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Geraldine Song
Absence is a play by Geraldine Song that explores the complex relationship between a son and his
aging mother after the death of his father. The play opens with the son returning home to visit his
mother on the anniversary of his father's death. The mother is initially welcoming, but it soon
becomes clear that she is still struggling to cope with her husband's loss.

As the play progresses, the son and mother begin to confront the unspoken tensions and
resentments that have built up between them over the years. The son accuses his mother of
being cold and emotionally distant, while the mother accuses him of being neglectful and

The play reaches a climax when the son reveals that he is planning to move away to start a new
job. This news devastates the mother, who feels that she is being abandoned by her only
remaining child.

In the end, the son and mother are able to find some measure of reconciliation. They
acknowledge the pain that they have caused each other, but they also express their love for each
other. The play ends with the son promising to stay in touch and to visit his mother more often.

The play shows how grief and loss can manifest itself in different ways. The mother is unable to
move on from her husband's death, while the son tries to suppress his grief by throwing himself
into his work.

The play also portrays complex dynamics of family relationships. The son and mother have a love-
hate relationship, and they are both struggling to cope with the loss of their father.

The play shows how important it is to communicate openly and honestly with loved ones. The son
and mother are able to heal their relationship once they start to talk about their feelings and
forgive each other.

Absence is a moving and insightful play that explores the complex emotions of grief and loss. It is
also a powerful reminder of the importance of family and communication.

What impressions do you have of the mother from the above passage?
The mother in Absence is a complex and well-rounded character. She is a woman who is grieving
the loss of her husband and struggling to cope with the changes in her life. She is also a woman
who is struggling to come to terms with her own mortality.

The mother is initially portrayed as being cold and emotionally distant. She is reluctant to talk
about her feelings, and she often brushes off her son's attempts to comfort her. However, as the
play progresses, it becomes clear that the mother is simply trying to protect herself from further

The mother is also a very vulnerable character. She is afraid of being alone, and she is afraid of
losing her son. She is also afraid of getting old and dying.

Despite her vulnerabilities, the mother is a strong and resilient character. She is determined to
survive, and she is committed to maintaining a relationship with her son.
Overall, the mother in Absence is a complex and sympathetic character. She is a woman who is
struggling to cope with the challenges in her life, but she is also a woman who is determined to

Specific Impressions of the Mother in the Play:

The mother still grieves the loss of her husband, and this grief manifests itself in different ways.
She is often withdrawn and emotionally distant, and she has difficulty coping with change.

Being vulnerable, the mother is afraid of being alone, losing her son, and getting old and dying.
She is also afraid of expressing her feelings, for fear of being hurt.

The mother is strong and resilient. She is determined to survive, and she is committed to
maintaining a relationship with her son. She is also a loving mother, even though she sometimes
struggles to show her love in the most conventional ways.

The mother is a complex and well-developed character, and she is one of the things that makes
the play Absence so compelling.

What impressions do you have of the son from the above passage?
The son in Absence struggles to come to terms with the death of his father and the changes in his
own life. He is also a man who is struggling to connect with his mother.

The son is initially portrayed as being neglectful and unappreciative of his mother. He is reluctant
to visit her, and he often dismisses her concerns. However, as the play progresses, it becomes
clear that the son is simply trying to cope with his own grief in his own way.

The son is also a very sensitive and caring character. He loves his mother, and he wants to have a
good relationship with her. However, he is afraid of being hurt, and he may be afraid of getting
too close to her.

Overall, the son in Absence is a complex and sympathetic character. He is a man who is struggling
to cope with the challenges in his life, but he is also a man who is determined to heal his
relationship with his mother.

Specific impressions of the son in the play:

The son grieves the loss of his father. He is withdrawn and emotionally distant, and he often tries
to suppress his grief by throwing himself into his work.

The son can be selfish and self-centered at times. He is often more concerned about his own
needs and desires than his mother's.

The son loves his mother, and he wants to have a good relationship with her. He is also a very
sensitive and caring person.

It is important to note that the son and mother are both flawed characters, and they both share
the blame for the difficulties in their relationship. However, in the end, they are both able to find
some measure of reconciliation. They acknowledge the pain that they have caused each other,
but they also express their love for each other.
How does Song make this passage interesting for you?
Geraldine Song makes the play Absence interesting by creating complex and well-developed
characters, realistic dialogue, exploration of complex themes, dramatic tension and suspense,
and unexpected twists and turns.

The relationship between the son and mother is complex and nuanced. They love each other, but
they also have a lot of unresolved anger and resentment. This makes their relationship realistic
and relatable.

The play explores the complex process of grieving. The son and mother are both grieving the loss
of the father, but they are doing so in very different ways. This allows the play to explore the
different ways that people cope with grief.

The play builds dramatic tension and suspense. Song does this by introducing conflict between
the characters and by creating a sense of anticipation about what will happen next. For example,
the audience is constantly wondering whether or not the son will actually move away and leave
his mother.

The play features a number of unexpected twists and turns. The audience is surprised to learn
that the mother has been keeping a secret from her son. This keeps the audience guessing and
prevents the play from becoming predictable.

Geraldine Song's play Absence is a complex and well-written play that is sure to keep audiences
engaged. It is a play that will make the audience think, feel, and care about the characters.

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