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1. A female nurse asks an Afghan woman about her D

reason for admission. The nurse should expect?
A. The patient to request a male nurse
B. The patient to allow her husband to answer the
C. The patient will avoid eye contact with the nurse
D. The patient to speak in story rich context, rather
than providing a brief answer

2. When observing an Afghan American interact with A

other people, the nurse recognizes that the use of
touch is based on:
A. How much they trust the person and amount of eye
contact they make
B. Gender, race, and age
C. Social class and religion
D. Family relationships and gender

3. A nurse observes two Afghan women speak to each B

other in loud voices. The nurse should:
A. Contact security because a fight maybe occur soon
B. Recognize that high-volume is a way that females
show affection in public
C. Tell the women to be quiet and not fight
D. Assess each woman for hearing problems

4. Afghan and Afghan-Americans orientation of time is D

considered as...
D.All of the above

5. When a nurse is caring for an Afghan or Afghan-Amer- B,C,D

ican, it is important to... SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
A. Not even bother with patient education, because
they have no desire to learn about health and well-
B. Allow the patient to continue with their spiritual
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rituals, such as prayer 5 times daily.
C. Obtain a full patient history, paying careful attention
to folk medicinal remedies used by the patient.
D. Assess the patient for mental health issues such as
depression and suicidal thoughts.

6. Afghan-Americans have a high risk for developing... A, B


7. What barriers tend to keep African Americans from A, B, C, D, E

using healthcare services? (select all that apply)
a. Poverty
b. Discrimination
c. Social barriers
d. Psychological barriers
e. Economic status

8. A Caucasian nurse is caring for a 27 year-old client A

and is becoming frustrated due to the client pronounc-
ing words incorrectly and not talking grammatically
correct. What action should the nurse take?
a. Understand that Black English is different than
Standard English, try to understand as much as pos-
b. Avoid conversing with the patient
c. Send another nurse in to speak with the patient
d. Correct the patient each time you hear him speak in
a way that is grammatically incorrect
e. Ignore it

9. When working with an African American patient that A,C,D

is polychronic, what are some important things to
remember? (select all that apply)
a. They tend to collect activities
b. Believe there is a specific order to getting things
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c. Very involved
d. Do not believe there is a specific order to getting
things done
e. Enjoy sitting still and working on a specific activity

10. According to folk medicine, an African American pt. A,C,D

may consider natural illness as resulting from which
of the following? (select all that apply)
a. Food
b. Evil spells
c. Water
d. Air
e. Dirt

11. The time orientation of African American individuals... D.

a. is always past
b. is either past or present
c. can vary but is usually past
d. differs depending on personal experience
e. is almost always future but can be either past or

12. A nurse caring for a 1 day-old African American baby B,C

notices blue-green spots on the infant's sacral area.
What actions should the nurse perform? (select all
that apply)
a. Accuse the parents of abusing their newborn due to
the bruising on the infant
b. Recognize the spots as Mongolian Spots
c. Document the findings in the infant's chart
d. Notify the physician immediately
e. Cover the spots with moisturizing ointment

13. What distinctions categorize the Appalachian region A,C,D

from the rest of America? (select all that apply)
A. Poverty
B. Banjos
C. Lack of Education
D. Lack of Urbanization
E. Plentiful Jobs
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14. Which state is not part of the Appalachian region? C

A. Kentucky
B. Virginia
C. Kansas
D. Alabama

15. When caring for a patient that is from Appalachia, the C

nurse should consider that the patient will have:
A. No family come to visit
B. Only close family come to visit
C. All members of the family come to visit
D. Only the spouse come to visit

16. Common cuisine eaten by the Appalachian culture B,C,E,F

include: (select all that apply)
A. Seared & Blackened Filet Mignon
B. Country Sausage Gravy
C. Biscuits
D. Garlic-Parsley Flavored Escargot
E. Mustard Greens
F. Black Eyed Peas with Bacon

17. What time orientation do the Appalachians follow? C

A. Past over present
B. Future over present
C. Present
D. Past over present

18. What is the disease that is caused by exposure of high C

levels of cotton, flax, or hemp dust?
A. Black Lung
B. Red Lung
C. Brown Lung
D. Green Lung

