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shortcut thru angel magic…

according to all the research that iv done regarding angel magic including
“kabbalah” -much to what iv discovered is that kabbalah has a solid
duck-tail in psychology regarding “color” and the colors effect on the
psyche. take the color “blue” for example. blue is a universal color for
peace and tranquility- yet, for many people, the color of blue is often
related with “depression” and despair. in other words the psychology
behind color magic must be related to what your personal
correspondences to any given color represents to you…

if you use color magic in any format- you are encouraged to surround
yourself with the color you wish to work with and even suggested that
you wear the color you desire that represents the desired results such
as “passion” which has a wide interpretation to “red”. if “black is an
uplifting color according to you’re psyche- then wear black and surround
yourself personal room with the same color. to many folks “white” is the
color of purity & holiness

-but according to all my rabbi friends; “black” is the most holy color and
black is the only color from which any other color may be born from.
black cannot be born from white -but white can be extracted from black
according to the color spectrums… black can be shaded into a gray and
then “gray” can then be diluted into an eggshell white & then be diluted into
a finer white. most rabbis agree that “black” represents (beginnings) like
the fetus inside a “womb” has no light but just a watery darkness… and the
“darkness” represents (potential) beginnings…

the judaic tradition teaches that the age of “accountability” differ from child
to child and most of them will tell you; if you need anything engraved into
stone to show you the difference between “right & wrong” and
require a “burning-bush” to read it by- then the reader
is more hopeless than a “mindless cow”…with that much aside and
knowing that (sin) is only found within the eyes of it’s victims- let us
continue in our faith without wavering; regardless of what our faith consist

pick a color- “any color” you wish to associate with the outcome of your
request. choose a short question regarding the color…i.e. “what do i
need to do to receive more of_____???” bathe your surroundings with
the same color or pictures of the symbol you can best remember when
you are not among your surroundings. every 30-minute to one hour, ask
out loud the same question noted above and “ad-lib” without changing
or rather (adding) to your question. talk to yourself more often. winston
churchill was very famous for gazing in his mirror & asking

his self questions and even barking “orders” to his sub-consciousness to

perform in certain ways regarding the order of his own body. winston
already knew that; in the beginning was the word- but prior to any word,
there first must be a thought, yet prior to any thought- there must first be a
thinker… many folks would call his personal tradition; the magic mirror…
winston was known to sometimes burn different color candles during these
“self pep talks” and since my early child hood iv used the same methods.
iv noticed when i don’t talk to myself

-thing’s begin to become chaotic and eventually near out of control, but one
thing iv learned the hard way is; talk nice to yourself & glorify yourself every
chance you get because without that self confidence of which you need, you
will eventually find yourself slipping and becoming a worse wreck & despot
to not only yourself but also a nuisance to family and friends… i’m not
saying “over do it” in the mirror- but what i am saying is “be reasonable”…
but also be nice.

the bottom line to any magic is; “self transformation”…if you change
your self talk into a desirable dialog & stop condemning yourself for
temporary (incompetence) of which we all suffer with at given times
throughout life- you will eventually start to “see” the magic that you
desire. it’s a well-known joke in psychology that you can only see pink
elephants & little green men only if you believe in them first…but, this does
not make them (unreal). what makes them unreal is… “disbelief”.
would you like to become the world’s greatest wizard? then keep
telling your mirror image that you (already are) and keep doing it till you
believe it yourself… that’s when the magic will begin…

by; chaplain; lonnie craig

united faith ministries
310 w. bell street
fort worth, tx 76140

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