SPE 25630 Multiwell Application of Downhole Temperature Profiles For Crossflow Analysis

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SPE 25630

Multiwell Application of Downhole Temperature Profiles for

Crossflow Analysis
M.F.J. Petricola and Mohamed Watfa, Schlumberger Middle East S.A.
SPE Members
Copyright 1993, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.
SocIety of Petroleum Engineers
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Middle East Oil Technical Conference & Exhibition held in Bahrain, 3-6 April 1993.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
as p r e s ~ ~ t e d , have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are SUbject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect
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of Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknOWledgment
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Temperature profiles have been used extensively for
problem diagnostics related to downhole leaks and
cross-flows behind the casing. The classical
procedure is to obtain a true geothermal temperature
profile and correlate future temperature changes to
the geothermal to obtain an estimate of the location,
magnitUde and direction cf the cross-flow anomalies.
This single well technique was limited by the
availability of a representative geothermal gradient,
local and time-lapse variations in this geothermal
gradient, coupled with the absolute accuracy
required from the temperature readings.
The technique presented in this paper looks at
extending the single well temperature profile analysis
to multi-well data-base application. Here the
temperature profiles for a selected number of wells
in a field are loaded in a database. The geothermal
variations across the field can then be quantified at
any given period of time from the median reading for
the wells in that area. This allows for data
normalizations for all the wells, which improved the
accuracy of the temperature readings. The net effect
is an order of magnitude improvement in accuracy,
which facilitated the detection of small leaks and
cross-flow of fluids behind the casing. In essence,
this technique overcomes all the shortcomings and
errors that are normally associated with the single
well temperature profile evaluation.
The examples presented show the classical
applications of temperature profile evaluation in a
variety of behind the casing cross-flow environment.
The results also show how a geothermal gradient
can be obtained from a family of wells where no
representative geothermal gradient is available over
the intervals of interest. The resultant improvement
in resolution also highlight the presence of very slow
leaks, that would otherwise have not been detected.
Temperature profiling can be used for a variety of
problem diagnostics in producing and shut down
wells (ref-1). Essentially, the deviations of the
measured temperature-depth profiles (temp) from
the established geothermal temperature profiles, for
the interval under evaluation, are used to evaluate
for casing leaks and for behind casing cross-flow.
The temperature derivative with respect to depth
(.1temp) can be used in combination with the temp
profile which acts as a magnifier of anomalies- This
is essentially similar to the derivative of the pressure
- time profiles in pressure transient analysis.
The interpretation procedure of the temp and .1temp
profiles are complicated by a variety of factors.
These may include the following:
The original "undisturbed" geothermal
temperature profiles are not linear function of
depth. The temp profiles have characteristic
signatures for each formation, reflecting
endothermic and exothermic reactions that may
be taking place.
If fluid injection is taking place, then formation
cooling may take place resulting in regional
modification of the original temp profiles.
In gas cap reservoirs, gas expansion caused by
production may also result in a modified temp
In flowing wells, small deviation temp may be
swamped by the flowing fluid temperature in the
casing or annulus, masking small anomalies
related to cross-flows and leaks.
* Mark of Schlumberger
SPE 25630
In faulted reservoirs, the temperature profiles,
and absolute values of temperatures, can vary
from one block to another.
Where gas fluid movement is taking place, the
flow profile is complicated by the cooling effects
of the gas caused by expansion. Thus, if gas
is channeling upward, then the increase in the
temp caused by the vertical movement of the
gas is balanced by the cooling effect due to
It is apparent from the aforementioned that the
interpretation of temp is not a routine non -
interactive procedure. A good knowledge of the
geothermal gradient is necessary for a
representative interpretation.
The applications of temp for problem diagnostics has
been in practice for a long time in the oil industry.
The following are typical applications:
Fluid cross-flow, upward or downward, behind
the casing or between casings in multiple
casing configurations. This applications is
normally made in shut down wells which were
left to stabilize over a long period of time to
achieved geothermal equilibrium.
Fluid cross-flow behind the casing under
production conditions. This technique could
yield inconclusive results if the magnitude of the
anomaly under investigation is small.
Zone Isolation: Fluid is normally injected in the
zone to be isolated and time-lapse temperature
profiles are obtained. The signature of these
profiles is an excellent indication of the
presence of cross-flow (Fig-1).
Fluid Leaks into I from the production string :
The signature of the flowing temperature
profile will change because of the change in
both the fluid temperature (if fluid is entering
the mainstream) and the volume of fluid
flowing (Fig-2).
Gas entry into the well bore: The production of
gas, and the change in pressure, normally
results in a cooling effect (Fig-3). The
magnitude of the change in temperature is a
function of the pressure change,volume of gas
entering the flow string, and the initial
