Dialogo Aa2

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Angel: Hey Brad, how's it going?

Brad: Not bad, Angel. Just a typical day, you know. I wake up early,
usually around 6 in the morning. What about you?

Angel: Well, I'm an early bird too. I wake up at 6:00. After that, I
hit the gym for an hour to get my day started right. Then, I
come back home, and my mom's usually making breakfast by

Brad: That's nice. My mom makes breakfast too, but I have it at

around 7:00. We usually have cereal or toast during the week. On
weekends, we sometimes make a big family breakfast with
pancakes and eggs.

Angel: Sounds delicious! After breakfast I head to my work at

coolbox, there I am a sales consultant. I work 11 to 5 and my
job involves a lot of sales. And you?

Brad: I have a similar schedule. I start working at 12 and finish at 7.

I work at a McDonald's, it is a flexible job where I can be in different
areas and I can perform well at work.

Angel: After work, I like to relax a bit. I watch TV or read a book

for a while. Then, I help my sister with her homework if she
needs it.

Brad: That's nice of you. After work, I often take my dog for a walk.
It's a great way to unwind and get some fresh air.

Angel: Family dinner is at 7:00 at my place. We all take turns

cooking, but my dad's an excellent chef, so he does it most of
the time. We have a variety of dishes, from pasta to stir-fry.
Brad: Family dinners are the best. We usually eat around 8:00. It's a
good time to catch up on each other's day. After dinner, I might do
some freelance work or just relax with a movie.

Angel: It's been nice catching up, Brad. I should get going. I
have an early start tomorrow.

Brad: Absolutely, Angel. Let's do this again soon. Have a good


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