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Computer is an incredible staple in today's day in age specifically the increased use of
social media. Many studies have been conducted to investigate the positive and negative
aspects of social media.Valkenburg, peter & schoten (2006) concluded that positive
feedback on profile enhanced adolescent computer on the self-esteem and well being,
where as negative feedback decreased their self-esteem and well-being. The construct of
self-esteem can be further distinguished by taking into account implicit self-esteem is
based on initiative automatic self evaluations it is important to note that the construct of
self-esteem can be assessed various ways according to the socio meter theory, self-esteem
can be seen as a monitor of social acceptance and exclusion.

The researcher’s notice that the students in San Luis Senior High School belong to a
certain group but they also notice that not all belongs to persons tends to be loner and shy
all the time. It looks like the self-esteem that they have is no right or normal in their
stage. You must able to socialize and learn to attach yourself in the society you belong to.
Hence the researchers decided to conduct the study to determine if there’s an influence
brought by using computer on the self-esteem of San Luis Senior High School students
this is to improved students’ self-esteem for them to have a better and wiser living to
improve their inter-action, relation, academic performance that most be given focus.

Theoretical Framework
Influence of using computers
Rosenberg’s on the self-esteem of ICT
students of San Luis Senior
Self-esteem scale High School

The nature and function of

self-esteem: Sociometer
FIGURE 1: Theoretical
This study is based on Rosenberg's self-esteem scale (1965) and Leary's sociometer
theory (1999) The Rosenberg's self-esteem scale is a widely used self report instrument
for evaluating individual self-esteem was an investigated using item response theory
factor analysis identified a single common factor, contrary to some previous studies
extracted self-confidence and self depreciation factors. Sociometer theory is a theory put
forward by Mark Leary in 1999 proposing that humans have involved a form of
psychological meter, or garge, which monitors the degree to which other people value
and accept them Leary name there monitor a socoimeter propose that this evaluation of
the individuals level of acceptance by others is a determinant of self-esteem.

Conceptual Framework

This conceptual framework of the study shows the flow of the concept, what are the
process of the study and the result of it.


Influence of using computers on the self-esteem of ICT students of san Luis senior high
school in terms of:

 Human Relation
 Academic performances
 Social Communication


 Determining the difference between the two groups of Respondents in the extents of
influence in using computers on the self-Esteem of ICT students of san Luis senior
high school
 Determining the difference between the assessment of two groups of respondents on
the extents of influence of using computers on the self -Esteem of ICT Students of


Propose ways of Activities that can be done to improve one’s Self-Esteem


The input contains and use to determine the difference between the assessment of the
two group of the behavior of San Luis Senior high school students the process on the
other hand Contains and determines the difference of two groups of Respondents in the
extent of using computer on the Self-Esteem of ICT Students of San Luis senior high
school Lastly the output Consist the Purpose ways of activities that can be done to
improve one's Self-Esteem.

Statement of the Problem

The study Attempts to assess the Influence of using computers On the Self-Esteem of
ICT Students of San Luis Senior high school, during the school Year 2020-2021.

Specifically, this aims to answer the following question

1. What is the extent of influence of using Computer On the Self-Esteem of ICT

Students of san Luis Senior high school as assessed by the students Themselves in
terms of :
1.1 Human Relation
1.2 Academic performances
1.3 Social Communication

2. What is the extent of influence of using Computers on the Self-esteem of ICT Students
of San Luis senior high school as assessed by the terms of the above mentioned

3. Is there a significant difference between the Assessments Of the two groups Of

Respondents on the Extent Of influence Of Using Computers on the Self-Esteem of ICT

4. How does computer Utilization Influence Self-Esteem of Students?

5. What plan of Action may be proposed to improve the Self- Esteem of ICT STUDENT?
Hypothesis of the Study
There is No significant on the assessment of two groups of Respondents On the
influence of using computers on the self-esteem of ICT Students of San Luis senior high

Significance of the Study

This study carried out to know if there's a significant influence to one's Self-Esteem
brought by the using cope with their certain a using computer they belong to them.
Researchers want to know how they cope with their certain a using computer;

This study will benefit the most of the following Students:

This study will give information and awareness to students that they can use in their
daily living they can use in their daily living especially when they go to school. The
awareness that will be built by this study will make them a wises and better person in
choosing what they will join with Teachers: the data and results that will in gathered in
this study will be used by teachers to improve every student Self-Esteem and to plan
activities that can help every using computer in the school. Then can find Solutions in the
study if there is problem related to using computer and Self-Esteem School Principal: this
study is done to know the extent of influence of using computers on the Self- esteem of
ICT Students of San Luis senior high school the solutions that will be done in this study
can apply to students in school and it can create certain activities in order in order to
enhance every student Self- Esteem Future Researchers: the data will be gathered in the
study can be used a source and guide to the future Researchers in conducting their study
that is related to this study. It can help them to have a better and organized study it can
help them to have a better and organized study.
Scope and Delimitation Study

This study limited itself in identifying the influence of using computer on the self -
esteem of ICT students of San Luis Senior High School. The assessment of this study
focused on the difference between the assessment of the two groups (teachers and
students themselves) in the influence of using computer on the self- esteem of ICT
student in term of human relation, Academic Performances and social communication.