temperature conditions of both the gas and
borehole fluids. Under normal conditions, this
feature is relatively easier to detect.
Data AcQuisition for Correct Temperature Profile
Special logging techniques are necessary to obtain
representative temperature profiles. This is because
the anomalies are of the order of a fraction of one
degree Fahrenheit. Fluid mixing and the associated
temperature convection resulting from that caused
by the tool movement in the borehole, and the
dynamic response of the temperature changes,
could be a major limiting factor. Fig-4 shows the
ideal procedure for accurate temp data which can
be summarized as follows:
The well should allowed to stabilize for the
longest period conveniently possible.
Logging is made with the tool descending on its
first run.
Across zones of interest , logging should be
made at very slow speed of the order of 900
Initial runs in the borehole to do depth
correlations, or to check the bottom of the hole,
should not be made before the temperature
temp log is obtained.
Normally, temperature logs are made for the
objective of obtaining bottom hole temperatures for
pressure corrections. In such case, errors of the
order of 2F caused by convection are not critical
for the pressure correction.
Temperature Signatures in Fluid Cross - Flow
ConditiQns fQr cross-flQW
There. has been a wealth of technical papers on the
subject of temp analysis. In layered and producing
reservoirs cross-flows can take place behind the
casing. The vQlume of crQss-flQw is a functiQn of the
Pressure differences between the layers.
FIQwing or shut-in conditiQns that can create
additiQnal pressure differences between the
Cement quality behind the casing and between
the layers.
Relative permeability of the twQ layers.
Casing .cQrrosiQn which will increase the flow
path behind the casing.
In almost all cases, all the conditions controlling the
IQcatiQn and cross-flQw rates between layers, as
defined above, are nQt knQwn. It is therefQre
impossible to predict the location and the volume of
cross-flow between the layers. Moreover, since the
flow takes place behind the casing, traditional
flowmeter surveys can't be used to indicate the
location or volume of the cross-flow behind the
The procedure has been to run temperature surveys
in the casing, in flowing and shut-in conditions, in
order to locate the position of cross-flows. The
deviation of the recorded temperature logs from the
normal geothermal temperature gradient, together
with the derivative of the temperature with respect to
depth, are used effectively to locate the location and
direction of the cross-flow behind the casing.
Shown are eight diagrams representing different
conditions of cross-flow between layers and the
predicted temperature profiles - these diagrams are
representations and were constructed from a
data-base of temperature logs. The objectives is to
establish a family of type curves for correlation.
These diagrams were constructed assuming that
one of the layers is producing; this is normally the
condition under which most of the temperature
surveys are made. Each diagram shows the
Well sketch and zone locations.
Standard Geothermal gradient (No flow or
cross-flow) .
Standard Temperature gradient under flowing
condition (no cross-flow).
Temperature anomaly caused by cross-flow,
superimposed on geothermal gradient.
Combined temperature profiles for flowing and
behind casing cross-flow conditions.
Differential temperature ( ~ t e m p ) which is the
rate of change of temperature with depth. This
is made for the condition of flow plus behind
casing cross-flow.
The presented temperature trends and profiles for
the flowing conditions, for the cross-flow conditions
and for the temperature derivatives are not unique.
The magnitude by which each of these curves
departs from the standard geothermal temperature
gradient profile will depend on the volume of both the
flow in the casing and the volume of cross-flow
behind the casing. The important thing about these
curves are the signatures and shapes of these
curves for the different flow and cross-flow
conditions; these signatures can be considered
unique and can be used to locate cross-flows behind
the casing, and to be compared with standard
conditions. It is also worth noting here that the
shape of the signatures with respect to the position
of the producing interval (perforations) is also
important to identify the various cross-flow
Examples of Inter-Layer Cross-Flows
Example-1 (Fig-5): Well flowing into casing, In
this case there are no cross-flow between the
layers. The fluid saturations for water, oil and
gas (Sw, Soil and Sgas respectively), are
representative of fluid conditions of the whole
field for all the layers logged by the Thermal
Decay Time Tool (TDr) in that well.
Example-2 (Fig-6): Well flowing into the casing,
with a downward cross-flow between two layers
above the perforation; In this case the TDT
saturations obtained for the two flowing zones;
the zone producing into the casing (2) and the
zone producing the cross-flow (4), are
representative of field conditions. The TDT
saturation evaluations for the thief zone (3)
receiving the cross-flow will normally be
representative of conditions adjacent to the
borehole and not field conditions for that zone.
The saturation evaluations if the initial;
saturation conditions in the thief zone and in the
zone producing the cross-flow are the same.
Example-3 (Fig-7): Well flowing into casing, with
an upward cross-flow between two layers above
the perforations; This case is very similar to
example-2, with similar conclusions with
regards to the saturations, with the exception
that zone 3 and 4 are swapped; the
uncertainty with regards to representative
saturations of field conditions will be that of
zone-4, instead of zone-3 as in example-2.
Example-4 (Fig-B): Well flowing into casing, with
an upward cross-flow between two layers below
the perforations; This again is very similar to
Example-2, with all the TDT saturation
evaluations representative of field conditions
except for the layer receiving the flow (zone-2
