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An Introduction to Railway


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Historic Station Buildings
Numerous Designs – Reflected the economy of the day.

Modern Station Buildings
Often Historic Stations are modified to create some amazing Spaces.
Making them destinations in their own right…

Manchester Victoria

London Kings Cross

Birmingham New Street

London St Pancras

When Building anything, consider the history of a site.
• It can not be assumed that any site has had no previous use.
• In some instances special investigations need to be commissioned.
• The scope of these will need to be agreed with the Local Planning /
Conservation Officers. Examples being:
- A Cultural Heritage and Townscape Specialist Report
- Archaeology Specialist Report

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Stations - An Introduction
• Stations are a vital component of the
passenger railway network.
• Aside from responding to rail travel
demand, stations offer facilities for
finding information, buying tickets,
sheltering from the elements and
• Successful stations add to the “ whole
journey” passenger experience.
• They support the economic, social and
environmental benefits of rail as well as
influencing their wider context.
• With passenger usage on railways
currently experiencing strong growth,
forecast to continue for the next 30
years, and many stations built more
than 100 years ago, there is significant
demand for investment in stations.

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Typical Clearances / Dimensions
• Platform Heights need
to reflect the Rolling
Stock (Trains) using
the route / Station.
• Typical Dimensions
• Ideally the exit from the
train and Platform
should be level.
• Differences in platform
height and gap can
pose a risk for
passenger safety
<-- 2500mm Minimum -- > • Hazard warnings such
as “Mind the Gap” are
used to reduce risk.
• The standard height for
platforms is 915 mm
with a margin of +0,-25
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Economics of railway stations
• It is important to capture the potential environmental, social and economic
benefits of building a new station
• Stations are often provide significant investment opportunities for developers;
this includes both commercial, retail and residential opportunities.
• Potential development opportunities should be identified during the early design
development phase. This should take into account existing local development
plans, and high level transport network aspirations.
• Where appropriate funding from development can be used to finance the station.
• Stations today can also embrace retail
and leisure facilities. Stations such as
Birmingham New Street are considered to
be retail destinations in their own right.
• An attractive station can enhance the
prosperity of an area, creating jobs and
serving as a centre for regeneration. For
all stations there is an opportunity not just
to invest in an excellent transport hub, but
also to develop the surrounding area.

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Designing a Station - Things to consider
Stations must provide for the free and safe movement of people. Consider:
• Platform / Building layout & Construction.
• Station usage, alighting areas, waiting areas, toilet
facilities, passenger flows and rendezvous points.
• Use by both able and less able passengers.
• Fire precautions and evacuation routes / access for
emergency services
• Interface with other modes of transport:
Car Parking, Safe storage of cycles, Bus / Coach stops
• Station entrance / forecourts.
• Footbridges, Lifts, escalators, and passenger
conveyors or Subways
• Protective fencing & trespass prevention.
• Station Heating Lighting & Ventilation
• Information displays & Signage.
• Closed-circuit television (CCTV) monitoring
of all public places in the station.
• Planning / Approvals procedures.
Often the starting point it to employ an Architect & Designer.
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Station Design Key Components – Layout

Station Design Key Components – Footbridge

Station Design – Fitting it all together.

Advertising Ticket issuing Clocks

High quality signage & information
& publicity equipment
Station Design Key Components – Materials

Metal sheeting or panels

Textured Stainless Steel Textured Stainless Steel

Stove enamelling / powder coating Coloured Stainless Steel Coloured / Textured Stainless Steel

Station Design Key Components – Materials

Terracotta / ceramic

Panel combinations

Terracotta Ceramic tiles


Station Design Key Components – Materials

Glass / Plastic
glazing systems

Artists Impressions

Help to “Sell”
the Concept.

Visual Harmony

• The overall design and layout needs to

• 3D models can be created to walk through
the station as a passenger / train driver etc.

Building takes Time, Effort and Money.
• Safety is paramount.
• Designs must be appropriate and
eliminate, reduce or control foreseeable
risks that may arise during construction
the maintenance and use of a building.

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