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Presentation of WHS induction

Hierarchy of control

The study or analysis of risks consists of three main stages: Recognition,

Evaluation and Control. Control is the process by which the security measures
derived from the risk assessment are implemented, which are also considered as
part of the control measures to be applied to the risk conditions of the
environment. (Australian Pacific College, 2022)

It is important to prioritize controls in order to more effectively lower the likelihood

of accidents and occupational diseases (occupational hazards), rather than
prioritizing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as the first safety barrier between
the worker and the risk (which is more ineffective). (The National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, 2023)

The purpose of conducting a risk assessment is to determine which risk controls

must be implemented to ensure that activities are carried out safely. The hierarchy
of control has traditionally been used to decide how to put into practice workable
and efficient control methods. Where, if you control the hazard, you have control
of the risk associated with it. (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health, 2023)

The hierarchy of risk controls is intended to provide a systematic approach to

increase safety and health in activities, eliminate hazards, and reduce or control
risks. It is made up of the following (The National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health, 2023):

PPE isn't as efficient whereas elimination is more successful; this is not to say that
PPE is not necessary or less important to protect workers, but if a workplace
hazard is eliminated or replaced, this could mean one less piece of PPE for the
worker to wear.

It is crucial to choose the controls that are the most practical, efficient, and long-
lasting. Thus, the practical procedures in the company have been designed with
risk elimination in mind from the outset. For example, to avoid cut injuries, ready-
made products are purchased for baking or heating only, rather than workers
having to cook using knives.

Other examples of disposal are cleaning up liquid spills, removing objects lying on
the floor, removing high objects that may fall, level storage design.

Improvement Identified- Incidents of coffee machine burns continue


This is a source of risk that cannot be eliminated, substituted or issued by

engineering control, so we decided to make an administrative control. The SOP
regarding the operation of the coffee was updated with new considerations to
avoid the workers’ injuries.


This SOP,

provide directions on how to operate the device both before and during usage.
ensures that employees be aware of and handle any risks and hazards.
offers a training manual for both workers and employers including maintaining.

DANGERS Burns (steam and steaming water) Chronic use disorders Power Shock
stumbles, drops, and slides (Caustic scrubbing agent) Burns (Caustic cleansing
substance) harm to the eyes

CAUTIONS Barista uniform, shoes with slip resistance and Wearing protection for


a) Before using the espresso machine, you must be authorized and in good
b) Shoes with covers are required.
c) Verify that the machine is tidy and firmly in place.
d) Verify that the power supply is undamaged if the machine has recently been
e) If the machine has a view gauge, use it to inspect for leaks or boiler loss of
f) Prior to moving forward, report all errors and problems.
g) Start up the coffee maker. The boiler and group heads will need at least 30
minutes to warm up for the majority of machines.
h) Clean, dry, and put together the portafilters.
i) Position and fasten the portafilters in the group heads after lining up the
j) Set up your workspace with a tamper, milk jugs, uniform, milk cloth, etc.
k) Examine and replenish stirrers, cups, lids, and condiments.
l) Check the grinder and restock it with coffee beans. Remove any stale
m) Verify the milk fridge's temperature and get rid of any expired supply.
n) If the boiler has a pressure gauge, verify it after 30 minutes to make certain
it's complete (it typically reads around "1 Bar" of pressure). Turn the
equipment off and notify right away if the gauge reads more than 1.5 Bar.

a) Clean, then take the portafilter out of the group head. To prevent your skin
from contacting the hot components and to catch any dropping water, use a
barista uniform.
b) After using a barista uniform to dry the espresso basket, fill it with the
desired amount of ground coffee.
c) For tamping, level the coffee and position the portafilter in a proper level
d) The thumb and index finger of the hand holding the tamper should ideally
be pointed toward the coffee while the tamp is resting in the palm.
e) Compress the coffee by exerting a downward force of no more than 15 kg.
Try to maintain your wrist straight and avoid placing direct pressure on your
fingers. Your elbow and shoulder should apply the majority of the force.
f) Align the slots on the portafilter with those on the group head, then tighten.
g) You can extract an espresso "shot" by placing a cup or cups under the
portafilter spout and turning on the machine.
h) Note: The machine will pressurize hot water over the coffee grounds. The
portafilter should never be loosened while the machine is extracting coffee.
i) Put the portafilter and the puck of used grounds into the knock box after the
extraction is finished. Hold the portafilter underneath to capture the puck if
it is still stuck to the group head and restart the system until it is free.
j) Reinstall the portafilter in the group head after giving it a hot water wash.

How to Heat Milk

a) Choose a jug that will fit the order and fill it no more than halfway with milk.
b) If used, clip the thermometer on. Attention: Steam wands can become very
hot. The wand can only be moved with a cloth or the finger-hold.
c) Place the wand over the tray and quickly expel the steam with it.
d) Reposition the wand within the milk container so that it is just inside the
milk or level with it.
e) Before starting to submerge the steam wand to heat the milk, allow bubbles
of air to blow into the milk for the first few seconds. Additionally, this will
stop the audible cavitation noise.
f) When there is enough foam, totally submerge the steam wand and let it
heat up to the required temperature.
g) As the milk reaches the proper temperature, turn off the steam and take the
jug out.
h) With a "milk" towel that has been wet, clean the wand.
i) Steam it clean by moving the wand back over the drain tray.


After every use or if it won't be used for a while, the machine needs to be
completely cleaned and sanitized. Following each day's work:

a) As directed by the manufacturer, back flush the machine with the blind
b) The baskets and portafilters should be removed and disassembled.
c) If there is black residue in the portafilter, soak the metallic part of the
portafilter and the baskets in a chemical cleaning solution as directed by the
d) Drain and rinse the drip tray with water after emptying it.
e) Follow the manufacturer's recommendations when using a cleaning
substance to clean the steaming wand, if necessary.
f) Use surface cleaner to clean your machine's exterior.
• Wherever employees working the espresso machine can see it, a copy of this
protocol must be posted.

• Workers must receive this technique training prior to use, and the training must
be documented in their Worker Induction File.


Among the measurements that will contribute most to the WHSMS of the coffee
shop are (Australian Pacific College, 2022):
-Compliance rate with the schedule of WHS activities.
-Occupational accident rate
-Compliance rate with the maintenance schedule of the equipment used at the
workstation (coffee machine)


It has been decided to carry out a comprehensive review of the entire system
every 6 months in order to make appropriate changes based on the activities
carried out in the workplace and the incidents and hazards encountered.
Procedures, formats and policies will be updated as necessary and these updates
will be socialised with all staff through retraining. (Australian Pacific College, 2022)

In addition, a review will be carried out with an external auditor in order to check
that it is in compliance with the standard and to contribute possible improvements.


See the table below

Australian Goverment, 2023. Business Work health and safety.
Available at:
[Accessed 27 08 2023].
Australian Pacific College, 2022. A20250 ADVANCED
MANAGEMENT OF WHS BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for
a work area STUDENT WORKBOOK. 1st Edition ed. Sydney:
Publisher: Young Rabbit Pty Ltd .
Goverment of South Australia, n.d. SafeWork SA. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 27 08 2023].
Government of South Australia, n.d. SafeWork SA. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 27 08 2023].
Ltd, G. S. P., 2022. Managers Guide to WHS. Edition 2 ed.
s.l.:Boylen Pty Ltd.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2023.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 07 09 2023].

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