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Scan 1

A: good afternoon, Ners Rachel

R: afternoon nurse Angel

A: nurse, are u bussy? i need your help

R : im not bussy, it there anithyng i can do to help?

R: would you help me to do a drug check on a 20-year-old tias patient in room edelweis 201?

A: OK, nurse, I can help beforehand. I will prepare the tools and materials first.

R: okay, thank you, Ners.

Scan 2

R : Good afternoon Nurse Angel, how are you today?

A : good afternoon nurse Rachel, I'm good today

R : Is Nurse Angel busy today?

A : not nurse

R : Can Nurse Angel, help me check the medicine that will be given to the patient on behalf of Mrs.
Tias 20 years in room edelweis 201?

A : OK, Nurse Rachel, when was the last time Nurse gave an injection to a patient?

R : last gave the patient an injection at nine o'clock

A : So now it's exactly fifteen o'clock, the patient can be given the injection because four hours have

R : OK Nurse Anhel, can Nurse get the ampoules in the cupboard and count the number?

A : the number of ampoules is fifteen nurses

R : I will take one ampoule to give to the patient and I will sign the book, can Nurse be a witness?

A : oke nurse, don't forget to look at the expiry date and also the dose that will be given to the

R : The expiry date is October 25, two thousand and thirty and the dose given is one hundred

A : Have all the nurses finished?

R : it's all finished, nurse Rafiq, thank you very much nurse Rafiq

A : You're welcome
Scand 3

Nurse: Assalamualaik rachel , how are you today? Have you had breakfast this morning?

Patient: waalaikumsalam nurse Angel, I feel good today sis and I have also had breakfast that was
it Ners

Nurse: Alhamdulillah, well, at 10.00 rachel took the medicine again, according to the dosage. given
by the doctor

Patient: I have to take more medicine, okay?

Nurse: Yes, that's right, Amel, so you can recover quickly, OK?

Patient: Oh, I see, Sus, what happens to the medicine I take in the body?

Nurse : So when you swallow the tablet and it enters the gastrointestinal tract or GT. Then it passes
through the tube that leads to the stomach, namely the esophagus. Then lead to your stomatch
and absorbed, it mixes with the liquids, pass into bloodstream, goes into the liver via the small
intestine and in the liver, the drug is the metabolized or chemically changed. And then the liver
stops the production of an enzym which causes the body to produce a harmful type of cholesterol.
By inhibiting this enzym, the amount of “bad cholesterol” which is released into to blood is
reduce.Can you understand what I say?

Patient : Oh, I see, Sus, okay, then, thank you, Sus, now I know the medicine I drank it wherever it

Nurse : OK, rachel ,now you take your medicine

Perawat : Assalamualaikum Shaffa, bagaimana kabarnya hari ini? Apakah kamu sudah sarapan pagi

Pasien : waalaikumsalam suster Amel, hari ini aku enakan ya kak dan aku juga sudah sarapan tadi

Perawat : Alhamdulillah, jam 10.00 shaffa minum obatnya lagi, sesuai dosisnya. diberikan oleh
dokter Pasien : Saya harus minum obat lagi ya?

Perawat : Iya betul Amel, biar cepat sembuh ok? Pasien: Oh begitu ya Sus, apa yang terjadi dengan
obat yang saya minum di dalam tubuh?

Perawat : Jadi ketika tablet tersebut ditelan dan masuk ke saluran cerna atau GT. Lalu berlalu
melalui saluran yang menuju ke lambung yaitu kerongkongan. Kemudian dibawa ke perut dan
diserap, bercampur dengan cairan, masuk ke aliran darah, masuk ke hati melalui usus kecil dan di
hati, obat dimetabolisme atau diubah secara kimia. Dan kemudian hati menghentikan produksi
enzim yang menyebabkan tubuh memproduksi jenis kolesterol berbahaya. Dengan menghambat
enzim ini, jumlah “kolesterol jahat” yang dilepaskan ke dalam darah berkurang.

Bisakah Anda memahami apa yang saya katakan?

Pasien : Oh begitu ya Sus, baiklah kalau begitu terima kasih Sus, sekarang aku tahu obatnya dan
sekarang aku tau kemana obat yang aku minum itu pergi Perawat : baiklah shaffa, sekarang kamu
minum obatmu

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