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Names Josefina N.

Guinomon and Melody Venancio

Subject Officiating tournament management: jumping events
Instructor Mr. Rafaguil D. Guinsiman
Date September 2023
Track and fields: Athletics
Category: jumping events
I. Long jump
1. Long jump – overview
Long Jump is a sport in which the performer exercises his strength and stamina. This sport is
also known as broad jump. In this tutorial, we will discuss about various techniques and tactics
that will help an athlete to achieve success in long jump. Long Jump is a track-and-field event in
which an athlete is required to jump to a distance as far as possible from a given take-off point.
Among all the athletes, the person who covers a maximum distance is usually declared as
winner. The sport is played under both men and women categories.
2. Long jump – brief history
The traces of this sport lead us to ancient Greece. It was then played as Olympics pattern. The
presence of this sport at that time was believed to be due to its usefulness in warfare. However,
the practice methodology was completely different from what we see today. In those days,
players used to take-off after running a short distance only. In addition, they were supposed to
carry a weight known as halters to give them momentum while swinging forward.
In the late 1800, United States and Europe added this sport into their sport events and soon in
1896 it was introduced in modern Olympics for the first time. However, during this period, the
use of halters was completely eliminated. In 1928, Olympics was organized in Holland in which
women took part for the first time. Soon after that event, the International Association for
Athletic Federation (IAAF) was formed to govern this sport.
3. Long jump – how to play
In Long Jump, an athlete has to jump as far as possible from the take-off point. Landing is
generally done on a sand pit. For more comfort, the land is filled with silicon sand. The run-up
before the jump is also limited.
The runway for this sport should have a length of 40 metres and width of 1.22 metres. There is a
take-off board present before the landing area. It has the length of 1.22 metres whereas width
and depth are 20cm and 10 cm respectively. From at least one metre from the landing area,
there should be plasticine to record the athlete’s foot-faulted prints. It is generally white in
The landing area should be filled with silicon sands. The length of the field from the takeoff
point to the end should be at least 10 metres, whereas its width should be of 2.75 metres.
It is wise to practice the sail techniques effectively for the improvement of take-off techniques.
Through this practice, the upright trunk will be maintained and striding position of the free leg
will be improved. We can divide basic jumping into three distinct sections:
 Approach
 Take-off
 Flight
II. Triple jump
1. Triple jump – overview
Triple jump, also called hop, step and jump is a track and field athletic event. The long jump and
triple jump are together referred to as horizontal jumps. In this event, athletes sprint along a
runway then from the take-off board they jump forward, land on the take off foot, then takes a
step onto the other foot, then take a step onto other foot and finally jump into the sandpit.
The athlete who covers the greatest distance from the board to the sandpit is declared the
2. Triple jump – brief history
As per historical sources on the ancient Olympic games, it is mentioned that occasionally jumps
of fifteen meters or more had taken place. This led the sports historians to hae a conclusion that
there must have been a series of jumps which provided the basis for triple jump.
The triple jump was part of the inaugural modern Olympics in 1896 Athens, Greece. Although at
the same time the event consisted of two hops on the same foot and then a jump. But the new
format of the hop, skip and jump was standardized in 1908.
3. Triple jump – how to play
The approach run
The objective of this technique is to accelerate to a maximum speed of take-offs.
The main technicality of this technique is to land (hop) on the same foot as that from which the
athlete has taken off and by focusing on all momentum forward. The hop landing is starting of
the step phase.
In this phase, the athlete utilizes the backward momentum of the take-off leg to immediately
execute a jump forward on the opposite leg. By this way, the athlete maintains horizontal
velocity, distance and gets prepared for the next phase.
This phase starts with the landing in the step phase with the same foot and then is similar with
that one of the long jump. One of the primary flight techniques is used by the athletes is to
cover a significant distance- hitch-kick, sail or the hang techniques.

