohingyas who migrated
b. Myanmar forced millions of Rohingyas to migrate to Bangladesh
c. migrated to Bangladesh took place by millions of Rohingyas
d. Millions of Rohingyas migrated to Bangladesh.


Question: It refers to whom?

I saw a dead cow while I was walking in the field. (Correct)

I saw a dead cow walking in the field. (Wrong, dangling modifier)

While walking in the field, I saw a dead cow. (Correct)

Fearing the state-sponsored oppressions and tortures,

A. Bangladesh gave shelter to millions of Rohingyas who migrated
B. Myanmar forced millions of Rohingyas to migrate to Bangladesh
C. migrated to Bangladesh took place by millions of Rohingyas
D. Millions of Rohingyas migrated to Bangladesh.

10. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined phrase:

„It‟s healthy to eat green vegetables.‟
a. Noun
b. Adjective
c. Adverb
d. Preposition

Parts of speech of Non-finites:

Gerunds act as nouns:
Reading is a good habit.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Participles act adjectives:
I saw him reading.

What about infinitives?

a. To err is human. (subject of a verb, noun)
b. He likes to swim. (object of a verb, noun)

c. This house is to let.

Here, to let qualifies „house‟ (a noun), so it‟s an adjective.

d. We eat to live.
Here, to live qualifies „eat‟ (a verb), so it‟s an adverb.

e. It‟s healthy to eat green vegetables.‟

Here, to eat qualifies „healthy‟ (an adjective), so it‟s an adverb.

11.Luxemburg lies…...Belgium, Austria and France.

a. Between
b. Among
c. On
d. Across

Case 01:
In case of more than two „proper nouns‟,
use between instead of among

Case 02:

In case of mutual relationships,

use between instead of among

There is a treaty of friendship between the five countries.

12. Synonym of INEXPLICABLE

A. Confusing
B. Unaccountable
C. Incredible
D. Unstoppable
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

In- not
Explain- describe
Account- analyze
Account for- to give an explanation

Unaccountable- inexplicable, unexplained

13. Synonym of Gregarious

a. Grumpy
b. Sociable
c. Taciturn
d. Stubborn

Greg- group
Gregarious: sociable, social, clubbable, companionable

Stubborn: obstinate, obdurate, adamant, intractable, opinionated

14. Antonym of Omniscient

a. Subordinate
b. Ignorant
c. Ignoble
d. Weak

Omni- all (e.g. Omnivorous, Omnipotent)

Sci (scire)- to know

Omniscient- all knowing

Antonym: Ignorant
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

15. Antonym of Superfluous

a. Essential
b. Excess
c. Unwanted
d. Unnecessary

First of all, it‟s a bad question!

super- "over" or "more"

fluere- "to flow"

Synonym: excessive, unnecessary, extravagant, needless

Antonym: essential, needed, important, (urgent)

16. Deep: Shallow :: Sharp :

a. Knife
b. Blade
c. Blunt
d. Ocean

Relation: Antonym/ Opposite Meaning

Deep is the opposite of Shallow

Sharp is the opposite of Blunt

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

17. Signal: Traffic ::

a. Dam: River
b. Lens: Light
c. Door: House
d. Operation: Doctor

Relation: Fuction

The function of Signals is to control the flow of Traffic

The function of Dams is to control Rivers

18. Pride: Lions :: ……..: Cats

a. Herd
b. School
c. Clowder
d. Bunch
Relation: Group
A group of Lions is called Pride
A group of Cats is called a Clowder

Take a look at this in your free time:

Animals Their groups

livestock/ any hoofed mammals (eg Herd
Birds Flock/ Bevy
Bees Swarm
Bats Cloud/ Colony
Ants Colony
Fish School/ Shoal
Cats Clowder
Dogs Pack/Kennel
Lions Pride
Wolf Pack
Tigers Ambush
Bears Sloth/ Sleuth
Dolphins Pod
Eagles Convocation
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

19. To show the white feather

A. To show signs of cowardice
B. To seek peace
C. To show arrogance
D. To become polite

1. সািা পা঱তের মিারগ মিারগ যুতে জিতে ো।
2. During a war, (probably British) women used to give white feathers to men
(঱জ্জা মিয়ার িেয), if they refused to go to the war.