The respondents of the study is limited to 10 students of San Luis Senior High School
which includes of Grade 11 ICT whom 3 female and 7 male and the entire teacher. The
researchers used descriptive qualitative method of research. The questionnaire and
interview are the instruments used for gathering data; the researchers also used weighted
mean, percentage and T - Test as the statistical tools for the treatment of data.

Definition of Items

For better understanding of the research. The following terms were defined;

 Human Relation- A study of human problems arising from organizational and

interpersonal relations , it is a course , study or program designed to develop better
interpersonal and inter group adjustments ( https:// www, Merriam- Webster .
 Academic Performances- It is measured by the final grade earned in the course. It
is defined by students reporting of part semester. (Https: //www. /g/.global.
 Social Communication - It appear to a new concept it is a regrouping and
categorizing of the previously known concepts of social reciprocity, social
interaction, social skills , communication skills and language skills ( https://www,
southern ct, edu>asd center)
Review of Related Literature and Studies
This chapter contains the Summary of related literature ad studies of different authors
that was related on the topic of the researchers. The information and data that will be
gathered will help to conduct and continue this study with informative output.


According to brown (1990) the acquisition of a new language comprises a set of

variables that may be Rooted in neurological at psychological cognitive and effective
variables. oxford and Herman on the other hand, introduced Self-Esteem as one of the
effective psychological factors in second language learning looped smith explained that ''
by Self- Esteem we refer to the evaluation which an individual makes and customarily
maintains with regard to himself it expresses an attitude of approval or disapproval and
indicates the extent to which an individual believes himself to be capable, significant,
Successful and worthy. In Short self -Esteem is a personal judgment of worthiness that is
expressed in the attitudes that individual holds toward him” Burnett (1994) stated that a
distinction between self-concept and self-Esteem has been made not on a descriptive
evaluate basis of self-Concept forces on the belief that people have about specific
Characteristics associated with themselves. Self-Esteem relates to the global beliefs and
feeling that people have about themselves on people for example being satisfied with and
liking one self.

According to Hodges (1997) preventing rejection of students to her/ his helping the
child to cope with such rejection are ever prevent challenges to teachers. Many teachers
have successful delt with students who were rejected by classmates other teachers
gathered together to develop way to promote wellness to their students the increase of
students self-Esteem through caring and positive Classroom environment incorporating
Cooperative learning’s and use of praise and rewards A positive relationship between
students and teachers positive interaction among using computer and a positive caring
classroom environment help a lot in boosting one self-esteem (www. education. 2012).

As gaertner Et. Al (2010) said , acceptance may facilitate higher global self-Esteem as
risk increases this high acceptance may allow adolescents with how closeness to parents
to learn and develop , with global Self-Esteem increasing as adolescent , relationship with
their parents deteriorate In this case high using Computer make it possible to benefit from
lower closeness to parents by providing a safe arena In which to process difficult
experiences with parents and to learn from these experience In a way that entails higher
global self-Esteem. Use of positive reinforcement from parents was associated with
internalizing problems among early adolescents with low quality Computer, the same
potential risk factor led to slightly lower internalizing problems among other who
reported high levels of computer. (Http: // www, journal of business, org/index. php/
GJMBR/ Article/ view file /721/68).

There is probably a bi- directional relationship between social self concept and
computer status as Cornell (1990) said student with problems are at a disadvantage in
making friends it also been observed that unpopular students do not assume leadership
taker with their generally do not refer to themselves in positive terms (Cornell 1990).


The study of bloom (1977) stated that self-Esteem related to school achievement
cannot be overemphasized all recognized the positive correlation between two factors of
self-esteem and academic success. they found that achievement and self-Esteem were
correlated the higher the self-Esteem the greater the chance that the student will have a
good grade than those whose self-Esteem is low the importance of self Esteem plays a
great role on ones academic success.

This study bloom was related to the prevent study because if both discuss the impact
of self-Esteem to students when it comes to academic performance that were part of the
study all recognized the positive correlation between self-esteem and academic

Preventing rejecting of a students to her/his helping the child to Cope with such
rejection according to Hodges (1997), are ever present challenges for teachers, Many
teachers have successfully dealt with students who whose rejected classmates other
teachers have gathered together to develop ways to promote wellness to their students
their increase of students self-esteem through caring and positive classroom environment
incorporating cooperative learning and use of praise and rewards. A positive relationship
between students and teacher, positive interaction among using computer and positive
caring classroom environment helps a lot boosting ones self-Esteem.