4. Triple jump and long jump – equipment and playing area

Long and Triple jump-shoes – Cleated shoes with cushioned soles are used by jumpers to have a
good grip on the surface and to firmly support the feet on landing.
Long and Triple jump-clothing – close-fitting, lightweight vest and shorts with athlete’s ID
on both side of the vest are worn by the athlete to lower wind resistance.
 The playing area in triple and long jump sport consists of a runway, take off board,
plasticine and sand pit
 The runway is about 40 meters long and 1.22 m (4 ft.) in width.
 The take-off board is a white colored rectangular piece of wood that is 1.22 m (4 ft)
length and is 20 cm (7.87 in.) in width and 10 cm (3.93 in) in depth.
 The plasticine is placed at least 13 m (42.7 feet) from landing area for men and 11 m (36
feet) for women to determine the fault take-offs which are commonly red in color.
 The landing area is filled with silicon sand which is commonly 2.75 m (9 ft.) in width, 9 m
(29.52 ft.) in length and at least 30 cm (11.81 in.) in depth.
5. Long jump and triple jump – rules
All rules for long jump and triple jump are made and monitored through International
Association for Athletic Federations. Playing by rules will fetch you points on your performance
and the reverse may cost you penalty which may lead to disqualification from the entire
tournament. Here is a list of some important rules that every athlete needs to follow while
participating in a Long Jump event:

 The number of trials varies depending upon the number of competitors. If the number of
competitors is more than eight, then each one will be given three trials and best eight among
them may be given additional three trials. However, if the number of competitors is less than
eight, then each may be given six trials.

 If a competitor wishes, he can have some practice trials before the beginning of the
competition under the supervision of judges. Once the competition has begun, they are not
allowed to use the competition or take-off area.

 Markers are provided by the organizing committee to the players to mark their take-off and
run off points. No other substances like chalks should be used which can leave indelible marks.

 Soon after the athlete jumps, measurement is done from the nearest point that has touched
the take-off point.

 All measurements are done perpendicular to the take-off point.

 For the trial to be legal, the wind meter reading is also important. It should show the
parameters within the required specific zone.

 The performer has to complete his jump within one minute.

 If there is a tie between two players after scoring, chances are given to them till the time one
performs better than the other and gain more points.

6. Long jump and triple jump – officials

Chief judge – Coordinate the work of the judges and validate the attempt of the athletes by
indicating a fair jump with a white flag and foul jump with a red flag.
Other judges – record all attempt made by the competitors and verify the results at the end of
each round.
7. Long jump and triple jump – Scoring
Most championship competitions involve six jumps per competitor in which the athletes those
with shorter marks are eliminated after three jumps. Moreover, if the competitors are tied, the
athletes with the next best distance is declared the winner.
This event requires speed, power, strength, and almost all balance. At major championships the
format is usually a qualification followed by final.
III. 1 High Jump – Overview
The high jump is a track and field athletic event in which athletes jump unaided over a four-
meter long horizontal bar placed at predetermined height without dislodging it. High jump and
pole vault events are together referred to as “vertical jumps”.
The main objective of this sport is that, the athlete needs to jump over a bar placed over a
certain height without touching it. The bar should not be dislodged from its position during the
whole process. The athlete will run 1st for a certain distance then he will jump over the bar with
his back towards the bar. For this to happen he needs to make turnings in the air during his leap.
This game is played in both men and women category.
2. High Jump – A Brief History
In 19th century first high jump event was organized in Scotland. Scissors techniques and straight
on approach had been used more often by the players. Later, modification of the rules like
positioning the bar in a diagonal manner instead of straight implemented. But it is the 20th
century when players like Michael Sweeney’s brought revolutionary modifications like; doing
take-off in scissors style but jumping over his back.
Another revolutionary man to bring major change in this game is Dick Fosbury. He used Fosbury
flop technique to bag a gold medal at the Mexico City. The popularity of this game can be
judged from the fact that it was among the events to be organized in the first modern Olympics
in 1896, held at Athens. At that time, Americans were the first to win eight gold medals in this
3. High Jump – Facilities and Equipment

 Crossbars – are made of lightweight materials such as fiber-glass or aluminum having a

length of approximately 4m (13.12 ft) and 29-31 mm (1.14-1.22 in) in diameter. Its
maximum weight is up to 2 kg (70.54 on.)
 Shoes – jumpers wear sprinting shoes that have spikes in front and the back. These
spikes present on the shoes offer the jumper, the traction that he/she needs.
 Clothing – close-fitted leotard or vest and shorts are worn by athletes to help them clear
the bar.
 High jump uprights – these are two vertical uprights that support the horizontal crossbar
in such way that it does not fall if it is touched by the participant trying to jump over it.
They must be installed 4.02 m +- 0.02 m apart.
Playing area
The playing area consist of: the semicircular runway made of rubberized materials that is laid
over concrete. The radius of the runway was 20 m (65.61 ft.) which further leads to the landing
area that is the landing mat.