To show the white feather- to act like a coward

20. The Prime minister has pulled up the controversial leaders of her party after that
a. elevated
b. rewarded
c. punished
d. reprimanded

pull (someone) up- to tell someone that he/she has done something bad
pull (something) up- to get information to show on a screen:

My suggestions for important group verbs:

Break, Bring, Carry, Come, Die, Fall, Give, Look, Make, Put, Run, Set, Stand, Take,
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Scores & Feedback:

3. If your score is around 12/13 or above, it‟s absolutely okay.

4. If it‟s below 8/9, revise the topics. You‟ve got this, inshaAllah!
Question No Answer
01 D
02 C
03 B
04 D
05 C
06 D
07 D
08 B
09 D
10 C
11 A
12 B
13 B
14 B
15 A
16 C
17 A
18 C
19 A
20 D

For free explanations, discussions and other resources, you can join the following groups:

21. English Clinic For Bank & BCS Exam (With Manirul)
Group link:

22. Free English Grammar & Focus Writing With Manirul Monir
Group link:
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

BB AD English Model Test No: 03

Prepared by
Md Manirul Islam
BBA, IBA, Dhaka University
Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank
Founder, English Clinic For Bank & BCS Exam
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Choose the most appropriate options for the following questions:

1. You can give this book to…...deserves it more.

i. who
ii. whom
iii. him
iv. his

Common misconception: who vs whom

You can give this book to he/ him.
You can give this book to who/ whom deserves it more.
How to solve?
1. Using your sense of language.
2. Formula

3-step formula:
Step 01: Count the number of Subjects
Step 02: Count the number of Finite Verbs
(Please note, do not include the Nonfinite verbs)
Step 03: Decision
a. If the numbers of Subjects and Finite Verbs match,
choose Whom
b. If the numbers of Subjects and Finite Verbs do not match,
Choose Who

Mr Anis helps who/ whom requests him to help.
Mr Anis helps who/ whom he thinks needs his help.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Mr Anis helps who/ whom he likes.

You can give this book to who/ whom deserves it more.

You can give this book to who/ whom you like.

You can give this book to…...deserves it more.

A. who
B. whom
C. him
D. his

What should you do now?

Solve some questions related to who vs whom using this formula.

2. Find out the correct sentence—

i. Unable to defeat the Trojans in open battle, a trick was resorted to by the Greeks.

ii. Unable to defeat the Trojans in open battle, the Greeks resorted to a trick.

iii. Having unable to defeat the Trojans in open battle, the Greeks resorted to a trick.

iv. Unable to be defeated the Trojans in open battle, the Greeks resorted to a trick.

Beaten by the mob, the police rescued the thief.

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Beaten by the mob, the thief was rescued by the police.

I saw a baby crying for its mother while running in the park. (wrong)
While running in the park, I saw a baby crying for its mother.

02. Find out the correct sentence—

A. Unable to defeat the Trojans in open battle, a trick was resorted to by the Greeks.

B. Unable to defeat the Trojans in open battle, the Greeks resorted to a trick.

Now what?
Solve some questions related to dangling modifiers.

3. The possibility of being sued is …...of construction companies.

i. often the greatest fear
ii. often the fear greatest
iii. the greatest often fear
iv. the often greatest fear

Use of modifiers:
Only he can do it.
He can do only it.
He can only do it.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

The possibility of being sued is …...of construction companies.

A. often the greatest fear
B. often the fear greatest
C. the greatest often fear
D. the often greatest fear

Now what?

Revise the chapter on modifiers.

