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Revision means making big changes to important The court only looks at how many rules are affected;

principles in the constitution, like changing how the not how big the change is.
government's powers are separated or how checks
and balances work. It's also a revision if the change The qualitative test inquiries into the qualitative
affects a lot of the constitution. effects of the proposed change in the constitution.
The main inquiry is whether the change will
In short, revision is completely rewriting a law to "accomplish such far reaching changes in the nature
make it better and more up-to-date. of our basic governmental plan as to amount to a
Amendments making smaller changes. It can add,
reduce, or delete specific parts without changing the This test looks at how significant the proposed
main principles. Amendments usually focus on a change is. It asks if the change is so important that it
single part of the constitution. completely changes the basic plan of the government.
If it does, it might be seen as a major revision.
In short, amendments are making changes to a law
without rewriting the whole thing. Form

Note: In revision it affects several provisions while in General Rule: Amendments are express
amendments it only affects the specific provisions.
Exception: Amendment by implication
Repeal is the removal or reversal of a law, and is
generally done when a law is no longer effective, or it Operation of amendments
is having negative consequences.
General Rule: Amendments operate prospectively
In short, repeal means getting rid of a law entirely.
Exception: when there is express provision on
Implied Repeal occurs when a new law conflicts
with or is inconsistent with an existing law in such a
way that it renders the existing law inoperative or Exception to the exception: When vested rights are
irrelevant, even though the existing law has not been impaired
explicitly repealed. Implied repeal is based on the
legal principle that the later law prevails. Implied CASUS OMISUS PRO OMISSO HABENDUS
repeal can result from the enactment of new laws that EST- a case omitted must be held as omitted
implicitly override or nullify conflicting provisions in
older laws.

In short, implied repeal is when a new law cancels

out parts of an older law without explicitly saying so.

Express Repeal is the explicit and formal act of

repealing an existing law through a new law or
statute. In an express repeal, the new law contains
language that specifically identifies the law to be
repealed. Express repeal is used when lawmakers
want to make it clear that a particular law is no longer
in force and should be removed from legal effect.

In short, express repeal officially getting rid of a law

by passing a new one that says it's gone.

express repeals are favored over implied ones.
Implied repeals are not favored, because it is
presumed that a law-making body considers all
existing laws, and thus could not have made
conflicting rules

Repeals by implication are not favored as laws

are presumed to be passed with deliberation
and full knowledge of all laws existing on the
The quantitative test asks whether the proposed
change is "so extensive in its provisions as to change
directly the 'substantial entirety' of the constitution by
the deletion or alteration of numerous existing
provisions." The court examines only the number of
provisions affected and does not consider the degree
of the change.

This test looks at whether a proposed change to the

constitution is very big. If it removes or changes a lot
of existing rules, it might be considered a big change.

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