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Knowledge, Process, Understanding, Performance (KPUP)- Levels of Learning

Outcomes LEYSA
Knowledge, Process, Understanding, Performance reflect different learning
outcomes that are arranged in hierarchy of complexity. Knowledge being the basic level
of learning outcomes and Performance being the advanced level of learning outcomes.
Let us look at how these learning outcomes are calibrated. Later on we will find
examples on how each level is assessed.

Learning Description of Learning Outcomes Guide Questions for Teachers

1. What do you want your
students to know in
Level 1 KNOWLEDGE – factual knowledge; conceptual terms of facts, concept,
knowledge, procedural knowledge, procedure, and multiple
metacognition thinking? i.e parts of the
body; the ky is blue, how
to dissect a frog;
describing a typhoon
from different views.
2. What do you want your
PROCESS – skills that the student use based student to do, with what
Level 2 on facts and information for making meaning they know? i.e identify
and understanding. the parts of the frogs
body after dissecting it.
3. What do you want
students to understand?
Level 3 UNDERSTANDING- big ideas or concepts i.e How do the elements
of weather interact to
produce climate change?
4. Can you place in a
portfolio all the evidence
to show your learning
Level 4 products (material, tangible) or performance 5. Can you create a one act
(oral, visual, written, etc.) as evidence of play showing the
learning? i.e portfolio, paintings, drama, principles in
research, projects, etc.) dramatization?
6. Present a research
report on conservation of
indigenous plants.

Assessment Tool for Each Level of Learning Outcomes

Knowledge, Process, Understanding (KPU) Learning Outcomes

Knowledge, process, and understanding are learning outcomes. Students who
can show that they have gained knowledge, can apply such knowledge and have
achieved several meaning on the particular knowledge have achieved the learning

Types of Tests to Measure Knowledge, Process and Understanding

1. Objective Test – Test that require only one and one correct answer. It is difficult
to construct but easy to check.

1.1. Pencil and Paper Test – as the name suggests, the test is written on
paper and requires a pencil to write. However, with the modern time, a
pencil-and-paper test can also be translated to an electronic version,
which makes the test “ paperless. “

1.0.1 Simple Recall – This is the most common tool to measure knowledge.
There are varieties of Simple Recall Test, to include.
 Fill in the Blanks

 Enumeration

 Identification

 Simple Recall

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