4. Find the correct sentence—

i. It was she not me, who came up with this idea.
ii. It was she not I, who came up with this idea.
iii. It was her not me, who came up with this idea.
iv. It was hers not mine, who came up with this idea.

Use the subjective case of pronouns after „Be‟ verb:

It is he who is to blame. (not him)
The man who called the police was he. (not him)
The real criminals are we ourselves. (not us)

Find the correct sentence—

A. It was she not me, who came up with this idea.
B. It was she not I, who came up with this idea.
C. It was her not me, who came up with this idea.
D. It was hers not mine, who came up with this idea.

Think: not „me‟ or not „I‟?

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

5. My office is more spacious than...

i. Him
ii. You
iii. Their
iv. Hers

My office is more spacious than you. (wrong)

My office is more spacious than your office. (correct)

My office is more spacious than yours. (correct)
My office is more spacious than Rahim. (wrong)
My office is more spacious than Rahim‟s. (correct)

My office is more spacious than...

A. Him
B. You
C. Their
D. Hers

6. Make it passive: „I know that he did the work.‟

i. It was known to me that the work was done by him.
ii. It is known to me that the work was done by him.
iii. It was known to me that he did the work.
iv. I know that the work was done by by him.

Voice change of complex sentence:

Case 01:
Transitive verbs in both clauses.

We know that Newton discovered gravity.

It = that Newton discovered gravity.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
a. We know it.
It is known to us.
b. Newton discovered gravity.
Gravity was discovered by Newton.
It is known to us that gravity was discovered by Newton.

Case 02:
Only 01 transitive verb, no transitive verb in the 2nd clause

We know that Newton was a great scientist.

No transitive verb in „That Newton was a great scientist.‟

„That Newton was a great scientist.‟= object

This object becomes the subject in the passive voice.

That Newton was a great scientist is known to us.

06. Make it passive: „I know that he did the work.‟

A. It was known to me that the work was done by him.
B. It is known to me that the work was done by him.
C. It was known to me that he did the work.
D. I know that the work was done by by him.

I know that he did the work.

(that he did the work=it )
Active: I know it.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Passive: It is known to me

Active: He did the work.
Passive: The work was done by him.
It is known to me that the work was done by him.

7. Although Shuvo is younger than his brother, he is …. of the two.

i. the tallest
ii. the taller
iii. taller
iv. most tall

Case 01:
The younger brother is taller than the elder brother. (correct)
The younger brother is the taller than the elder brother. (wrong)
Case 02:
Of the two brothers, the younger one is the taller. (correct)
Of the two brothers, the younger one is taller. (wrong)

What is the rule?

In case of:
Of the two/ Of the pair, use „the‟ before a comparative adjective.

Although Shuvo is younger than his brother, he is …. of the two.

A. the tallest
B. the taller
C. taller
D. most tall
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

8. Find the correct sentence:

i. He hardly does not go there.
ii. He hardly goes there.
iii. He does not go there hardly.
iv. Hardly he goes there.

Double negatives:
He hardly does not go there. (wrong)

He can hardly walk.
Hardly can he walk.

He hardly goes there.

Hardly does he go there.

He hardly went there.

Hardly did he go there.

Find the correct sentence:

A. He hardly does not go there.
B. He hardly goes there.
C. He does not go there hardly.
D. Hardly he goes there.

9. It was difficult to see clearly...

i. because the rain
ii. because raining
iii. because it is raining
iv. because it was raining
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Phrases Clauses
Because of Because, As, Since
In spite of, Despite Though, Although
For For

Because he is lazy, he does not study.

Because of his laziness, he does not study.

Although he is lazy, he has managed to pass the exam.

In spite of (or, Despite) his laziness, he has managed to pass the exam.

It was difficult to see clearly...

