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BEED 3-2

10 . Answer each of the following questions in 3 sentences only and submit together with the
video presentation in the google drive folder prepared for you: (From the Lesson executed
or demonstrated):

a. What are the advantages and challenges encountered in the preparation of your
lesson and during the demo-teaching?
 Since I chose to teach grade 1 and 2, it was challenging at first because of the
noises that surrounds me while I am teaching. We all know that children
sometimes are easy to distract, so I did my best to get their attention so that
they can focus on the lesson that I am teaching. At the end of the
demonstration it feels so good because I saw that they understood the lesson
that I taught and I am happy because they participated on the discussion.

b. What are the basic Principles utilized in your demo-teaching?

 Since my topic is all about a Short Story, one of the principles that I applied
on my demonstration is Values Integration. I want them to cherish the love of
reading, develop cooperation, self confidence, collaboration, honesty,
contentment, and valuing the life at present because I believe that children
learn best when it is from their experience.

c. What and how did you come up with the strategies in teaching and learning
multigrade classes?
 I cope up with a lot of strategies that makes my pupils more interested in my
lesson. We must know the interest of our students so that they will not
experience boredom while the teacher is discussing.

d. If you are in a real classroom setting, make a comparison with your present
 If I were in a real classroom I think it was more challenging because in my
present situation which is I am still in Teaching demonstration set up, I can
choose who are going to be my pupils which I can not do in a real classroom
setting. But I still believe that I can and I someday I will going to teach
pupils in a real classroom setting.

e. In assessing learning and teaching performance of a student what are the things
that you have to put into consideration to be able to achieve your objectives?

 Consider your overarching goals

 Get it all down on paper
 Brainstorm what needs to happen
 Come up with an action plan
 Make it measurable
 Take action
 Consider your talents and expertise
 Delegate less important task

f. Give valuable lessons learned from the demo-teaching

 As what I stated on the question letter b, the valuable lesson they learned
from my demo-teaching is to cherish the love of reading, develop
cooperation, self confidence, collaboration, honesty, contentment, and
valuing the life at present.

g. Do you think becoming a teacher would make a big difference in our society? If
yes/no justify your answer.
 Yes , because if you became a teacher, you will be shaping future generations
through the curriculum you create and the personal wisdom you transmit.
You'll have the capacity to teach both fundamental topics and life lessons.
You're likely to spend more awake hours with these kids than their parents.
This means you'll be the one to help them learn social skills, time
management, dispute resolution, stress management, and task focus.

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