4. High Jump – techniques and game play

 Start – before the starting, the athletes spot his/her position from which he/she begin
her approach for a perfect landing.
 The approach run – most of the athletes use “j shaped” approach in which first 3 to 5
strides head in a straight line 90 degrees to the bar and the final 4-5 strides being run in
curve. Some of the athletes prefer to run in curve which is known as the “c shaped”
 Link between approach and takeoff – the second last stride, the leg on the outside of
the turn is bent, while the other leg is fully extended.
 The takeoff – the athlete pushes the takeoff leg and prepare for the rotation that he/she
will make with legs.
 Drive – this is the extension of the takeoff. The athlete relaxes the body to rise over the
 Arch – when the athlete tips the shoulders back and brings the heels under thighs at the
moment the athlete forms an arch shape which enables her hips to rise over the
 Landing – when the athlete’s hip have crossed the bar the he/she flexes their hips, raise
the chest and legs simultaneously. A correctly executed landing on the shoulders and not
on the neck.
5. High Jump – Rules
Following are some of the important rules of high jump set by International Association of
Athletic Federation (IAAF)

 Take-off must be made with one foot only.

 Dislodging of the bar or breaking the plane near the edge of the bar before clearing will not be
counted as successful jump.

 Jumping height is decided by the Chief Judge. Players can accept the challenge or may pass it.

 If the competitor fails to jump the required height in three consecutive attempts, then he/she
will be disqualified from the competition.

 During the final match, whoever clears above the bar with highest height is declared as

 In case there is a tie, following two conditions may be applied to decide the winner. The player
who has fewer misses at the height at which the tie has occurred, is declared as winner. The
player who has fewest misses in the overall tournament is declared as winner.

 The jumpers have to face a jump-off if there will be a tie for a first place.

 The height will be greater than the previous level. Each player will be given one chance for
each clearance.
6. high Jump – scoring
The event organizers set a minimum qualifying heigh which must be jumped over with athletes
having 1.5 minutes for each attempt. All competitors have 3 attempts per height, although they
can elect to pass the advance and the current one. If the competitors are tied on the same
height the winner is the one with fewest failures at that height. If competitors are still tied
thereafter, a jump-off takes place to decide the winner. The jump-off starts at the next greater
height. Each jumper has one attempt and the bar is lowered and raised until one jumper
succeeds at one height. The jumper who clears all heights amongst other is declared the winner.
7. High Jump – Officials
The minimum number of officials required to run the high jump is 4 ideally.
Chief judge – allocate officials to the various positions.
Official 1 and 2 – replace the bar as required.
Official 3 – call up the competitors and record the results.
IV. Pole vaulting
1. Pole Vaulting – Overview
Pole vault is a popular track and field event. Apart from physical fitness, it requires
understanding of some basic physics such as the way of transferring the kinetic energy of your
speed into the gravitational potential energy through the elastic energy of your vault. This
tutorial will guide you in understanding the sport from a grass-root level. The very first step of
Pole Vault requires the athlete to run down the track holding the pole in his hand. Before
jumping, the athlete has to plant his pole in a metallic pit known as box. Next, he will jump in
the air to get to a required height level. Then throwing the pole away, he swings and turns in the
air and finally lands on the mat. Both men and women can participate in this sport.
2. Brief history
Though the exact origin of this technology is not known yet but it is a well-known fact that in
earlier times, people used pole vault method to cross big obstacles while crossing rivers,
drainage etc. Armies also used this method to cross the long wall of the enemy during the war
time. In 1829 B.C, Pole Vault competition was introduced for the first time in Irish Tailteann
In 1896, this sport was included in modern Olympics as a popular track and field event. With his
victory in 1912, Harry Babcock gave US its fifth consecutive pole vault win. In earlier days, the
materials used for pole construction was tree limbs in the form of large sticks. With the
evolution of new technology, now fibre poles are being used extensively due to good strength
and flexibility.
3. Pole Vault – facilities and equipment
 Pole vault poles
 Pole vault crossbars
 PV pits, Covers and Shelters.
 Pole Vault Boxes and Collars.
 Pole Vault standards and base pads.
 Replacement spikes
 Misc. Pole vault equipment

