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In all my research on (consciousness) over the last 45 yrs- Iv discovered

“Consciousness “ is nothing more than; (recognition) of; “pain &

Yet, most unfortunate,

We can not experience the one without the “eventual” experience of the
“And” we cannot recognize (either one) without; “experience”…and
then you would
Need to decipher why “one mans pain” is another mans pleasure- or
why one mans
Trash is another mans treasure…? What gives birth to “consciousness”
is (physical)
Experience Based upon the nerve endings, or sensors within the
biological frame. Many
Humans can Train themselves to ignore pain & even ignore pleasure
thru hypnosis or
Deep meditation- for the pain in question- so, shortcuts may be advisable
in such instances.

Instant pain killers; “either, or (brake-fluid) topically applied with white

washrag to
Effected area for no more than (10) minutes because either or brake-
fluid does absorb
Into the skin – so be sure to clean with soap & water. Do not apply
either or brake-fluid
To an (open wound). Your best bet on open wounds are cold running
water & triple
Antibiotic ointments, unless your wound is deep from a puncture or
bullet-wound. In
Such case either dial (911) or @ least make your peace with God prior to
your demise
& (Yes) God does accept deathbed confessions without the need of a
Priestly figure
Because God knows that Priest have a tendency to sell your confessions
to the highest
Bidder such as The National Enquirer or 60Minutes.

Why are we born?

Every child that is born into this world becomes (future food) for
Mother Nature. The
Rotting corps upon death becomes the perfect mulch & nutrifier for all
the green life
And vegetations. Mother Nature’s meal becomes corrupted thru
embalming & cremation

…This angers Mother to the point of causing earthquakes, tsunamis,

sinkholes, mudslides,
Hurricanes, recurring tornados, hail-storms, death by lightning, wars &
rumors thereof
Which all insure a decent meal for Mother Nature in the end …& (yes)
we all return to
Re-experience all the above thru (reincarnation). The subject of
reincarnation was taught
By the early Christian churches & even the Historical Jesus of the
Gnostic-gospels taught
(Transmigration) just like his Jewish ancestors prior to the “Egyptian
sorcerer; Moses.

When the Inquisition took over the religious business during the 14th
century; the subject
Of reincarnation was blacklisted as was those who taught it. Those who
were caught
Teaching (reincarnation) of any form were nailed to a burning tree
along with their family
Members & innocent children regardless of their ages. Not uncommon
to burn a newborn
With their parent who taught the subject thereof…
Transmigration was the science of reincarnating from 3 to 999 times
before the pioneer
Would then reach a heavenly status of not having to (reincarnate) any
longer- but would
Then become an “Angel or servant to the “Creator”…or (Matrix) as
some would call God.

By; LW Craig/PhD; 06/07/07 5:45AM

(aka) Merlin, MerlinZ, DrCraig2, DrCraig6


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