Design of IoT Based Heartbeat Monitoring Shock Device - JITEKI (Rev230831)

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Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)

Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2022, pp. xx-xx

ISSN: 2338-3070, DOI: 10.26555/jiteki.v8i2.xxxx 1

Design of IoT based Heartbeat Monitoring System with

Photoplethysmography Sensor and Anti-Drowsiness Shock Device
Siti Aminah1, Nur Jamiludin Ramadhan2, Ajie Lesmana3, Suharyadi Pancono4
Department of Manufacturing Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, Bandung Polytechnic for Manufacturing,
Bandung, 40135, Indonesia


Article history: Traffic accidents are unexpected involving vehicles with or without other
Received July 28, 2021 road users causing material loss and event death. Driving when sleepy or
Revised August 28, 2021 tired is one of the main causes of traffic accidents. Excessive sleepiness can
Published September 28, 2021 result in temporary sleep known as microsleep. There are many ways to
identify and classify microsleep, one of which is through monitoring the
heartbeat. Slow heartbeat tends to reduce oxygen supply to the brain which
Keywords: will cause drowsiness. Heartbeat frequency in beats per minute (bpm) is
monitored using a heartbeat sensor with the photoplethysmography method.
Heartbeat Monitoring;
Shock Device; In addition to monitoring heartbeat, the system provides an early warning to
Microsleep; drowsy drivers with shock devices in the form of vibrations that can prevent
Anti-drowsiness; drowsiness. Based on the test results with four ways of reading the heartbeat
Photoplethysmography; for 1 second, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, and 15 seconds, the 15 second readings
had the smallest error rate of 3.61%. The results of testing the early warning
system for drowsy vehicle drivers, the system that has been created is
functioning properly. If the heartbeat read by the sensor is less than the
predetermined heartbeat parameter, the vibration motor will move and will
shock the vehicle driver, and then notification will pop up in the android
application that indicate the sleepiness condition of the vehicle driver. The
results of the vibration frequency generated by the motor with average
frequency 36,366 Hz, can be used as a shock device that can prevent
drowsiness from the driver.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

Corresponding Author:
Nur Jamiludin Ramadhan, Department of Manufacturing Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, Bandung
Polytechnic for Manufacturing Kanayakan St. No. 21, Dago, Coblong, Bandung, 40135, Indonesia

Traffic accidents are unexpected and unintentional accidents involving vehicles with or without other
road users causing loss of life and material loss [1]. According to data from Bandung City Resort Police there
were 495 traffic accidents and 135 of them were caused by drowsiness, carelessness, and tired, and
throughout 2018 (January - September 2018) there were 380 traffic accidents of which 99 of them were
caused by drowsiness, carelessness, and tired. The three accident factors correspond to the disturbance and
the characteristics of microsleep [2]. Accidents caused by human factors reach 61% [3]. Excessive sleepiness
can result in temporary sleep known as microsleep. Microsleep is very concerned about public safety so that
it is not disturbed, because when this condition involves dangerous conditions [4]-[5]. Riders are very prone
to experiencing microsleep due to physical fatigue while driving [6]. Microsleep duration is very short,
ranging from 3 to 5 seconds, and some as long as 10 seconds [7]. Microsleep is accompanied by drooping
eyes, drooping eyelids, and head nodding [8]. In addition, there are many ways to identify and classify
microsleep using heartbeat [9].

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2 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) ISSN: 2338-3070
Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2022, pp. xx-xx

Heartbeat measurement is done to determine the health of the rider's heart condition. Heartbeat is a
parameter to indicate the condition of the heart, and one way to determine the condition of the heart is by
knowing the frequency of the heartbeat [10]-[11]. Slow heartbeat tends to reduce oxygen supply to the brain,
heartbeat speed is a form of heartbeat frequency which has units of beats per minute (bpm). The quantity that
states the number of beats per minute. The normal human heartbeat is 60-100 bpm. If it is less than 60 bpm it
can be ascertained that the driver is tired or sleepy, these phenomena must be monitored so that negligence in
driving does not occur [12][13]. From the problems above, this research proposes a system to display
heartbeats and alarms on smartphones. In this system there will be a vibration motor as a shock device. Pulse
oximeter sensor which functions to detect heartbeat and battery power supply to make this tool easier to carry
anywhere. This system is used for motorcycle or car riders to avoid drowsiness while driving.
The developed system will be used to monitor the human heartbeat. The tool will generate real-time
data that is displayed on the Android application so that the human heartbeat is monitored directly. In making
this whole system there are aspects that need to be considered, how to make a heartbeat detection program
and data displayed in the application, so that the results can be immediately processed and displayed in real
time and can also activate an alarm on the device. The objectives to be achieved in this research are to design
a heartbeat monitoring device using the photoplethysmography method, create a system that can provide an
early warning to sleepy drivers, and create a shock device in the form of vibrations that can prevent

Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a non-invasive optical technique for measuring changes in blood
volume based on variations in the intensity of light passing or reflected by human organs [14]-[15]. Light
emitted by body tissues can be absorbed by different substances, such as skin pigment, bone, arterial and
venous blood. Changes in blood flow are most pronounced in the arteries and arterioles.
Photoplethysmography uses a light source from an LED (Light Emitting Diode) and a PD (Photodetector) to
detect changes in blood volume in blood vessels. Light can be transmitted through capillary beds [14]. The
PPG signal generally has a different shape from the ECG signal. But there is a suitability of the signal pattern
that can show the R-R interval. The conformity of the PPG and ECG signal patterns is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. ECG vs. PPG signal [14]

PPG has two modes, namely transmission mode and reflectance mode as shown in Figure 2. In
transmission mode, the light transmitted through the medium/body tissue is detected by the PD opposite the
LED source. This transmission mode can obtain a relatively better signal, but the measurement space is
limited. To be effective, the transmission mode sensor must be located on the body at a part where the
transmitted light can be readily detected, such as a finger, nasal septum, cheek, tongue, or earlobe. While in
reflectance mode, the PD detects light that is scattered or reflected from tissue, bone and/or blood vessels.
The reflectance mode eliminates the problems associated with sensor placement, and a wide range of
measuring sites of blood flow can be used. So users can use PPG devices wherever they are, such as the

(a) (b)

Title (First Author Name) (9pt)

ISSN: 2338-3070 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 3
Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2022, pp. xx-xx

Figure 2. PPG sensor illustration of (a) transmission and (b) reflection method [14]
System development applies the system life cycle approach abbreviated as SLC (system life cycle),
SLC consists of a series of tasks that closely follow the steps of the system approach, these tasks follow an
orderly pattern and are carried out in a top-down manner, SLC is often referred to as the system approach.
waterfall (waterfall approach) for system developers and users [16], along with the results and discussion of
each step.

2.1. System Architecture

Figure 3. System Architecture

Figure 3. describes the general description of detecting a human heartbeat which is displayed in real
time. The pulse oximeter sensor functions to detect the human heartbeat as a reference for the condition of
the rider, the vibration motor functions to create vibrations as a shock device when the driver starts to get
sleepy. The data is processed by a microcontroller and displayed on a smartphone in real time.

2.2. General System Flowchart

Title (First Author Name) (9pt)

4 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) ISSN: 2338-3070
Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2022, pp. xx-xx

Figure 4. General System Flowchart

Figure 4. shows the general system flow diagram. The system starts with the sensor measurement
process. When a HEARTBEAT value is measured, it will be displayed on the smartphone GUI screen. If the
driver is sleepy which is indicated by the number of HEARTBEAT value is lower than HEARTBEAT
THRESHOLD value, the MICRO VIBRATION MOTOR will turn ON as a shock device so that the driver
doesn't get sleepy. In other condition, if the rider is not sleepy, the MICRO VIBRATION MOTOR will stop.

Figure 5. Heartbeat Measurement Flowchart

Figure 5. Shows the heartbeat monitoring flow diagram. The system can perform monitoring using a
PPG based pulse oximeter sensor which works on the principle of the photoplethysmography method. PPG
sensor read changes in blood volume in microvascular which is obtained optically. In the flowchart is
explained that the heartbeat measurement begins by counting the PULSE generated from PPG sensor for 15
seconds sampling time. After that, the results of the heartbeat calculation will be converted to beats per
minute (bpm) unit by dividing it with 15 constants value, so we get PULSE per second, and then multiplying
it with 60 constants value so we get PULSE per minutes which is equal to beats per minute.

Figure 6. Data Sending Flowchart

Figure 6 shows the flow of sending data. When the sensor data has been processed by the ESP8266
microcontroller, then wait for the ESP8266 to connect to Wi-Fi, which will then send the processed data to
Firebase. The data sent to Firebase is the rider's heartbeat and condition.

Title (First Author Name) (9pt)

ISSN: 2338-3070 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 5
Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2022, pp. xx-xx

Title (First Author Name) (9pt)

6 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) ISSN: 2338-3070
Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2022, pp. xx-xx

2.3. Setting Procedure with Mobile Application Flowchart

Figure 7. explains when the application starts operating, the user is required to log in user. After
success, the user enters the heartbeat threshold parameter when sleepy in bpm units. If the data is already
available in the database, the data information will be displayed on the application dashboard.