A. because the rain
B. because raining
C. because it is raining
D. because it was raining

10. Having been stopped by the police for running a red light, ……it was not in her best
interest to argue since she was not wearing her seat belt.
i. Jane‟s decision
ii. Jane decided
iii. decided
iv. decision

Dangling modifier:
See the explanation in Question no-02.
The main idea: Modifier যার কথা বল঱ তার পালল বলে

Having been stopped by the police for running a red light, ……it was not in her best
interest to argue since she was not wearing her seat belt.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
A. Jane‟s decision
B. Jane decided
C. decided
D. decision

11. The world changed after that „fatal‟ day when an atomic bomb was dropped on
i. Unlucky
ii. Deadly
iii. Decisive
iv. Historic

Fatal- 1. deadly, lethal, mortal

2. determined by fate, fateful, inevitable, decisive

Think: What is the meaning of „fatalism?‟

12. When your plan brings us great wealth, you will be rewarded for your sagacity. What
does "sagacity" means?
i. good looks
ii. mistakes
iii. intelligence
iv. huge appetite for herbs

Sage- an aromatic herb

Sage- wise
-having wisdom or discernment
Sagacious- wise
Sagacity- wisdom, intelligence
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

13. “If you knew the gravity of the situation, you wouldn‟t be laughing” Mr. Farmer said
quietly. He didn‟t have to say more to get everyone‟s attention. What does “gravity”
mean in this context?
i. a force that draws different objects toward each other
ii. seriousness
iii. humor
iv. enjoyable, or comfortable

gravity -1. attraction, pull

2. seriousness, graveness, significance,

14. In this question, four words are given out of only one is misspelt. Find the mis-spelt
i. Allitration
ii. Allowance
iii. Almighty
iv. Almanac

Correct spelling alliteration

15. “Run out of steam” means—

i. Become cold
ii. Become hot
iii. Run faster than machines
iv. Exhausted

Run out of steam (informal):

To lose impetus or enthusiasm

Origin: Steam engine!

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

16. Homogeneous means—

i. Same kind
ii. Different kind
iii. Same religion
iv. Same race

Origin: Greek
Homo: same
Genos: race, kind
Homogenous: similar, alike, analogous, uniform

17. Antonym of „monotonous‟—

i. Excess
ii. Interesting
iii. Related to monopoly
iv. Critical

In Greek, mono means „single‟

Monotonous- boring, tedious, humdrum, uninteresting,

dull, pedestrian, repetitive, unvarying

18. He's been on cloud nine ever since she agreed to marry him.
i. Extremely happy
ii. Extremely high
iii. Nervous
iv. Disappointed

On cloud nine
On top of the world
Over the moon
In seventh heaven
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

19. The study of judging a person‟s character and capabilities from the shape of his/her skull
is called—
i. Skull-candy
ii. Phrenology
iii. Neurology
iv. Cerebrology

Phrenology- the study of the size and shape of the skull/ cranium of a person based on some
belief that these are indicative of a person‟s mental faculties and character.

20. Philologist is a person who deals with—

i. The origin of knowledge
ii. Language
iii. Stamps
iv. Ancient philosophy

Epistemologist- one who studies the theory and methods of knowledge

Philatelist- One who collects stamps
Numismatist-One who collects/ studies coins
Philologist- One who is engaged with the historical study of languages
Linguist- One who studies and does research on languages (all aspects of languages)
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Scores & Feedback:

5. If your score is below 12, you need to work harder.

6. If your score is above 16, your preparation is in good shape.

Now what?
1. Revise the topics related to the questions you got wrong,
Question No Answer
01 i
02 ii
03 i
04 ii
05 iv
06 ii
07 ii
08 ii
09 iv
10 ii
11 iii
12 iii
13 ii
14 i
15 iv
16 i
17 ii
18 i
19 ii
20 ii

For free explanations, discussions and other resources, you can join the following groups:

3. English Clinic For Bank & BCS Exam (With Manirul)

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4. Free English Grammar & Focus Writing With Manirul Monir

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English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

BB AD English Model Test No: 04

Prepared by
Md Manirul Islam
BBA, IBA, Dhaka University
Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank
Founder, English Clinic For Bank & BCS Exam
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Choose the most appropriate options for the following questions:

01. Would that I….to my childhood.

A. can go back
B. could go back
C. shall go back
D. might have gone back

would that means you are saying you wish it were the case

a. We wish it was/were true.

