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Unders tanding C aus es of

H a i r L o s s i n Wom e n
Neil Sadick, MDa,b,c,*, Suleima Arruda, MDa,c

 Inflammation  Androgenetic alopecia  Female pattern hair loss

 Selection of hair transplantation methodology depends on patient goals, type of hair loss, and qual-
ity of hair.
 Robotic hair transplantation is the latest frontier in hair restoration.
 Platelet-rich plasma, low-level laser therapy, and stem cells can be used together with hair trans-
plantation to enhance graft survival.

INTRODUCTION are not usually performed, but can be helpful

when the diagnosis is uncertain or when a
Hair loss in women, also known as female pattern concomitant scalp disorder is suspected.
hair loss (FPHL), is a common form of nonscarring The progressive thinning and decrease of hair in
hair loss that affects around 20% of adult women FPHL results from an ongoing decrease in the ratio
in the United States. It is characterized by progres- of terminal hairs to shorter, thinner vellus hairs in
sive loss of terminal hairs over the frontal and ver- the affected areas, a process known as follicular
tex regions of the scalp, resulting in visible hair miniaturization. Consequently, the anagen phase
thinning. FPHL mostly affects White women of the hair follicles shortens from a normal duration
compared with Asian and black women. FPHL of a few years to only weeks to months. Although
usually starts after the onset of menopause, androgens and genetic susceptibility in male
although it can also affect women of younger androgenetic alopecia are well-accepted factors
ages. A British study of 377 women who presented underlying its pathophysiology, the degree to
to a general dermatology clinic with concerns un- which these factors contribute to FPHL in most
related to hair loss, 38% of women over the age women is less clear; thus, the mechanism through
of 70 years had FPHL.1 Women with FPHL experi- which follicular transformation occurs in FPHL is
ence negative psychosocial effects such as feel- not completely understood. Today, a combination
ings of negative body image, poorer self-esteem, of hormonal dysregulation, environmental stress,
and a decreased sense of control over their lives. and genetics are thought to collectively contribute
The diagnosis of FPHL is usually made clinically, to the microinflammation that ultimately leads to
based on the patient history, laboratory tests, and FPHL.
physical examination. The diagnosis is suggested
by the detection of a decrease in hair density in EFFECT OF HORMONES
the characteristic distribution and an increased
prevalence of miniaturized hairs. Skin biopsies The implication of androgens in the pathophysi-
ology of hair loss is thought to be the most

Department of Dermatology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 1305 York Ave 9th Floor, New York,

NY 10021, USA; b Department of Dermatology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA;

Sadick Dermatology, 911 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10075, USA
* Corresponding author. Department of Dermatology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 1305 York
Ave 9th Floor, New York, NY 10021.
E-mail address:

Dermatol Clin 39 (2021) 371–374
0733-8635/21/Ó 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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372 Sadick & Arruda

