Nama - Sofia Mbagho

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Nama : Sofia Mbagho

Kelas : F ⁴b

Tugas : Bahasa Inggris


Name : Verel Bramasta

Age. : 27 years old

Height: 177 cm

Weight : 85 kg

Physical characteristics

Verel Bramasta Fadilla Soedjoko. Beter known ad Verel Bramasta ia am Indonesian actor and
advertising star. Be sad the first child of Venna Melinda and Ivan Fadilla. Be began his career as a soap
star, besides that be also often appared on various TV shows.

* Born : September 11, 1996 ( age 27 ) Jakarta

* Height : 177 m

* Educatio : Pelita harapan university ( 2014- 2015 )

* Sibling. : Parents Venna Melinda, Ivan Fadilla Soedjoko.


Born into and artist family. Verel Bramasta folowid in his mother's food steps having a handsome face as
a model, be entered the world of soap operas.

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