Would that it were true.

b. I wish I could go back to my childhood.

Would that I could go back to my childhood.

02. Find out the correct sentence—

A. The boss wants the notice hang.
B. The boss wants the notice to be hanged.
C. The boss wants the notice to have been hanged.
D. The boss wants the notice to be hung.
hang-hung-hung (non-living)
hang-hanged-hanged (person)
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

03. They are said …... a dynamic new play last week.
A. to have wrote
B. to have written
C. to have in writing
D. having written
Is it already done?
04. Find the correct sentence—
A. Only if you have severe pains, you should take this powerful medication.
B. Only if you have severe pains, you should not take this powerful medication.
C. Only if have you severe pains, you should take this powerful medication.
D. Only if you have severe pains, should you take this powerful medication.

Inversion in complex sentences with negative advers:

only after, only because, only if, only when, only until, not until
a. When the government finished the Padma Bridge,
others could realize its massive benefits.

b. Only when the government finished the Padma Bridge, could others realize its massive

a. If you have any problem, you should call me.

b. Only if you have problem, should you call me.

Please note: The inversion takes place in the principal clause.

Find the correct sentence—
A. Only if you have severe pains, you should take this powerful medication.
B. Only if you have severe pains, you should not take this powerful medication.
C. Only if have you severe pains, you should take this powerful medication.
D. Only if you have severe pains, should you take this powerful medication.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
05. There are…. cars on this road today than there were yesterday.
A. less
B. lesser
C. a few
D. fewer

little-less-least (uncountable)
little vs a little
few-fewer-fewest (countable)
few vs a few

06. As a doctor, he has to work six days…week.

A. a
B. the
C. for
D. in
More example:
Eat this medicine twice a day.

07. He would rather …. this assignment yesterday than today.

A. finish
B. finished
C. have finished
D. could finish
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
What form/tense of verbs after would rather?
He would rather …. this assignment tomorrow than today.
Finish vs Have finished
He would rather …. this assignment yesterday than today.
Finish vs Have finished

08. Transform it into an indirect narration— Mother said, “Could I but see my child!”
A. Mother told that she could see her child.
B. Mother said she wanted to see her child.
C. Mother expressed a wish that she could but see her child.
D. Mother expressed a wish that she could but saw her child.

Mother said, “Could I but see my child!”

(note: an exclamation sign, wish)
Mother expressed a wish that she could but see her child.

09. He completed his work

A. though his illness
B. though being ill
C. despite he was ill
D. despite his illness

phrase markers vs clause markers

(Discussed in Model Test no-03)
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

10. Choose the incorrect sentence—

A. He bade me to go home
B. I shall behold her come but say nothing.
C. The soldier watched his friend die.
D. I felt the wind blow.
After some verbs we use bare infinitives ( „to‟ থাকলব না):
a. see, watch, behold, hear, feel, notice
b. dare, need
c. let and other causative verbs
d. bid

11. That he loves to read all kinds of novels

A. are known to us.
B. is known to us.
C. are known by us.
D. is known by us.

That/ WH + FV (used as a subject) acts as a noun clause.

A logical way of thinking:
a. He is honest.
b. It is known to us.
„That‟ he is honest = it (always singular)
That he is honest is known to us.

