Detailed Lesson Plan 2 Final

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LEARNING COMPETENCY: Identify 3-Dimensional Shapes

Learning Area Classroom Teaching Duration 45min

A. Content Students will understand different kinds of 3-Dimensional shapes/forms.
B. Performance Students will be able to cooperate with peers in the given activities and
Standards create 3-dimensional shapes.
C. Learning  Identify different kinds of 3-dimensional shapes.
Competencies  Provide real-life examples of where 3-d shapes can be seen.

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

D. Objectives a. Identify different kinds of 3-Dimensional shapes/forms.
b. Show cooperation in group activities.
c. Create and draw-tracing 3-Dimensional shapes.
II. CONTENT 3-dimensional Shapes
A. References
1. Learner’s
PowerPoint Presentation
2. Video Lesson
B. Other Learning
Cardboard cutouts, boxes
C. Values
Appreciate 3-d shapes that can be seen in reality

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


Before we start our class this

A. Prayer morning, may I ask Mr.______ to
lead the prayer. And may I everyone Student 1: Our Father in Heaven…, In
to stand. Jesus’ name Amen.

B. Greetings Hello, good morning class! Students: Good morning, Teacher.

My name is Teacher_______. And I

will be your teacher this morning. Students: Yeeey!

C. Checking of
Before we go back to our sit, may I
request everyone to arrange their (Pupils picking up pieces of paper and
chairs and pick up pieces of paper. arranging their chairs.)
May I also know if there are absent
in this class for today.
D. Setting of Students: None, Teacher.
Standards / Very good! Let’s give everyone a
Classroom round of applause.
Rules (Pupils clapping)

May I present to you our rules inside

the classroom.
LEARNING COMPETENCY: Identify 3-Dimensional Shapes

Learning Area Classroom Teaching Duration 45min

1. Raise your hand if you want to

2. Refrain from talking if the teacher
is speaking
3. Enjoy our lesson and let’s have
some fun!
Student: Yes, Teacher.
Are our rules clear?

Very good!
E. Reviewing
previous Student: Our topic last session was
lesson all about the basic 2D shapes,
What was our topic last session? Teacher.

Very good.

F. Motivation
examples/insta Before we start our lesson this
nces of the morning, we have here a video. Who
new lesson) here is excited to watch a video?

Okay! I have here a music video

about shapes and may I request
Students: Okay, Teacher!
everyone to stand up and let’s have
some fun watching and dancing the
actions of the video, okay?

(Teacher presents the video)


G. Discussing
new concepts
and practicing Before we proceed to our new topic,
we will have an activity first. Students: ME! ME!
new skills #1
Who here wants to play a game?

Okay, class. We will now have a

game called, “MATCH THAT
SHAPE!” In this game, I have here 2
boxes with holes. These holes are
outlined into shapes. In front of you is
a box that has a variety of shapes.
All you need to do is to match the
shapes. The first group that will finish
the activity will be the winner and will
have an award. And now, we will
divide the class into 2 groups. Each Students: Yes, Teacher!
group will have 5 representatives.
Are we ready to do the activity,
class? (Students doing their activity.)
LEARNING COMPETENCY: Identify 3-Dimensional Shapes

Learning Area Classroom Teaching Duration 45min

And now, let us start our activity.

Very good. All of you students did (Students clapping.)

your task well. Let’s clap our hands
to ourselves!

Figure 1: Matchmaking Shape game

Based from our activity earlier,

ANALYSIS what did you observed? Student 1: It is all about shapes,
Very good!
H. Developing
mastery (leads What are some things you
to Formative observed in our activity?
Assessment (Students raising their hand)
#3) Yes, Mr. ______. You are raising
your hand.
Student 1: Some of the shapes looks like
Very good. Any other ideas? a box, Sir.

Yes, Ms. ______.

The shapes are hollowed structure,
Teacher. And some of it looks like a
Very good. All your answers are triangle.

Now, let us proceed to our topic

for this morning. Are you ready
class? Yes, Teacher!

Our lesson for today class is all

about 3-dimensional shapes.

Who here has a storage box in

their house?
Students: Me, Teacher!
Who here has a ball?
Students: Me, Teacher!
Those objects are called 3-
dimensional shapes. 3D shapes
are shapes with three
dimensions, such as width, height
and depth. An example of a 3D
shape is a prism or a sphere. 3D
shapes are multidimensional and
can be physically held.
LEARNING COMPETENCY: Identify 3-Dimensional Shapes

Learning Area Classroom Teaching Duration 45min

(Teacher holding shapes to

illustrate the content of the

Now, who here can identify what

shape I’m holding.
Student: A square Teacher that looks
Very Good! This shape I’m like a box!
holding is a Cube. A cube is a
solid shape with six square faces.

Next one, what is this object I’m


Student: A bottle, Teacher.

Very good! This drinking bottle is

called a Cylinder. What shape is
this, class?
Students: Cylinder, Teacher!
Very good, class! A cylinder is a
round and has a top and bottom
in the shape of a circle.

I have here another object, who

can identify?

Student: A party hat, Teacher!

Yes! This is a party hat. A party

LEARNING COMPETENCY: Identify 3-Dimensional Shapes

Learning Area Classroom Teaching Duration 45min

hat is a shape of a cone. Mr.

______ can you read what is a
cone, please.

Student: A cone has a single flat face

(also called its base) that's in the shape
of a circle.

Thank you, Mr. ______. You may

take your sit.

Okay now last one, what object is


Student: A ball, Teacher.

Very good! This is a ball that is a

shape of a sphere. Mr. _____ can
you read what a sphere is?

Well done! And those are the Student: A three-dimensional solid that is
basic 3-dimensional shapes. perfectly round, a ball.

Did you understand our lesson

today, class?
Student: Yes, Teacher!

Who here can give me the 4 3-

ABSTRACTION dimensional shapes that we Student: The 4 basic 3d shapes we
discussed earlier? discussed earlier are: Cube, Cone,
E. Finding Cylinder and Sphere.
Very good. Now, what 3D shape
applications of
that has six square faces? Student: Cube, Teacher.
concepts and
skills in daily
What shape that is perfectly
living Student: Sphere, Teacher.

Mr. ____, can you give me an

example of an object that is a
Student____: Water bottle, Teacher.
shape of a cylinder?
F. Making
s and
Very good, class. You all really
about the
LEARNING COMPETENCY: Identify 3-Dimensional Shapes

Learning Area Classroom Teaching Duration 45min


understood our lesson this

Let’s give a round of applause to
And now, let us play a game. This
APPLICATION game will be called, “CREATE YOUR
OWN 3D SHAPE!” I will group you into
H. Additional three groups. Each group will create 1
3D shape. I will be providing you
activities for
cardboard cutouts and plastic tapes to
application or
create your 3d object. I will give you 15
minutes to create your 3D objects.
Are there any questions and
clarifications, class? Students: None, Teacher.

Okay, if there are none, let us start our (students doing their activity)

Very good, class. It seems to be that you

all really understand our lesson for today
V. ASSESSMENT Draw the shapes given below.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?
LEARNING COMPETENCY: Identify 3-Dimensional Shapes

Learning Area Classroom Teaching Duration 45min

Tuarez, Harlene
Prepared by: Espiloy, Jay-sa
Rotone, Michelle Mae
Galanan, Beljune Mark
Raguindin, Bench Jerold
Dellava, Cerilo Jr.
Checked by:


Subject Instructor

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