19. While collecting data for an initial visit with an Eastern C

India Hindu American couple, the nurse attempts to
directly ask the wife about her health. The women
avoids eye contact and the husband becomes very
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defensive. Why might this be?
A. The nurse is not a male
B. The nurse asked the wrong question regarding
C. The nurse asked the question to the wife
D. The nurse made direct eye contact

20. The nurse has an Eastern India Hindu American pa- D

tient and has found it difficult to provide care because
the patient typically has 5-15 guests at a time and
the room gets very crowded. What is the best nursing
intervention for this patient?
A. Ask the family to guests to leave and tell the patient
she can only have 2-3 guests within a certain time
B. Add more chairs in the patient's room for the family
and friends to sit and relax
C. Clear out unneeded objects like the patients shrine
and praying area
D. While providing care politely ask the guests to step
out of the room except for father or husband

21. When communicating with an Eastern India Hindu A,B,D

American who recently learned English as their sec-
ond language, what nursing interventions for this pa-
tient? Select all that apply.
A. Use gestures to communicate words
B. Use visual aids
C. Speak loudly and very slow
D. Obtain a translator if necessary

22. Hindu culture includes many traditions. They typically E

inhabit a "beings-in-becoming" mindset, and believe
that present actions have large impacts on the future.
Because of this, the nurse should recognize that Hin-
dus are...
A. Present oriented
B. Past oriented
C. Future oriented

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D. A & C
E. All of the above

23. When getting report on a new Hindu patient, the nurse B

notes that he bathes daily due to his religion. After
breakfast, the nurse enters with bath supplies and
tells the patient it is time to get washed up. He refuses
and asks her to return at a later time. What would be
the nurse's best response?
A. "Every patient on this unit bathes after breakfast"
B. "We can reschedule for later today. What time would
accommodate your needs?"
C. "Good hygiene is a very important part of health"
D. "Why don't you want to bathe now?"

24. Which diseases might the nurse want to be hy- A,B,D,E

per-aware of when caring for a patient with Indian
Hindu descent? Select all that apply.
A. G-6-PD deficiency
B. Thalassemia
C. Diabetes
D. Lactose intolerance
E Stroke

25. What do Filipino Americans value most? B

A. Work
B. Family
C. Friends
D. Money

26. A nurse is caring for a Filipino American patient and C

needs to explain that the person's diagnosis is ter-
minal. Who should the nurse tell about the diagnosis
A. The patient
B. The priest
C. The family

27. . The nurse is caring for a Filipino American pt that is D

6 months pregnant. What meal would the patient most
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likely eat?
A. Pancakes with a side of prunes
B. Squid and a salad
C. Chicken with a piece of cake for desert
D. Soup and rice

28. Your patient is Filipino American and has hyperten- C

sion and coronary artery disease. Which food item
that your patient picks shows they understand the
modifications to their condition?
A. Bread rolls and canned tomato soup
B. Rice and bok choy with soy sauce
C. White chicken breast with broccoli
D. Cheese pizza with carrots

29. You are discussing treatment plans with a Filipino

American Patient. What types of care are included in
this culture?
A.Western medicine
B. Folk medicine
C. Eastern medicine
D. Both A and B

30. What specific diseases are Filipino Americans sus- A,B,C

ceptible to? SATA
A. Coronary artery disease
B. Hypertension
C. Diabetes
D. Cushing's disease
E. Grave's disease

31. When speaking with Haitian-American clients, a nurse A,B,E

may want to use which of the following communica-
tion techniques: (Select all that apply)
A. Speak in direct language
B. Use many hand gestures
C. Avoid eye contact
D. Avoid touch
E. Use touch and eye contact

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32. Which of the following would a nurse NOT implement D
when giving care to Haitian American patients?
A. Close, personal communication
B. Involve family (if pt wishes) in pt's care
C. Ensure adequate health education
D. Distance when providing care

33. Which of the following best describes the language in B

A. Haitian Creole is only spoken by the highly elite.
B. Haitian Creole is a combination of old French and
African languages.
C. French is spoken as the dominant language by
D. Haitian Creole is the spoken language, but French
is the written language.

