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Culture is symbolic in the sense that it renders meanings

to what people do believe. Culture is learned and acquired
- People acquire them from their folks, gained
CULTURE comes from the latin word clique or cultus from relatives
significance plowing, or developing or refining and love. Culture is shared by a group of people
In total it implies developing and refining - Activity might be called culture if shared and
accepted by a gathering of individuals
Culture thus refers to a human-made environment Culture is cumulative
which includesall the material and nonmaterial products - Infos in culture can be passed with one age to
of group life that are transmitted from one generation the next age
to the next. Culture changes
- Potential outcomes of social changes inside the
TWO UNMISTAKABLE SEGMENTS specific culture over the long haul
Material culture - comprises of articles that are Culture is dynamic
identified with the material part of our lifelike our dress, - No culture stays on the perpetual state
food, and family products.
Eg. Schools, materials,churches,homes Culture gives us a scope of passable standards of
Non material - culture alludes to thoughts, standards, - How individual should act properly
musings and conviction. Culture is diverse
Eg. Symbols,language,values,norms - Has few commonly reliant parts
- They are related with each other framing
ASPECTS OF CULTURE culture as entirely
Action – justice,work,religion Culture is ideational
Language – mother tongue,dialect - Expected to be trailed by people in order to
Identity – self esteem acquire social acknowledgment.
Validity – opinions,laws
Space – living space ELEMENTS OF CULTURE
Experience - rituals
History – myths SYMBOLS – anything that gives meaning to the culture
LANGUAGE – symbols used to communicate with others
ANTHROPOLOGISTS TECHNOLOGY – application of knowledge to ease the
Edward Burnett Taylor - "that complex whole which VALUES – how individuals will respond to any
includes knowledge,belief, art, law, morals, custom, circumstances
and any other capabilities and habits acquired by BELIEFS – the faith of an individual
man as amember of society." NORMS – rules or standard to guide for appropriate
Robert Ranulp - tend to define culture in terms of
“communicable intelligence,” “conventional TYPES
understandings” or “communicated ideas.” Proscriptive norm - defines and tells us things not to do
Prescriptive norm - defines and tells us things to do
Radcliffe Brown - culture as cultivation the process of
transmitting and acquiring traditions as a result of FORMS
which society is perpetuate Folkways – everyday behavior that people follow for the
sake of tradition
Mores - control moral and ethical behavior
Laws - controlled ethics
IMITATION – Have the tendency to imitate the values,
attitudes in their social environment DISCOVERY – finding a new place eg, the discovery of
fire led to the art of cooking
training or informal teaching INVENTION – creative mental process devising
Formal- the person learns from school something new
Informal – acquire by listening or watching etc
DIFFUSION – the spread of cultural traits to another
CONDITIONING -The values, beliefs, and attitudes of belonging the same society
other people are acquired through conditioning. This
conditioning can be reinforced through reward and COLONIZATION – The political social and political policy
punishment. Adaptation of Culture establishing state


social order and replace the leadership
1.Parallelism - means that the same culture may take
place in two or more different places.
Example: The domestication of dogs, cats, pigs and ENTHOCENTRISM – the feeling that one’s culture is
other animals may have semblance in other places better than the other
2. Diffusion - refers to those behavioral patterns that
pass back and forth from one culture to another. This is XENOCENTRISM – believes that one culture is inferior
the transfer or spread of culture traits from one another compared to others
brought about by change agents such as people or
media CULTURAL RELATIVISM - It is a principle that an
Examples: food and eating practices, marriage and individual person’s beliefs and activities should be
wedding ceremonies, burial rituals, feast celebrations understood by others in terms of that individual’s own
3. Convergence - takes place when two or more cultures culture.
are fused or merged into one culture making it different
from the original culture.
4. Fission - takes place when people break away from Culture Shock is the feeling of disoriented, uncertain,
their original culture and start developing a different out of place or even fearful when immersed in an
culture of their own. unfamiliar culture
5. Acculturation - refers to the process wherein
individuals incorporate the behavioral patterns of other Cultural Relativism is the practic by assessing a culture
by its own standards rather that viewing it through
cultures into their own either voluntarily or by force.
the lens of one’s own culture.It is the practice that
Voluntary acculturation occurs through imitation,
one must understood in the context of their locality.
borrowing, or personal contact with other people.
6. Assimilation - occurs when the culture of a larger  It promotes cooperation. Embracing the
society is adopted by a smaller society, that smaller differences of the different society can create
society assumes some of the culture of the larger cooperation because it allows a stronger
society or cost society. bond with one another in the society.
7. Accommodation - occurs when the larger society and  Respect and Equality is encouraged.People
smaller society are able to respect and tolerate each from different culture with different ideas that
other’s culture even if there is already a prolonged share their own perspectives and experiences in
contact of each other’s culture. the society can promote respect and equality.
 It preserves human cultures. Respect with the and customary practices of a particular ethnic or other
diverse set of traditions, ideas and practices cultural group.
would help preserve the culture. Examples: religious and spiritual, medical treatment,
 Cultural relativism creates a society without forms of artistic expressions, culinary, housing and child-
judgement.Worrying and practicing your own rearing practices
culture prevent disagreement & judgement in
the society. TRADITIONAL MEDICAL PRACTICES - belief in herbal
medicines or alternatives
Cultural Change is observed when new opens up new RELIGIOUS/SPIRITUAL PRACTICES - obando festival in
ways of living and when new ideas enter a culture as a bulacan
result of globalization. CULINARY PRACTICES - rice 3m a day, adobo,sinigang

