3 Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment Form (3)

Must be completed before experimentation. Required for projects involving hazardous chemicals, activities
or devices and may be needed by other projects.

Student’s Name(s) Chris Edrick Guerra, Susan Marie E. Tura, Kate Zhyra Villagantol
Title of EFFECTIVENESS OF DUCKWEED (Lemna minor) AND CASSAVA STARCH(Manihot esculenta)

To be completed by the Student Researcher(s) in collaboration with Designated Supervisor/Qualified

Scientist: (All questions must be answered; additional page(s) may be attached.)

1. Identify and assess the risks and hazards involved in this project.

Environmental risk- the new environment of the red tilapia fingerlings can affect their tolerance, survival rate, and growth.

It includes the feeding rate of food (commercial feeds) with the supplementation of the researchers’-made pellets which is
also influenced by feeding time of the day, water temperature, pH level of water and availability of oxygen.

The uneaten fish food releases toxic ammonia and nitrite as it decomposes. This is especially dangerous to aquariums where
the nitrifying bacteria that gets rid of these toxins hasn’t had a chance to fully develop. Uneaten food can also clog the filter system
of the aquarium.

2. a) List all hazardous chemicals, activities or devices to be used; b) identify and list all microorganisms to be used
that are exempt from pre-approval (see Potentially Hazardous Biological Agent rules).

3. Describe the safety precautions and procedures that will be used to reduce the risks.
-The researchers will use Methylene Blue to fungal overgrowth, since it is effective in killing aquatic parasites in fish. It is also used
to treat toxicity often caused by ammonia and nitrite. This compound is highly safe to use and does not damage or kill the fish,
provided it is used in limited dosage and one does not overdose the fish with it.

4. Describe the disposal procedures that will be used (when applicable).

-The red tilapia fishes used in this study will be sold in the market at a lower priced value.

5. List the source(s) of safety information.

Worldofchemicals. “Methylene Blue: A Chemical for Treating Aquarium Fish.” worldofchemicals.com,
November 10, 2016. https://www.worldofchemicals.com/546/chemistry-articles/methylene-blue-a-chemical-for-

Agrawal, Sonali. “Methylene Blue for Fish Aquaculture | Uses and Precautions,” December 19, 2022.
Hussain, M. G. “Farming of Tilapia: Breeding Plans, Mass Seed Production and Aquaculture Techniques.”
ResearchGate, July 1, 2004.

To be completed and signed by the Designated Supervisor (or Qualified Scientist, when applicable): I agree

Designated Supervisor’s Printed Name Signature Date of Review (mm/dd/yy)

Experience/Training as relates to the student’s area of research

Position/Institution Phone or email contact information

Page 38 International Rules: Guidelines for Science and Engineering Fairs 2022–2023, societyforscience.org/ISEF

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