Soal Bing Kls 3

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Choose the correct answer

1. Good bye :……..

a. Selamat tidur b. selamat pagi c. selamat tinggal
2. Hanif : good afternoon
Ibram :………
a. Good morning b. good afternoon c.good night
3. Haniza : ………
Naura : I am fine
a. I am good b. I am oke c. how are you ?
4. What is your name ?
a. My name is indah nama is indah c. my named is indah
5. Ruler : …..
a. Penghapus b.penggaris c. kursi
6. Kotak pensil :……..
a. Bag b. eraser c. pencilcases
7. Three….five…….seven.
a. Four & six b.three& four c.four&seven
8. Is it number 8 …….
a. Eigh c.eight
9. Four + three =…… b.eight c.nine
10. table =…….
a. pencil b.meja c. meja

1. We need…… to bring our school books
2. I put eraser, pencil on the……
3. Are-you-how. Susunlah menjadi kalimat yang benar……
4. S-e-s-c-l-i-c-n-e-p-a :…………..
5. –ood after_rn_n . lengkapilah kalimat tersebut.

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