Cultural, Social, Political and Economic Symbols and

Practices STATUS SYMBOL- refers to how individuals and groups
interact and interpret various cultural symbols, can be
Symbol is an object, word, or action that stands for seen in clothing and possessions such as red heart for
something else, without natural relationship, that is love.
culturally defined. Symbols such as gestures, signs,
objects, signals, and words, help people understand the POLITICAL SYMBOLS AND PRACTICES
world. Symbols provide clues to understanding different political meanings related to power,Political
experiences. symbols are usually used to embody an ideology, an
advocacy, or a group of people with same principles.
Functions of Symbols and Symbolism
Social symbols are used to transfer culture, ideologies, Political practices are common things that are done
or beliefs from group to another group of people. within a state or country. It is related to the practices
Symbols are also used to preserve traditions or done in the administration, distribution and attainment
beliefs of a certain group of people. of power, bureaucratic composition, etc.
All symbols contain the face and hidden values,
the hidden value, in a functional perspective, holds Political Dynasties – it is the concentration,
greater meaning and importance than the face value. consolidation or perpetuation of public office and
Symbols and symbolism have been used to create political power by persons related to one another.
movements, spread ideas, and share advocacies that Economic Symbols
surpasses time and distance.
This represents economic standpoint. It can be seen in
Types of Symbols various media such as Stock Exchange, Money, and
Cultural Symbols – manifestation that signifies ideology Currency, Gold and Petroleum, Life Insurance, Banking,
of a particular culture that has meaning within that etc.
culture. (ph flag,ph eagle,ph national anthem,national

Social symbols – relating to human societies and its FORMS OF SOCIAL GROUP
modes of organization (i.e., social classes, social
problems, social issues, etc.) people who often interact with each other on the basis
Political symbols – used to represent a political of a common outlook concerning behavior and a sense
standpoint; seen in various media and forms such as of
banners, flag, motto, etc. common identity.
Economic symbols – used in production, distribution,
and consumption of goods and services like currency, EX. Family relatives couples
market, labor, demands and other economic activities. Friends church mate schoolmate
co-worker business neighborhood
Cultural Practices are the manifestation of a culture organization team mate clubs
or sub-culture, especially concerning the traditional
PRIMARY GROUP - is just a small group with members 3 parts of socialization
engaged in tight, private and lasting relationships. This
group is noticeable by the care the members have for context
each other as well as the common activities and culture content and process
they share. results and outcome

SECONDARY GROUP - can be a small or a big

social group usually formed for a short-term period. The CONTEXT OF SOCIALIZATION
members are not related to one another and are not
influenced by personal feelings. Membership is founded BIOLOGICAQL CONTEXT
on what a person can do for each other. This group is PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTEXT
commonly found in schools and at the workplace.
REFERENCE GROUP- serve as an element or component family
that individuals use as a standard towards the peers
achievement of a desired behavior in making judgement school
about the quality of life or things. It is not necessary mass media
that we become a member of a reference group; this
can be a person’s favorite fashion style, artist, pop idols, KINSHIP- A socially accepted relations that defines the
sports team, mentor, or a well know personality we relationship of individuals linked and developed by
admire and want to emulate. blood, marriage ties, culturally accepted rituals and legal
IN-GROUP - which a person identifies with, he or she
may feel loyalty and respect KINSHIP BY BLOOD – relationship by descent which
refers to biological relations
OUT-GROUP - which a person does not identify with
they may feel dislike or hatred Lineage/linked

2types of descent
networks - created because of the need to establish
connection A. Unnatural
B. Biological
SOCIALIZATION - The process by which a person learns
the social norms and customs of the society KINSHIP BY MARRIAGE – A type of relationship
developed when marriage takes place
Acquisition of knowledge
language MONOGAMY
skill in the society
a. Polygeny (a man has more than 1 wife)
TYPES OF SOCIALIZATION b. Polyandry (a woman has more than one husband)

PRIMARY - small groups who interacts
SECONDARY - learns behavior within a small group ARRANGE MARRIAGE/FIXED
which is still part of larger society
ANTICIPATORY - adolescensce stage wherein you are
expecting certain roles KINSHIP BY RITUALS – done in a form of baptism,
PROFESSIONAL - develop skills and attitudes confirmation of baptism
RE-SOCIALIZATION - Learns new values and groups for
the new group FAMILY

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