Figure 7. Setting Parameter Flowchart

The mechanical device in the design consists of a vibration motor and a switch, where the vibration
motor is used as a shock device and a switch to turn on or turn off the tool. This vibration motor uses the
TA6586 motor driver which is placed in the box. In electrical design, the components to be used are adjusted
to the needs of the tool, such as pulse oximeter sensors, ESP8266, vibration motors, and TA6586 motor


The test is carried out using an oximeter and calculating the pulse manually. The following
describes the results of testing the heartbeat monitoring system.
3.1. Testing and Calibration of The Sensor
Testing the calibration of the reference device, namely the pulse oximeter, is compared with the
results of calculating the pulse manually. Calibration is needed to ensure that the inspection results obtained
by the tool are accurate and consistent. This test was carried out to determine the accuracy of the pulse
oximeter, as a reference tool that will be used to compare the accuracy of the sensors used. The pulse
oximeter sensor itself will be calibrated compared to manual pulse calculation. Based on the provisions of the
Health Facility Safety Centre (BPFK), a measuring instrument can be said to be feasible if it has a value
below <5% because it is still within tolerance limits [17]. The test is carried by measuring random heartbeat
manually and compare it with the result shown on the pulse oximeter device. The pulse rate testing result of
pulse oximeter device as calibration reference is shown in Table I.

Table 1. The Result of Calibration Reference Device Testing

Manual Measurement Pulse Oximeter Measurement Error
[bpm] [bpm] [%]
76 73,3 2,7
80 78,77 1,23
76 73,44 2,56
80 80 0
88 86,88 1,12
76 73,3 2,7
92 90,92 1,08
88 86,88 1,12
80 78,77 1,23
80 77,56 2,44
80 80 0

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ISSN: 2338-3070 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 7
Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2022, pp. xx-xx

88 86,88 1,12
88 86,88 1,12
80 78,77 1,23
88 88 0
Average (%) 1,31
3.2. Testing The Designed Device Accuracy
The results of Table I show that the average error obtained from the calibration of the pulse
oximeter sensor is around 1.31%, and if it is based on the stipulation of the Health Facilities Safety Centre
(BPFK), this reference tool is still suitable for use. Sensor readings are tested for accuracy by comparing
them with ready-made tools such as pulse oximeter sensors. In calculating the error value from the test
results, the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) formula is used. MAPE is used to calculate the error
rate from the results obtained in the test. Here's the MAPE formula:

| |
100 A t−F t
n t =1 At

Here denotes the total amount of data from the test results, At is the result value that should or can be
called the value of the reference tool/value obtained from the pulse oximeter sensor, and Ft is the value of the
test results or what can be called the tool to be made [18]. Table II and Figure 7. shows the data from the
heartbeat reading test results. This test is carried out as many as 30 data every 15 seconds, by calculating the
error value using the MAPE formula which has been described in (1), an error value of 3.61% is obtained.
The method of measuring the accuracy of device designed is carried out for pulse generator, the
pulse generator is an electrical device that can generate signal with constant frequency. By using pulse
generator, we can get certain pulse that will be measured by pulse oximeter as calibrated device and by
designed heartbeat monitoring device. If you measure your heartbeat for a shorter period, you will have a
large error. Thus, the accuracy of measuring heartbeat is related to the duration of measurement [19].

Table 2. The Result of Designed Heartbeat Monitoring Device Testing

Pulse Oximeter Designed Heartbeat Monitoring Error Error
Measurement Device Measurement [bpm] [%]
[bpm] [bpm]
72,00 71,96 0,04 4,20
73,00 72,97 0,03 3,00
74,00 73,97 0,03 2,70
75,00 74,97 0,03 3,00
76,00 75,96 0,04 4,00
77,00 76,95 0,05 5,00
78,00 77,97 0,03 3,00
79,00 78,96 0,04 4,00
80,00 79,97 0,03 3,45
81,00 80,97 0,03 3,45
82,00 81,96 0,04 4,00
83,00 82,96 0,05 4,50
84,00 83,96 0,04 3,70
85,00 84,96 0,04 4,30
86,00 85,97 0,03 3,00
87,00 86,96 0,04 3,70
88,00 87,97 0,03 3,40
89,00 88,96 0,04 3,51
90,00 89,98 0,02 2,22
91,00 90,96 0,04 3,53
92,00 91,97 0,03 3,30
93,00 92,95 0,05 4,76
94,00 93,98 0,02 2,22
95,00 94,96 0,04 3,53
96,00 95,95 0,05 4,55
97,00 96,96 0,04 4,20
98,00 97,96 0,04 4,10
99,00 98,96 0,04 4,30
100,00 99,98 0,02 2,00
Average (%) 3,61

