Sumary Pocahontas

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This history is about three ships that left america in january 1607 with 150

englishmen exploring new lands arrive starving 4 months later in virginia

there were 3 leaders Christopher Newport Edward Wingfield and John
Smith, indians weren’t happy about this but some of then wanted to learn
about the englishmen so they gave them food and the englishmen gave
them knives, pictures, beds, after that the englishmen started building a
little town called jamestown, smith and newport started a ride to know
better virginia meanwhile wingfield stayed, wingfield where worried about
food because of winter but the englishmen were tired so when smith and
newport arrived returned to the town wingfield told them that indians
where trying to kill em so the took their weapons from the ships for
protections, in june newport went back to england with 2 from the 3
ships, only hundred and five stayed in virginia but some of them where
sick without food and water 46 men died that summer so they tried to
escape in the ship but smit stopped them saying they can get food from
nature and he could get food from indians, smith learned their language
and gave them gifts to indians, he were nice with them but he always
were carrying his gun with him, with only fifty(50) people remaining in
jamestown they didn’t had enough food for winter and were scared to be
in the fields because of the indians, smith went boat up the river with 7
english men and 2 indians looking for food, the king of all the villages
and chiefs in virginia was powhatan, opekankanu his brother complained
about white men killing his people and they wanted to see one of the
white men, pocahontas the 13 years old daughter of powhatan asked if
they were white because they were ill so her father explained her about
that they were foreigners to his land and that they wanted to talk with one
of them so his brother were going to bring one for them, so 200 indians
went into the forest and they found smit, opekankanu killed 2 of the 9
men so the other 7 ran away, smith was in the forest with the two indians
but the 200 indians found him and hit him with an arrow on his leg, they
bringed him to powhatan, pocahontas were fascinated with his factions
blue eyes and yellow hair on his face, powhatan asked him why where
and who was the englishmen king so smith told him everything about
england and that it was very very hard times for his people but powhatan
brothers were angry because they were killing his people and stealing
their lands, calling that town and his beautiful river as their king whose
were looking to be king of their land too so he thought that killing them
were a nice idea but powhatan wanted the englishmen guns so powhatan
gave them his daughter for helping him with this objective, his daughter
were agree with him but powhatan brothers didn’t know anything about
this so he asked if he could kill smith saying powhatan yes but when he
were going to do it pocahontas stopped him saying that she wanted this
whitemen for her and his father obviously agree with this, she learnt
some english and he learnt more of her language, smith didn’t had
allowed abandon powhatan village but pocahontas told him that he could
if they gave her people 2 of their big guns so he agree, wingfield didn’t
where happy with this but when smith showed the power of the weapons
to opekankanu and that they weren’t able to move them because they
were too big to move them around the forest so smith gave them some
gunpowder instead to powhatan brothers this saying that they had to
come back later for those guns because where important for them smith
told them perhaps but friends are more important than guns he said,
pocahontas learnt many things about england and english people, more
ships arrived more english people arrived to jamestown and pocahontas
told her father about they needed food and powhatan was angry because
they had to give them theirs so he told pocahontas to interchange
weapons for guns, smith were not agree with it some indians tried to take
the guns but they were locked them for a week, smith told pocahontas he
was mad he forgive the indians lifes because her father forgive his and
gave the indians to her to take them back home, pocahontas visited smith
once in a while and proposed him to marry her and he laugh of her saying
she was just a child besides he were not important enough for her and
that made her go away back to her fathers village, smith was needing
more food so he asked powhatan and powhatan answer him that only if
he could have a big house like those that english men build and guns so
smith told him that he can have all the houses he want but friends
doesn’t need weapons so powhatan smiled him being extremely angry,
that night pocahontas warned smith about his father plans to kill him so
he and his man was aware with weapons all the time so when powhatan
brothers arrived with the food to smith he threatened him with 700
indians all of them pointing smith with bows and arrows so quickly smith
used powhatan brothers as hostage warning the indians that he could kill
him with his gun faster than an arrow could reach him so they laid down
their weapons letting him go with the food to jamestown from that point
sometimes they traded or sometimes englishman started fighting with
indians so it was harder for pocahontas visit smith so one day she
couldn’t find him and she were told that smith had a very very bad
accident so he had to go back to england and that he was probably dead
so pocahontas went away crying for a long time into the forest,
sometimes pocahontas helped them but for powhatan and his brother
they were enemies so they stopped giving them food and helping them
besides one night powhatan came into jamestown took guns and every
english man he found in the forest were killed, jamestown people were
very unhappy and took pocahontas as hostage while english men recover
their weapons but indians loved more guns than pocahontas besides his
father said that pocahontas was happy living in jamestown that they
didn’t were giving back the guns so one day pocahontas was given the
chance to come back home but she didn’t because she was very
offended that his father preferred a gun over his daughter so she decided
that jamestown was her new home, one of her new friends john rolfe
proposed her to marry him and she said yes they got married on april
1614 an indian with an englishman in the jamestown church her father
didn’t was there but her uncle opekankanu went to her marriage with
many of his people all of them happy including powhatan, pocahontas
and rolfe had a son they called him thomas rolf took his son and
pocahontas to england with him and london was very noisy and exciting
for pocahontas, the city and his people was very dirty also, two of
pocahontas people ill and died but pocahontas was happy, she knew very
important people even the king james and the queen anne, pocahontas
told them that she could learnt them how to understand the nature and
live better and they could learnt to her people new stuff that they should
be friends, king james was agree and que queen anne told pocahontas
that she had a letter from smith that he know her since she was a child
she was very surprised that he wasn’t dead so smith visited her and told
her that he had to came back to england because he was very ill but he
got better in two years so she was very very mad and complained as
much as she could with him so he apologized and pocahontas said she
has a husband and a son that loves her and that was the last time she
saw smith, six months later Rolfe told he they must go back to virginia
because his job was waiting for him there and that she also was needing
her natural environment because the cold rain of english winter was
getting her ill, she didn’t say anything and got ready to leave, the ship
went down from london to a town called gravesend but it was too late for
pocahontas because she couldn’t move anymore so she smiled and said
his husband who was sat next to her bed that “goodbye john i’m going
home home to the forest and rivers of my country” pocahontas died
march 1617 her husband died 5 years later after got married an english
woman in virginia, thomas stayed with his fathers family in england but in
1635 he went back to virginia, Smith wrote many books about his
journeys talking about pocahontas he never got married probably
because of his sadness thinking about sad look on pocahontas eyes

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