4. Pole Vault – How To Play

The Grip
With making shoulders wide apart, hands should be placed roughly on the pole. Your right
hand palm should face up and left hand palm should face down. The best way to know about
the grip is to start with a random step. Place the pole at the backside of the box and then by
grabbing the pole with your right hand, make full extension of the arm above the head.
Carrying the Pole
From the position of take-off, do the following two things:

 Right hand should be brought to the hip level.

 Left hand should be lowered up to the level of chest.

Keep the tip of the pole in upward position but not in perfectly vertical position.
Initially, to carry the pole easily, the tip of the pole should face upward but with gradual
progress, slowly it will come down as the right hand will move upwards by pivoting towards left.
Just keep one thing in your mind that the tip of the pole should be maintained at your eye level
before the plant.
Running Approach
During the running phase, the body posture should be upright. During the initial phase of the
running, if an athlete wants, he can lean a little bit forward but with the advancement of the
approach he has to regain back the straight position. The main purpose of this phase is to
develop speed and rhythm needed during the take-off time.
Planting the Vault
Planting is a critical process of Pole Vault where the athlete converts the horizontal height into
vertical height. To achieve this, he has to be a bit slower and lengthen his strides, as this will
give him a good lift. After the last take-off stride, planting is made and the order of leg that is
followed over here will be left-right-left.
Do not keep both the hands above the forehead level, as it will give rise to far take-off step
which in turn will create problem in developing a successful vertical lift. To practice it more
precisely, follow the drill every day.

 By carrying the pole high, walk several steps with a feel for left foot.

 With the passage of time, slowly lower the pole with keeping in mind that left foot will be
used for planting purpose.
As soon as the left foot touches the ground, forward pushing of the pole should be done with

.  Try to maintain the pole as close as possible to your body by pushing the bottom arm all way
forward.  Just before take-off foot hits the ground, extension of the pole must be made 100%
with the bottom arms.
5. Pole Vault – Rules
Knowing the playing technology is of no use unless you are well aware with the playing rules.
The rules of this sport are made and governed by IAAF (International Association for Athletic
General Rules

 On the scoring form, it is mandatory to mention the weight of the athlete next to his name.

 At any particular height, maximum three trials are allowed.

 After three consecutive failures in trial, the athlete is automatically removed from the

 After taking the first attempt, it is advised to take second and third consecutive attempts at
the same height.
Trial Time Limitation Rules Trial time limitation rules are as follows:

 An athlete has to perform within two minutes of calling his name.

 In case three competitors are there, a window gap of four minutes is allowed and in case one
is remaining, a max of six minutes of window gap can be allocated to perform.
In case there is a tie between two persons for a same height, then the athlete having less
number of attempts is declared as winner.
Rules regarding Competitions

 No artificial weights or aid are allowed to be used in the competition.

 Using shoes that can give unfair advantage to an athlete is strictly prohibited.
 Unless there is a wound, no tapping is allowed on any part of the fingers. However, tapping at
the wrist is allowed.

 Without the permission, no athlete is allowed to use the pole of any other competitor.

 Planting box must be checked properly to make sure that it is free from any foreign substance.
6. Pole vault – how to score
The competitor who clears the highest height is the winner. If two or more vaulters have
finished with the same height, the tie is broken by the number of misses at the final height. If
the tied pole vaulters have the same number of misses at the last heigh cleared, the tie is
broken by the total number of misses in the competition.
7. Pole vault – officials
Chief judge 1 – allocates officials to the various positions.
Official 2 – call up the competitors and record the results.
Officials 3 & 4 – replace the bar as required.
Long jump and triple jump

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