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In the light of the findings, the following recommendations

are hereby offered:

DepEd Officials:

1. They ought to create training courses that offer

detailed instructions on good procedures.

2. Investing in teacher training and professional

development, encouraging innovation and technology

integration in the classroom, and boosting student

engagement and motivation are some measures for

raising the quality of education.

3. Granting access to resources and teaching materials

of the highest quality.

School Administrators:

4. School administrators should implement innovative

programs that will reduce the number of nonreaders

attending their particular school.

5. School administrators should have high-quality initial

training and continuous staff development for teachers

that emphasizes the application of a chosen

comprehensive reading curriculum and the fundamental

principles of learning to read. The focus of professional

development should be on assisting the teacher in putting

the tried-and-true guidelines for efficient reading

instruction into practice.


6. Teachers should encourage pupils to

order to develop their interpretation skills.

7. The teacher should let the students choose what they are

interested in and connect their lesson to a real-world


8. In order to share accountability for students' academic

success, they should promote parental and

community involvement.


9.Students should take responsibility for improving

their comprehension abilities.

10. The importance of education should be ingrained

in students’ minds, along with the development of

excellent study habits and an appreciation for the

assistance provide by their parents, teachers,

classmates, and government agencies.


9. Parents should guide and motivate their children for

their development and understanding of learning


10. Throughout the teaching and learning process,

parents should continuously support their children.

Future Researchers:

11. This study could be expanded by a future researcher to

look into the variables that might affect reading

12. A different teaching technique or instruction that

focuses on students' reading comprehension may be

developed by the future researcher.

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