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School: Grade Level: 7

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: . Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
MELC BASED Time: Quarter: Q3 WEEK 3


Pamantayang Pangnilalaman
(Content Standards)

Pamantayan sa Pagganap
(Perfomance Standards)

Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or other factorsEN7LT-IV-h-3
(Learning Competencies)

Lesson Objective
a. Define the terms culture, history, and environment.
b. Identify details from the selections that show the
influence of culture, history, and
c. Express ideas about the importance of knowing one's
culture, history,
environment, and other identified factors that affect the
Filipino people's lives.
d. Evaluate a short text or selection that illustrates the
influence of culture, history,
and environment.
e. Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture,
history, environment, or
other factors. (EN7LT-IV-h-3)

Paksang Aralin
(Subject Matter) How a Selection may be Influenced by Culture, History, How a Selection may be Influenced by Culture, History,
Environment, or Other Factors Environment, or Other Factors

Kagamitang Panturo

English 7 LM
(Learning Resources) 2022/02/SLM-E7Q3M3.pdf
a. Reviewing Previous ?
Lesson or Presenting Directions: Identify the meaning or synonyms of the
the New Lesson given words. Using the graphic
organizer, fill in each box with the word bank's correct
definitions or synonyms. Write your
answers on a separate sheet.
Relate the previous lesson.

b. Establishing purpose .
for the lesson
Directions: Think of your ideas about culture, history,
and environment. Complete the
statement in the speech balloons with your answers.
Write your answers on a
separate sheet.
Play the song Batang bata ka pa by APO hiking Society

c. Presenting Let the students reflect by open question related to the

example/instances of lesson objectives Directions: Look closely at the given pictures below.
the new lesson Study the details and identify the ideas
that each picture shows or conveys. Write your answers
on a separate sheet.
Direction: Answer the following questions based on the
ideas conveyed by the pictures
above. Write your answers on a separate sheet.
1. Which picture shows the spirit of communal unity and
cooperation of the Filipino
A. Picture A
B. Picture B
C. Picture C
2. Which picture shows that the life of Filipino people is
simple and peaceful?
A. Picture A
B. Picture B
C. Picture C
3. Which picture shows that the Philippines has a great
history about the death of a hero
who brought change and reformation in the country?
A. Picture A
B. Picture B
C. Picture C
d. Discussing new Guide students in reading and interpreting the Footnote to TEACHERS DISCUSSION
concepts youth
Culture is a complex of features held by a social group,
which may be as small as a
family or a tribe or as large as a racial or ethnic group, a
nation, or in the age of globalization,
by people all over the world. Culture has been called
"the way of life for an entire society." It
includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion,
rituals, norms of behavior such as law
and morality, and belief systems. However, culture is not
fixed or static; rather, it involves a
dynamic process as people respond to changing
conditions and challenges.
History is the study of the past. History also includes the
academic discipline that uses
a narrative to describe, examine, question, and analyze a
sequence of past events and
investigate the patterns of cause and effect related to
them. History provides us with a sense
of identity. By understanding where we have come from,
we can better understand who we
are. History provides a sense of context for our lives and
our existence. It helps us understand
the way things are and how we might approach the
An environment is a place where different things, living
(biotic) or non-living
(abiotic), constantly interact with and adapt to
conditions in their environment. A person's
environment is the event and culture that the person
lived in. The environment is everything
around us. A person's beliefs and actions depend on his
e. Continuation of the Using a Venn diagragm, Let the students work by pair to READ AND RELATE THE A Heritage of Smallness
discussion of new accomplished the Task Nick Joaquin
What are their similarities? The students will share their
answers with the class.
f. Developing Mastery 1. What idea about the Filipinos can be drawn or
extracted from the text?
A. Foreigners belittle Filipinos for working so hard yet
getting too little from their
hard work.
B. Filipinos are hardworking and are compensated
C. Filipinos are hardworking but not compensated for
their efforts.
D. Filipinos are not indolent, but not being one is not
enough, so there is a need to
balance hard work and productivity.
2. What does the text tell about the life of the Filipinos in
the Philippines?
A. Life is challenging.
B. Life is easy.
C. Life is informal.
D. Life is stress-free.
3. Which statement from the text/passage shows the
influence of culture?
A. The Filipino who travels abroad gets to thinking that
he is the hardest working
country in the world.
What is the conflict of the story? B. Laboriousness can never be the equal of labor as skill,
labor as audacity, labor as
an enterprise.
C. Industry and production for the Filipino are the small
immediate scratching of
each day: isang kahig, isang tuka.
D. The entire cities go to sleep on weekends.
4. Which statement from the text/passage talks about
A. They have a shorter working day, a shorter working
B. History for the Filipino is a small vague saying:
matanda pa kay mahoma; noong
C. So much effort by so many for so little.
D. The Filipino who travels abroad gets to thinking that
his is the hardest working
country in the world.
5. Which statement from the text/passage demonstrates
a situation in an environment?
A. Society for the Filipino is a small rowboat: the
B. Like all those children risking neck and limb in the
traffic to sell one stick of
cigarette at a time.
C. Geography for the Filipino is a small locality: the
D. Abroad, they have a shorter working day, a shorter
working week.
g. Finding practical Activity 2 .
applications of Directions: Study the pictures given. Distinguish which
concepts and skills in Filipino values are still effective
daily living nowadays. If you think that they are still followed or
obeyed today, draw a smiley face ( )
on the column provided next to each picture. Write your
answers on a separate sheet
Do you think it is good to marry at an early age?

Why is it important to consider listening to you parents


h. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about
the lesson
i. Evaluating learning Directions: Determine whether the statements given are
correct. Check the box under
CORRECT if the statement is true and check INCORRECT
if it is wrong. Write your
answers on a separate sheet
j. Additional activities
for application or


a. Number of
learners who
earned 80% of the
b. Number of
learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
c. Did the remedial
lesson work?
d. Number of
learners who have
caught up with
the lesson
e. Number of
learners who
continue to
f. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
g. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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