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How to Replace the Advertisement

Step 1: IMPORTANT: Install all the fonts used for Advert from "Document fonts" folder.

Step 2: Open your Adobe InDesign software or just double click the Clicks Indesign with INDD file.

You will notice there are .idml and .indd file. The difference between these two is that INDD is version
specific and IDML is an (almost) universal file that can be opened by InDesign CS4 (or later).

Step 3: Select the page you want to copy from the pages palette. Choose “Move Pages…” from the
Advert menu on the pages palette. (Or Layout > Pages > Move pages…)
Step 4: You will choose the advert page you want to move/swap and where you want to move it. The
default is to move the page to another spot in the same document, but you have to select the Clicks
InDesign 88 Magazine that is open. On the Destination option, choose the ‘At End of Document’ then on
the Move to option choose the Indesign_88.indd from the dropdown menu and click OK.

Step 5: Go back to the Magazine document and check the new advert you moved. Go to Pages on the
right side menu then delete the old advert by clicking the delete icon below.

And you are done.

Great Job! Now start distributing this to your audience!

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