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Educational Game Evaluation A 2023

Game Title Boddle

Game Type App-Based Game

K.CC.1 Count to 100 by ones and tens

K.CC.2 Count forward by a given number
K.CC.3 Write numbers 0-20 to represent a group of objects
K.CC.4 Understand the relationship between numbers
K.CC.5 Counting up to 20 objects arranged in different formations
K.CC.6 Compare the number of objects in two groups
K.CC.7 Compare two numerals between 1 and 10
K.OA.1 Represent addition and subtraction multiple ways
K.OA.2 Solving addition and subtraction word problems
Educational K.OA.3 Decompose numbers up to 10 in more than one way
Standards K.OA.4 For any number from 1 to 9, find the number to make 10
K.OA.5 Fluently add and subtract within 5
K.MD.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects
K.MD.2 Compare two objects with a common measurable attribute
K.MD.3 Classify objects into given categories
K.G.1 Describe relative positions
K.G.2 Correctly name shapes
K.G.3 Identify shapes as two-dimensional or three-dimensional
K.G.5 Model shapes in the world by building shapes from everyday objects
K.G.6 Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes

When choosing a game to be used in the classroom, many things need to be considered in order for the game to be an effective
classroom tool. The game play, navigation, interface tools, educational content, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Thoughtful Education
strategies, differentiation of instruction, teacher guidance, and resources must all be considered. The following rubric can be
used to evaluate games and simulations for use in the elementary classroom.

1 EDIT 670: Educational Games and Simulations | Dr. Corey Lee (
Educational Game Evaluation A 2023

Explanation of Points

19-27: Game has value on multiple levels and can be used in the classroom for student learning enhancement. The game uses
teacher resources, Bloom’s taxonomy, current and proven research-based education practices. It also has teacher resources and
supplements to help integrate the game into the classroom. This game also scaffolds and differentiates play for all learners
including ELL students, Exceptional Education learners, below grade level, on level, and above level learners including Gifted
Students. It also requires the student to use a variety of strategies and skills in order to complete the goals and objectives. It is
also user friendly, tracks student progress, and engages students on multiple levels.

10-18: Game meets at least 5 categories of criteria. It can be used in the classroom as a supplement but not as the main lesson.
It uses some research-based education practices and provides some material to be used in lesson plans and game play. The
teacher may still need to bring in additional material to integrate the game in the classroom. It engages students on a few levels
and is mostly user friendly. Tracks some student progress but does not gather data. Game may differentiate for some students,
but not all students. Students may use 1-2 strategies in order to complete game play but not a variety of skills.

0-9: This game should not be used in the classroom or for learning purposes.

2 EDIT 670: Educational Games and Simulations | Dr. Corey Lee (
Educational Game Evaluation A 2023

Evaluation Rubric for Educational Game

1 2 3
Criteria Score
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Exemplary

Game is not age appropriate. There Game is age appropriate for Game is age appropriate. There is 3
is questionable language or action. majority of target demographic. no questionable language or action.
The story is not simple and easily There is no questionable language The story is simple and easy to
understood. Goals and objectives or actions to be taken by students. understand. Goals and objectives
for the student are unclear or not The story is somewhat simple and for each level are explicit to the
displayed. The game demographic easy to understand. Goals and student’s learning abilities.
is not the student’s age level. There objectives for each level are clear Storyline and character interaction
are too many choices and the and attainable for the student to is easily understood. There are
student does not have control over achieve. Game attempts to limited choices and at least two-
their path. Dialog is not simple or integrate different levels of three different outcome paths.
understood between the students learning and student ability levels. Students have control over which
and the characters in the game. Graphics and sound mostly go with direction and path their character
Instructions are hard to follow or game play but may have a few can take. Dialog between students
Game Play
not easily understood. Graphics “empty” screens and sounds. and characters or instructions are
and sounds are not aligned with Sounds do not always match up simple for student to understand.
the game or the story of the game. with screens or may be slow in Graphics and sound work with the
There is not an easy way for a loading. Some game screens may game and there are no “extras”
student to recall information have “extra” items but does not unless needed in the levels of game
needed for game play. There is no interfere in game play. There is a play or the simulation. There are
tutorial mode or instructions given place for students to collect and places for students to store tools
for game play. store items and can easily recall and items collected or a place to
information needed for game play drop items no longer needed.
throughout. There is a short Students have the option to go
tutorial mode that explains most of through a tutorial mode to
the navigation and game play. understand game play and