34. How do Haitian Americans in the lower class view A,C

time? Select all that apply.
A.Past and present oriented
B.Present and future oriented
C.Live day to day
D.Plan for the future

35. What is important to keep in mind regarding religion A

when taking care of Haitian Americans?
A.Voodoo is their primary religion and believe a
voodoo "reader" can bring a spirit to cure them
B.Christianity is a dominant religion and they may
want to talk to a pastor
C.Judaism is practiced and they need kosher meals
D.Due to their religion, the gender of health care
providers has to be the same as the patient

36. What are some illnesses that Haitian Americans are A,B,C,E
more prone to contracting? Select all that apply.
C.Sickle cell disease

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D.Chicken pox

37. A patient is a 26 year old Irish American female. She A

has lower right quadrant pain and rebound tender-
ness. She is told that surgery will be needed to remove
her appendix. Which response most likely reflects the
patient's concern ?

A. "How long will recovery be? I can't be away from my

family for very long. They need
me !"
B. "How much pain will I be in?"
C. "Will I need a blood transfusion?"
D. "Will the doctor be a woman?"

38. A 36 year old Irish female is admitted to the unit, and B

they have several family members in the room. The
nurse feels that the client's family members are over-
bearing and disruptive to the client. After the nurse
encourages the client to set boundaries with their
family members, the client expresses that they do not
wish to do so. The nurse should respond in which way

A. Tell the patient their family must leave because they

are disruptive to their health care.
B. Recognize that the hierarchy of the patient's family
is important to them and use cultural competence to
respect the patient's wishes.
C. Tell the patient that they do not understand what
is best for themselves and continue to explain which
boundaries need to be set.
D. Confront the patient's family members directly
since the patient will not set boundaries on their own.

39. A 45 year old Irish American man rates his pain at a D

0 on a 0-10 scale. The nurse notices that he grimaces
while he is sitting down, and occasionally she sees

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him rub his right lower back and hip. The nurse asks
for clarification about the client's back and hip, and
he states "it's not really pain, it's just a throbbing
and burning that runs down my right side." The nurse
recognizes that

A. The client is not in pain because he said what he is

feeling is not pain.
B. The client is exaggerating symptoms.
C. The client lacks the vocabulary to state that he is in
D. The client is in pain, and his pain should be treated
in accordance with his symptoms.

40. In a time of mourning a loved one, many prayers are C

recited. What is the beaded piece of jewelry that the
Irish Americans pray with called?
A. medal of saints
B. guardian angel pin
C. rosary
D. engagement ring

41. Irish Americans have many physical biological vari- A,C,D

ations but they also have psychological characteris-
tics. What are those psychological characteristics?
A. Alcoholism
B. Autism
C. Schizophrenia
D. Bipolar disorders
E. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

42. Irish Americans believe that what happens to them C

in life happens outside of their control. What is this
thinking called?
A. Internal locus of control
B. Upside down locus of control
C. External locus of control
D. The Circle of Life

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43. While working on a pediatric unit, a nurse has a Jew- C
ish patient that is 4 years old. She realizes that the
following is a normal practice in this culture:
A. Verbally abuse their child for getting sick
B. Tell the nurse that the child has been behaving
badly and that is why he got sick
C. Plan for someone to stay with the child at all times
while he is in the hospital
D. Plan for the child to be alone while in the hospital

44. A nurse is preparing to deliver a food tray to a Jewish C

client. The nurse checks the food on the tray and notes
that the client has received hamburger and whole milk
as a beverage. Which is the appropriate action for the
A.Ask the dietary department to replace the hamburg-
er with crabs.
B.Replace the whole milk with fat-free milk.
C.Call the dietary department ask for a new meal tray.
D.Deliver the designated food tray to the client.

45. Which of the following combinations should be avoid- B

ed when caring for a conservative Orthodox Jewish
A.A female nurse caring for a male patient
B.A male nurse caring for a female patient
C.A male nurse caring for a male patient
D.A male doctor caring for a female patient

46. You are the nurse of a Jewish Orthodox woman in C

labor with her first child. What is a value to consider
with the mother?
A.Keeping the placenta
B.Blood transfusions
D.Having the family present

47. Jewish people are known to identify with which sense D

of time?
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C.Present & Future
D.Past, Present, & Future

48. What is true of Jewish American culture? D

A. Feel emotions intensely
B. May openly complain of pain or discomfort
C. Generally on time to appointments
D. All of the above