elucidated of hair loss triggers, yet ongoing reactive oxidative species. For example, the ef-
research continuously reveals new mechanism of fects exerted by UV radiation on hair follicles are
androgen action. Microinflammation and perifollic- known to be in part mediated via the generation
ular fibrosis has been documented by a plethora of of reactive oxidative species, which induces cell
peer-reviewed clinical studies of androgenetic alo- apoptosis and cycle arrest. Preclinical studies
pecia, highlighting that a key consequence of an- have shown that antioxidants such as vitamins E
drogens is triggering a cascade of numerous and C can provide photoprotection against oxida-
immune and inflammatory processes.2–6 Andro- tive damage.13
gens present in both men and women influence Genetics also play a role in all manifestations of
hair growth by stimulating the dermal papilla cells hair loss, and the genetic make-up of an individual
to overproduce transforming growth factor-b, can predispose them to various types of hair disor-
which is normally produced in these cells to signal ders (androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, al-
catagen and regression and production of trans- opecia areata [AA]). Although the androgen
forming growth factor-b by the dermal papilla cells receptor was a main candidate gene involved in
was shown to induce oxidative stress, as well as hair loss susceptibility, recent genetic studies
perifollicular fibrosis and inflammation via the sur- have revealed several additional susceptibility ge-
rounding fibroblasts.7 New research also shows netic loci involving cell proliferation, perturbed
that androgens also impair dermal papilla- neurologic pathways, altered immune response,
induced hair follicle stem cell differentiation by and WNT signaling as central drivers of the hair
inhibiting Wnt signaling, a pathway crucial for ana- loss process.14–17 These data further highlight
gen entry.8 Even in the absence of excess andro- that altered function of molecular pathways lie at
gens, such as in men castrated after puberty, the root of hair loss physiology, and that targeting
engagement of their downstream effectors suf- the androgen-dependent pathway does not suf-
fices to results in the dysregulated pathophysi- fice to effectively combat hair loss. Aside from ge-
ology seen in hair loss.9 A steep decrease in netic predisposition that cannot be changed,
estrogen in menopausal women can allow genetic research has recently shown that epige-
androgen dominance, or even the mere loss of es- netic modification through exogenous and endog-
trogen protection can allow manifestation of enous factors can regulate gene expression,
androgenetic alopecia in women. opening an opportunity to therapeutically inter-
vene to rebalance a genetic environment suscep-
ENVIRONMENTAL AND GENETIC TRIGGERS tible to hair loss.18 There is substantial evidence,
for instance, that plant phytonutrients can alter
The hair follicle is a conduit for intensive interac- the internal environment by epigenetically modi-
tions with the internal and external environment. fying the transcription of anti-inflammatory and
Although the effects of extrinsic and intrinsic fac- antioxidant genes and such function can be
tors are readily recognized in skin photoaging, exploited for treatment of hair loss.19
their influence in hair follicle biology is underappre-
ciated.10,11 Nevertheless, a study examining the CHRONIC STRESS (ELEVATED CORTISOL AND
contribution of endogenous and exogenous fac- OTHER MEDIATORS OF STRESS)
tors in the development and severity of male
pattern hair loss in 92 genetically identical male Although psychoemotional stress was anecdotally
twins found that several nongenetic exogenous associated with hair loss, the underlying science
factors not only contributed significantly to hair driving this phenomenon was only recently recog-
loss, but that their effects were also expressed in nized and elucidated. Aside from external and in-
a distinct spatiotemporal fashion.12 Both extrinsic ternal environmental triggers, given the dense
triggers such as UV, pollutants, tobacco, and perifollicular meshwork of sensory nerve endings
pathogens and intrinsic factors such as genetics, that are closely associated with mast cells, endo-
aging, and poor nutrition, target and attack the thelial cells, and macrophages, hair follicles are
hair follicle generating oxidative stress and medi- also a target of immunomodulatory and neuroen-
ating inflammation-associated injury. Both these docrine stress mediators including substance P,
processes play a central role in the pathophysi- cortisol, and adrenocorticotropic hormone.20
ology of hair disease, in a manner similar to that Upon stress triggers, nerve fibers secrete neuro-
seen in chronic diseases, including cancer, aging, peptides such as substance P and nerve growth
diabetes, and cardiovascular and chronic kidney factor with proinflammatory properties that lead
disease, by initiating intracellular signaling cas- to mast cell degranulation and the release of
cades that enhance proinflammatory gene expres- myriad proinflammatory mediators, such as hista-
sion (tumor necrosis factor a, IL-1), and liberating mine and tumor necrosis factor a, into the

