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G12-02 ABM

WHat is the DIFFERENCE between

an Entrepreneur and a leader?

Being an entrepreneur and a leader may appear similar to others, but it

is not for everyone. During the seminar, the first speaker addressed
entrepreneurs and leaders. A random student asked him, "How does it
feel to be a boss?" His response was excellent because instead of
describing how it felt, he responded that instead of being a boss, you
should be a leader. Being a leader and an entrepreneur may sound
similar, yet they are really different in many ways. Entrepreneurs are
persons that build or construct enterprises to suit the demands of
consumers, whereas a leader is a person in charge of a business,
whether it be government, private firms, or other non-profit
organizations. A leader's principal responsibility is to direct the
individuals in the organization toward the organization's goals and
vision. While the entrepreneur's primary goal is to create new
profitable company prospects. According to my understanding, being
an entrepreneur demands a creative mind and vision in order to
develop solutions that address societal needs, whereas being a leader
demands the ability to inspire and motivate people while also creating
an environment in which they can strive and give their absolute best
within the organization.

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