49. When gathering information from a Japanese Ameri- B.

can, it is important to do what?
A. Greet them through touch
B. Build a personal relationship
C. Ask direct questions
D. Maintain eye contact

50. You are taking care of a Japanese American child with A

the mother in the room. The mother begins aggres-
sively coughing, but when asked if she is okay, she
replies that she's more concerned about her child's
health. What should you do?
A. Remind her that her health is important too
B. Continue assessing the child
C. Acknowledge that something is wrong, but don't
press it
D. Ask her again more firmly

51. Your Japanese American patient is at greater risk for A,B,C,D

which of these conditions? Choose all that apply.
A. Glaucoma
C. Type 2 DM
D. Colorectal cancer

52. What do Japanese American believe cause disease or A,B,D

illness? Select all that apply.
A. Contact with polluting agents such as blood,
corpses, and skin diseases
B. Disharmony with family or society
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C. Certain foods such as soft boiled rice and miso
D. Imbalance such as a lack of sleep or exercise

53. You are caring for a Japanese American patient. C

Which of the following forms of communication
should you expect your patient to use?
A. Direct eye contact
B. Frequent touch
C. Subtle gestures and facial expressions
D. Constant verbal communication

54. Which of the following does NOT describe the family A

system of a Japanese American?
A. Frequent expression of emotions among family
B. Father or male figure makes all decisions
C. Family obligations take precedence over personal
D. Achievements and accomplishments of an individ-
ual member are a reflection of the entire family

55. When a Mexican American pt is admitted on your floor, D

you should expect:
A. No visitors, privacy is important
B. Visitors of the same sex
C. Only close relatives
D. Friends and family of the patient

56. How should you greet someone who is Mexi- A

A. Say hello
B. Don't greet them at all
C. Shake their hand
D. Do not make eye contact and introduce yourself

57. What should you do if your patient is embarrassed to A,B,D,E

be naked in front of you? SATA
A. Assure them that you will only uncover what is
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B. Tell them that their opinion is invalid
C. Say it is normal to be embarrassed
D. Ask them how they would be comfortable
E. Make sure they have a nurse that is the same sex

58. In regards to death and dying, the Mexican American C

culture believes that dying is a result of:
A. Being a bad person
B. Natural Causes
C. God's will
D. Not honoring your family

59. When scheduling an appointment for a Mexican Amer- A,C,D

ican pt who is present oriented, you can expect which
of the following? SATA
A. They may be late to the appointment
B. They won't come to the appointment because they
simply don't care about their health
C. They will need frequent reminders
D. They may need education on why follow up appoint-
ments are so important
E. They will be 10 minutes early

60. In regards to social organization of the Mexican Amer- C

ican Family, which of the following is NOT true?
A. Male is the head of the household
B. Extended families live together in one house
C. The elderly are primarily taken care of by members
outside of the family
D. Behavior in children is a direct reflection of family

61. A Mexican American Adolescent states to the nurse, B

"I have cancer because it is God's will. It will make
me stronger." The MOST appropriate response by the
nurse is:
A. "You're too young to think that way. You still have
many years to live."
B. "Tell me how you feel about the treatment plan."
C. "I'll move your family into the waiting area to give

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you some quiet time."
D. "I'll contact the hospital chaplain for you."

62. A nurse who is caring for a patient with an external D

locus of control can anticipate which of the following?
A. The pt will desire help to control health and illness
B. The patient is more likely to feel in control of events
that affect him or her
C. The patient will expect to be able to modify behav-
iors to reach health goals
D. The patient will be more likely to be fatalistic about
nature and illness

63. Mexican Americans tend to subscribe to which of the A

following beliefs?
A. Hot and cold/wet and dry
B. Yin and yang/light and dark
C. Smooth and dark
D. Black and white

64. A nurse preparing patient teaching for hypertensive B

medication to a Nigerian man can expect which of the
following outcomes?
a. The client will always take medication on time
b. The client may be non-compliant in taking medica-
tions on time
c. The client will avoid folk medicine that may interfere
with prescription
d.The client will not include family members in re-
minding them to take medication

65. Illness in the Nigerian culture is often treated first by B

which of the following?
a. Clinics and doctors
b. Herbalists and traditional healers
c. Surgeons
d. Physical therapy