Summary of Game Students can create and customize their Boddle. They are first launched into a tutorial mode for students to learn how
Play to navigate the app. They can choose to play in Grand Prix mode or in Quiz mode. In quiz mode, when a student gets

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Educational Game Evaluation A 2023

the choice correct their Boddle avatar scores a goal in a soccer game. When all questions are complete, it tells the
student great job and hands out tokens for a chance at the wheel of prizes to earn more rewards. The animation after
each completed question is different each time. Students are able to choose the skip button to skp the animation and
move on to the next question. Boddle is kid friendly and age appropriate. As an adult, I enjoyed playing each game and
completing the lessons. It gives great student feedback and encourages them to keep going. There is also a store or a
“garage” for students to use the coins they’ve earned to buy upgrades for their avatar. There are four categories to
Boddle for students to choose from, which are quiz mode, pet battles, boddle racers, and the arcade.

The student struggles with Navigation is somewhat intuitive Navigation is intuitive to the age 3
navigation which does not allow for for the student or age group. Tools group. Tools and buttons are within
easier game play. Tools and and buttons are simple but may not easy reach of students. Minimum
buttons are not within easy reach be easily reached by all students. thought required by students to
and so students cannot navigate There is some thought required by use tools to navigate their Avatar
easily. There is no audio option students to navigate but it does not through game screens and interact
available to read students dialog or interfere in game play. Students with game characters. Audio
other game information if needed. have more than once choice if the available for lower level learners
Students are given a generic avatar Avatar is a generic one. They can and ELL students. Tools and
to play game. Too much thought is customize the Avatar somewhat. buttons are intuitive to the student
required to navigate game Audio is available only in some playing so as not to interfere in
pathways causing interruption in parts of the game. Tools and game play or thought process.
game play for the student. buttons are somewhat intuitive and
do not interfere in game play.

There are both audio and visual word instructions on the screen for each introduction and question. Students are able
to create and customize their Boddle avatar. The game is easy to follow and easy to navigate. Students can choose the
volume button to have any question read aloud to them to help with understanding. Directions and tools are simple.
Summary of
There are only three to aid students which are the pen tool, the speaker to have directions read aloud, and the tv to
have a video of the lesson played for them as a hint. There is also a “I don’t know this yet” button for the student to skip
the concept altogether. The buttons in between screens and lessons are easy to follow as well, using words like go,
next, check mark, and skip in bright green to move them on.

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Educational Game Evaluation A 2023

Keyboard and other navigational Medium difficulty in keyboard and Easy keyboard or mouse controls to 3
tools are complicated or hard to mouse controls. Allows some point move through screens and levels.
use through the screens and levels. and click action to move through Uses point and click and indicator
Uses keyboard letters or keys that screens but may need the keys arrows for important information
are too spread out interfering in such as W, S, A, D in order to move and has a “hint” box students can
game play and natural flow of the forward, backward and left and use to prevent frustration and
game. There are no hints or ways right. May require the student to allow students to stay engaged in
Interface Tools
to indicate to students’ important practice more with the controls in game. Hint box needs specific types
information. order to navigate the game. There of items collected to use which are
is a hint box available in some parts indicated in the game tutorial. Hint
of the game such as new levels or box must “reload” in order to use.
new quests. Tutorial can be
repeated but may interfere in game

If a student does not know the answer, there is a “I don’t know this yet” button where students can skip the concept. If
you need to work out the problem, students will click on the pen tool to draw out the problem. Students can choose the
Summary of
volume button to have any question read to them. If a student needs help solving a problem, they click the tv tool to
Interface Tools
watch a video on how to complete the lesson. In quiz mode, it gives 4 multiple choice options. By each multiple-choice
option, there is a speaker for students to hear the answer choice out loud.

