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In the contemporary landscape of business and technology, few companies have made as
significant an impact as Uber. Uber, a global transportation technology giant, is not merely a
ride-hailing service; it’s a transformative force that has disrupted traditional industries and
redefined how people move from place to place. This essay delves into the inner workings of
Uber, aiming to dissect its core elements: management functions, culture and diversity, and

Uber’s journey is an intriguing narrative of adaptation and innovation, underscored by the vital
role played by management functions, including Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling.
We’ll explore how these functions have been integral to Uber’s success, demonstrating their
impact on organizational efficiency and, ultimately, the company’s triumph in a competitive

Beyond the mechanics of management, Uber’s organizational culture and its commitment to
diversity and inclusion play a pivotal role. Understanding these aspects is key to comprehending
Uber’s relationship with both its workforce and its diverse customer base. We’ll investigate how
Uber addresses issues related to culture and diversity, showcasing their significance in shaping
the company’s identity.

Furthermore, we will delve into Uber’s approach to ethics. The ethical dimensions of Uber’s
business operations, including decision-making processes, form the moral compass guiding the
company. We’ll illustrate the significance of ethical practices within Uber and explore instances
of ethical dilemmas and controversies the company has faced, analyzing how they have been

This analysis will offer an in-depth understanding of how management functions, culture,
diversity, and ethics collectively contribute to Uber’s role in the modern business landscape,
illuminating the intricate fabric that makes Uber a central character in the evolving narrative of
contemporary commerce.

Role of 4 Management Functions at Uber

Uber, as a dynamic and globally recognized entity, has masterfully employed the four key
management functions - Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling - to underpin its
exceptional organizational efficiency.

Planning: At the heart of Uber’s strategy lies meticulous planning. The company’s approach to
expansion into new markets is a testament to its planning acumen. Uber identifies promising
cities and deploys a well-researched strategy, forecasting demand and supply, pricing, and
routes. This careful planning minimizes uncertainty and optimizes resource allocation.

Organizing: Uber’s organizational structure is designed to ensure scalability and agility. With a
focus on decentralization, local teams have the autonomy to adapt to regional needs. This
organizational model allows Uber to tap into local insights and efficiently coordinate operations
across the globe.

Leading: Leadership is ingrained in Uber’s DNA. From its founder and former CEO, Travis
Kalanick, to current leaders, the company has epitomized bold and innovative leadership. The
push for innovation, as seen in the introduction of Uber Eats and Uber Freight, demonstrates
Uber’s forward-thinking leadership that continually drives the organization toward diversification
and growth.

Controlling: Control mechanisms are essential in maintaining a standard of service. Uber’s ride
rating system is a prime example. It allows passengers to evaluate drivers and vice versa. This
feedback loop keeps drivers accountable and ensures quality service. It is complemented by
real-time tracking and data analytics, enabling constant evaluation of the organization’s

The impact of these functions on Uber’s efficiency and success is profound. Uber’s meteoric
rise in the transportation industry, marked by the swiftness of its service and global expansion,
is a testament to its adept utilization of these functions. By planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling effectively, Uber maintains a high level of organizational efficiency, delivering better
services to its customers while outpacing its competitors.

Culture and Diversity at Uber

Uber’s journey through the realms of culture and diversity presents a compelling narrative of
transformation and change. To understand Uber’s organizational character, it’s imperative to
dissect its approach to these integral aspects.

Examine Organizational Culture: Uber’s organizational culture has undergone significant

evolution. It was, at times, marked by a highly competitive and aggressive atmosphere.
However, under new leadership, the company has actively sought to reform its culture,
emphasizing accountability, transparency, and inclusion. Uber’s culture now places a stronger
emphasis on ethical practices and a customer-centric approach.

Approach to Diversity and Inclusion: Uber recognizes the importance of diversity within its
workforce and customer base. The company has made concerted efforts to foster an inclusive
work environment, promoting diversity not just in terms of race and gender but also in thought
and background. It has developed initiatives to support underrepresented communities and has
made commitments to hire more women and underrepresented minorities. Uber’s approach
extends beyond its internal practices to how it engages with a diverse rider and driver base.

Significance of Diversity: Diversity is not just a buzzword at Uber; it’s a strategic imperative. A
diverse workforce brings together a rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives, which, in
turn, fosters innovation and resonates with an increasingly diverse global customer base. It
reflects Uber’s commitment to providing equal opportunities and representation.
Challenges and Responses: Uber has not been without its cultural and diversity-related
challenges. In the past, the company faced allegations of discrimination and harassment. Uber
responded by initiating cultural reforms, including leadership changes, sensitivity training, and
the establishment of mechanisms for reporting and addressing workplace issues. It also
published its diversity and inclusion report, outlining its goals and progress in these areas.

Uber’s transformation in culture and diversity demonstrates the adaptability and resilience of a
modern organization. As it continues to evolve, the company places a high value on creating an
inclusive and diverse workplace while addressing the challenges that emerge. The importance
of culture and diversity is increasingly recognized as a strategic asset that influences both
internal operations and external perception, positioning Uber as an entity responsive to the
evolving business landscape.

Application of Effective Ethics at Uber

Uber’s journey in upholding ethical practices and decision-making processes is a compelling
case study, reflecting the evolving ethical landscape of the modern business world.

Investigate Ethical Practices and Decision-Making: Uber’s history includes moments where
ethical issues came to the forefront. An early example is the “God View” scandal, where Uber
employees were accused of accessing rider data without consent. In response to such
incidents, Uber initiated robust ethical practices. The company revamped its data access
protocols, implemented rigorous privacy and security measures, and sought external advice to
ensure ethical decision-making.

Importance of Ethics: The significance of ethics in Uber’s business operations cannot be

overstated. Trust is at the heart of the sharing economy, and ethical behavior is essential to
building and maintaining that trust. Ethics are a fundamental underpinning of Uber’s
relationships with riders, drivers, regulators, and the public. Ethical behavior also extends to
issues like fair pricing and responsible corporate citizenship.

Ethical Dilemmas and Controversies: Uber has encountered several ethical dilemmas and
controversies. One of the most significant involved the company’s response to protests against
the Trump administration’s immigration policies. Uber faced backlash for its initial response,
which was seen as inadequate. In response, Uber engaged in public dialogues, pledged support
for affected drivers, and took steps to improve its immigration policies. This incident exemplifies
the dynamic nature of ethics in the tech industry, where companies are often required to
respond swiftly to complex issues.

Another area of concern was Uber’s handling of sexual harassment allegations within the
organization, which led to a cultural shift and changes in leadership. In this case, Uber made
significant structural changes to address the issues, including the appointment of a new CEO,
Dara Khosrowshahi, who undertook a commitment to instill a more ethical and inclusive culture.
Uber’s journey in navigating ethical dilemmas and controversies underscores the need for
vigilance and responsiveness in a rapidly changing business environment.

In summary, our exploration of Uber’s management functions, culture and diversity, and ethical
practices reveals a dynamic company shaped by adaptability and resilience. Uber’s adept
utilization of management functions drives its operational efficiency. The transformation of its
culture and dedication to diversity signify an evolving and inclusive organization. Ethical
challenges have been met with rigorous reform, underscoring the importance of trust and ethical
behavior in Uber’s operations.

Collectively, these elements have forged Uber’s role as a transformative force in the
contemporary business landscape. It stands as a case study in the power of strategic
management, cultural reform, diversity, and ethical responsiveness. Uber’s approach shapes its
position as a dynamic leader in a rapidly evolving global business world, a testament to the
ongoing journey of growth and innovation.

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