66. A,B,D
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Nigerians believe that illness is: (Select all that apply)
a. A natural occurrence from disharmony in an area of
one's life
b. A crisis that affects the whole family
c. Only related to physical health
d. An imbalance in spiritual life as a result of witch-

67. The nurse is providing discharge instructions to a C

Nigerian American client regarding prescribed dietary
modifications. The nurse is knowledgeable the patient
of this cultural might do what?
a. Often turn away from the nurse and remain qui-
b. Sit as far away possible from the nurse.
c. Have a number of family members present with
them when health care is provided.
d. Maintain eye contact the entire time.

68. When doing a skin assessment on a Nigerian Ameri- A,B,C

can, the nurse should be aware of the following.
a. A black-skinned person appears ashen gray
b. Erythema and inflammation are assessed by palpat-
ing for increased warmth of skin, edema, tightness, or
induration of skin.
c. Jaundice should be observed in the sclerae of their
eyes, oral mucous membrane, palms of the hands, and
soles of the feet for yellow discoloration
d. There are no differences between light and
dark-skinned people.

69. The nurse interacting with a Nigerian American A,C,D,E

should follow which guidelines for communicating in
a culturally competent manner? (Select all that apply.)
a. Establish primary languages first and assess need
for qualified interpreters.
b. Will need to get an interpreter, because their official
language is not English.
c. Adapt the physical examination to meet privacy and

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modesty needs.
d. Allow enough time for storytelling and long histo-
e. Avoid a hurried, impatient, or distracted demeanor

70. The nurse knows the biological variations makes B,C,D,E

Nigerian American more susceptible to which dis-
eases? (select all that apply.)
a. Diabetes
b. Lactose Intolerance
c. Alzheimer's Disease
e. Hypertension

71. What is the typical occupation of an Amish male? C

A. Stays at home while wife is bread winner of family
B. Works in a factory
C. Is a farmer
D. Baker

72. Among the Amish population, what disease/health A,C,D

conditions are most prominent? SATA
A. Obesity
B. Asthma
C. Hypertension
D. Diabetes
E. Anemia

73. Based on what you know of the Amish culture, which B

statement is correct?
A. The Amish culture uses birth control
B. They believe that death is God's will
C. They want to be apart of the world
D. They believe that divorce is okay

74. Where do the Amish people originate from? B

A. Lancaster County, PA
B. Switzerland
C. France
D. Germany
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75. What is the Ordnung? D

A. What the call their Bible
B. A set of written rules that is specific for every
C. A set of rules that is the same for all Amish people
in every settlement
D. A set of unwritten rules made by the community and
Bishop, specific to each community

76. How can a nurse provide good care for Amish pts? A,B,D
A. Introducing her/himself with a firm handshake
when s/he enters the room for the first time
B. Describing the medical options for the pt, the pros
and cons
C. Talking primarily to the mother about the health
care decisions that need to be made
D. Explaining costs before doing the procedure.

77. What are three common foods in Russian culture? D

A. Salmon, deviled eggs, and potatoes
B. Meat pies, beef stew, and pickled foods
C. Potatoes, bread and fish
D. borscht, beef stroganoff and pelmeni

78. As the nurse, what should you keep in mind when A,B,D,E
caring for a Russian American patient? (Select all that
A. Warm and inviting
B. Open posture
C. Avoid eye contact
D. Avoid chattiness
E. Evaluate pt for understanding

79. What spacial zone do Russian Americans use for B

a. Intimate
b. Personal

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c. Work
d. social/public

80. When discussing care options with a Russian Amer- C

ican while family is present, who should the nurse
expect to talk to?
a. The patient
b. The father of the patient
c. The family and the patient together
d. The mother of the patient

81. Which problems are common among Russians? (Se- A,B,D,E

lect all that apply)
a. Type II Diabetes
b. Obesity
c. Cushing's Syndrome
d. Tuberculosis
e. Alcoholism

82. What methods of care would a Russian American be A,C,D

most likely to accept? (Select all that apply)
a. Massages for aching muscles
b. Metoprolol for hypertension
c. Dry heat for back pain
d. Gargling salt and baking soda for a sore throat
e. Breathing treatments for pneumonia

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