Game has no educational content Game has some educational value Game is clearly aligned with 3
or concepts that integrate into and can be identified as a useful educational standards. Teacher can
teachers’ planned curriculum. tool in some content areas. Game easily integrate game into lesson
Game is not aligned with may be somewhat aligned with plans and classroom activities.
Educational Standards. educational standards. Teacher
may need to pull supplemental
material in order to integrate game
into lesson plans and classroom
The game is clearly aligned with educational standards. The game can easily be integrated into mathematical lessons.
Summery of Students can use Boddle to build on pre-existing skills or learn new concepts. Boddle is aligned to both South Carolina
Educational Content state standards and common core. It can be changed to any state's standards. Teachers can assign individual

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Educational Game Evaluation A 2023

assignments based on any standard a student needs more practice with. The game could also be used in a small group
setting to help with differentiated learning.

Only the lower levels of Bloom’s Some higher level Bloom’s The higher order thinking skills of 3
taxonomy are used. These include taxonomy is addressed but game is Bloom’s taxonomy are required for
remembering, understanding, and mostly middle to lower level students’ to play the game. These
applying. Bloom’s. These include applying, include evaluating, synthesizing,
remembering, understanding, and and analyzing multiple pieces of
some evaluation and analyzing of information and multiple parts of
Bloom’s Taxonomy
game situations in order to solve the game in order to solve
problems and combine multiple problems. Allows students to
pieces of information in order to create items including their Avatar
complete game. Does not allow to engage students.
students to create items or
completely customize their Avatar.

For students to play this game, they are using the higher order thinking skills of Bloom’s taxonomy. They must use skills
like evaluating, synthesizing, and analyzing multiple pieces of information and multiple parts of the game to solve
Summary of
problems. Students are able to completely customize their avatars. They can just use coins and rewards to upgrade
Bloom’s Taxonomy
their avatar and add outfits, accessories, cars, etc. Students must use processing skills to be able to identify, narrow
done, and solve problems.

There are no thoughtful education Some thoughtful education Thoughtful Education strategies 3
strategies integrated into game strategies are used and integrated and other researched based criteria
play and other research based into the game play. May introduce are subtly integrated into game
strategies are not used students to new concepts such as play such as being introduced to
Thoughtful word relationships but does not new concepts and ideas using
Educational allow comparison between comprehension strategies in
Strategies relationships. relation to Bloom’s taxonomy.
These may include new vocabulary
concepts, word and situation
relationships and comparing a new
situation to a previous situation.

6 EDIT 670: Educational Games and Simulations | Dr. Corey Lee (
Educational Game Evaluation A 2023

Students are introduced to a wide variety of mathematical concepts and ideas. They are introduced to counting to 100
Summary of
by 1’s and 10s, counting to a given number, writing number 0-20, understanding the relationship between numbers,
understanding the relationship between numbers, etc. As students master a concept, the skills get harder. If they
master all Kindergarten standards, then they will be introduced to first grade standards. Before beginning Boddle,
students must take a placement test to determine their skill level.

Game play only has one level of Game play has two or three levels Game play allows for students to 3
play and does not allow for of play and allows for some work on multiple levels and
multiple or diverse groups of multiple or diverse groups of platforms to solve problems and
students the ability to play. The students the ability to play. Levels resolve situations in the game.
levels may be defined as Easy, may be defined as Easy, Medium, There levels may be defined as Easy
Medium, and Difficult but does not or Difficult but there is very little (below grade level and simple
Differentiation of
allow students to move between scaffolding or difference in all three directions); Medium (on grade
them based on performance. levels. Does not allow for level); and Difficult (above grade
movement between levels based level and challenging) in order to
on performance. engage students on multiple levels
of performance. Scaffolding allows
students to flow between difficulty
levels based on their performance.