That he loves to read all kinds of novels

are/ is known to us.
It should be „is‟.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
12. Contradict: Contravene ::
A. Deny: Refute
B. Confuse: Satisfy
C. Compensate: Damage
D. Profane: Vulgarity

Contravene- contradict/ oppose in argument

Relation: Synonym

13. Satellite: Orbit::

A. Moon: Phase
B. Missile: Trajectory
C. Rocket: Projectile
D. Auto: Bridge

Relation: The path of moving

14. Choose the correct spelling—

A. Canine
B. Cannine
C. Canin
D. Canninnee

Canine- related to dogs

Feline- related to cats
Vulpine- related to foxes
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
15. As a junior military officer, he always had to…. the orders of his boss.
A. Carry away
B. Carry out
C. Carry through
D. Carry on

Carry out- perform/ conduct a task

Carry on- continue a task

16. Synonym of „Absolute‟—

A. Division
B. Half
C. Small
D. Complete

Absolute- complete, full, pure, unlimited

17. Synonym of „Prodigal‟—

A. Violent
B. Wasteful
C. Patriot
D. Pastoral
1. wasteful, extravagant
2. lavishly abundanat, profuse
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
1. colossal, immense, huge
2. wonderful, marvelous
-a person, especially a child, with extraordinary talent

18. Synonym of „Fulsome‟?

A. Smooth
B. Generous
C. Narrow-mindedness
D. Excessive

Trouble+ some= troublesome

Full+some= Fulsome
1. Offensive to good taste, especially as being excessive or overdone
2. Disgusting
3. Excessively lavish

19. he concluding part of a literary work is called—

A. Preamble
B. Conclusion
C. Epilogue
D. Epitaph

Book- Preface
Constitution- Preamble
Literary/ Dramatic/ Musical Work- Prologue
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Any general ending- Conclusion

20. Aviophobia—
A. The fear of flying
B. The fear of drinking
C. The fear of dying
D. The fear of reading

Avis- bird
Aviator? A pilot
Aviation industry?
Phobia? fear

Aerophobia = Aviophobia

Scores & Feedback:

7. If your score is below 10, you need to work harder.

8. If your score is above 14, your preparation is in good shape.

Now what?
2. Revise the topics related to the questions you got wrong,
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Question No Answer
01 B
02 D
03 B
04 D
05 D
06 A
07 C
08 C
09 D
10 A
11 B
12 A
13 B
14 A
15 B
16 D
17 B
18 D
19 C
20 A

For free explanations, discussions and other resources, you can join the following groups:

5. English Clinic For Bank & BCS Exam (With Manirul)

Group link:

6. Free English Grammar & Focus Writing With Manirul Monir

Group link:
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

BB AD English Model Test No: 05

Prepared by
Md Manirul Islam
BBA, IBA, Dhaka University
Deputy Director, Bangladesh Bank
Founder, English Clinic For Bank & BCS Exam
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Choose the most appropriate options for the following questions:

1. If he……..., he could have passed the exam.

A. tries hard
B. tried harder
C. would have tried hardly
D. had tried harder

1st conditional: If he tries, he can pass the exam.

2nd conditional: If he tried, he could pass the exam.

3rd conditional: If he had tried, he could have passed the exam.

Common mistakes:
1. Using modals in the subordinate clauses.

If he could have tried, he could have passed the exam. (wrong)

2. If clause এ „had‟ থােত঱ই 3rd conditional িতে েরা।

If I had enough money, I would have helped the poor.

If I had enough money, I would help the poor.

If he……..., he could have passed the exam.

A. tries hard
B. tried harder
C. would have tried hardly
D. had tried harder

2. Find out the correct sentence—

a. The teacher insisted that his student complete the task.
b. The teacher insisted that his student completes the task.
c. The teacher insisted that his student completed the task.
d. The teacher had insisted that his student completed the task.

Special Verbs: Subjunctives

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

Advise, ask, command, decree, demand, insist, move, order, prefer, propose, recommend,
request, require, stipulate, suggest, urge

Subject 1+ V1 (subjunctive verb) +

„that‟+ Subject 2+ V2 (base form) + extensions


a. The doctor advised that he stop smoking.

b. The doctor advised him to stop smoking.

