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Name: Date: Class Period: Project:

0-No 1-Attempted 2-Partial 3-Proficient 4-Sophisticated

Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration

Achieves a clear and Achieves a clear and

Communicates an distinct purpose for a distinct purpose for a
identifiable targeted audience targeted audience and
Unclear purpose
Purpose No purpose purpose and/or a and communicates communicates main
Or main idea
main idea for main ideas with ideas with a variety of
audience effectively used effectively used
technique/medias techniques/medias

Clear organizational
Unclear Organization
Organization is clear structure enhances
organization: occasionally
& easy to follow: audience
introduction, body, unclear:
No introduction, body, & understanding:
Organization and/or conclusion introduction, body,
organization conclusion are introduction, body, &
underdeveloped, and/or conclusion
defined & aligned conclusion are well
missing, or may be
with purpose. defined, effective &
confusing underdeveloped
aligned with purpose

Limited variety of Limited variety of Variety of text and Engaging variety of text
text and graphic or text or graphic or graphic or audio and graphic and audio
audio structures; audio structures; structures with slight structures with no
Mechanics No attempt
significant errors in significant errors in errors in grammar/ errors in grammar/
& Usage
grammar or use of grammar or use of pronunciation or use pronunciation or use of
MM tools. MM tools of MM tools MM tools

Supporting details Uses a variety of clear,

Supporting details or & (visuals or audio) Relevant use of pleasing, relevant
visuals/audio are relevant but supporting details & supporting details &
Detail Missing missing, irrelevant, limited, overly (visuals or audio) visuals and audio
inaccurate, or general, or specific to topic & contributing to
inappropriate inconsistently consistently provided audience
provided understanding

Voice No voice Some use of Use of descriptive Effective use of Consistent & effective
descriptive text text and descriptive text and use of descriptive text
and/or visuals/audio visuals/audio to visuals/audio and visuals/audio that
that may appear communicate a expressing a move, engage, or teach
mundane, forced, or personal style personal style to the audience
awkward enhance & connect

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