When students take the placement test, it will place them in the appropriate grade level and the needed skills. If the
Summary of student is below grade level, they will be placed on a 4K level, if they are on grade level, they will be placed on a
Differentiation of kindergarten level. If they are above grade level, they will be placed on a first-grade level. As students' progress through
Instruction levels and standards their level of difficulty decreases. If they cannot pass a skill in a lesson, it will push them back down
to a skill they can be successful with.

7 EDIT 670: Educational Games and Simulations | Dr. Corey Lee (
Educational Game Evaluation A 2023

No teacher interface allowing Interface allows teacher to look at Interface allows cloud navigation to 3
teacher to track student progress progress of students but does not track student progress through
or get statistical information on provide strategies or mini-lessons game play and present teaching
students’ comprehension of game in order to help students through a strategies to help a student
concepts. No mini-lessons or the difficult part of the game. Does not through a difficult task or situation
teacher interface interrupts game allow students to practice problem in the game play while still allowing
Teacher Interface play and disengages student in solving. The teacher needs to pull the student opportunities to
game. in additional information and practice problem-solving. Shows
create own lessons based on teacher the specific mini-lesson
student trouble-spots in the game. that can be used to help a student
Teacher may have to watch student at a particular level.
play game in order to identify
There is a teacher dashboard page that allows for the teacher to assign students individual or small group lessons. It can
Summary of Teacher track student progress with each standard. It will alert the teacher if a student is having difficulty with a lesson or
Interface concept. It tracks how long the student plays and spends on each level and skills. It will push out a mini video lesson if
the student is having difficulty.

Game has no teacher resources to Some graphic organizers for Includes thoughtful education 3
be used with students in the student usage during gameplay. graphic organizers students can use
classroom to help integrate game Instructions or Teacher Resource during game play and mini-lessons
into lesson plans. book included. May not include that teachers can use to help
Game Resources lesson plan activities for integration students through a particular
into classroom and teacher may difficult concept. Supplements
have to pull in and create own include videos and activities that
resources. can be used to integrate game into
classroom lessons.

There are mini-lessons that students can use to help students through a difficult concept. The mini-lessons include
Summary of Game
videos showing how to do that skill. The assignments that can be pushed out to students by the teacher could be used
as supplemental activities to integrate into classroom lessons to continue building skills and standard mastery.

Total Score 27

8 EDIT 670: Educational Games and Simulations | Dr. Corey Lee (
Educational Game Evaluation A 2023

Points: Summary of Evaluation

This is a fully 3D interactive learning environment for students, where they can customize their own characters. It is filled with
practice items and lessons for K-6 students and learning tools. It also provides lesson videos for students who need help with a
lesson. Students will complete a placement test before beginning to place them at the appropriate level of work. For younger
students, it will read the question aloud. Students stay rewarded and interested by earning coins and knowledge points. They can
use the points and coins to buy fun items in the store. The knowledge points are used to unlock interactive arcade games. Boddle is
a great tool for teachers because the dashboard allows for progress checks and student data all in one place. Boddle can be played
both on the web through Clever or on student iPad's through Clever. Right now, my district promotes Dreambox as our mathematics
digital content game, but Boddle would be a great addition as well.

Weaknesses: Right now, I do not see any weaknesses with the use of the app. I think it would be a great supplemental, app-
based mathematical tool for a classroom teacher. I think it navigates well and is easy to use. Students are able to continue
learning and building on new and previous skills. The only downfall is that you need a school subscription or account to run a
teacher account. Without that, you need a Boddle premium account. Luckily, my school has access to Boddle.

Improvements: The interface can be a little glitchy and slower when running for a while, so the improvement I would make would
be to improve the software of Boddle.

9 EDIT 670: Educational Games and Simulations | Dr. Corey Lee (

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