In case of negative sentences:

The doctor advised that he not smoke.

Find out the correct sentence—

A. The teacher insisted that his student complete the task.
B. The teacher insisted that his student completes the task.
C. The teacher insisted that his student completed the task.
D. The teacher had insisted that his student completed the task.

3. Mr. Mansib can write………

a. correctly as well as neat.
b. correctly as well as neatly
c. in a correct way as well as in a neat manner.
d. correctly both neatly

To qualify write (verb), what should we use?

correct vs correctly (adverb),
neat vs neatly (adverb),

(a)………. as well as……(b=a)

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

both this and that

Common mistakes:
এেই সাতথ both আর as well as বযবহার েরা।

4. Find the correct sentence—

a. He had a mechanic to repair his car.
b. He had a mechanic repairing his car.
c. He had a mechanic repair his car.
d. He had his car repair.

Special Verbs: Causatives

Make, Have, Let, Help*, Get*

Case 1:
He had a mechanic to repair his car. (wrong)
He had a mechanic repair his car. (correct)

Case 2:
He had his car repair. (wrong)
He had his car repairing. (wrong)
He had his car repaired. (correct)

Find the correct sentence—

A. He had a mechanic to repair his car.
B. He had a mechanic repairing his car.
C. He had a mechanic repair his car.
D. He had his car repair.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

5. The bridge…last year has collapsed suddenly.

a. was constructed
b. constructed
c. which constructed
d. constructing

The bridge which was constructed last year has collapsed.

The bridge constructed last year has collapsed.

From clause to phrase: remove the subject and finite verb

The bridge constructed last year has collapsed.

The bridge constructing last year has collapsed. (wrong)

The (excited/ exciting) fans enjoyed the excited/ exciting final match.

The cried/ crying baby was looking for its mother.

The frightened/frightening baby was looking for its mother.
I called the fire service when I saw a burning building.
He was angry when he found a broken glass on the floor.

Instead of only using grammar rules: use your sense!

6. This South Indian food item……

a. taste delicious.
b. tastes delicious.
c. taste deliciously
d. tastes deliciously

Special Verbs

Linking Verbs: „between subject and complement‟

a. be, become, remain, stay

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
b. seem, appear, sound
c. turn, grow, go
d. feel, look, smell, taste,

He became mad/madly when he heard that his new phone was lost.

Everyone remained silent/ silently in the meeting.

Roses smell so nice/ nicely.

But, there‟s a „catch‟:

Transitive verb (object, not a complement)

Honey tastes sweet/ sweetly.

The chef tasted the food careful/ carefully.

She looked sad/sadly after seeing that.

The teacher looked at the grades of his students meticulous/ meticulously.

This South Indian food item……

A. taste delicious.
B. tastes delicious.
C. taste deliciously.
D. tastes deliciously.

7. Find out the correct sentence

a. The family does their best to make a living
b. The family are doing its best to make a living
c. The family is doing their best to make a living.
d. The family does its best to make a living.

Collective nouns: family, team, jury, committee, jury, class, council etc.
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Common mistakes:
1. Verb
2. Antecedent of pronoun

a. The committee has granted its decision.

b. The committee have put their signatures on the memo.

Find out the correct sentence

A. The family does their best to make a living
B. The family are doing its best to make a living
C. The family is doing their best to make a living.
D. The family does its best to make a living.

8. Identify the correct sentence:-

a. He is better and superior than me.
b. He is better and superior to me.
c. He is better from and superior than me.
d. He is better than and superior to me.
Parallel structures:
In a word, „same grammatical form‟ in a list of two or more items/ activities.
1. Parallel noun, noun phrase, clause
He likes reading, writing and he teaches. (wrong)
He likes reading, writing and teaching. (correct)

2. Parallel Preposition
There is a huge demand and supply of this product. (wrong)
There is a huge demand for and supply of this product. (correct)
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
3. Parallel Conjunction
not only....but also, whether…..or
as well as
Not only he writes but also reads a lot. (wrong)
He not only writes but also reads a lot. (correct)

Identify the correct sentence:-

A. He is better and superior than me.
B. He is better and superior to me.
C. He is better from and superior than me.
D. He is better than and superior to me.

