Dear Ma

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Dear Ma'am Ma.

Victoria Burce Deleon,

Greetings of peace!

I hope this letter finds you well. I, Jollie Anne Sales, a 2nd-year student currently taking (course mo),
writing this letter to share some exciting news and to seek your support for an incredible journey I am
embarking on. I have been chosen as a contestant in the upcoming Miss Coed pageant that will be held
on (date) at Siena College Tigaon, an opportunity that allows me to grow personally, promote
community involvement, and serve as a positive role model.

In line with this, I am knocking on your generous heart for financial support to help augment the
expenses associated with my participation in the said event.

Rest assured that your kindness and support will be truly remembered.

Thank you so much and God bless!

Warm regards,

Jollie Anne Sales

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