in this case).
Example-5 (Fig-9): Well flowing into casing, with
an downward cross-flow between two layers
below the perforations; Similarly here, the
TDT saturation evaluations will be
representative of field conditions for all the
zones, except for the thief zone receiving the
cross-flow (zone-1 in this example).
SPE 25630
Example-6 (Fig-10): Well flowing into casing,
with an upward cross-flow into the producing
zone from a layer below it. In this configuration,
the TOT saturation evaluations for all the zones
are representative of field conditions.
Example-7 (Fig-11): Well flowing into casing,
with a downward cross-flow into the producing
zone from a layer above it. Similar to
example-6, the TOT saturation evaluations for
all the zones are representative of field
Example-8 (Fig-12): Well flowing into casing,
with an upward orland downward cross-flow
from the producing zone into zone below it or
above it; In both cases the TOT saturation
evaluation is representative of field conditions
for all the zones except for the thief zone
receiving the cross - flow. However, by
increasing the flow rate, this cross-flow can be
reduced and possibly eliminated, because of
the reduction in the pressure differences.
It is clear from the preceding discussions that:
Only the thief zones receiving the flow could
have TOT saturation values not representative
of field conditions.
Other zones Which includes; zones producing
into the casing, zones not producing at all, or
zones producing the cross-flow behind the
casing, will have TOT saturation evaluations
representative of field conditions.
If the thief zone is also producing into the
casing, the TOT saturation evaluations will still
be representative of field conditions. The
cross-flow is generally assumed to flow
straight into the casing through the
It is apparent from this discussion that TOT
interpretation in wells with behind casing cross-flow
is still valid for most of the logged interval. The
availability of temperature logs will help in locating
the interval of the cross-flow as well as the direction
of the flow. This will help in evaluating the saturation
trends on a field wide basis.
pata Base Applications
Multi-Well Data-Base applications have been
effective in evaluating geological and petrophysical
variations both spatially and by zone by zone (ref-2).
The data-base approach was also used here to
evaluate temp data. The procedure used in
Data-base applications is outlined in the chart of
Fig-13. This may be summarized as follows:
a- Obtain all the log data for a maximum number
of wells. This data should be representative of
potential regional variations across the field.
b- For each well with temp data, obtain all the
formation tops, Zones, sub-zones, etc.. Of
particular interest are loss circulation zones,
zones of injection, hydrodynamically active
zones, and zones where natural or induced
temperature anomalies are expected.
c- Lateral averaging on a 1/2 foot basis are then
used to obtain a representative geothermal
temperature gradient. Regional and zonal
variations in the geothermal temperature
gradient can be identified from the Data-base
displays. Fig-14 is such an application, and this
technique is critical where geothermal
temperature gradients are either not
established, or are changing with time.
d- The variation of the temp from the geothermal
can be obtained. Fig-15 shows the variations
from the geothermal for the family of wells
presented in Fig-14..
e- Likewise, the variation in the ~ t e m p can be
obtained. This will magnify the magnitude of the
anomaly for correlations and identifications.
The two figures (14 & 15) show the applications of
this technique to a five well Multi-well Data-Base.
The results highlight the locations of two cross-flow
leaks that are taking place behind the casing.
The temperature variations from the median can be
used to quantify the volume of fluid cross-flow
(ref-3). The following equation for mass flow rate can
be applied:
Wf =9-
47 [Ln{ r c ~ S}+ 0.29] tons/da}
. 2 (kt) .
with t the total production time, k the thermal
diffusivity of the formation and rce the external
casing radius. This equation also assumes that the
fluid specific heat is 1Btu/day-ft-oF. A is the
relaxation distance which can be derived from the
temperature log. In the case where the asymptote
has been reached, A is simply:
where gG is the geothermal gradient, and Dg the
temperature increase attributed to fluid flow.
The temperature profiles in a well are an excellent
tool for diagnosing production anomalies. The
validity of the data is conditional on acquiring this
data under ideal conditions; since the temperature
anomalies considered are of the order of few
degrees, the quality of acquisition is therefore
The application of the Multi-Well Data-Base to the
evaluation of field temperature profiles has
essentially improved the resolution of the interpreted
data, and highlighted regional variations in these
profiles. Well and field geothermal gradients can be
re-constructed, and small flow rates, which would
otherwise not being recognized, can now be
identified and quantified using this technique.
temp: Temperature profile which varies with
depth (Degrees Fahrenheit-OF)
Atemp: The derivative of temp with depth. (OF 1ft)
t = Production time (hours)
k = Thermal diffusivity
ree = External Casing Radius (inches)
A = Relaxation distance
L1g = Temperature difference caused by fluid flow
gG = geothermal gradient (OFIft).
wf = Fluid mas flow (tons/day)
1- A. Poupon and J. Loeb: "Temperature logs in
Production and Injection wells." Schlumberger
2- A.F. Abed and M. Watfa: " A Dynamic
Multi-Well Data-Base". Journal of Petroleum
Technology, November 1988.
3- M. B. Curtis and E. J. Witterholt: "Use of the
Temperature Log for Determining Flow Rates in
Producing Wells". SPE 16864-Dallas Sept.
Rg-1: The use of Time-Lapse Temperature profiles
to detect zone isolation.
Rg-2: The effect of fluid leak on the Temperature
Flow ( No Gas Entry)
Flow ( + Gas Entry
Rg-3: The effect of Free Gas entry on the Temperature
Stabilize the well
to Reach geothermal