9. The flight will take off……that the weather is good.

a. if
b. unless
c. until
d. provided

To express conditions…
unless, until
provided/ provided that

The flight will take off……that the weather is good.

A. if
B. unless
C. until
D. provided
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

10.I had to ……the loss.

a. made up
b. make up for
c. make up
d. make of for

make up- to invent a story

make up for- to do something to correct a bad situation

I had to ……the loss.

A. made up
B. make up for
C. make up
D. make of for

11. All of us were worried about Rehnuma because we were not aware ……she had gone.
a. where that
b. of where
c. the place
d. of the place where

aware of…….

All of us were worried about Rehnuma because we were not aware ……she had gone.
A. where that
B. of where
C. the place
D. of the place where

12.Antonym of docile
a. Obedient
b. Obstinate
c. Tractable
d. Teachable
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Docile: easily taught, easily managed, submissive, tractable

Obstinate: adamant, stubborn, headstrong, inflexible

13. Antonym of Obsolete

a. Antiquated
b. Venerable
c. Modern
d. Out of date

Obsolete: out of date, antiquated, ancient,

archaic, antediluvian, outmoded

14. Find out the incorrect spelling—

a. Diarhoea
b. Cholera
c. Dehydration
d. Typhoid

Correct spelling: diarrhoea (British)

diarrhea (American)

15. Although you are busy, you should not out ……………. your urgent work for
a. put on
b. put off
c. put up
d. put up with.

Put on- 1. Wear,

2. Turn on/ switch on
Put off-1. Remove an item of cloting
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
2. Postpone
Put up- build
Put up with- to accept or tolerate something bad

Although you are busy, you should not out ……………. your urgent work for tomorrow.
A. put on
B. put off
C. put up
D. put up with.

16. Synonym of „Incomprehensible‟—

a. Intelligible
b. Uncompromising
c. Unfathomable
d. Ubiquitous

Comprehend- to understand


Fathom- to measure/ understand

Un+ fathom+ able

17.In an age without radio or recordings, an age… print, fiction gained its greatest
a. decimated
b. denigrated
c. dominated
d. resurrected

Decimate- kill or destroy a large part of something

Denigrate- criticize unfairly, disparage, belittle
Dominate- control
Resurrect- restore to life, revive
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

In an age without radio or recordings, an age… print, fiction gained its greatest
A. decimated
B. denigrated
C. dominated
D. resurrected

18. Synonym of „Imminent‟?

a. Famous
b. A dark horse
c. Impending
d. Eminent

Imminent- about to happen, impending

Eminent- famous, distinguished
A dark horse- someone who is/ was not expected to win suddenly does so!

19. A speech made without previous preparation is called a/an …...speech.

a. extempore
b. prepared
c. impoverished
d. off beat

Extempore- impromptu, without any preparation


Impoverished- poor

Off-beat- unconventional, unusual

English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam

20. Only the wearer knows where —

a. a man goes
b. he is right
c. the shoe pinches
d. the pain disturbs

Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

Scores & Feedback:

9. If your score is below 10, you need to work harder.

10.If your score is13 or above, your preparation is in good shape.

Now what?

Revise the topics in all these (5) model tests. These are the most important topics!
English Clinic for Bank & BCS Exam
Question No Answer
01 D
02 A
03 B
04 C
05 B
06 B
07 D
08 D
09 D
10 B
11 B
12 B
13 C
14 A
15 B
16 C
17 C
18 C
19 A
20 C

For free explanations, discussions and other resources, you can join the following groups:

7. English Clinic For Bank & BCS Exam (With Manirul)

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8. Free English Grammar & Focus Writing With Manirul Monir

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