Title (First Author Name) (9pt)

8 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) ISSN: 2338-3070
Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2022, pp. xx-xx

The Result of Designed Heartbeat Monitoring Device

Designed Device

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 0.
72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 1 0

Calibrated Tools

Heartbeat Linear (Heartbeat)

Figure 8. The Result of Designed Heartbeat Monitoring Device Testing

3.3. Testing The Motor Vibration Frequency

Testing the vibration frequency of the vibration motor based on reference data taken from reference
[20], that a frequency of 25 to 40 Hz can disturb sleep. From the statement above, this research will look for
the resulting motor vibration frequency. Thus, using the equation from [21].
Based on (2) it is explained how to get the vibration frequency of the vibration motor. After that,
testing the results of the vibration motor vibration frequency by measuring the RPM of the motor using a
measuring instrument, namely a tachometer with a constant input voltage 4.8 volts. In Table III is the data
from the test results to find the vibration frequency

(Motor RPM )
f vibration =
Based on reference data, if 25 to 40 Hz can disturb the peace of sleep and the results obtained in
Table III, is about 33.53 to 39.77 Hz which can be said to fall into the criteria above 25 Hz and below 40 Hz.
Average frequency generated by the micro-vibration motor is 36,366 Hz. Then the vibration frequency
generated by the vibration motor can be used as a shock device to prevent drowsiness.

Table 3. The Result of Micro-vibration Motor

Micro-vibration Motor Speed Vibration Frequency
[rpm] [Hz]
2353 39,22
2320 38,67
2361 39,35
2161 36,02
2386 39,77
2165 36,08
2052 34,20
2034 33,90
2012 33,53
2125 35,42
2262 37,70
2379 39,65
2002 33,37
2105 35,08
2012 33,53

3.4. Testing of The Early Warning System Application

Testing the early warning system for sleepy drivers is done by attaching a pulse oximeter sensor to
the driver's index finger. Then monitoring the driver's heartbeat is displayed in the application, if the
heartbeat that is read is less than the heartbeat parameter that has been determined then the condition of the
driver is sleepy. Based on reference data, if the heartbeat parameter is less than 60 BPM, the driver will be

Title (First Author Name) (9pt)

ISSN: 2338-3070 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 9
Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2022, pp. xx-xx

declared sleepy [13]. The purpose of this test is to ensure that the designed early warning system is
functioning properly.
Testing this system is done by testing the heartbeat readings that are read. If the read heartbeat is less
than the heartbeat parameter. Then the condition of the vibration motor will move and the condition of the
rider's condition in the application will change to sleepiness. The purpose of this test is to find out if the
system created is running well. The testing show good result, if the system created has been running well in
the application or the vibration motor has been successful in accordance with the system that has been made

From the results of testing and analysis that has been done before. It can be concluded that the longer
the duration of the heartbeat measurement, the more accurate the results will be, with an error value of 3.61%
on heartbeat reading. In the process of testing the vibration frequency produced by the vibration motor, it has
average frequency value at 36.366 Hz, where this value can disturb the peace of sleep, so it can be used as a
shock device to prevent driver drowsiness. And for testing the early warning system to sleepy motorists that
the system that has been made is functioning properly.

This research was done in the Department of Manufacturing Automation and Mechatronics
Engineering, Bandung Polytechnic for Manufacturing. This paper would not have been possible without the
exceptional support of my colleagues and also senior lecturer at Bandung Polytechnic for Manufacturing.You
may want to thank your funding source (but do not thank any of the authors!).

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Siti Aminah received her Bachelor degree in Informatics Engineering at STT

YBSI in 1999. She received her Master degree in Informatics Engineering at Bandung
Institute of Technology, in 2007. Currently, She is Lecturer and Researcher who focus on
Information Technology. She can be contacted at email:

Nur Jamiludin Ramadhan received his Bachelor degree in Mechatronics

engineering at Bandung Polytechnic for Manufacturing in 2016. He received his Master
degree in Mechatronics engineering at Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, in 2019. Currently, he is a Lecturer and
Researcher who focus on robotics technology and machine tools mechanism. He has been a
member of Indonesian Society of Applied Science (ISAS) since 2021. He can be contacted at

Suharyadi Pancono received his Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering at

School of Engineering Burgdorf Swiss in 1994. He received his Master degree in Electrical
Engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology in 2006. Currently he is a Lecturer and
Researcher focusing on control systems and intelligent systems. He can be contacted at email:

Title (First Author Name) (9pt)

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