Determine Zone/Layers
of Interest

Log Slowly down.

Log 900 ftlhour over Zone
of Interest
Make repeat section
Make other log passes
over zone of Interest.
Make Depth check.
Shift the depth on main
Log If necessary
Rg-4: Data Acquisition flow chart to
obtain temperature profiles.
Rg-l: Thl. ohow. Ih. oIfect 01 bohlnd cooing cro...flow on Ih.
tempel'llture gl'lldienl and Ihi depth derivative. The cro...flow
I, abovi tha producing Interval and I, downward.
Increasing Temperature

Flg-5: Exemple ahowIng tha geothenMl tempel1lture gradlen' and
the effect of flow on tIM gradlen' and Ita: derivative
CR.to 01 chong. 01 _poro\uFO with doplh dC_p)/d(doplh)
IncraeBlng Tamperature
Ible of Chase

Flg..7: me show. the effect of behind casing croflow on the
temperatura gradient end It. depth derivative. The crofIow
la .bov. the producing Interval and I, upward.
Fig-8: Thl. ,hows the effect of behind caalng cro...flow on the
temp.ratu... gradient end lte depth derivative. The croflow
I. below the producing Interval and I. upward.
IncreasIng Temperature

._-- --

Rg.8: lbl. ohowo th. '-101 bohlnd ....ng ._flowon tho
.........ture gradient and Ita depth derivaUv. The croa.flow
I. _ tho pracluclng Intorvol .nd I. _.Id.
Flg-10: This shows the effect of behind c.,lng cro..ftow on the
temperature gradient and 1t8 depth derivative. The cro...flow
I. bolow tho pracluclng Intorvol ond I. flowing upw.rd. Inlo th.
producing In....v.l.
(temp.)1d (depth)
Increasing Temperature


Increealng Temperatur.

~ . - - 1 - - 1 - - - - _ . _ - - - _ . _ - ~
Incre8slng Temperature

Flg-12: Thle ,h0W8 the etr.ct of behind cuing oro....... on the ...._ g...dlant ond Ito dopIh __ Tho era__
10 II'om producing I....... ond 10 downw'" Into ....
zone below It.
SPE256 }O
ICollect all the data aVallablel
In a data-base

Ildantlfy Formatlona, layara I

and sub-layers 01 Interest

Lateral averaging to obtain a rapresentatlve

Geothemal Gradient.
Depth shlflthe data eo that tha layer Tops &
BollOms lor the various wells are on depth.
Median Averaging
Discard data with high divergence

IIdentify Regional changes I

In geothermal gradient II
it exlata.

Obtain Variance from

Geothermal gradient.
lemp. (true) temp (Geothermal)
Obtain variance from the Differential
temperature profiles.
tJ.temp. (true) tJ.tamp (Geothermal)
Flg13: Ollla-ba.. application lor Interpreting temperature
Temponllure Proll'.. lor 5 Wella
10 of
Tempereture Deviation (Temp-Med'an)
: Down flow
3000 -.---+---.--.-t-----r----
4000 __._._4-. -;---.----.-
I ~ - -i---...-....
~ o o o ---i------- ,-t'---,
Flg-14: An Exomple 01 01 live wellafrom a land field u_
to oblaln a llald gaothennal gradient.

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