This study was closely related to the present study because if both discusses the self-
Esteem and how the environment, teacher and especially the students self-Esteem.

As Gaertner Et. Al (2010) stated in his acceptance may facilities higher global self-
Esteem in the face of adversity and this may in fact serve to increase global self-Esteem
as risk increases this high acceptance may allow adolescents with low closeness to their
parents to learn and develop with global self- Esteem increasing as adolescents
relationship with their parents deteriorate In this case, high using computer make it
possible to benefit from lower closeness to parents by providing a safe arena in which to
process difficult experiences with parents and to learn from this experiences in a way that
entails higher global self-Esteem use of positive reinforcement from parents was
associated with internalizing problems among early adolescents with low quality
friendships the same potential risk factor led to slightly lower internalizing problems
among other who reported high levels of computer.

A recent study conducted by park (2015) focused on identifying the factors related to
the problematic behavior in school children and understanding the home environment
such as the type of family and school life are necessary to maximize the effect of the self-
Esteem program on self-Esteem and computer attachment in school children the study
was meaningful in that the self-Esteem program was provided to the school the
development of students oriented self-Esteem should consider the students home
environment and school life to maximize the effects.

This study was closely related to the prevent because it shows how the self-Esteem
develop by the means of school and how the computer is one factor that contribute in
order for the self-Esteem to develop.

The sociometer test that was designed by Hoff (2012) for the purpose of study. all was
influenced by previous researchers on the field and aimed at being as similar as possible
deep concern was put into ethical considerations and therefore the test did not ask the
participants to nominate the dislike it shows that computer likely to influence the self-
Esteem based on their social status and it becomes a factor in decreasing self-Esteem of
most adolescents it is why most adolescents these days more gladly spend time with their
development of self-esteem.
As a study conducted by sweningson (2013) show that the associated between
computer social status and Self-Esteem among middle school students found related
social status received the highest scores and the rejected group the lowest. the subscale of
relation to others stood up explaining the most of the variance in self-Esteem of the
subscale moreover the high status group experienced higher level of total self-Esteem as
well on the relation to others psychological well being relation to family and physical
abilities compared to the low status group the study showed that description of computer
more similar to the students own description when he or she is negatively nominated than

This study conducted by tome (2012) shows that computer have dried influence in
adolescent risk behaviors the relationship with parents did not demonstrate the effected
mediation effects on self-esteem with the exception of following elements relation
between type of friends and self-Esteem and communication with parents and lesser
involvement in violence behavior and increased well being the negative influence of
using computer is more connected to the involvement in risk behavior while the positive
influence is more connected to protective behaviors.

The review of related literature and studies has a great significance to the present
study and to the researchers they focused on the influence of using computer on the self-
Esteem of ICT students. The researchers provided information for the completion of the
present study they are great importance even though they are not closely related to the
Research Methods and Procedures
This chapter contains the research design, respondents of the study, research
instrument, preparation and validation of the instrument, data gathering procedure,
scoring of the respondents and statistical treatment of the data that the researchers will
gathered in their research.

Research Design
This study was conducted to determines the influence of using computer on the self-
Esteem the researchers used descriptive- qualitative method of Research, Specially,
descriptive comparative to determine the influence of using computer on the self -
Esteem by comparing and contracting the assessment of the two variable: the students
and teachers this design will be appropriate because of the intention to describe the
influence of using computer on the self – esteem.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were 10 students of San Luis senior High School during
second semester of the school year 2020 - 2021, 10 students of grade ll ICT will be the
respondents and all of the teachers of San Luis senior High School.

Research Instruments
The questionnaire was the man data gathering instrument employed by the researcher
in these study two variables respondents will be compared to determine the Influence of
using computer on the self - esteem of ICT students the questionnaire for both
respondents contains the same question to have a clear and has free result in the study.

Preparation and Validation of the Instrument

As soon as the questionnaire were prepared the researchers asked for their adviser to
give guidance and support for them to achieve the hundred percent total of respondents
needed for their study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher asked the permission of the school principal for the distribution of
questionnaire to the students and teachers who were the subject of the study . After the
permission was approved, the researchers seek of the students and teacher in answering
the questionnaire the questionnaires were distributed to 10 students and the teacher of
San Luis senior High school.

Scoring of Responses


5 45-5.00 Very great extent VGE
4 3.5-4.49 Great extent GE
3 2.5-3.49 Moderate extent ME
2 1.5-2.49 Low extent LE
1 1-1.49 No extent NE

T-test, this was used to describe the difference between the assessment of teachers and
students on the influence of using computer on the self-esteem.

Formula: m1-m2



m1=means of assessment of student respondents.

m2=means of assessment of teacher respondents

SEd=standard error of difference between two means.

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