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exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Understanding Causes of Hair Loss in Women 373

interfollicular tissue,21 and up-regulation of MHC proinflammatory, profibrotic cascades and the
class I and II microglobulin expression, that trigger presence of microinflammation. Thus, there needs
the collapse of the hair follicle immune privi- to be a paradigm shift in approaching hair loss
lege.22–24 Chronically high stress levels also lead treatments, one that targets not only androgens
to the production of stress hormones, like cortisol, but also inflammation, oxidative stress, elevated
which are known to cause catagen induction. stress mediators like cortisol, and their down-
Moreover, aside from the paracrine action of stream signaling mediators. In addition, the treat-
external hormones, the hair follicle can produce ment should stimulate a nutrient-rich
its own stress hormones (adrenocorticotropic hor- microenvironment in the hair follicle niche to pro-
mone, corticotropin-releasing hormone, and mote repair and structural regeneration. Therapies
cortisol) because it has a fully functional equivalent such as nutraceuticals, platelet-rich plasma, and
of the classical hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal low-level laser therapy are slowly but surely
axis, with established regulatory feedback loops. emerging and are increasingly recognized for their
In this way, stress exposure can trigger the hair fol- efficacy either as a standalone treatment regime or
licle to secrete its own stress hormones that combined with traditional hair loss treat-
further dysregulate the hair follicle milieu. ments.26–29 Nutraceuticals contain potent botani-
cals with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and
DISCUSSION growth-promoting properties that can target multi-
ple triggers underlying hair loss.30 By targeting
The pathophysiology of hair loss is unequivocally multiple triggers at once, as well as optimizing
extremely complex, involving a plethora of and recalibrating the immune response, these
signaling pathways from multiple cell types. Data new therapeutic approaches present a more
underscore the flaws of designing androgen- comprehensive solution to restoring the imbalance
targeting therapies for hair loss, because it is clear of the disordered follicle. Autologous platelet-rich
that the complex dysregulated signaling is what ul- plasma injections have been used for almost a
timately causes hair loss, and provided the decade now in female and male hair loss, and
impetus to shift the therapeutic approach from have a documented positive effect in restoring
monotargeting to comprehensively multitargeting hair loss, most likely owing to the anti-
aberrant signaling pathways. inflammatory action of the preparation. Low-level
Regardless of the trigger, however, the cause of laser therapy and even energy-based devices
hair disorders is a hair follicle that has lost its ho- such as microneedling radiofrequency or frac-
meostatic regulation. Both the hair–brain axis tional lasers have also shown promise in this multi-
and the environment–hair axis can influence the modal therapeutic approach as the localized
hair follicle, chisel against its regulatory circuitry, microwounds and consequent wound healing pro-
and, in the absence of strategies to counterbal- cesses that are activated in the scalp region, allow
ance this attack, can ultimately override the hair recruiting of dermal papilla stem cells, dampening
follicle’s internal controls. The result is exerting a of inflammation and finally follicular growth.
permanent alteration in hair follicle function that
renders it in a state of imbalance and establishes
deleterious self-sustained inflammatory cascades CLINICS CARE POINTS
as the new status quo.
 Hair loss has a complex etiology stemming
Restoring hair follicles to a state of biological
from chronic inflammation due to hormones,
balance requires embracing a new outlook in
genetics, stress and other environmental
terms of therapeutics. Current pharmacologic in-
terventions focus mainly on targeting local regula-
 Treatment of hair loss in women should be
tory circuits, such as hair follicle testosterone
based on a combination approach that con-
metabolism and growth factor pathways. Notably
siders the underlying pathophysiology.
the 2 therapeutic agents approved by the US
 New generation approaches such as platelet-
Food and Drug Administration and European Med-
rich plasma, energy-based devices, and
icines Agency for the treatment of androgenetic al-
advanced nutraceuticals can provide optimal
opecia are topical minoxidil and oral finasteride
clinical results for reduction of hair loss and
(1 mg/d).25 However, both these agents have had
long-term hair health.
a limited success rate, and even worse, unfavor-
able side effects, including sexual dysfunction.
More important, these therapies rely on monotar- DISCLOSURE
geting specific molecules, rather than considering
the underlying pathophysiology of activated of Nothing to disclose.

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374 Sadick & Arruda

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